Electricity and Magnetism Chapter 7 Section 1

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Transcript Electricity and Magnetism Chapter 7 Section 1

Electricity and Magnetism
Chapter 7 Section 1
Chapter 8 Sections 2 & 3
Chapter 7 Section 1
Electric Charge
Positive and Negative Charge
Atoms have particles protons, neutrons, and
p+ = + charge no = no charge e- = - charge
Same # of p+ and e- = atoms are electrically
Transferring Charge
Some electrons are bound tighter to some
e- bound to shoe more than carpet
Shoe gains e- = - charged
Carpet loses e- = + charged
Static Electricity: accumulation of excess
electric charge
Conservation of Charge
Def: charge can be
transferred from
object to object, but it
cannot be created or
Charges Exert Forces
Clingy clothes from a
Opposites attract
Force depends on
distance and size of
Positive clothes like
negative clothes
Like charges repel
Opposite charges attract
Like charges repel
Electric vs. Gravitational Force
Electric force from p+ and e- in H atom is 1039
times stronger than gravitational force
Most things gravity force is stronger than
Conductors and Insulators
Conductor: material where e- move easily
Metals best conductors – copper
Insulators: material where e- do NOT
move easily
Plastics, wood, rubber, glass
Charging Objects
Rubbing materials can transfer e- - one is
(+) the other is (-)  charging by contact
Charge by Induction
Def: rearrangement of electrons on neutral
object by nearby charged object.
Static discharge: transfer of charge
because of a buildup of static electricity
Clouds have movement of air and rain 
areas of + and – charge build
Lightning is discharge between cloud and
Lightning rips e- from atmosphere and
produces heat increase 25,000oC
Atoms expand quickly and release sound
Earth is struck 100 times every second
Harmful effects from charge build up
If there is a path to earth – relieves build
Grounded – it will transfer any excess
charge to earth (big neutral object)
Chapter 8 Section 2
Electricity and Magnetism
Basics of Magnets
Magnetic Field: exerts a force other
magnetic objects
Magnetic Poles: where magnetic force is
Field goes from North to South
Earth’s Magnetic Field
Compass needle is small magnet – lines up with
earth’s magnetic field
From north magnetic pole to south magnetic
Electric Current and Magnetism
Moving electric currents create magnetic
field in direction of current
Current increases = increase magnetic
Def: temporary magnet made by wrapping
a wire coil carrying a current around an
iron core
Magnetic field in coil is stronger than
straight wire
Solenoid: single wire wrapped in
cylindrical coil
Properties of Electromagnets
Temporary b/c when current stops –
magnet stops
Increase strength – more turns in solenoid
or more current
Useful b/c magnetic strength can be
changed – used for work – motors and
Making Sound
CD changing musical
info  changing
electrical current
Electromagnet is
attracted or repelled
by permanent magnet
Moves speaker cone
to make music
Rotating Electromagnets
Reverse current to change poles 
electromagnet rotates
Def: use electromagnet to measure
electric current
Used in gauges in cars
Electric Motors
Def: device that changes electrical energy to
mechanical energy
Simple Electric Motor
3 main parts: wire coil, permanent magnet and
Also have brushes – conducting pads connected
to battery and a commutator – split conducting
metal ring
Spinning Motor
Commutator rotates with coil as current runs through
Step 1:
Step 2:
brushes not in
contact with commutator
Inertia keeps coil spinning
Spinning Motor
Step 3:
commutator reverses
current – keeps spinning
Step 4:
reverses current
again - keeps
Chapter 8 Section 3
Producing Electric Current
Mechanical to Electrical Energy
Moving wire loop through magnetic field 
electric current
Moving magnet through wire loop 
electric current
Electromagnetic induction: creating a
current by changing magnetic field
Def: uses electromagnetic induction to transform
mechanical energy to electrical.
Move a coil in a permanent magnet
Switching Current Directions
Each half-turn poles of coil switch  current
switches direction
Coil keeps rotating current periodically changes
US generators rotate 60 times/sec = 3,600
Using Generators
This type of generator is used in cars =
Lights, accessories, spark plugs
Running engine turns coil
Electricity to Your Home
Huge generators in power plants rotate the
permanent magnet and the coil stays still
Electricity is generated in the coil
A Turbine: (large wheel rotates when pushed by
water, wind or steam) spins the magnet
Some use thermal energy – heat water – turn
turbine (mechanical energy) – spin generator
(electrical energy)
Pg. 241
Direct and Alternating Currents
Current in battery vs. electric generator
Battery – Direct Current (DC): flows in
one direction through wire
Wall Outlet – Alternating Current (AC):
reverses direction of current in a regular
60 cycles/s = 60 Hz  changes direction
120 times each second
Transmitting Electrical Energy
Electricity to your house
Goes through power lines – energy 
heat due to resistance in wires
Reduce heat/resistance  send at high
voltage 150,000 V
BUT can’t use that high of voltage  goes
through transformer
Def: increases or decreases the voltage of an
alternating current.
Has primary coil and secondary coil wrapped
around same iron core
Current goes in primary coil  magnetizes core
As AC current changes direction the poles of
magnet change
Changing poles  creates electric current in
secondary coil
Types of Transformers
Step-Up: increases voltage – outgoing is higher
Primary coil smaller than secondary
Step-Down: decreases voltage – outgoing is
Primary coil is larger than secondary
Transmitting AC
Generator  step-up tran.  high voltage
lines  step-down tran.  house