Transcript PPT

Project UJAS - Table of Contents
The Background
Success stories of darewadi in pune
village identified “Bazar Kanung”
Technical Details
Economics & Operational Details
Ovbi goals
Project UJAS – The Background
 Out of the 600,000 villages in India an estimated 50,000 villages currently not connected
to the grid.
 In addition, another 100,000 + villages that have been notionally connected by the grid
have very poor quality grid.
 Proposed Approach:
One approach to this problem is to create local mini grids based on renewable energy sources
(solar/biogas/biomass/small wind etc.). Once set up, villagers pay a fee for the use of the
energy which in most cases suffices to meet the operating costs.
Another approach is partly finance the capital expenditure incurred on setting up the minigrids, in most cases an element of grant/subsidies is require to make the project feasible.
Project UJAS – SucceSS Story of the village “darewadi” in pune
Gram Oorja in partnership with Bosch Solar Energy AG commissioned a solar
micro grid with an installed solar capacity of 9.36 kWp, to electrify 40 rural
households .
The solar micro grid is in operation since July 2012 has been supplying 24x7
electricity to the villagers.
 Benefits :
i. The power requirement for household level has been minimized by the use
of efficient LEDs.
ii. Availability of local grid for 24 hrs.
iii. Roughly 70% of the total energy used is earmarked for productive uses –a
pump and flour mill.
iv. Mitigate usage of Kerosene and diesel
v. The grid is independently managed by the villagers and the local
participation was very high in the commissioning of the project.
Project UJAS –village identified “Bazar Kanung”
Five villages have been identified through detailed
survey conducted based on energy demand and paying
OVBI has adopted one village, “Bazar Kanung” to electrify
through solar micro grid.
The village details are as below
Name of Villages: Bazar Kunang Hamlet-I
ii. Gram-Panchayat: Bazar Kunang
iii. Census number: 602663
iv. Tehsil: Joida
v. District: Uttar Kannada
vi. State: Karnataka
vii. No. of Beneficiaries: 27
Project UJAS –requirementS for “Bazar Kanung”
The energy requirements for “Bazar Kanung” are
as below
The village details are as below
Domestic: Energy requirement is estimated as 4 LED
lights and mobile charging point per house. In addition,
energy demand for additional basic equipments in
approximately 30% of the houses is estimated.
Commercial : There is a requirement of flour mill/rice
huller of capacity 2/3 HP in the village. It is estimated to
operate for average 2-4 hours a day. Additional provision
to accommodate commercial load of around 3 HP.
No. of street lights: 4 street lights are estimated.
Project UJAS –technical detailS for “Bazar Kanung”
Micro Grid plant with the following specifications
System Size: 4.5 kWp
Battery Size: 18,000 Wh
Project UJAS –BenefitS delivered to “Bazar kanung”
 Reduction in use of fossil fuels
 Access to energy would also mean that allied agricultural activities like flour mills
and grinding can be done at the village itself making it self-reliable and a boom in
commercial activities
 Improvement in quality of life
Project UJAS –project economics and operational details
 Total Capital Outlay – Rs. 21.7 Lakhs
 Operational Expenditure:
Typically a large part of a solar plant operating
expenses is due to the replacement of batteries
after every 5 years.
AMC costs, insurance, rental, etc. will be in the
range of Rs 80,000/-, which will be fully recovered
from the villagers in the form of electricity tariffs.
Project UJAS –timelines
 The land measuring 200 – 250 square meters
has been earmarked and the villagers have
agreed to hand over the land to the village
committee for the project.
 Once the system design is complete and the
finances are available, the project can be
executed to yield electricity to each household
90 days.
Project UJAS –OVBI goal
To Raise
21.7 lakhs
By February 2015.
Please donate generously for the cause and bring light and hope ro many more lives
Any excess donations raised will automatically go into funding of the other four villages already identified by the