Document 7348508

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Transcript Document 7348508

DIPA, Durban South Africa

AfrIPANet Conference Presentation

by Russell Curtis, Acting CEO, DIPA October, 2008

Investment Promotion in Durban?

• Durban as SA’s 2 nd largest City was not retaining Business well enough; not expanding fast enough; little FDI, etc… • City Leadership & Business Leadership Public Private Partnership in 1999 • Best Practice City Commission formed (BPCC), researched & made recommendations to City Council - 2000 • IPA was recommendation #1 & DIPA formed • Fully funded by City Council, but lots of Business time invested


“Public-private partnership (PPP) mechanisms have become the clear choice for governments worldwide to improve

service delivery, attract investment, reduce costs, and

increase accountability. Although tremendous progress has been made in the last ten years in designing and implementing PPP programs and transactions, most countries have only just "scratched the surface" of their enormous potential as an economic and governance tool. The knowledge of the "why and how" to effectively use PPP strategies and techniques is a valuable resource, one that is slowly taking hold amongst all stakeholder groups including government, the private sector, and the public-at large.” The Institute for Public-Private Partnerships, Washington DC

Einstein’s Definition of Insanity Continuing to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!!

BPCC Overview

• • •

MESSAGE FROM THE COMMISSION: “…recommendations are a ‘package of proposals’ that should be implemented holistically in terms of a concerted, co-ordinated, & comprehensive program. They should not be approached in a fragmented manner.” COMMISSION FINDINGS:

“Promotion and Marketing to Investors (Improvement needed?)

• • •

“Specific Investment Information (Lacking?) “Decision-Making Procedures & Policies (Improvement needed?) “Professionalism and Courtesy” (Attention desired?) COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS (LIST): 1. Investment Promotion Agency 2. Corporate Plan 3. Development Facilitation Centre 4. Policy and Legal Framework 5. Local Economic Development Zones 6. Attitudinal Changes

Fit within City’s Strategic Alignment

Vision LTDF “

Investment Facilitation & Promotion

IDP - 8 Point Plan Strategic focus areas programmes “INVESTMENT PROMOTION AGENCY” Projects

Need to push for an IPA?

• • • • • • • • • •

UN’s work (inter alia) on the MDG’s has recently prioritised the Millenium Cities Initiative (MCI) to help Municipal investment achievement. DIPA has been invited by UN to help in Africa this year SA President’s State of the Nation address lists the “Apex Priorities” with Eco Dev & “Business Unusual” as top of the Agenda Ruling ANC Party in SA & it’s current President has prioritised investment & economic development as best way to alleviate poverty Finance Minister & Nat’l Treasury has just released Commission Report saying accelerated growth (via pvt sector investment) is the best lever for SA’s future now DTI has reinvigorated Trade & Investment SA, appointed the CEO & reviewed some incentives IDC Board (with GTZ) is recommending & funding new investment Agencies in Municipalities across SA. CT has one & Jhb is busy setting it’s up Provincial Spatial Economic Dev. Strategy (KZN DED) has 4 Pillars which must be included in City IDP. Pillar 1 is “Accelerate Investment” City’s own Backlogs Strategy: Only 2 new funding sources Harvard Study highlights that the SA Current Account deficit at present levels requires us to accelerate inward investment. An IPA at this time is most NB On a Cost-Benefit basis, or ROI, an IPA is a massive direct profit centre which should be expanded

DIPA: When & What?

BPCC Recommendations est’d. eff. 2002

Established under Sec. 21 of Co’s Act (NPO), & full Council Resolution, but,

Effective 2005: Leadership decision change & MFMA resulted in Co. dereg. & full absorption by eThekwini Municipality

IPA Mandate (BPCC & now) for: “First Stop Shop”

Proactive promotion and marketing

Investor information

Gather relevant information

Referral of investor enquiries

Provide first level advice

An information management system

Provide Councils with strategic advice

Needs of existing investors

‘Deal-making’ function

…Durban Chamber of Commerce Board Resolution for BPCC Review

What is DIPA?

• DIPA is a FREE advisory, facilitation & promotion service of the City of Durban.

• Its objective is to retain & grow jobs, + new City revenue streams via promotion of investments into Durban, whilst growing existing investment base.

• It is a unit of the eThekwini Municipality • First City run IPA in the Country • Internationally recognised and benchmarked • Formed out of BPCC

DIPA - How do we operate?

• Promote the City - B2B, G2B & G2G • Facilitate Medium - Larger Projects – Agribusiness; Mnf’g; ICT&E; Tourism/Prop; Maritime & Logisitics • Retain / Expand existing investors (BR&E) • Facilitate Medium - Larger Events – WIB; CBC Africa Investment Forum; Celebrate Dbn; Sector B/fasts & W/shops • Grow / Support new PPP’s & Linkages (e.g. KZNoS, DFO, Agribiz Forum, BSU etc.)

DIPA: Main Activities

• • • • • • • •

Investment promotion & marketing Existing business retention and expansion(*) Foreign investor support Undercapitalised investment development Investment environment & policy review/improvement Land use controls & business development in townships Agribusiness Forum 2010 Economic Development Opportunities = Marketing & Comm’s; Business Consultancy; Project Management plus 2 new operational areas…

Who do we work with?

(Fully funded by City – R10m



• City Units & Agencies (EDU, BSU, TD, DP&M, TPD, SX, KZNoS, DFO, ICC, SPU, etc) • United Nations ; World Bank ; WAIPA • International Trade Centre & WTPF • Local & Foreign Media (Editorial & Ad’s) • Commonwealth Business Council; CII India • Our Nat’l Dept. of Trade & Industry, NEPAD • Provincial TIKZN, & KZN Dept. of Eco. Dev.

• Organised Business (DCC , DAC, Growth Coalition, Minara Chamber, BUSA, etc)

• • • • • • • • •

Cautions for IPA?

Frustration can occur due to a lack of skilled human resources committed to IPA There can often be a lack of understanding of, or support for the Best Practice recommendations w.r.t. Investment Promotion prioritisation Operating within a highly politicised & bureaucratised environment is challenging No easy access to private sector project funding if there is Municipal structural internalisation Counter-productive interdepartmental dynamics Higher growth rates can strain some of the infrastructure (port, roads, elec., water) Insufficient platformed, serviced land Crime & the international perceptions Ad hoc excl. of the City by some in the Capital

DIPA: Key Achievements

Investment promotion of Durban: >150

Journals, Trade/Investment Publications, Business Newspapers, Sector Periodicals, + TV

Led/participated in approx 50 Business Missions

focusing on investment & jobs

Led/participated in approx. 20 conferences &

exhibitions locally & abroad promoting Durban

Facilitated R10Bn+ worth of new fixed capital

business investment (=Millions City revenue)

Created/retained in excess of 10 000 jobsAttracted participation in Durban of the UN,

World Bank, WAIPA, CBC - AIF, G8 Partners; plus key IBSA & East Asian counterparts

PMR Diamond Arrow, Gold & Bronze AwardsOne of only IPA’s into the UN IAC, via UNCTADClean Audit Reports & always within budgetEstablished & grew KZNonSource; Dbn Film

Office; AgriBusiness Forum


Business stays and expands where it is well treated and appreciated

Broad LED Strategies

• Creating jobs through investment in infrastructure, services, land reform • Retaining and growing existing business • Establishing new local business • Attracting investment and resources • Plugging the economic leaks • Investing in “soft infrastructure” • Marketing, attracting visitors

Business Retention & Expansion (BR&E) Program

Assess interest, obtain commitment Form Task Team; appoint local Co-ordinator Agree scope of programme Launch and promote local programme Identify businesses to be visited Recruit & train volunteers Business visitation - conduct surveys Immediate follow up Review other info sources Analyse survey data, Prepare action plans Feedback to stakeholders Implement plans Review progress & impact


• Growth of existing businesses creates as much as

60-80% of all new jobs

• They provide most of the investment for new local economic initiatives • They generate ideas for new businesses • They play a vital part in encouraging outside businesses to relocate or establish within their community.

CBC’s Views:

• • “Today we (CBC) also address the following four challenges, working in partnership with Commonwealth governments and the private sector.

Changing perceptions

– Globalisation Technology & Skills – The Commonwealth Factor • “Many Commonwealth countries offer good investment opportunities but suffer from popular misconceptions, uneven media coverage and failure to promote their economic strengths to important external audiences.”

Super 7 of Durban


Why ‘Super 7’?



• An easily understandable, mental tool to help us all highlight and expand upon why this is becoming Durban’s best decade of delivery and growth.

• Enlightening to our foreign business partners & Government Leaders.

• Will help to secure the economic & business benefits of Durban for All.

Durban, KZN in a global context


ward Winning Municipality


ifestyle of Business & Pleasure


argest Human Resource Pool


ighest Growth Rates


nfrastructure Leader


ourism Crown


ubstantial Business Base


Why Localised IPA?

• Highest vested interest in success • Business principles of FOCUS • Good opportunity for sustainable local business partnerships & alignment • Compliments, reinforces & scales up National efforts • Huge opportunity to generate substantial, additional local revenue for City/Region (ROI) • Gives the region/city a better competitive edge over others

“If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito”

-Anita Roddick Founder, The Body Shop

Thank you for your attention & support

You are always welcome in Durban, KZN South Africa!