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Transcript STAAR Review US HISTORY TO 1877

STAAR Review
TO 1877
Jamestown was the first English settlement in North America. In
what year was it founded?
John Smith
 Pilgrims land at
 Come for Religious
 Sign the
In what year did the Second Continental Congress
approve the Declaration of Independence?
Delegates from twelve states met in
Philadelphia to revise the Articles of
Confederation, but instead, they wrote a new
constitution for the United States. In what
year was this Constitution written?
In what year did the United States, under
leadership of President Jefferson,
purchase the Louisiana Territory from
Napoleon, ruler of France?
The American Civil War began with
the firing on Fort Sumter and ended
with the Confederate surrender at
Appomattox Court House. In what
year did the Civil War begin and when
did it end?
Fort Sumter
What is meant by the
term, “representative
A form of government in
which power is held by
the people and exercised
through the efforts of
representatives elected by
those people.
Aboard the Mayflower in Plymouth Bay, the
Pilgrims drafted a document in which they
agreed to accept majority rule and
participate in a government in the best
interest of all members of the colony. What
was the name of this document?
Mayflower Compact
What was the name of the first written
constitution in the American colonies?
Charter Oak
What was the name of the first
representative assembly in the colonies?
It was founded in 1619 in Virginia.
House of Burgesses
Great Britain’s trade with her
American colonies was based on an
economic theory which stated that the
colonies were to serve as a source of
raw materials for Great Britain and as
a marketplace for British goods. What
is this economic theory called?
While they were
fighting the Seven
Years’ War in
Europe, the British
and French fought
a war in America.
What was the name
of the war fought in
America and which
The French & Indian War
side won?
British Victory
Congress put a tax on imported goods in
order to protect American factories in
the Northeast from British competition.
The South bitterly opposed the tax.
What was this tax called?
In his Farewell Address
in 1796, President
Washington stressed
three dangers facing the
nation? List them.
(a) The rise of political parties which he
believed could divide Americans.
(b) Sectionalism - political divisions based on
geographic loyalties.
(c) Involvement in European rivalries.
Name the foreign policy statement formulated by
Secretary of State John Quincy Adams and
presented by President James Monroe in 1823
which reflected American nationalism. It warned
European nations not to interfere with young Latin
American republics and stated that the United
States would not get involved in European affairs.
Monroe Doctrine
In the 1830s, President Andrew Jackson
ignored the ruling of the Supreme Court and
forced the Cherokees to move from their home
in Georgia to Indian Territory west of the
Mississippi River. What was the 800 mile
journey of the Cherokees called?
The Trail of Tears
In 1787, the Confederation Congress passed a
law which established a system for setting up
governments in the western territories so
they could eventually join the Union on an
equal footing with the original 13 states. The
law required new states to prohibit slavery.
What was the law called?
Northwest Ordinance
In the 1840’s, what was the popular
expression based on the belief that
the United states was destined to
secure territory from the Atlantic
Ocean to the Pacific Ocean?
Manifest Destiny
In 1794, Congress levied an excise tax on
certain domestic goods. The tax resulted in
a rebellion in western Pennsylvania. What
was this rebellion called?
The Whiskey Rebellion
Issued by President Abraham Lincoln on
September 22, 1862, to go into effect on
January 1, 1863, it declared that all slaves in
the rebellious Confederate states would be
free. It did not apply to slaves living in border
states or to areas in the South occupied by
federal troops. What was this document
Name the speech delivered by President
Lincoln on November 19, 1863, which
begins with the words, “Four score and
seven years ago.”
The Gettysburg Address
What is the name given to the
period following the Civil War from
1865 to 1877?
Following the Civil War, some members of Congress
favored harsh treatment of the South and quick
incorporation of the freedmen into citizenship with
full privileges including voting rights for all African
Americans, government seizure of land from planters
for redistribution to freedmen, and funding of schools
for African Americans. They also agreed that exConfederates were traitors and should not be readily
accepted into the union. What were these members of
Congress called?
Radical Republicans
What name was given to the
system of agricultural production
based on large-scale land
ownership and the exploitation of
labor which developed in the
Plantation System
What term is used to refer to the switch
from hand labor to machine labor which
began in England and spread to the
United States in the late 1700’s?
Industrial Revolution
What name is given to the war
between the United States and Great
Britain in the early 1800s which
resulted from British violations of
United States’ freedom of the seas?
War of
What do you call an economic system in
which individuals depend on supply and
demand and the profit margin to
determine the answers to the four basic
economic questions of “what to produce,”
“how to produce,” “how many to produce,”
and “for whom to produce?”
What document, signed by King John,
declared that the king and government were
bound by the some law as other citizens of
England? It contained antecedents of the
ideas of due process of law and the right to a
fair and speedy trial. These are also included
in the U.S. Bill of Rights.
Name the document, signed by King William and Queen
Mary in 1689 which guaranteed certain rights to English
citizens and declared that elections for Parliament would
happen frequently. Its influence can be seen in our Bill of
Bill of Rights
William and Mary
What document, adopted by the Second
Continental Congress in 1776, begins with the
words, “We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable rights, that among these are Life,
Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness?”
Declaration of Independence
What do we call the series of essays written by
Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James
Madison, which explained and urged ratification
of the U.S. Constitution?
Federalist Papers
What name was given to our first
national constitution? It was adopted
by the Second Continental Congress in
1781 and created a weak national
government with most power at the
state level.
Articles of
What do we call the current document which
outlines the powers of our national government
and divides our government into three branches:
legislative, executive, and judicial?
What do we call the first ten amendments
to the Constitution? They were ratified in
The Bill of Rights
The first amendment guarantees five fundamental
rights of American citizens. List these rights.
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of the Press
Right to Assemble
Right to Petition
What term is used to
define a type of
government in which
everyone, including all
authority figures, must
obey the law?
Limited Government
What is the term that describes a
philosophy of limited government
with elected representatives
serving at the will of the people?
This philosophy says that the only
legitimate government is one based
on the consent of the governed.
Name the system which authorizes
each branch of government to
share its powers with the other
branches and provides methods for
each branch to limit the activities
and powers of the others.
Checks And Balances
What do we call the distribution
of power between a federal
government and the states within
a union?
The division of the powers of
government among the executive,
legislative, and judicial branches is
called what?
Separation of Powers
Which branch of government
(known as Congress)
makes the laws?
Which branch of government, headed
by the president, enforces the laws and
sees that they are carried out?
Executive Branch
Which branch of government,
headed by the Supreme Court,
interprets the law?
What term is used to describe the concept
that political power rests with the people
who can create, alter, and abolish
government. People express themselves
through voting and free participation in
Popular Sovereignty
What did the
13 Amendment
Abolished Slavery (in 1865)
It declared that all persons born or naturalized in the
United States (except Indians) were citizens, that all
citizens were entitled to equal rights regardless of their
race, and that their rights were protected at both the
state and national levels by due process of law.
What did the 15th Amendment do?
It granted black men the right to vote.
What do we call the power of the
Supreme Court to declare a law
Judicial Review
Those favoring ratification of
the Constitution and adoption of
the federalist form of government
were called what?
Those opposed to the Constitution because they
feared the power of the national government in
the new federal system (such as Patrick Henry
and George Mason) were called what?
Patrick Henry
George Mason
During the Jackson administration, South
Carolina, led by John C. Calhoun, declared the
protective tariff null and void within its borders.
This led to a crisis call what?
Nullification Crisis
John C. Calhoun
In 1803, Chief Justice John Marshall and the
Supreme Court declared a law unconstitutional
for the first time, thus establishing the
principle of judicial review. What was the name
of this Supreme Court case?
Marbury V. Madison (1803)
In 1819, Maryland was opposed to the establishment
of a national bank and challenged the authority of
the federal government to establish one. The
Supreme Court ruled that the power of the federal
government was supreme over that of the states and
that the states could not interfere. What was the
name of this case?
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
In 1824, Chief Justice John Marshall of the U.S.
Supreme court ruled that the Constitution gave
control of interstate commerce to the U.S. Congress,
not the individual states through which a route
passed. The ruling responded to a effort by the state
of New York to accept a monopoly to operate steam
boat traffic between New York and New Jersey on
the Hudson River. What was the name of this case?
Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
Name the landmark Supreme Court case in 1857
which confirmed the status of slaves as property
rather that citizens. Chief Just Robert Taney wrote
that a slave could not be heard in federal courts
because he was not a citizen and had no protection
under the constitution. Also Congress had no
authority over slavery in the territories, and upon
statehood, each territory would determine whether it
would be a slave state or a free state.
Dred Scott
Dred Scott v. Sanford ( 1857)
Unalienable (inalienable) rights are
fundamental rights or natural rights
guaranteed to people naturally instead of
by the law. List three of these rights found
in the Declaration of Independence.
Life, Liberty, and the
pursuit of Happiness
What do we call a person of foreign birth who is
granted full citizenship?
Naturalized Citizen
What term applies to those individuals
who played a major role in declaring U.S.
independence, fighting the Revolutionary
War, or writing and adopting the U. S.
Founding Fathers
Citizens of a neighborhood, town, state or
nation have an obligation to be active,
peaceful, loyal, and supportive members of
that community. Those who go a step beyond
their obligations by taking an active role in
improving the community and the experiences
of other members of the community are said to
possess a quality called what?
Civic Virtue
The process of
defying codes of
conduct within a
community or
ignoring the policies
and government of a
state or nation when
the civil laws are
considered unjust is
called what?
Henry David Thoreau
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mahatma Ghandi
Civil Disobedience
What do we call the movement to
bring an end to slavery in the
United States?
Abolitionist Movement
A movement occurred in the 1730s and 1740s in
response to inflexible Puritan doctrine. A lay ministry
developed which preached personal salvation by good
works in contrast to predestination as preached by
Puritans. Others, led by Jonathan Edwards, urged
believers to develop a personal relationship with God
to gain their personal salvation. What was the
movement called?
The Great Awakening
Efforts to reform society took on
renewed purpose in the early 19th
century. What was one factor that
led to increased reform activity?
Charles G. Finney
Second Great Awakening
What do we call evidence produced
by someone who participated in an
event or lived during the time being
Primary Sources
What do we call descriptions or
interpretations of events
prepared by people who are not
involved in the events described?
Secondary Sources
Born in Boston, he was the leader of the Sons
of Liberty and organized the Committees of
Correspondence. Who was he?
Samuel Adams
He was an inventor, published Poor
Richard’s Almanack, and negotiated the
Treaty of Alliance with France during
the Revolutionary War. Name him.
Benjamin Franklin
Who was king of England during
the American Revolution?
George III
He was the principal author of the
Declaration of Independence, founder of the
Democratic-Republican Party, and the
President who purchased the Louisiana
Territory from France.
Thomas Jefferson
He was a young French aristocrat
who volunteered for America during
the Revolutionary War. He helped
Americans win their final victory at
Yorktown in 1781.
He was the leading propagandist of the
American Revolution. He wrote Common
Sense, which led Americans to declare
independence, and The Crisis, which
inspired American soldiers during the
Thomas Paine
He was the Commander of the Continental Army
during the American Revolution and the First
President of the United States of America. He
was also known as the “ Father of our Country.”
George Washington
Known as “ Old Hickory,” he contributed to the
democratic spirit in America, becoming the symbol
of the common man. He won the Battle of New
Orleans during the War of 1812 and was elected
President in 1828 and 1832.
Andrew Jackson
He was a South
Carolina senator
who supported
states’ rights and
defended slavery.
John C. Calhoun
He was known as the Great Compromiser for
his ability to smooth sectional conflict through
balanced legislation. First a senator then a
representative to the U.S. Congress from
Kentucky, he served as Speaker of the House
for the majority of his thirteen years of
Henry Clay
He was noted for his
speaking ability and
his commitment to
preserving the union
of states. In a famous
senate debate, he said,
“Liberty and Union,
now and forever, one
Daniel Webster
From Mississippi, he was president of
the Confederate States of America
during the Civil War.
Jefferson Davis
He was
commander of the
Union Army
during the Civil
War. He was
elected President
in 1868 and 1872.
Ulysses S. Grant
From Virginia, he
was commander of
the Confederate
Army during the
Civil War.
Robert E. Lee
He was President of
the United States
during the Civil War.
He helped build the
Republican Party,
issued the
and delivered the
Gettysburg Address.
Abraham Lincoln
He was
founder of the
Party and the
nation’s first
Secretary of
Alexander Hamilton
He was a member of the Virginia House of
Burgesses and a delegate to the First Continental
Congress. He was a fiery orator who said, “Give
me liberty, or give me death!”
Patrick Henry
James Madison
Because of his
leadership role
in writing and
ratifying the
U. S. Constitution,
he is considered the
“Father of the
Constitution.” He
was President of the
U. S. during the
War of 1812.
Who was he?
His Virginia Declaration of Rights was a
model for other bills of rights in the United
States. He refused to sign the Constitution at
the end of the convention and he did not
support its ratification. The passage of the
Bill of Rights and the adoption of the 10th
Amendment, which supported the powers of
the states, relieved most of his concerns.
He established
a colony in
as a refuge for
the Quakers.
He supported
freedom of
worship and fair
treatment of
Native Americans.
William Penn
He was a leading American essayist,
poet, and practical philosopher.
He wrote Walden and the influential
essay, “Civil Disobedience.” He refused
to pay taxes during the Mexican War
because of his opposition to slavery.
Henry David Thoreau
He was a Federalist
and served as Chief
Justice of the Supreme
Court for 34 years. He
established the
authority of the court
in defining the limits of
the U.S. Constitution
and the authority of
the executive branch.
John Marshall
He was a leading African-American abolitionist in the
nineteenth century who captivated his audiences with
his strong presence. He published an abolitionist
newspaper called “ The North Star.”
Who is considered the founder
of the U.S. Navy? In a famous
Revolutionary War naval battle
he said, “I have not yet begun
to fight !”
John Paul Jones
He was the fifth
president of the United
States. He declared that
the European powers
should not colonize or
interfere in the affairs of
the nations in the Western
Hemisphere in his famous
doctrine in 1823.
James Monroe
Along with
Lucretia Mott,
she organized the
first convention of
the women’s rights
the Seneca Falls
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Where did the first two skirmishes of
the American Revolution occur?
Lexington and Concord
Which battle was considered the turning
point of the American Revolution?
Battle Of Saratoga
What was the final major battle
of the American Revolution?
Battle of Yorktown
What law did Congress pass in 1807 in
response to British impressment of
American sailors? It prohibited all
exports from the United States.
Embargo Act
To borrow and use an idea
that you get from another culture
is called what?
Historically, what term applies to
roads, bridges, and canals paid for by
the federal government?
Internal Improvements
What name was given to the intellectual
movement of the 1700s that stressed
the power of reason?
Ben Franklin
The Enlightenment
What is the term meaning country; outside the
What is the term having
to do with cities?
Who is
responsible for
the invention of
the cotton gin
and the idea for
Eli Whitney
Mexican War 1846-1848
A war caused
by the U.S.
annexation of
Texas and
resulted in the
acquisition of
territory from
Texas to
Mexico City before the war
Mexico City American take over
Which group of colonies had an
economy based on fishing, shipping,
and trade? They had a cold climate
and a short growing season. They
used town meetings to govern.
New England Colonies
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
Which group of colonies were known as
the breadbasket colonies? They raised a
lot of grain crops and livestock and
produced iron.
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware
Which group of colonies had the
longest growing season and the
most fertile soil? They grew
cotton and tobacco.
Maryland, Virginia,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
Which Compromise at the
Constitutional Convention resolved
the dispute between large and small
states over representation in Congress
by creating a bicameral legislature?
Great Compromise
Which compromise at the
Constitutional Convention resolved
a dispute between northern and
southern states over the counting of
slaves for representation purposes?
Three-Fifths Compromise
The End