Disability Etiquette

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Transcript Disability Etiquette

 General Definition:
 Mental or physical condition that substantially limits one or
more of life’s major functions
 SSA Definition:
 “the inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by
reason of any medically determinable physical or mental
impairment which can be expected to result in death or
which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous
period of not less than 12 months.”
54 million Americans with disabilities
* 15 million on SSI or SSDI
50% Deaf or Hard of Hearing
25% Mental Disabilities
2% Wheelchair users
30% of families with one or more member(s) with a
 70% are not Employed
 An IRT brings together public and private sector
representatives at a local One-Stop community level.
 It improves communication and collaboration which
results in enhanced coordination of services and supports
for an individual jobseeker with a disability.
 Members of an IRT will work together to identify and
strategize how their services and resources can be
coordinated to help a jobseeker with a disability
reach their employment goal.
 The jobseeker will also be responsible for identifying
their role and contributions in attaining their
employment goal.
 Enhance cross-agency collaboration and communication to
better leverage available resources in a seamless way for an
individual jobseeker with a disability.
 Increased enrollments in available workforce development
programs and greater knowledge of available career options.
 Help the One-Stop Career Center system and partner agencies
see the benefit of resource collaboration.
 Requires a significant culture shift, be patient, it can happen.
 Help One-Stop staff explain the benefits of utilizing the IRT model
to a jobseeker to ensure they are in agreement of needing this
level of service and information sharing.
 Work with One-Stop staff and the jobseeker to identify and reach
out to agency staff who may appropriately serve as part of the
 Facilitate the first IRT meeting to ensure that partners and the
jobseeker are aware of the purpose of the IRT and lead the
discussion to include key purposes of the IRT, such as service
coordination, shared plans, communication and follow-through.
 Since the IRT is based on the needs of the individual, the
members of the team will consist of community and partner
agencies and One-Stop programs that serve the needs of the
individual jobseeker.
 An IRT may consist of members from the Workforce
Investment system, the Mental Health system, the Vocational
Rehabilitation system, the Independent Living Center, the
Community Work Incentives Coordinator, a Supported
Employment Specialist, etc. It all depends on the needs of the
individual jobseeker.
 Carlos is interested in improving his skills to earn a
better wage
 He meets with the DPN and WIA Case Manager.
 View Video –
 Jean was a TANF client and had trouble maintaining a Job.
 The TANF case manager invited the Navigator to the next meeting
with Jean.
 An IRT was formed and roles of each member of the IRT were
established. The IRT included Jean, the TANF case manager, a VR
counselor, a Mental Health representative, an Employment Specialist
and the Navigator.
 After three months Jean secured a full-time job with health benefits
that was in line with her career choice.
 A year after beginning her employment Jean’s case was closed. She
was receiving no benefits and had earned a merit based raise.
 Enhance cross-agency collaboration and communication
 Increased enrollments in available workforce development
programs and greater knowledge of available career options
 Increased access to four-year college education, achievement of
academic certifications, apprenticeship
 Promote and secure financial independence for people with
disabilities, and increase their knowledge about benefits and
available work incentives that lead to greater empowerment
and inclusion.
 A staff per son at each center to ensure access, services
and effective communication for job seekers with
 A point of contact for a jobseeker to request
 A resource and link for additional services in the
Myth: People with disabilities are a small segment of the
Fact: People with disabilities are the largest single
minority in the country. The only minority in which anyone
could become a member of at anytime.
Myth: Disabilities begin at birth.
Fact: Most people with disabilities have not been disabled
for much of their lives. Only approximately 10 million out of
54 million people with disabilities acquired their disability
before age 20. One out of seven adults will become disabled
before reaching retirement age
 Paid employment and SSA disability benefits are NOT mutually
It is possible to work and keep Medicaid or Medicare in almost
every case
It is possible to work and come out ahead financially even if
benefits are reduced
The object of SSA programs is to promote employment and
enhance self-sufficiency
SSA initiatives are NOT intended to force people off benefits,
nor are they intended to help people maximize their benefits
 If a person on SSI earns income they will not receive
a SSI check.
 When a person is earning income, only the earnings
count to stay eligible for SSI.
 A person may be able to earn $28,000/year in wages
and still keep Medicaid
 When an individual is no longer receiving their SSDI
payment due to work, they are also no longer
eligible for Medicare
All SSI and SSDI beneficiaries in cash payment status
are eligible to receive a Ticket, except:
 Beneficiaries who are under age 18 or who are full
retirement age or older;
 Childhood SSI beneficiaries who have attained age 18,
but who have not had a redetermination under the
adult disability standard.
 Enhanced access to services and supports from a
broader array of ENs in addition to the state VR
 Protection from medical CDRs while Ticket is assigned
and in use, and the beneficiary is making “timely
 Protection from medical CDRs while accessing
services from state VR agency using the cost
reimbursement option, although Ticket is NOT
considered to be “assigned”.
 “In Use” a ticket holder is using the case managed
services of VR agency who is not receiving payments as
an Employment Network (EN)
 Tickets may not be assigned to an EN while they’re “in
 “Assigned” ticket holder agrees to the services of an EN;
completes and signs an IWP
 Tickets can only be assigned to one agency, however
multiple agencies may receive “fair share “ payments for
milestone outcomes
 Do learn where to find and recruit people with disabilities.
 Do learn how to communicate with people who have disabilities.
 Do ensure that your applications and other company forms do not
ask disability-related questions and that they are in formats that are
accessible to all persons with disabilities.
Do relax and make the applicant feel comfortable.
Do provide reasonable accommodations that the qualified applicant
will need to compete for the job.
Do treat an individual with a disability the same way you would treat
any applicant or employee -- with dignity and respect.
Do understand that access includes not only environmental access
but also making forms accessible to people with visual or cognitive
disabilities and making alarms and signals accessible to people with
hearing disabilities.
 Don't assume that persons with disabilities do not want to work.
 Don't assume that certain jobs are more suited to persons with
Don't hire a person with a disability who is not qualified to perform
the essential functions of the job even with a reasonable
Don't assume that the cost of accident insurance will increase as a
result of hiring a person with a disability.
Don't assume that reasonable accommodations are expensive.
Don't speculate or try to imagine how you would perform a specific
job if you had the applicant's disability.
Don't assume that you don't have any jobs that a person with a
disability can do.
Don't assume that your work place is accessible.
 Provide a snapshot of current status
 SSI – SSDI or Concurrent
 Date of Onset – Date of Entitlement
 Next Medical Review
 Trail Work Months used
 Current Wages
 The purpose of the 30-Second Trainings is that
they are designed to be short, easy and fun, they
are not designed to be a test but rather to
increase knowledge of disability and employment
related issues, they should only take about 30
seconds to review and they Include national,
reputable resources for follow up information.
 All the Video & Support files including the
presentation are available for download at
 https://bwdb.onehub.com/floridaworkforce-summit/pages/files