Nonverbal Metaphor: A Review of Theories and Evidence Discussant: Stephen Max

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Transcript Nonverbal Metaphor: A Review of Theories and Evidence Discussant: Stephen Max

Nonverbal Metaphor:
A Review of Theories and Evidence
by Jay A. Seitz - York College, CUNY
Discussant: Stephen Max
The Language View
The Synesthetic View
The Cognitive View - The Symbol
Systems Approach
Prelinguistic Evidence:
Enactive Components of Metaphor
Physiognomic Perception
Evoluionary Evidence:
Studies of Children
Spatial Metaphor
 Gesture
 Pictures
Studies of Adults
Gestural Representation
 The Role of the Brain
Theoretical Issues
Pictorial Tropes
 Metaphors in Science
 Homospatial Thinking
 Filmic Metaphor
 Metaphor in Dance
 Models and Analogues
 Theories of Visual Metaphor
 Philosophical Bases
 The Semiotic Perspective
The Role of Visual Thinking