Document 7700583

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Transcript Document 7700583

(State Research Institute
of Aviation Systems)
Edward Falkov
Elena Gromova
Sergey Pyatcko
UAS flights in civil airspace
based on ADS-B
ASAS-TN 2.5 Workshop
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
We are in Rome now.
When in Rome do as the Romans do.
Instead of epigraph
В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.
(Russian saying)
Don’t go to another abbey with your regulations.
~ When in Rome do as the Romans do.
All this should concern UAS in civil airspace
When in civil airspace do as airspace users do
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
In accordance with Guiding Principles of
• Equivalent Operations:
UAS operators should seek to operate within
existing arrangements (“no new SARPs” – “no new
developments” as far as possible).
• Transparency:
The provision of an Air Traffic Service (ATS) to a UAS
must be transparent to the Air Traffic Control (ATC)
controller and other airspace users, and must not adversely
impact Air Traffic Management.
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
1. ADS-B as powerful and transparent tools for UAS
surveillance in civil airspace by ATC staff and
airspace users.
2. CPDLC as a reserve command/control data link
3. Brief review of adopted by ICAO appropriate data
links acceptable for managing UAS flights in civil
4. Russian activity – UAS use of VDL-4
5. Summary
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
Some terms
All UAS should be split into two groups:
1) Can afford 3-5 kg payload to solve ATM tasks
2) Can’t afford it
We are talking about only group 1.
UAS from group 2 should operate only
in segregated airspace.
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
UAS surveillance
• In principle to use ADS-B for UAS surveillance in
civil airspace regardless of data link (DL) type.
• Approved by ICAO 1090 ES, VDL-4 (and possibly
UAT after solving the issue with frequency) might
be considered as DLs for ADS-B.
• No special DLs for UAS surveillance in civil
airspace are needed
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
Command & control data link
• Typically command & control (C2) data link is the core part of
UAS. It provides safe and secure UAS operating and usually is
“know how” of UAS designer.
• In the course of controller – pilot-in-command (PiC) ATC
interaction it serves as “hands” of a pilot of remotely operated
aircraft. It is not a subject of ICAO consideration until UAS
performs all controller indications.
• But when this specific DL fails controller & PiC should get
access to transparent ATC and adopted by ICAO controller-pilot
data link communications (CPDLC) with help of which it would
be possible to solve the case and complete the UAS flight.
• VDL-2 and VDL-4 might be considered as appropriate DLs for
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
Brief requirements to DL for UAS
operating in civil airspace
• Time critical (Satcom and HF can’t be used due to
delays) so we consider VDLs, 1090 ES and
possibly UAT after solving the issue
• VDL-2 (point-to-point); after CPDLC
demonstration in the US implementation was
postponed up to 2009 and it looks like forever;
future global implementation of VDL-2 is unclear
• VDL-3 was canceled by the US
• VDL-4 …
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
• Time critical
• The only DL that is able and allowed to work in broadcast
and point-to-point modes
• Approved by ICAO and EUROCAE
• The only Comm with European Norms adopted by European
Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI) (all CNS
standards in Europe should be approved by ETSI)
• Applications: ADS-B, TIS-B, FIS-B, A-SMGCS, CPDLC,
DGNSS, AOC etc; one of the important achievements is
situational awareness
• Analysis shows that many operations to provide UAS flights
in civil airspace might be performed with use of VDL-4
(surveillance & command/control)
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
Can be performed:
• 1090 ES (ADS-B Out & without TCP) + VDL-2
(ADS-B Out means no direct “air-air” interaction)
• UAT (after solving the issue) + VDL-2
• VDL-4 only
• Possible ASAS and ACAS usage as a part of
collisions avoidance capability (ADS-B In is
needed for that)
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
ADS-B and other applications
based on VDL-4
Traffic Information(TIS-B)
Flight Information (ATIS,
NOTAMs, Weather Maps)
13 November 2008
ATC, Airlines, Airports, PiCs
UAS flights in civil airspace
Russian activity
• Russia’s industry has developed equipment and carried
out test flights of UAS (aerial targets with take-off weight
of 350 kg, 1 turbojet, speed of 700 km/h, height of 9 km).
• Surveillance based on ADS-B and control/command
based on CPDLC were carried out with the help of VHF
Mode 4 data link transponders performed in accordance
with ICAO SARPs and Manual, EUROCAE ED108A and
ETSI European Norms EN 301.842 and 302.842.
• The equipment is under certification by both Air Force
and Interstate Aviation Committee (civil aviation).
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
Ground control station
Number of served aerial targets (AT) – 4 (2 CWP)
Receiving data from each AT:
ID, position, intentions (AT ADS-B Out);
telemetry info concerning status of
onboard systems.
Updating of all info - every second.
Range of interaction with each AT – 300 km
within line of sight
As C2 transmits to each AT fixed commands from
set of 24 and gets receipts after it
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
CNS ground station as a core part of GCS
is certified by Interstate Aviation Committee and
recommended by Russian CAA to be used in ATM
4-D trajectory negotiations between pilot - controller and
pilot – pilot PiCs included could be provided. Every pilot
could see (on CDTI) everybody and know where everybody
are going to. Collision avoidance: it doesn’t matter whether
manned or unmanned aircraft.
Onboard unit includes radio receivers/transmitters,
GPS/GLONASS receiver and controller. It mated with AT
automatic pilot unit & telemetry system, and interfaced with
diagnostic & control unit & “Intactness” signal (full
registered data for last 24 hours are stored).
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
UAS “Dan” flight recording (1)
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
UAS “Dan” flight recording (2)
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
Take-Off & Landing
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
Pilot-in-command has info:
UAS “Dan” flights
• of his own UAS and other
airspace users positions and
intentions in surrounding
airspace on the map as
background through ADS-B or
• status of all onboard systems
diagnostics including
• the full list and recording of
all PiC’s commands and
confirming receipts
ATC controller surveys manned and unmanned aircraft using
PSR, SSR and ADS-B and provides TIS-B service to PiC
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
Only one slide of “sense and avoid” (S&A)
• All commercial, general and state/military aviation are operating and
don’t know any S&A problem
• They say in manned aircraft a pilot sees with his eyes. But in no
visibility conditions a pilot see nothing outside.
He sees only information on displays
• If reliable and redundant sources of information from onboard
systems and appropriate data links are available, a pilot-in-command
gets the same capabilities as a pilot of manned aircraft
• The problem is not in “unmannedness”, the problem is in sources of
information and DLs
• To smoothly provide UAS flights in civil airspace UAS sources of
information for navigation and surveillance and DLs for
communications should satisfy requirements of ICAO CNS/ATM
• S&A should satisfy these requirements as well
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
Conclusions on “Dan” flights
1. Legal, adopted by ICAO data link is used
to control UAS flights in a manner when
civil ATC staff could survey UASs
independently of pilots-in-command and
interact with them.
2. One (adopted by ICAO) data link is used
by PiC for surveillance and command &
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
• ADS-B is powerful and transparent tools to provide UAS
flight surveillance in civil airspace
• VDL-4 is powerful data link providing not only ADS-B
(Out and In) but besides broadcast applications like FIS-B,
TIS-B, A-SMGCS, DGNSS, ACAS and situational
awareness also point-to-point communications that can be
used as a reserved command & control data link
• UAS “Dan” flight tests confirmed capability of VDL-4 to
manage UAS flights in civil airspace
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
Alternatives: what to do if VDL-4 is not
accepted in some airspace yet or forever
1. To continue to ignore VDL-4 and to look for
other capabilities. It would be interesting to
discuss these approaches (“sense and avoid”
and “C2 failure” including).
2. To implement VDL-4 ground and airborne
parts for managing only UAS flights in civil
airspace. Coupling of existing airspace facility
and VDL-4 ground unit could be done like
TIS-B service and CPDLC capability.
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
“Spectrum, new frequencies allocation,
WRC 2011, new arrangements, …”
• UAS community consider to get new frequencies from ITU
and develop and implement new data links for surveillance;
to be trusted from ATC side these data links should go
through the full way of development, testing, validation and
adoption by ICAO; how long does it take and how much?
What to do now for at least 10 years?
• It can’t help impacting ATM; but civil aviation community
does not need it for its own purposes (newcomers start to
impact the functioning of owners of airspace)
• What to do in “C2 failure” case?
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
“Spectrum, new arrangements, …”
The title of this presentation
UAS flights in civil airspace
based on ADS-B
Possible re-titling
UAS flights in civil airspace
staying within existing arrangements
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace
Thank you for your attention!
[email protected]
13 November 2008
UAS flights in civil airspace