Document 7451249

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Transcript Document 7451249

Home Networking
For 1999/2000 PCs
Mark A. Carpenter
Communications And
Home Connectivity
Compaq Computer Corporation
Understanding today’s
consumer needs
Elements for success
Technical, marketing, support
Hardware design considerations
Defining opportunities for
the PC industry
For PC-based broadband, network
media, and Internet sharing
What comes next?
What Consumers Are
Demanding Today
Engaging Internet content and services
throughout their home
At faster than 56K speeds
Peripheral sharing between different PCs
Printers, files
“I like the Internet sharing so I don’t have to
get a divorce. You know, we’re killing each
other [over access].”
- Houston focus group respondent
Consumers Demand
Internet has become #1 reason for new PC purchase
Internet-based from stand-alone PC activities
Current speeds limit usefulness
80% are willing to pay for high-speed access
(Parks Associates Survey, 10/98)
$39-$49/month target acceptable
High-speed access: key enabler
to fully integrate into home lifestyle
Truly useful higher speed Internet
requires new digital infrastructure
“Web Lifestyle”: personalized
information and entertainment
driving Home PC demand
Learn PCs
Percent PC-buyers cite each of the top-6
reasons for purchase as “very important” in
national survey (Forrester Research, 9/98)
Consumers Demand Sharing
12-15 million multiple PC families today, worldwide *
Home Internet access mostly during
evenings and weekends
When family members are home together
Creates need for shared access in multiple PC homes
Today’s solutions for Internet access conflict
Annual growth rate of about 30% = 25+ million by 2001!
Multiple phone lines and ISP accounts
Time sharing with single line and account
Broadband complicates the contention problem
Cable and full rate ADSL drops accessible to only one machine
Splitterless ADSL (G.Lite) requires multiple modems
 Like normal modems, doesn’t resolve contention
Tangible consumer needs are here now. Fortunately, so are
the home networking technologies to meet them
* Source: Dataquest, Oct. ’98
1999 Home
Networking Goals
Industry-wide opportunities
Consumer PC market expansion
“Transparent networks” from the start
Easy and robust initial experiences
Required for long-term interest and acceptance
Foundation for Universal Plug and Play
By solving real customer needs and demands
Focusing on the platforms they are buying today
Eventual connection of all home devices
Seamless connectivity between industry brands
Solutions for new PCs and installed base
New PCs with integrated home networking
New and installed base PCs without
What Will It Take?
Key elements to a successful
1999/2000 home networking program
Robust technical solutions
Consumerized package offerings
Intuitive marketing programs
Consumers will measure us as an industry
on our delivery of robust, complete
“cooperative” product programs
Robust Technical Solutions
Integrated Internet access solutions
Standards-based home network media
Not requiring costly new wiring infrastructure
Seamless setup and configuration
For narrowband and broadband
Easy signup and provisioning
Automatic dialing and connections
Client and gateway protocols setup
Gateway discovery
Diagnostic tools
Automatically detect and correct
problem environments
Package Offerings
Complete and intuitive products
Obvious in how they connect together
 Independent of brand and model
 Without requiring new wiring
Comprehensive service model
Collaboration between manufacturers
 To optimally support mutual customers
 Interoperability is essential
Provide specialized training to your
support specialists
Home Network Hardware
Design Considerations
1999 Home Net
Building Blocks
Widely supported standards are key
Standard Internet access solution
Standard network media, without rewiring
HomePNA phone line here now for 1999 products
HomeRF wireless an option for 2000
Standard Internet sharing engine
V.90 modems most prevalent in 1999
Broadband option available for customers
 Simple, standard provisioning is key
Microsoft delivering in 1999 Windows releases
Easy setup and configuration tools
OEM enhancement, without
jeopardizing interoperability
Standard Broadband
PC integration will drive proliferation
Standard technologies ramping up in 1999
Internal partitioning options, e.g., on PCI
G.Lite: splitter-less ADSL, up to 1.5 Mbps downstream
 Lowest support option
G.DMT: splitter-based ADSL, up to six
Mbps downstream
 Requires phone company installation
Cable modem (DOCSIS)
DSL only modem: G.Lite, G.DMT, or both
DSL + V.90 modem
DSL/V.90 modem + phone line network
Preferred external connection: USB
For Plug and Play installation and configuration
10baseT will require more configuration support
Standard Phoneline
Proven technology available now
Cost effective: PC integration for $25 or less
Familiar user model and technology
Certified products guaranteed to interoperate
 Logo established as “Seal of Approval”
Charter for backward compatibility
Proven to work, widely tested geographically
Most PCs already near phone jacks
Adding phone jacks is common practice, inexpensive
HomePNA standard in place, with future roadmap
Retail adapters < $50 per node
See for whitepaper
Complements future wireless and powerline standards
Home Phoneline
Network Alliance
First home connectivity cornerstone
 1998 accomplishments
 Announced formation June 22, 1998, 11 Founding Members
 Increased membership to nearly four times size since
incorporation (September 1998)
 Endorsed, field tested, and solidified base 1 Mbit/s technology
 Published HomePNA V1.0 specification
 Established Independent Interoperability and Certification
test lab (CIC PlugLab)
 1999 objectives
 Establish 10 Mbit/s home phoneline networking specification
 Continue membership growth and engagement
 Increase public awareness of home phoneline
networking options
Home Phoneline Network Alliance
Field Test Introduction
HomePNA Field Test Overview
 500 Homes tested 9/98-11/98
 North East, North West, Mid-West, Southwest, West Coast
 Single family, Multi-Family, 90+ yrs old and newer dwellings
 Field test units implemented HomePNA Phy
 6 hour duration, packet send/receive loop
 Primarily targetted 6pm-midnight
 Prime Time for activity in the home and projected for home network use
Measurement Criteria and Baseline Measures
 Selected based on direct relevance to Consumer Experience
 Maintain Network Link
 Packet Error Rate
 Based on measurements on a TCP/IP over Ethernet Link
 1% or less PER translates into no noticeable degradation (900kbps at the
application level) and robust link
 less than 10% PER translates into up to 40% degradation (550kbps+ at the
application level) and robust link
 10% or greater PER translates into unacceptable performance
Home Phoneline Network Alliance
Field Test Results
98%+ Homes Successfully Passed
 88% of homes reported 1% PER or less and maintained Link
 >10% of homes ran with less than 10% PER and maintained Link
 <2% of homes ran with 10% or greater PER
Homes with >1% PER were analyzed
 Root Cause
 Induced noise directly from telephony devices attached very near the
HomePNA test unit or via coupling of AC line through powered
telephony devices
 Signal Attenuation theorized as attenuation due to wire taps
 Both problems eliminated by introducing low pass filter between
offending device and wall outlet
 Frequency to be filtered out is >600Khz
 Covers both voice band (V.90) through G.Lite
Other observed interactions - low pass filter resolves
 Few reports of audible hiss in home telephones
 Some models of V.90 modems experience performance degradation when
sharing same wall outlet with HomePNA device
Implementing HomePNA
On system board
On PCI or Cardbus adapter
Requires silicon, magnetics, and RJ-11 connector
Lowers cost, keeps slot free
Options: stand-alone, 10baseT combo, V.90 combo
Avoids system board homologation
Easier to isolate signals from system board and
power supply noise
Combo 10baseT card can use existing MAC
Frees system board space, but uses slot
Use shared RJ-11 port with modem
Multiple ports a usability problem
Reduces connector space requirement
Standard Internet Sharing
Arriving in Windows releases this year
Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing (ICS):
Network Address Translation (NAT) based
 Most efficient method for simple translation
Standard address allocation
 DHCP services for connected networks
Standard name resolution
 DNS services
Supports Windows and non-Windows clients
 Compatible with any IP attached device
Adding To Internet Sharing
Building value-add applications
Develop application extensions
Leverage ICS APIs
Complement and enhance OSR functionality
 Remote monitoring/control of Internet Session
 Automated resource sharing
 Monitoring of Internet traffic
Set specific guidelines for your ISVs
Requires well behaved applications
 Avoid reserving IP ports
 Avoid using client IP address in application flows
Home Networking Setup
Making it easy for the user
Pre-install and configure hardware on gateway
Offer consumers easy way to install home
networking on client PCs
Include appropriate drivers and other components
Plug and Play installation of home
network adapters
Easy setup and configuration
Utilize Windows 98 service release features
Includes setup functionality for client
and gateway PCs
Build additions to Windows 98 OSR setup
Where Do We Go
From Here?
Home Networking Evolution
2000 objective: proliferate broadband and
media support, deliver greater simplicity
and new applications
Home Networking
Home Net Media:
PC Resource
Sharing: Internet
printers, files
1Mb/Sec Net
Transfer Rates
Universal Plug
and Play for
 10+ Mb/Sec
 Wireless
Broadband Proliferation: Small scale
Target Customers:
Early adopters
 Integration
 Wide
Call To Action
IHV/OEM community
Select broadband and home network partitioning
Deliver Plug and Play networking products
 Pre-install drivers for options you’ll offer
 Follow PC 99 Guidelines
 Ship home network media standards, e.g., HomePNA
 Certification/interoperability testing and plugfests
Implement value adds important to your customers
ALIGN your support organizations
BACK industry standards efforts for phoneline,
wireless, powerline
ISV community
Enable applications now for home networks
 Reconfiguration of connection settings
Upgrade existing applications as necessary
References Summary
Home Networking Standards
Home Phoneline Networking Alliance
Home RF Working Group
PC 99 System Design Guide
Broadband and Home Networking Adapters
Network Communications
Network Communications References