Transcript Slide 1

Approximation of heavy models
using Radial Basis Functions
Graeme Alexander (Deloitte)
Jeremy Levesley (Leicester)
The problem
• Calculate Value at Risk
• Need to determine 0.5th percentile of insurer’s
net assets in one year
• Net assets = f(R1,R2,R3,...Rn)
• Many firms have previously calculated the
percentiles of univariate distns, and aggregated
using correlation matrix / copula approach
Moving to Solvency II
• For internal model approach, strongly encouraged to
calculate the whole distribution of Net Assets, not just
the percentile
• It is a simple matter to generate 100,000 simulations of
• However, evaluating f(r1,r2,..rn) for a single
realisation of the risk vector using the “heavy model”
can take hours!!
• Common approach: Run the heavy models on a small
number of points, and interpolate to obtain estimator
function fE(r1, r2, ..,rn), known as a “lite model”
Linear spline
approximation to sin(x)
Combination of hat
Cubic Splines
Cubic spline
approximation to sin(x)
Combination of B-splines
Radial basis function approximation
t1 < t2 <
• A basis function f
• Set of points
< tn
• Approximation
sn (t) = åaif (t - ti )
More generally
sn ( x) 
   x  y 
y Y
Data Y
x y
 ( r )  exp(  c r )
How to compute coefficients
s n ( x )  f ( x ),
Linear Equations
   y1  y1
  y 2  y 1
  y n  y1
  y1  y 2
  y2  y2
  yn  y2
  y1  y n     1 
 f ( y1 ) 
  
  y 2  y n   2
f ( y2 )
 
     
  
  y n  y n   n   f ( y n ) 
An Example - annuity
Difficult to test our interpolation on real-life data due to the length of time it
takes to run heavy models
So let’s take a simple product, a single life annuity, £1 payable p.a.
Assume just two risk factors, discount rate and mortality
Assume a constant rate of mortality 1/T in each future year. Thus, the cash flows
(T-1)/T at the end of year 1, (T-2)/T at end of year 2,1 / T at end of year T-1
T 1
PV 
 1 
t 1
t 
 (1  disc )
T 
 1
1  disc 
 
2 
T 
•Allow T and disc to vary stochastically
disc~ N (8%, 2.5%2)
T ~ N (20,9)
An Example - annuity
• We used 10 fitting points.
• It turns out that the polynomial function (order 3) performs slightly better
than the RBF
99.5th percentile of liability:
Actual = 9.27
RBF (Gaussian) estimate = 8.86, error = 4%
Polynomial estimate = 9.25, error = 0.19%
Annuity – how good was the fit
What if there is a discontinuity?
Chart shows liabilities against T, for fixed
disc=8%: Was fitted using “norm” function.
Unlikely to arise in practice, though.
Choice of polynomial or RBF
• Choice of appropriate polynomial terms is
problematic. High degree polynomials are famously
unstable (Gibb’s phenomena)
• Choice of RBF is related to the “smoothness of the
data” – see difference between Gaussian and norm
function. This requires some user input, but does
not require other experimentation.
• RBF is adaptable to the placement of new points
near to where error is being observed in
approximation. This is not robust with polynomial
With profits
The realistic balance sheet includes a “cost of guarantees”
For example, suppose there is a guaranteed sum assured on the assets, equal
to £500.
Crudely, we can model the cost of guarantees as a put option on the asset
Assume that:
Asset Share is £1,000
Strike price (guarantee) is £500
Assets ~ N (1000, 3002), disc~ N (8%, 2.5%2)
This time the radial basis function (“norm”) does better:
Actual = £83.53
RBF estimate = £74.6, error = 11%
Polynomial estimate = £1,735, error =
With profits
 Polynomial has difficulty coping with
the particular behaviour shown
 Also, the fitting problem is prone to
becoming singular
 RBF (using “norm”) does much better
Smoothing splines
• If the data is noisy
• Minimise
l ( ) 
( f ( y )  s Y ( y ))  l  ( s Y ).
y Y
 ( g )  smoothness
of g
• Choice of l is crucial
l  0 , least squares
l   , interpolat ion if enough degrees of freedom
• It is worthwhile to explore the use of radial basis
functions for approximation.
• They are good in high dimensions, and adapt easily to
the local shape of the surface.
• Polynomials are good where the surface is close to a
polynomial in reality
• They are also difficult to implement in high dimensions.
• There are different RBFs and different approximation
processes depending on the nature and reliability of the