How many packets of Quavers would you need to

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How many packets of Quavers would you need to eat to get all the energy you need?

How many bananas would you need to eat?

How many cans of coca cola would you need?

How many sticks of celery?

14 22 16 454 Why is it best not to get all your energy like this?

Order Things to do Use the Bunsen burner to light the food. Take the temperature of the hot water with the thermometer. Wait until the food has stopped burning. Hold the food with the mounted needle. Take the temperature of the cold water with the thermometer. Hold the burning food under the test tube. Put some cold water into the test tube.

Order Things to do Put some cold water into the test tube. Take the temperature of the cold water with the thermometer. Hold the food with the mounted needle. Use the Bunsen burner to light the food. Hold the burning food under the test tube. Wait until the food has stopped burning. Take the temperature of the hot water with the thermometer.