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Three Strategies For
Managing Fast Growth
Week 9
Fall, 2005
Prof. Dowling
Three Strategies For
Managing Fast Growth
George von Krogh and
 Michael A. Cusumano
Three Strategies For
Managing Fast Growth
Growing strategically
Good growth plan
 Product and market combinations
company will pursue
 Size the company hopes to achieve
 Know-how and organizational
structures that will support expansion
Three Strategies For
Managing Fast Growth
Fast-growing companies
Growth achieved by:
• Scaling
• Duplication
• Granulation
Three Strategies For
Managing Fast Growth
Scaling: Doing more of what you’re
good at
Invest aggressively
 Specialize and standardize
 Hire the right mix
 Adapt the structures
 Find ways to learn from customers
Three Strategies For
Managing Fast Growth
Is scaling the right strategy?
It works best when:
• The market is potentially large enough for
rapid growth in a focused product line
• The product creates unique value in the
customers’ view
• The company can distribute products
widely at low cost
Three Strategies For
Managing Fast Growth
Duplication: Repeat the business
model in new regions
Balance standardization and
 Hire flexible, independent managers
 Duplicate key parts of the
 Duplicate entrepreneurial knowledge
 Be aware of the limitations
Three Strategies For
Managing Fast Growth
Is duplication the right strategy?
It works best when:
• The business requires physical presence
and the company can repeat its business
model in new geographic markets
• There is a need for better distribution
• The company can adapt its experience in
product development, manufacturing and
marketing approaches fairly easily
Three Strategies For
Managing Fast Growth
Granulation: Growing select business
Balance the old and the new
 Balance the informal and formal
 Evaluate and monitor
 Learn from customers, partners and
Three Strategies For
Managing Fast Growth
Is granulation the right strategy?
It works best when:
• Growth through scaling and duplicating has clear
• A new technology is flourishing that could become
a new substitute for the company’s products or a
new business opportunity.
• The company is mature enough to monitor new
business activities, share knowledge internally
and learn effectively about new markets and
competitive scenarios.
Three Strategies For
Managing Fast Growth
Combining strategies
For most early-stage companies, it is
best if managers implement the three
growth strategies sequentially, with
some overlapping.