The Middle Ages II 590-1517 Charlemagne and the rise of Islam

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The Middle Ages II
Charlemagne and the rise of Islam
The Heliand (Saxon Gospel)
Circa 8 century
Fadar ûsa firiho barno,
thu bist an them hôhon himila rîkea,
geuuîhid sî thîn namo uuordo gehuuilico.
Cuma thîn craftag rîki.
Uuerða thîn uuilleo obar thesa uuerold alla,
sô sama an erðo, sô thar uppa ist
an them hôhon himilo rîkea.
Gef ûs dago gehuuilikes râd, drohtin the gôdo,
thîna hêlaga helpa, endi alât ûs, hebenes uuard,
managoro mênsculdio, al sô uue ôðrum mannum
Ne lât ûs farlêdean lêða uuihti
sô forð an iro uuilleon, sô uui uuirðige sind,
ac help ûs uuiðar allun ubilon dâdiun.
Charlemagne the Great 747-814
• Charles + Magnus = charlesmagnus =>
• Karl der Große –german
• Karel de Grote – dutch
• Carolus Magnus - latin
Charlemagne the Great 747-814
• Great Christian king of the Franks
• Conquered much of the western
world, especially to protect the
bishop of Rome
• The “Moses of the middle ages”
• Powerful warrior – 53 military
• Expanded his empire by 2x
Charlemagne the Great 747-814
• Strong and well built man
• He loved baths
• Great statesman- gave audiences while getting
• Intelligent and religious
• Very charitable, gave alms, built bridges, and
• Recorded laws and German tradition
• Started schools – yay public education
Charlemagne the Great 747-814
• Interesting marriage life
• 5 wives in short order then settled down
with 4-5 concubines
• Beheaded 4500 prisoners in one day, then
split up their families across the empire.
• Rumored to have “loved” his daughters a
bit tooo much.
Charlemagne the Great 747-814
• Rode into Rome to rescue Pope Leo III
from an uprising
• He was “surprised” by being crowned the
Holy Roman Emperor in 800AD
• This begins the Holy Roman Empire the
combination between a German king and
an Italian Pope.
Mohammed 570-632
Mohammed 570-632
• Born 570 AD in Mecca with miraculous
signs accompanying
• Epileptic
• Goat herder and caravan attendant
• At 25 married a 40 yr. old rich widow
• Remained Married for 25 years until
Kadija’s death, he then married at least 11
other women
Mohammed 570-632
• Spent his time in meditation
• At 40 he had a vision of Gabriel telling
him to read
• Doubted his calling as a prophet, initially
ascribing it to demons, but was reassured
by his wife Kadija.
Mohammed 570-632
• 622 the Hegira(Mohammed’s flight from Mecca
to Medina) takes place
• Not having income, the Muslims become warrior
• 624 major victory in the Battle of Uhud
• Massacred ~700 Jews and sold their families into
• 627-630 consolidation of power and the conquest
of Mecca
Mohammed 570-632
• After conquering Mecca he emptied and
rededicated the Ka’aba
• He consolidated rule of Arabia, then sent
out missionaries to convert the world.
• He died in the arms of Aishah June 8, 632
Mohammed 570-632
• Generally patient and kind
• When provoked entirely pitiless
• After Kadija he became a severe polygamist
– His favorite wife Aishah, he betrothed when she
was 6 and consummated when she was 9(he was
– 8th wife Zaynab was his cousin and daughter in
• He gave women some rights, though by no means
equality with man
Five or Six Pillars of Islam
1. “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed
is his prophet”
2. Praying 5 times a day towards Mecca
3. Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once
4. Giving alms for pious and charitable
5. Fasting from Sunrise to Sunset during
6. (optional) Jihad
Reasons for the Spread of Islam
Corruption of the Byzantine Empire
Replacement of government only
Better Generals