Analysis of Visual Art Sensory Properties Formal Properties Expressive Properties

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Transcript Analysis of Visual Art Sensory Properties Formal Properties Expressive Properties

Analysis of Visual Art
 Sensory Properties
 Formal Properties
 Expressive Properties
 Technical Properties
A. Sensory Properties
 Line / Edge
 Shape / Form
 Color
 Texture
1. Line / Edge
 in two-dimensional art = the mark left by a
moving point or a succession of connected
 in three-dimensional art = the boundary of
a given form or mass
Line / Edge Characteristics
 Direction (horizontal, vertical,
perpendicular, curving, radial, meandering)
 length (long, short, continuous, broken)
 width (thick, thin, tapering)
 boundaries [fuzzy, blurred, sharp]
2. Shape / Form
 Shape = 2 dimensional art (an area with
width and height)
 Form =
3 dimensional art (an area with
height, width, and depth)
Shape/Form Characteristics
 Regular, irregular, graduated
 Geometric Shape (circle, square,
rectangle, polygon)
 Geometric Form (sphere, cylinder,
 Organic (plant, animal, human)
3. Color
 character of a surface as the result of the
wavelengths of light it reflects or absorbs
Color Characteristics
 Hue (red, yellow, blue; orange, green, violet]
 Value [light, dark]
 Intensity [bright, dull]
 monochromatic / polychromatic
 primary / secondary
4. Texture
 actual tactile quality of a surface
 visual illusion of tactile qualities on a flat
Texture Characteristics
 Smooth, Rough, Bumpy, Abrasive
 Soft, Hard
 Solid, Flimsy
 Wet, Dry
 impasto
B. Formal Properties
Repetition / Rhythm
Dominance / Submission
1. Balance
 controlled tension established by shapes
depending on variables such as:
 - placement
 - size
 - spacing
 - proportion
 - direction
Balance Characteristics
 symmetrical / asymmetrical
 formal / informal
 structured / intuitive
2. Repetition /Rhythm
 perceptible sequences of identical or
similar material
Repetition / Rhythm
 Duple (recurring groups of two]
 Triple [recurring groups of three]
 Mixed [recurring mixtures of duple/triple]
3. Dominance / Submission
 highly accentuated vs. recessive focus of
 established by contrast with what appears
around the element
C. Expressive Properties
 Happy
 Sad
 Hurt
 Angry
 Fearless
 Afraid
 Interested
 State of Dynamism
D. Technical Properties
 Media
 Technique
 Tool
 Product
1. Media
 Clay, Acrylic
 Dye, Ink
 Pencil, Charcoal
 Stone, Feathers, Wood, Grasses, Skin
 Minerals, Blood, Hair, Seeds/Berries,
Gourds, Sticks
2. Technique
 Blending
 Carving
 Tie-Dye
 Cross-Hatching
 Weave
 Assemble / Subtract
3. Tool
 Ruler
 Potter’s Wheel
 Brush
 Chisel
 Knife
 Finger
 Fiber
 Stone
4. Product
 Drawing
 Painting
 Collage
 Sculpture
 Architecture
 Ceramic
 Mosaic