Analysis on Causes of Antisocial Personality Disorder on the Basis

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Transcript Analysis on Causes of Antisocial Personality Disorder on the Basis

Yeaseul Lauren Park
Semmewleis University EM11
Personality and Personality Disorder
predictable, stable characteristics
unique behavioral tendencies from one’s daily life
indicates who a person is
Criteria of Personality Disorder
Inadaptability to society with fixed habitual actions
Thinking mechanism and/or
Excessive use of coping mechanism that cannot satisfy
one’s needs
– Paranoid vs. Histrionic vs. Avoidant types.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
 Histrionic type personality disorder
 Avoidance, Irrationality, and Immorality
 Emotional immaturity and lack of responsibility
 Do not observe the social rules
 Cannot process learning from experiences
 Extreme self-centeredness
 Lack or absence of ability to form emotional
connections with members in society
Approach 1.
Freud’s Psychodynamic Theory
 Unconsicous plays a more prominent role in mental
 Personality: Id + Ego + Superego
 Superego Theory: Ego-Ideal and Conscience
Approach 2.
Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
 Personality: Environmental + Cognitive factors
 “Reciptrocal Determinants”
 3% in male and 1% in female populations
(men are 4-7% more prone to experience ASPD than women)
 About 1% of the population suffers from
*Constantly Rising phenomenon
Freud’s Theory
 Characterisics in ASPD
– Strong Ids and Weakened Superego
– Too little contribution of the Superego toward their mental
Excess defense mechanism  isolation
Possible Cause
Childhood experience
“Unconscious” : Accumulation of impulses
Potential Treatment
Free association
Dream anlaysis
Bandura’s Theory
 Characterisics in ASPD
– Lack of ability to self-regulate
– Decreased ability in predicting consequences of their
Possible Cause
Negative family environments
Result of inappropriate modeling
Inappropriate learning process developed in childhood
Potential Treatment
Inner personal regulation (self-reguation, -judgement, etc)
Through reinforcement and modeling
Environmental AND Biological … ?
 The causes of personality disorders, including ASPD,
are difficult to clearly describe.
 Disorders are ambiguous in their definitions and
 Neither of the two approaches discussed can fully
address all factors to the development of ASPD
**Further research question:
Importance of biological or genetic factors in ASPD
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