Netconf Notifications Sharon Chisholm Hector Trevino IETF 67
Transcript Netconf Notifications Sharon Chisholm Hector Trevino IETF 67
Netconf Notifications
Sharon Chisholm
Hector Trevino
November 2006
The -03 version of the Notification draft was wellreviewed. Most of those comments were
resolved and incorporated into the -04 version.
Exceptions were listed
This package includes unresolved issues from
the last update and new issues raised against 04 on the mailing list.
They have been reordered to try to put the
issues requiring more discussion earlier in the
Issues – Data Models
Why do we need to query the notification
subscriptions? [BL]
Does the schema contain the right information
to query [AB]
Transport Mappings
Which transports must be supported in version
- Document packaging
Include in Notifications RFC or create 2
separate RFCs? 4 separate RFCs?
- SOAP needs a lot of specification work; not
going to hold up the entire
work item waiting for this document. [AB]
- SOAP could use Ajax Push design [TG]
Instance Validation
Changes introduced in later versions of
the Netconf base protocol mean that
instance documents of notifications (and
rpc-replies), don’t appear to be validating
<xs:complexType name="dataInlineType">
• <xs:complexContent>
<xs:restriction base="xs:anyType"/>
• </xs:complexContent>
Issues – RPC Methods
why isn't there a stop-time in the replay
capability? [BL]
why stop notifications after replay (e.g. no tail -f
mode) [BL]
minAccess/ config-notconfig
Issue 9 from pre-03 list
The documentation currently defines appinfo to
annotate information in the document. Primarily
the maxAccess clause and some module
Identity. We can’t publish with a dependency on
this document since it would block us.
We talked about just publishing a short little
document that would define the appInfo bits we needed,
as appose to full data specification
Andy has suggested instead of maxAccess,
moving to config or not config, which I think could also
work. State versus statistics would also be a nice
distinction to be able to make, but perhaps that can wait.
Relationships in Schema
The data model currently uses keyref to
associate subscriptions to specific
instances of named profiles
Is this too complex and under-described in
document [AB]
Cardinality of Streams
Are you suppose to be able to associate
more then one stream with a single
subscription [AB]
Issues -Security Considerations
Need paragraph stating that security
threats are handled during NETCONF
session establishment, and the notification
mechanism does not introduce any new
threats, since any data available through
<notification> can also be made available
to the <get> RPC. [DR]
Misc Detailed Comments
Not necessary to allow combining named
profiles and filters [AB]
stop notifications (2.3)
Wants to remove "or some mechanism outside
the scope of this spec"
There is only <kill-session> unless and until
the WG creates something else. [AB]
capability strings in 3.1 are wrong:
(correct format)
Issues - Syntax
General XSD issues)
Why do we need 3 namespaces? [BL]
The XML Schema should start with a top level
element (e.g. <top>) and specify the containing
elements all the way down. [BL]
Misc Comments
NETCONF stream
The default stream of NETCONF is well
described. Doesn’t want it to be optional [AB]
Note in Montreal we said when it wasn’t specified it
would be NETCONF
The schema does not reflect that it is optional.
Misc Comments
notification replay should not be a
separate capability [AB]
Note that we agreed to a separate capability in
Why do we need to signal the end of replay
with a special notification? Why is this detail
needed at all? [AB]
Issue- Documentation
assorted comments and corrections
(10/24/06 email) [BL]
assorted comments and corrections
(10/24/06 email) [MB]