Document 7618292

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Transcript Document 7618292

Carrie Phath
What is Impetigo?
Impetigo is a contagious skin infection that
produces blisters or sores on the face and
hands. Impetigo is common among children
especially in summer months.
Impetigo is caused by one of two
bacteria, a streptococcus and
Signs and Symptoms
•Sores can be anywhere on the body, but are often
on the face near the mouth and nose, or on the
arms and legs.
•Impetigo usually starts with a blister or a group of
blisters. The blister bursts leaving a patch of red,
wet skin which weeps.
•The infected spot usually becomes coated with a
tan or yellowish crust, making it look like it has
been covered with honey.
•Impetigo is usually itchy.
•They appear as red sores that quickly ruptures.
What Does it Look Like?
Antibiotic ointment
Gently wash the areas of infected skin with
antiseptic soap every day.
Soak any areas of crusted skin in warm soapy
water to help remove the layers of crust.
Keep fingernails short and clean.