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Introducing Referral to
Treatment (RTT) Information
in Choose and Book
 Background
The future
How it will work
Professional Application
Patient Web Application
 Choose and Book has always shown patients an
Indicative Wait Time for their first appointment
 This is one of the pieces of supporting information
which allows patients and referrers to make informed
choices about referral options
 However, at present, there is no further indicator for
users to view how successful providers are at seeing
and treating patients within the guidelines for referral to
treatment times (RTT)
Choose and Book has always provided an indicative wait time ...
Choose and Book has always provided an indicative wait time ...
The number of days a patient can normally expect to wait between booking the
appointment in a service and being seen in the service for a particular priority.
Calculated each night:Directly Bookable Service - The 3rd available appointment
Indirectly Bookable Service – The average of the last 20 booked appointments to
the service.
The future
 To further support the commitment of ‘no decision
about me without me’ new functionality will allow
Choose and Book to show the admitted RTT data for
organisations, where it is present
 Users of both the Choose and Book professional
application and the patient web application (PWA), will
see this information
 This is an example of one further way in which Choose
and Book can support patients and referrers in
making informed choices about patient care
Where does RTT data come from?
 RTT data will be provided by the DH and loaded into Choose and
Book each month
 The data shows, for each organisation/specialty
combination for which the DH collect data, the
percentage of patients admitted for treatment within 18
weeks, within the RTT reporting month.
 Information will be displayed where there is logical 12-1 mapping between the RTT function and a Choose
and Book specialty.
 Information is provided approximately 6 weeks after
reporting month end and will be updated monthly.
Choose and Book
Professional Application
How RTT information will be shown
 Where data is present, a new icon will appear in the Referrer Alert
 It will appear where the priority of a referral is either Routine or
Urgent (not 2WW).
 Users will be able to see the information available by hovering
over the RTT icon.
Information will be displayed where
there is logical 1-2-1 mapping between
the RTT function and a Choose and
Book specialty
Which screens will be affected?
Most roles will be affected, as the following screens will
see the RTT icon:
Service Selection
Appointment Search
Appointment Request Details
Appointment Request Summary
Deferral Options Details
Deferral Options Summary
Authorised Service Selection screen (restricted services)
Directory of Services tab
Service Details pane
To see what these screens will look like view the
following slides
What does this mean to me
when I..........?
Search for services
This screen is seen either by:
Referrers - when creating a referral
Service Providers - when redirecting or
referring on.
Book an appointment
When booking an appointment referrers, service
providers and BMS Admin role users will see the
RTT icon on this screen.
Confirm an appointment request
Again, referrers, service providers and BMS Admin role users will see
the RTT information when following the appointment booking through.
It is also seen on Appointment Request Summary screen if an
appointment is not booked.
Defer a referral
When deferring a referral into the Appointment Slot Issue (ASI)
process, it will be a useful reminder to see the RTT information
for the service here.
It is also seen on the Deferral Options Summary Screen.
Refer to restricted services
Restricted services and their pathway services will display
RTT information where available/applicable.
Search the Directory of Services
RTT information
will only show for
Routine and
Urgent services.
Therefore if you
do not choose a
priority or you set
a priority of 2WW,
no RTT data will
be displayed
When accessing the Directory of Services to research
services, RTT information will show as available/applicable.
View Service Details
When viewing Service Details, RTT information will be displayed,
where available/applicable at the bottom of the Service Details pane,
below the Referrer Alert icon.
Changes to the
Patient Web Application
PWA - How it will be displayed
Where RTT data is available/applicable it will be displayed beneath
“Approximate Wait Time until First Appointment”, within the Choose Your
Clinic and Select Your Clinic screens.
Further Information
 In addition to this presentation, planned sessions will be held at
your local Choose and Book User Group during the coming months.
 For further information on your local user group, please contact the Choose
and Book Lead at your SHA.
 Post go-live support
 There should be minimal, if any, disruption to Business as Usual, but if you
do have any technical queries, please contact your local IT department in the
first instance.
 Choose and Book Bulletin
 Our bulletins will be the main source of information for this new functionality.
 If you are not already on the circulation list, please subscribe to our monthly
bulletin using the following link