Migration and Development International Organization for Migration

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Transcript Migration and Development International Organization for Migration

International Organization for Migration
Migration and
Maximizing the societal and human development potential of the
diaspora for the development of their country of origin
By Abibatou WANE
Africando Forum
Miami,18-20 September 2008
The Migration & Development Nexus
Two traditional linkages:
1) Underdevelopment is among the root causes of migration
2) Migration can adversely affect development:
• “brain drain”
• labour force depletion
Increasing focus on a new linkage:
3) Migration can have important benefits:
• Poverty reduction at the individual household level
• Human and financial capital of the diaspora
• Multi-sectoral links between countries of origin and destination
Migration & Development Nexus
lack of
root causes
Brain drain,
rural exodus
Brain gain,
countries of
origin and
The Contribution of Migration to Development:
Diasporas are increasingly recognized as a highly effective
resource for development
Optimizing benefits of migration for Countries of origin and destination
• Efficient Management of Migrants’ Remittances
• Mobilizing Diasporas and Transnational Networks for
• Permanent and Temporary Return of Qualified
In 2005, diaspora from Sub Saharan Africa have sent more than 8
Billions to their country of origin
Challenges of Remittances Management
• Build confidence of migrants, and attract resources currently invested
in high-income countries
• Improving the financial infrastructure and the banking system to
encourage and facilitate investment
• Reducing transmittal costs
• Promoting productive uses of the
Mobilizing Diasporas and Transnational
Networks for Development
• “Diaspora”: groups or communities of migrants
• possibilities for migrants to maintain close contact with
home easier
• more circular migration
• 3 main benefits of diasporas/trans-national networks:
• Human capital: migrants benefit from education and skills
acquired abroad and transfer know-how
• Financial capital: money earned abroad sent home in form
of remittances
• Social capital: represented by social and working relations and
by the network of migrants’ associations, which fosters the
contribution of migrants as a bridge between the country of origin
and of destination.
Return of Migrants to their
Country of Origin
• Returns can mitigate negative effects of the “brain drain”
• Returning nationals with specialized knowledge or qualifications
play an essential role in capacity building, development, and
reconstruction in a post-conflict environment
• Many developing countries try to promote the
return of their qualified nationals, by offering
various incentives.
• International organizations such as IOM and
UNDP have implemented special programmes to
facilitate the return of highly qualified persons:
IOM: Return of Qualified Nationals (RQN)
and MIDA
UNDP: Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate
Nationals Programme (TOKTEN)
The IOM Approach:
MIDA Programme
MIDA is a demand-driven institutional
capacity building programme.
Its overall objective is to assist governments to
achieve their development goals through the
mobilization of vital skills and resources (financial
and others) of the African diaspora to support the
development of their countries of origin
Virtual / tele-work or satellite-based Information technology: provision of
services such as banking, legal and medical advice with a minimal physical
Sequenced visits: temporary return of experts to their country of origin to
create, or complement teams
 Permanent relocation: subject to voluntary decision
 Investments – Job generating activities
Since its inception in 2001 , several MIDA projects are being implemented
in the following countries : Benin, Cape Verde, Burkina Faso, Guinea, East
Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda), in the Great lakes regions (Burundi,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda), Ghana, Ethiopia, Mauritania,
Sierra Leone and Senegal.
Examples of MIDA Projects
The MIDA Italy experience
Funded by the Italian Cooperation
MIDA Ghana-Senegal (2006/2007)
Objective: Contribute to socio economic development of Ghana and
Senegal,through the mobilization of human, financial, social resources
(entrepreneurial capacities) of migrants in Italy, and to the promotion
of partnerships between origin and host communities.
Three main components:
Decentralized cooperation initiatives (co-development)
Business development services (BDS) to support of SME start up in
the country of origin
Innovative mechanisms for microfinance and money transfer
1- Decentralized cooperation
•Identification of regions/provinces/municipalities with highest presence of
Ghanaian and Senegalese migrants
• Involvement of migrants’ associations and local private sector
(enterprises and financial institutions)
• Working tables with local authorities interested in identifying innovative
co-development models
•Design & Implementation of co-development projects (enterprise
incubators, guarantee funds, cooperatives)
2- Business Development Services - BDSs
•Analysis of SME project proposals presented by migrants
• Assessment of training needs
• Selection of SME project proposals
•Technical assistance
• Training
• Tutoring (incl. assistance for access to credit)
3- Remittances and Micro-finance
• Analysis of existing initiatives to enhance impact of
• Identification of flexible financial packages
• Test with a sample of migrants
• Definition of the intervention strategy
• Agreements among Italian, Ghanaian and
Senegalese financial institutions
First Results
• 200 migrants’ associations registered
More than 150 SME project proposals received
12 Co-Development projects selected (7 Senegal/5 Ghana)
Partnership established with 12 Italian local authorities
40 beneficiaries trained in enterprise creation and management (incl
access to credit) and tutoring by specialized institutions in Ghana &
• Creation of hundreds of permanent and temporary employment for local
• Innovative mechanisms for remittances transfer identified and promoted
with financial institutions (prepaid ethical cards)
• Innovative credit mechanism for migrants identified and developed
(Senegalese Migrants Foundation)
Project proposals by sector
82 project proposals received (56 Senegal – 26 Ghana)
Project Proposals by Primary Sector
Project Proposals by Primary Sector
Agriculture & Breeding
Rural Development
4% 4%
Rural Development
An enterprise directly promoted and managed
by an association of migrants, for the development of their country of origin,
respecting the principles of ethical economics.
Ghanaian fruit trading
•Fair trade of exotic fruit and vegetables from
Ghana to Italian and other European markets.
•Land purchase to guarantee stable production,
network with local growers, improve quality.
Implementation of social projects on the
territory, through a dedicated Fund
•300 000 pineapples sold in December 2008
through major supermarket chains in Italy
MIDA for migrant women from W. Africa
• A newly
MDA programme that aims at engaging West African women
migrants living in Italy in the development of their countries , through the set
up of SME
•Technical support in order to enhance their entrepreneurial skills (training in
business development and management ) as well as financial support will be
given to women associations willing to invest in their community of origin
•A maximum of 15 SME projects promoted by women associations will be
MIDA Great Lakes
Funded by Belgium , started since 2001 is at its third phase of
country: DR Congo, Burundi, Rwanda.
Objective: is to build the capacity of the public and private structures in the targeted
countries by calling their diaspora living in Europe
The activities are articulated around 3 main axes:
• Physical transfers (short terms missions of experts)
• Financial transfers
• virtual/e-learning
Results (since 2001)
•Capacity Building of 100 institutions en DRC, Rwanda and Burundi trough more
than 411 temporary missions and 10 permanent return
•More than 1400 experts from DRC , Rwanda and Burundi living in Europe
willing to participate in the programmme registered
Priority sectors identified : Health, Education , Rural Development
MIDA Ghana Health
Funded by Dutch government , stated since 2005
Ghana currently faces a severe brain drain of professional health workers, such as medical
doctors and nurses.
The MIDA Ghana Health Project mobilizes skills, experience and resources from the Ghanaian
diaspora within the European Union for the development of the health sector in Ghana.
Through temporary return assignments, health professionals from the Ghanaian diaspora assist
hospitals and other health institutions in Ghana in such areas as human resource development and
medical care and management.
Moreover, specialized training is organized in health care institutions in the Netherlands for once,
or participate in repeated visits to Ghana, or transfer knowledge electronically. Ghanaian health
• More than 75 experts
willing to participate in the programme registered
• More than 90 Hospitals and institutes have expressed their needs
• More than 66 temporary missions organized and 35 Ghanaians institutions have benefited
• 5 candidates resident in Ghana got a specialized training in Europe training
In total direct beneficiaries are 8264 members of medical staff (doctors, nurses, medical assistant,
interns, students in medecine , Medical care, etc.)
IOM - Managing Migration for the Benefit of All