DMA Direct Memory Access Introduction to 8237

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Transcript DMA Direct Memory Access Introduction to 8237

Direct Memory Access
Introduction to 8237
DMA Action
Data – Address - Control
Three Techniques for Input of a Block of Data
Push FLAG and CS
and IP
Pop FLAG and CS
and IP
Load new CS and
IP and set FLAG
Changes in Memory and Registers for an Interrupt
DMA and Interrupt Breakpoints
During an Instruction Cycle
DMA is for high-speed data transfer from/to mass
storage peripherals, e.g. harddisk drive, magnetic tape,
CD-ROM, and sometimes video controllers.
For example, a hard disk may boasts a transfer rate of 5
M bytes per second, i.e. 1 byte transmission every 200
ns. To make such data transfer via the CPU is both
undesirable and unnecessary.
The basic idea of DMA is to transfer blocks of data
directly between memory and peripherals. The data don’t
go through the microprocessor but the data bus is
“Normal” transfer of one data byte takes up to 29 clock
cycles. The DMA transfer requires only 5 clock cycles.
Nowadays, DMA can transfer data as fast as 60 M byte
per second. The transfer rate is limited by the speed of
memory and peripheral devices.
Typical DMA Module Diagram
Basic process of DMA
In maximum mode:
Handshaking Pins: RQ/GT1 and RQ/GT0  DMA request and acknowledge
1) Peripheral asserts one of the request pins, e.g. RQ/GT1 or RQ/GT0
(RQ/GT0 has higher priority)
2) CPU completes its current bus cycle and enters into a HOLD state
3) CPU grants the right of bus control by asserting a grant signal via the
same pin as the request signal.
4) DMA operation starts
5) Upon completion of the DMA operation, the peripheral asserts the
request/grant pin again to relinquish bus control.
In minimum mode:
The HOLD and HLDA pins are used for handshaking
DMA Controller
A DMA controller interfaces with several peripherals that may request
The controller decides the priority of simultaneous DMA requests
communicates with the peripheral and the CPU, and provides memory
addresses for data transfer.
DMA controller commonly used with 8086 is the 8237 programmable
The 8237 is in fact a special-purpose microprocessor.
Normally it appears as part of the system controller chip-sets.
The 8237 is a 4-channel device. Each channel is dedicated to a specific
peripheral device and capable of addressing 64 K bytes section of
DMA Configurations (1)
• Single Bus, Detached DMA controller
• Each transfer uses bus twice
– I/O to DMA then DMA to memory
• CPU is suspended twice
DMA Configurations (2)
• Single Bus, Integrated DMA controller
• Controller may support >1 device
• Each transfer uses bus once
– DMA to memory
• CPU is suspended once
DMA Configurations (3)
• Separate I/O Bus
• Bus supports all DMA enabled devices
• Each transfer uses bus once
– DMA to memory
• CPU is suspended once
Address buss A0-A15
A0-A3 A4-A7 CS/
Control buss
Sistem data buss
System Data Bus
DMA Transfer Cycle Stealing
• DMA controller takes over bus for a cycle
• Transfer of one word of data
• Not an interrupt
– CPU does not switch context
• CPU suspended just before it accesses bus
– i.e. before an operand or data fetch or a data
• Slows down CPU but not as much as CPU
doing transfer
Intel 8237A DMA Controller
Interfaces to 80x86 family and DRAM
When DMA module needs buses it sends HOLD signal to
CPU responds HLDA (hold acknowledge)
DMA module can use buses
E.g. transfer data from memory to disk
1. Device requests service of DMA by pulling DREQ (DMA request) high
2. DMA puts high on HRQ (hold request),
3. CPU finishes present bus cycle (not necessarily present instruction)
and puts high on HDLA (hold acknowledge). HOLD remains active for
duration of DMA
4. DMA activates DACK (DMA acknowledge), telling device to start
5. DMA starts transfer by putting address of first byte on address bus and
activating MEMR; it then activates IOW to write to peripheral. DMA
decrements counter and increments address pointer. Repeat until
count reaches zero
6. DMA deactivates HRQ, giving bus back to CPU
Some important signal pins:
• DREQ3 – DREQ0 (DMA request): Used to
request a DMA transfer for a particular DMA
• DACK3 – DACK0 (DMA channel
acknowledge): Acknowledges a channel
DMA request from a device.
• HRQ (Hold request): Requests a DMA
• HLDA (Hold acknowledge) signals the
8237 that the microprocessor has
relinquished control of the address, data
and control buses.
Some important signal pins:
• AEN (Address enable): Enables the DMA
address latch connected to the 8237 and
disable any buffers in the system connected
to the microprocessor. (Use to take the
control of the address bus from the
• ADSTB (Address strobe): Functions as ALE
to latch address during the DMA transfer.
• EOP (End of process): bi direction, Signals
the end of the DMA process.
• IOR (I/O read): bi-dir, Used as an input
strobe to read data from the 8237 during
programming and used as an output strobe
to read data from the port during a DMA write
Some important signal pins:
• IOW (I/O write): bi-dir Used as an input
strobe to write data to the 8237 during
programming and used as an output strobe
to write data to the port during a DMA read
• MEMW (Memory write): Used as an output
to cause memory to write data during a
DMA write cycle.
• MEMR (Memory read): Used as an output
to cause memory to read data during a DMA
read cycle
• A3 – A0 : address pins select an internal
register during programming and provide
part of the DMA transfer address during
DMA operation.
Some important signal pins:
• A7 – A4 : address pins are outputs that
provide part of the DMA transfer address
during a DMA operation.
• DB0 – DB7 : data bus, connected to
microprocessor and are used during the
programming DMA controller.
Internal registers:
• CAR : The current address register, is used to hold the 16-bit
memory address used for the DMA transfer.
• CWCR : The current word count register, programs a channel for
the number of bytes (up to 64K) transferred during a DMA action.
• BA & BWC : The base address and base word count , registers
are used when auto-initialization is selected for a channel. In this
mode, their contents will be reloaded to the CAR and CWCR after
the DMA action is completed.
• The command register (CR) programs the operation of the
8237 DMA controller
• Each channel has its own CAR, CWCR, BA and BWC.
• MR : The mode register, programs the mode of operation for a
channel. Each channels has its own mode register (RD/WR-INC/DEC..)
• RR : The request register, is used to request a DMA transfer
via software, which is very useful in memory-to-memory
Transfers where external signals is not available for DMA transfer
• MRSR : The mask register set/reset, sets or clears the channel
mask to disable or enable particular DMA channels. If the mask is set,
The channel is disabled
• MSR : The mask register, clears or sets all of the masks with
one command instead of individual channels as with the
• SR : The status register, shows the status of each DMA channel. TC
Bits indicate, terminal count
0000 = Base and Current Address (Ch0)
0001 = Base and Current Word (Ch0)
0010 = Base and Current Address (Ch1)
0011 = Base and Current Word (Ch1)
0100 = Base and Current Address (Ch2)
0101 = Base and Current Word (Ch2)
0110 = Base and Current Address (Ch3)
0111 = Base and Current Word (Ch3)
1000 = RD Status / WR Command
1001 = Request Register
1010 = RD Command / WR single Mask bit
1011 = Mode Register
1100 = Set/ Clear Last F/F
1101 = Read Temp Register / Master clear
1110 = CLR mode , counter / clear mask
1111 = All Masks bit
Data Transfer modes:
Single Transfer Mode
• In Single Transfer mode the device is programmed to make one
transfer only.
• The word count will be decremented and the address
decremented or incremented following each transfer.
• When the word count ``rolls over'' from zero to FFFFH, a
Terminal Count (TC) will cause an Auto initialize if the channel
has been programmed to do so.
Block Transfer Mode
• In Block Transfer mode the device is activated by DREQ to
continue making transfers during the service until a TC, caused
by word count going to FFFFH, or an external End of Process
(EOP) is encountered.
• DREQ need only be held active until DACK becomes active.
Again, an Autoinitialization will occur at the end of the service
if the channel has been programmed for it.
Demand Transfer Mode:
• In Demand Transfer mode the device is programmed to continue
making transfers until a TC or external EOP is encountered or until
DREQ goes inactive.
• Transfers may continue until the I/O device has exhausted its data
capacity. the DMA service can be re-established by means of a DREQ.
• During the time between services when the microprocessor is
allowed to operate, the intermediate values of address and word count
are stored in the 8237A Current Address and Current Word Count
• EOP can cause an Autoinitialize at the end of the service. EOP is
generated either by TC or by an external signal.
Cascade Mode:
• more than one 8237A
together for simple system
•The HRQ and HLDA signals
from the additional 8237A are
connected to the DREQ and
DACK signals of a channel of
the initial 8237A.
•This allows the DMA requests
of the additional device to
propagate through the priority
network circuitry of the
preceding device.
Advanced Microprocessor