의미정보 해석 - 지식기반 시스템 응용- 2006.11.21 최보윤

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의미정보 해석
- 지식기반 시스템 응용-
소프트컴퓨팅 연구실
Collaborative capturing and interpretation of interactions
Y. Sumi, I. Sadanori, T. Matsuguchi, S. Fels, and K. Mase
Pervasive 2004 Workshop on Memory and Sharing of Experiences, pp. 1-7,
Capturing interactions by multiple sensors
Related works
Interpreting interactions
Video summary
Corpus viewer: Tool for analyzing interaction patterns
• Interaction corpus
– Action highlights
• Generate diary
– Social protocols of human interactions
• Sensors
– Video cameras, microphone and physiological sensors
• ID tags
– LED tag: infrared LED
– IR tracker:
• Infrared signal tracking device
• Position and identity
Capturing interactions by multiple sensors
• Recording natural interactions
– Multiple presenters and visitors
in an exhibition room
• Sensors & Humanoid robots
– Wearable sensors, stationary
• Monitoring humans
• Video camera, microphone, IR
– Recording robots’ behavior logs
and the reactions of the
humans which connect the
• Central data server
– Getting the data from the
sensors and humanoid robots
Related works
• Smart environment
– Supporting humans in a room
– The Smart rooms, Intelligent room, AwareHome, Kidsroom and EasyLiving
– Recognition of human behavior and understanding of the human’s intention
• Wearable systems
– Collecting personal daily activities
– Intelligent recording system
• Video summary systems
– The physical quantity of video data captured by fixed cameras
Exhibition room
IR tracker & LED tag
Interpreting interactions
• Define interaction primitives
– Events
– Significant intervals or moments of activites
• IR tracker and LED tag
• minInterval and maxInterval
– minInterval: 5 sec
– maxInterval
• Ubiquitous sensors: 10 sec
• Wearable sensors: 20 sec
Video summary
• Assumptions
– User , Booth
• Co-occurences
• Video summarization
Corpus viewer: Tool for analyzing interaction patterns
Method to build an interaction corpus using multiple sensors
Segment and interpret interactions from huge data
Provide a video summary
Help social scientists
Using context and similarity for face and location
M. Davis, M. Smith, F. Stentiford, A. Bambidele, J. Canny, N. Good, S. King and
R. Janakiraman
Proceedings of the IS&T/SPIE 18th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging
Science and Technology Internet Imaging VII, 2006.
System Overview
Content Analysis
Experimental Data
Experimental Design
Discussion and Results
Conclusions & Future Work
• New way for the unsolved image content recognition
– Mobile media capture, context-sensing, programmable computation and networking
in the form of the nearly ubiquitous cameraphone
• Cameraphone
– Platform for multimedia computing
– Combination with the analysis of automatically gathered contextual metadata and
media content analysis
• Contextual metadata
Face recognition and place recognition
• Precision of face recognition
– PCA 40%, SFA 50%
• Precision of location recognition
– Color histogram 30%, CVA 50%, contextual metadata and CVA 67%
System Overview
• MMM2
Gathering data and metadata
Server application: store photo metadata and user profile information
Client application: run the client handset
MMM2 Context Logger
• University of Helsinki
• Location information, Bluetooth radio
• Detect new photos, display interface or web browser, upload MMM2 server
– MMM2 website
• Select a region of a photo and associate a person’s name with this region
• Creation of Ground-Truth Dataset
Location Recognition
Content Analysis
• Similarity measures
– Pattern recognition problem
• Cognitive Visual Attention
– Comparison of two image
– Drawn the parts in common
– No memory of data
• Training and Classification
– A nearest neighbor classifier
– Location classification
• Visual Sub-cluster Extraction
– Many different photos at each location
– Location class by several sub-clusters
– Adding more exemplars
• Not guarantee improvements
• Color Histogram Techniques
– Pixel color distributions
– Simplest
visual sub cluster example
corresponding to an exemplar
Face Recognition & GPS
Content Analysis
– Eigenface principle
– Short training time
– Best accuracy
– LDA: Multiple images training
• Bayesian MAP & ML
– Maximum a posteriori (MAP), maximum likelihood (ML)
– Difference or similarity between two photos
• SFA (Sparse Factor Analysis)
– Y: a vector of (partially) observed values, X: latent vector representing user
preference, m: “model” predicting user behavior, N: noise function
• GPS Clustering
– Suitable format
– K-means and farthest first cluster
Experimental Data
• Face Recognition on Cameraphone Data
– NIST FERET dataset
• Mugshot
– Full frontal view
– Head-and-shoulders
– 27,000 cameraphone potos
• 66user, 10 months
• Multiple people
• Real world
• Photographic Location Data
– 1209 images
• Nokia 7610 cameraphones
• 12 location, 30 cell identities
• Berkeley Campuss
Experimental Design
• Training gallery
– Hand-labeled with the names
– Min of distances between all images in the photo and training gallery image k
• SFA model
– Training
• Contextual metadata and the face recognizer outputs
• Contextual metadata only
– Evaluation
• Precision-recall plots for each of the computer vision algorithms
– Time
Training time: 2 minutes
Training for the Bayesian classifiers: 7 hours
PCA and LDA classifiers: less than 10 minutes
Face recognition for 4 algorithms: less than 1 minute
• Location by Contextual Metadata
– Distribution of metadata: 579 items, 12 location
• Location by Metadata and Vision
Discussion and Results
Face Identification Experimental Results
Discussion and Results
Location Identification Experimental Results
• Histogram classifier, the CVA classifier and metadata classifier
– Bad performance
• Metadata
– Limit the errors with Cell ID
– Specific place at certain times of the day and days of the week
Error Rate Increase Per Feature Removed
Conclusions & Future Work
• New approach to the automatic identification of human faces and location if
mobile images
• Combination of attributes
– Contextual metadata
– Image processing
• Torso-matching
• Context-aware location recognition research