Project Planning and a short Introduction to Working Procedures Angela Schultz-Zehden

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Transcript Project Planning and a short Introduction to Working Procedures Angela Schultz-Zehden

Project Planning and
a short Introduction to
Working Procedures
Angela Schultz-Zehden
PlanCoast Coordinator
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 13th July 2006
PlanCoast Players I
Lead Partner
Work Package Coordinators:
“Primus inter Pares” among Project Partners of various work package
Moderate, coordinate and synthesize discussions during WP workshops
Drive the work plan - possibly initiate virtual discussions or even possibly extra
meetings outside PlanCoast conferences
No formal responsibility (not responsible for reporting / finance) => focus on content
Project Partners:
Responsible for ENTIRE Project
Main Partner to Management Authority
Collects and submits Interreg Reports / ERDF Payment Claims
Also in charge of Common Activities
ALL Partners (incl. Lead Partner / Work Package Coordinators) also normal Project
Project Partners have own projects according to application form and keeping in line
with overall PlanCoast ideas, objectives, time-table
Project Partners contribute to common project parts
EU Project Partners / Non-EU Project Partners
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 13th July 2006
PlanCoast Players II
PlanCoast Steering Group
– Smaller decision making body of PlanCoast
– Lead Partner, WP Coordinators and one representative of each Sea
– Project Coordinator Secretariat Function
Project Coordinator:
– Assists all Project Partners in administrative side of PlanCoast Project
– Administration of Common Activities
– Mainly there to HELP you - so that all of you can focus on the CONTENT of the project
– Main First Contact Point for ALL => We will then further some questions to relevant
– NOT legally responsible
CADSES Officials and Other EU Programme Officials:
– Responsible for Issuing of EU Co-Finance
– Check Projects (according to reports, payment claims, etc.)
– Check Projects against EU regulations
PlanCoast Interest Groups / Stakeholders
– International Organisations (EU / Black Sea / UNEP MAP)
– Any other interested parties
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 13th July 2006
Some Basic Facts on PlanCoast Contracts
Application Form dated 7th Nov 2005 is the BASIS to everything!
Subsidy Contract:
Between Lead Partner and Management Authority
Stipulates rights & duties of Lead Partner / Amounted of granted funds / Application
Form and Joint Conventions PART of subsidy contract
Joint Convention:
Changes only possible with great difficulty!
Furthermore EU Regulations / CADSES Programmes / etc.
Legal relation between Lead Partner and all Project Partners
Rights, duties, responsibilities, field of co-operation
For Non-EU Partners:
Separate Subsidy Contract with contracting authority in own country
Normally no further application needed - only possibly further specification
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 13th July 2006
Some Basic Facts on PlanCoast Finances
Generally all Project Partners responsible for their OWN project finances!
At the moment also here application basis for everything
Some changes -- esp for non-EU Partner still possible
But everything needs to be explained
BUT: small percentage of budget should be reserved by all Partners for
common activities necessary for overall PlanCoast project
Covers external expertise / costs for
general project coordination for all
general project promotion
common activities (evaluation, recommendation, etc.)
Every partners receives separate invoices for all these costs
In addition: some Partners have own sub-projects with common purpose
Video / DVD on maritime spatial planning
Regional Studies
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 13th July 2006
Differences between ERDF and PRAG
Reimbursement of actually incurred expenditures (retrospective co-financing) vs.
fixed instalments according to payment schedule (incl. advance payments)
BUT: Final invoice / payment also in PRAG all according to REAL expenditures
Eligibility: From Date of Project Start (even in the past) vs.
from the date of concluding the contract on
Higher degree of freedom and flexibility for ERDF Partners regarding use of
project funds, project changes, shifting of funds, etc.
Different kind of budget lines and higher restrictions in PRAG => more and far
more detailed explainations of use of funds BEFORE project start
Relatively free use of external expertise vs.
More explanations necessary for sub-contracting => already from EUR 5000
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 13th July 2006
Common Project Coordination Tasks
For All
• Regular Half-Year Reporting to CADSES about activities carried out
and finances used by all partners
• Management of Common Project Activities and Costs
• Co-organisation of half-yearly PlanCoast workshops
• Coordination and maintenance of PlanCoast WebSite
• Production and dissemination of other common promotional and
informational material
• Maintenance of contacts with interested parties of PlanCoast
• Correspondence with CADSES Joint Secretariat
For EU
• Issuing of Payment Claims to receive EU Co-Finance
• Management of Trustee Account for EU Co-Finance
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 13th July 2006
General Project Reporting / Invoicing Timetable
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 13th July 2006
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 14th July 2006
Principle of Comparison
Comparison between envisaged activities and milestones
foreseen in the project application
activities and milestones actually carried out or finished
in the respective period
All deviations will need to be explained, justified and solutions offered =>
MA / SC / MC may decide on possible consequences
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 13th July 2006
Partner Project Reporting: General Remarks
Coordination Office sends you pre-filled forms, which are
ONLY stick to your OWN activities and costs and inputs to common tasks
WE will put together all partner reports / payment claims into ONE BIG report to be
submitted by Lead Partner to JTS / MA
BUT! :-O
Stick to Timing! - No exception is made for sticking to CADSES deadline
INDICATE immediately to any kind of PROJECT CHANGES and do NOT assume automatic
approval - ask BEFOREHAND
Check fit to regulations yourself - LP is NOT responsible for non-payment
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 13th July 2006
Partner Project Promotion / Dissemination Input
Main Communication Tool:
PlanCoast Corporate Identity
ALWAYS use PlanCoast Logo (to be found on PlanCoast website)
ALWAYS use SAME PlanCoast main description (as in flyer)
ALWAYS use also EU & CADSES Logo (to be found on
Make a success!
Provide regular input (minimal requirement: half-year reporting)
Provide us with links to other useful websites
Create links FROM other websites to PlanCoast
Send as much info as possible on own organisation / sub-projects / etc.
Provide us with any kind of reports, photos, etc. (also from other sources) for download
section on ICZM / maritime spatial planning
If wanted: Translation of in national languages (but from own funds)
Maintenance of exclusive with project coordination
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 13th July 2006
Final Remarks
We are there for you!
We want to make your project work as easy as possible so that you can
concentrate on content rather than formalities
BUT: Please communicate with us!
We can only advice or solve problems, if we know about them!
The earlier we receive information - the better we can help!
If we indicate limitations, it is NOT because we do not want to help, it is because
we want to avoid problems with EU and risk EU Co-Finance
If there are delays, it is NOT because we do not want to work, but due to
procedural limitations!
Angela Schultz-Zehden / Kasia Scibior
[email protected] or [email protected]
Angela Schultz-Zehden, Ancona, 13th July 2006