Document 7533671

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Transcript Document 7533671


Pedagogical Integration of ICTs

Phase 1 Research

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Introduction to research team

Partner institution: National Institute for Educational Development , INDE

Focal point: Dr. Joaquim Matavele

Primary researcher: Vasco Camundimo Secondary researcher: Albertina Moreno Research team: Kauxique Maganlal (MEC), Francisco Mabila (UEM), Félix Singo (UP), Zauria Saifudine (UTICT), C. Cumaio (MEC) assistants: Roberto Cabral resources: ERWACA/Local Resources

Overview of participating schools

• • • • • • Size: 10 schools, more than 60 teachers, 36

managers, 120 learners

Levels: primary, secondary and higher


Teacher-training: Pedagogical University Public / private: 9 / 1 Mixed / single-sex: 9/1 girls Rural / urban: 2/8

Overview of research results

General state of pedagogical integration of ICTs

• • • ICT as part of government policy and strategy; ESSP (2006/2011) as operational tool for ICT implementation; ICT as part of school curriculum since 2008 ( subject and tool) and currently in a pilot stage;

Overview of research results (cont’d)

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Highlighted successes in pedagogical integration of ICTs

Effective students participation by searching contents in the internet (when available) before the class; More motivation and interaction among teachers and students and students themselves; Diversify sources of learning; Enhance English language proficiency.

Overview of research results (cont’d)

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Specific challenges in pedagogical integration of ICTs

Teacher training; Availability of computer lab; Technical assistance, management and sustainability.

Data analysis

Policy (on slide Overview of research results)

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Access to / connectivity of computers in schools

9 of 10 schools are connected to the Internet; Reliability is not good enough; High cost of connectivity.

Data analysis (cont’d)

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Pedagogical use of ICTs by educators

To prepare lessons; To record students marks; To have access to information.

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Pedagogical use of ICTs by learners

To type assignments; To improve Portuguese orthography.

To have access to information.

Data analysis (cont’d)

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Reported impact of ICTs on teaching / learning

Improvement of storage and releasing student records; More interaction in the classroom.

Managerial use / impact of ICTs

improve efficiency on information delivery, e.g, certificate issue, students result, etc.

Data analysis (cont’d)

Themes of particular interest (gender, language, special needs)

No evidence •

Other results to highlight

Access to the connectivity is much poor into rural area compared to urban.

Policy dialogue

Overview of policy dialogue workshop

Improve interaction and coordination between G2P, G2G and bottom up approach.

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Recommendations ensuing from policy dialogue workshop

Create capacity building at different levels; Build new computer lab to avoid the occupation of existing classroom.

Next steps (how the dialogue will continue)

Continue debates in others levels, e.g., schools, district and province.


Review successes and challenges in the pedagogical integration of ICTs

All respondents share the idea of a positive and significant contribution of ICT for the access and quality of education in the country.

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What does this say about the country’s education system more generally?

The need to train the teachers and other staff to ensure the implementation of ICTs in schools; Mobilize stakeholders.

Conclusion (cont’d)

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What recommendations (supported by the data) for change to ICT4ED policy and practice?

Reinforce capacity building (managers, teachers, head of districts and provinces); Provision of enough financial resources.

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What is missing in order to substantially improve teaching and learning through ICTs?

Lack of equipments, human and financial resources.

Make ICT available to all

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PanAf Phase 2

General reflections on scientific publication

More dissemination of call for papers for publication; More involvement of educational researchers.

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General reflections on potential partnerships

Establishment of partnership agreement; More involment of stakeholders, e.g., mobile co., Telecom co., power supplier co., computer manufacture.

General reflections on additional research

Inclusion of ICT and gender, special needs, local languages, broader the sample including more rural schools and the country size.

Thank you