19. 분사구문

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Transcript 19. 분사구문

제 19 장
< 분사 와 분사 구문 >
분사 => 동사 + (형용사) 의 성질을 가짐
(현재분사): be + ~ing => 진행형
• He was swimming in the river.
(과거분사): be + p.p. => 수동형
• The work must be done by him.
have + p.p. => 완료형
• I have been sick since last Sunday.
A) 한정적 용법
(1) 현재분사: 능동적, 진행 의미
The barking dog does not bite. (능동 의미)
Look at the boy running along the street. (진행 의미)
(2) 과거분사: 수동 의미
Look at that broken window.
He has many books written in English.
B) 서술적 용법
(1) 주격보어
•The student came running.
•He sat surrounded by the children.
•I was excited.(人주어) ※ interested, bored, surprised
•It was exciting.(物주어) interesting,boring,surprising
(2) 목적격 보어
• I saw him crossing the bridge.
• He heard his name called.
※ have(=get)+O+P.P:①사역:~시키다 ②수동:~당하다
① I will have (=get) my hair cut today.
② I had my purse stolen.
• I had the car washed by Tom.
=>I had Tom wash the car.
※have+人+ 원형
• I got the tailor to make my dress.※get+人+ to부정사
=>I got my dress made by the tailor.※get+O(物)+P.P
부사절을 분사 이용 부사구로
{방법}1. 종속절(부사절) 접속사 없앤다.
2. 종속절 주어가 주절 주어와 같을 때 생략
3. 종속절 동사를 분사형으로 고침
A) 시간,때( when, as, while, after…)
• When he saw his dog, he said, “ Go home.”
=> Seeing his dog, he said, “ Go home.”
• While I was walking along the street, I met Tom.
=> Walking along the street, I met Tom.
B) 원인, 이유( because, as, since…)
• As she is kind, she is loved by everybody.
=> Being kind, she is loved by everybody.
• Since I live in the country, I have few visitors.
=> Living in the country, I have few visitors.
C) 조건 (if)
• If you turn to the left, you will find the hospital.
=> Turning to the left, you will find the hospital.
D) 양보 (though)
• Though I live next door, I seldom see him.
=> Living next door, I seldom see him.
E) 부대상황: (1) 동시동작 : as, while => ~ 하면서
(2) 동작의 연속: and + 동사
(1) 동시동작 : as, while => ~ 하면서
•As she was listening to music, she was reading a book.
=> Listening to music, she was reading a book.
=> Reading a book, she was listening to music.
•While she smiled brightly, she extended her hand.
=> Smiling brightly, she extended her hand.
•As we sang and danced together, we had a good time.
=>Singing and dancing together, we had a good time.
=>We had a good time singing and dancing together.
(2) 동작의 연속 :and + 동사
•I started at nine, and arrived there at night.
=> I started at nine, arriving there at night.
•He picked up a stone, and threw it at a dog.
=> He picked up a stone, throwing it at a dog.
☞ 기타 부대상황 표현…
• She sat there with her eyes closed.
• He worked with his new clothes on.
☞ 분사구문 의미 파악=>접속사를 사용한 의미 파악
• He often makes mistakes (when) speaking English.
◈{분사구문 부정}
: not(=never) + 분사
• As I do not know his address, I cannot write to him.
=> Not knowing his address, I cannot write to him.
• As I did not receive any answer, I wrote to him again.
=> Not receiving any answer, I wrote to him again.
◈{수동태 분사구문}
•As he was surprised at the news, he could say nothing.
=> Being surprised at the news, he could say nothing.
=> Surprised at the news, he could say nothing.
◈{완료형 분사구문}
• After he had finished the work, he went to bed.
=> Having finished the work, he went to bed.
• As I have done my homework, I can play now.
=> Having done my homework, I can play now.
주어 다를 때 분사 앞에 주어 표시
• As it was fine, we went out for a walk.
=> It being fine, we went out for a walk.
• When school was over, I went to the game room.
=> School being over, I went to the game room.
◈{무인칭 독립분사 구문}
: 주어가 막연한 사람
• ( If we speak generally, the earth is round.)
=> Generally speaking, the earth is round.
으로 말하면
• Considering his age, he looks young.
~을 고려하면,~에 비하면
=> If we consider his age, he looks young.
speaking :(일반적으로 말하면)
strictly speaking
:(엄밀히 말하면)
frankly speaking
:(솔직히 말하면)
honestly speaking
:(정직하게 말하면)
truthfully speaking :(사실적으로 말하면)
subjectively speaking :(주관적으로 말하면)
roughly speaking
:(대충 말하면)
objectively speaking :(객관적으로 말하면)
※ generally
※ talking
of :~로 말하면
※ judging
from :~로 판단하면