LNA simulation tutorial -

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LNA Simulation Tutorial

EE395 Lily Chan Spring 2012 March 22, 2012

Step 1

 Open Analog Environment  Setup models  Setup > model libraries  Add paths to models

Step 2

 Go to Analyses tab   Choose dc analysis Click the box to save DC Operating Point

Step 3

 Add variables from schematic  Variables > Copy from Cellview  Input variable values

Step 4

 Choose Analyses        Select sp in the Analysis section Click select in the Ports section  Click on the input and output ports on the schematic Select Frequency in the Sweep Variable section Enter the start/stop sweep range Select Do Noise = yes  Enter your Input and output ports Click on OK Click on Netlist and Run (The traffic light button with the green light in the Analog Environment main screen)

Step 5

 After the simulation is done running, click on Results > direct plot > main form  Choose SP > plot type = Z-smith  Then click on S11 and S22 buttons

Step 5 Result

 A window with the Smith chart should pop up showing you the S11 and S22 curves

   

Step 6

Go back to the Direct plot form from step 5 Select plot type Rectangular, Modifier = dB20 Click s11, s22 These are your input/output impedance matching curves

Step 7

 On the direct plot form, click on S21  This is your gain

Step 8

 On the direct plot form, choose   Function = NF Modifier = db10   Click on Plot This is your noise figure