The Four Pillars of CGIA Workforce Development presentation

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Transcript The Four Pillars of CGIA Workforce Development presentation

Workforce Development
The Four Pillars of the CGIA
Workforce Development Structure
The CGIA Workforce Development – Strategy Map
Mission: The CGIA Workforce Development Committee facilitates strategic partnerships to recruit, train, and employ skilled
craft professionals along the Central Gulf Coast.
Stakeholders: CGIA Members
CGIA has a system for workforce development that I have
access to and advocates for my needs in WFD
There is an adequate supply of skilled
craft professionals in the region
Key business processes: (what do we need to do well)
Forecast Employment
Supply / Demand
Promote full utilization
of the CLMA
(forecasting model)
Inspire the Future Supply
of Skilled Craft
Influence the Suppliers
of Education/Training
Ensure a smooth path to
Leverage existing craft
recruiting efforts
Evaluate and align
programs to meet
member needs
Influence Public
Influence Public Policy
Systematic approach
to connect graduates
of endorsed
programs to career
opportunities with
WFD Committee, subcommittees and CGIA Staff
Engage our members and increase
Leverage strategic partnerships to
effectively accomplish goals
Grow membership
Focus grant funding on
mission-related programs
Copyright © 2011 Ascendant Strategy Management Group – Page 2
CGIA Workforce Development Balanced Scorecard
Stakeholders CGIA has a system for workforce
development that I have access to
and advocates for my needs in
CGIA member satisfaction survey (are we moving in the right direction- need to
establish baseline):
• Do you have access to a workforce development system?
• Do you have adequate supply of craft professionals for vacancies?
• Where are your shortages and why?
Initiatives – Key
activities we need to
do to execute on this
strategy (different
than what we’re doing
There is an adequate supply of
skilled craft professionals in the
• Establish WFD
budget needs (prior
Key business Promote full utilization of the CLMA • %/ # of CGIA owners and contractors fully utilizing CLMA (have to define fully –
to Feb 13 CGIA
(forecasting model)
all projects in region are being entered)
Board meeting)
1.) Forecast
Leverage existing craft recruiting • #’s of students, teachers, guidance counselors, returning military, other targeted (likely a staff
populations reached through CGIA career awareness presentations
• %/ #’s of CGIA members who deliver career awareness presentations
Influence Public Perception
• Build CGIA member
• #’s of hits on CGIA website to career awareness presentation
Program Review
2) RecruitTeam (Identify and
Evaluate and align programs to • # of programs reviewed
Inspire the future
meet member needs
• # of programs endorsed
supply of skilled
• #’s of opportunities where CGIA members engage in workforce development and Create measure
Influence Public Policy
tracking system to
education policy in CGIA region
capture career
• #’s of workforce development/ education policies influenced (capture
3.)Influence the
suppliers of
Systematic approach to connect • % of trainee graduates from CGIA endorsed programs who move into careers
program reviews,
graduates of endorsed programs to with CGIA member companies
policy engagement
4) Ensure a
career opportunities with members • % of CGIA members who hire out of CGIA endorsed programs
• Establish grant
smooth transition
to employment.
• Establish a CGIA
Council, Staff, Engage our members and increase • % of Attendance at WD committee meetings
Career Awareness
& Others
• % of CGIA members who give career awareness presentations
Speakers Bureau
Leverage strategic partnerships to • % of CGIA members who serve on program advisory councils
(train, build plan,
• % of CGIA members who engage in all (recruit, train, employ) actions
effectively accomplish goals
• # of non-member strategic partnerships
• Identify advocacy
• # of active, non-member partners
• # of CGIA members who engage in strategic partner activities
across CGIA region
Grow membership support
• $’s of workforce development grants
(matrix like we did
• $’s of strategic fundraising for workforce development committee activity
for training
Focus grant funding on missionprograms)
• $’s of members dues (WFD committee work gets new members – maybe a % of
related programs
dues that are earmarked for WFD activities?)
• Established WFD committee budget (to include human resource needs) (goal
would be within x% of established budget)
Copyright © 2013 Ascendant Strategy Management Group – Page 3
Forecasting Task Force Mission:
• Be the primary driver of full utilization of the Construction
Market Labor Analyzer in the Central Gulf.
• Coordinate with other forecasting / labor market analysis
efforts in the Central Gulf.
• Act as the development and validation agency for a single,
specific, and regularly produced “of record” supply /
demand forecast for the Central Gulf.
Forecasting Task Force:
Action Items
• Continue to encourage CGIA members to enter demand
(project) and supply data into the system.
• A number of CGIA industry members have completed the
process and are updating their information regularly.
• Regular (twice per year) reports from the CLMA to CGIA
Recruiting / Awareness Mission
• Promote craft professional recruiting by working closely with
and levering exiting nation recruiting efforts such and
NCCER’s “Build Your Future Campaign” and “Go Build
Alabama” as applicable by state.
• Work with highs schools, parent groups, and student groups
to change public perception about careers in construction.
• Work with state and local governments to change public
education policy to more accurately reflect the need for and
quality of careers in construction.
• Gather best practices for recruiting skilled labor in our
regions and share
Recruiting / Awareness
Action Items
1. Encouraging CGIA members to download the Career Awareness and
Recruiting presentation from the CGIA website.
2. Schedule at least one presentation to a school group, teachers’
group, counselors’ group, parents’ group, etc… between now and
the end of the current school year.
3. A single presentation that allows all of us to provide a consistent
message to students, educators, and parents.
4. Provide feedback to Career Awareness and Recruiting
Subcommittee Chairman Tom McNeal on:
Name of presenting organization and name of presenter
Name of organization to whom presentation was made
Number of individuals present for the presentation
[email protected]
Training Task Force Mission
• Identify, audit, and validate existing construction
workforce development programs in the Central Gulf.
• Create a list of “CGIA Endorsed” construction workforce
development programs.
– Gold Level:
• Endorsement and presentation of CGIA Banner
• Ability to utilize CGIA Logo on all school marketing materials
• CGIA to assist in school/program/and workforce education
• CGIA member company employment assistance for program
• CGIA member companies to provide guest instructors, host field
trips, and serve on program advisory councils
Training Task Force Mission
– Silver Level:
• Ability to utilize CGIA Logo on construction program marketing
• CGIA member company employment assistance for program
• CGIA member companies to provide guest instructors, host field
trips, and serve on program advisory councils for endorsed
– Bronze Level:
• CGIA member involvement and guidance
Training Task Force Mission
• Relay specific demand / supply forecast information to
the CGIA endorsed programs and be the “industry voice”
to ensure training programs are focusing their efforts
where the greatest gaps in supply/demand is forecast.
• Assist CGIA endorsed programs in the development of
meaningful “Adopt a Program” agreements between the
training provider, CGIA member owners, and CGIA
member contractors.
Training Task Force
Action Items
• Training Program Review Tool has been completed and pilot
reviews have taken place.
• Considering the incorporation of the CGIA TRAINING
– The CGIA Training Provider Confidence Index is an indicator designed
to measure the confidence of industry in a training provider's ability to
meet their workforce needs.
• Goal to conduct a minimum of 20 program reviews during
period from May 1 to August 30
Training Task Force
Training Task Force
• Screen shot of review tool here
Employment Task Force
• Mission - Work with CGIA member owners and contractors
to develop a “Construction Career Placement Program” to
efficiently transition individuals from training programs to
meaningful careers in the construction industry.
Action Items
• Development of CGIA Endorsed Program Graduate form to
circulate to all CGIA members listing all graduates contact
info and craft skills.
• SAWDC to provide “case management” to move students
from training to careers.