The Sikh Diaspora Project Team xxx Xxx Singh Yyy Kaur

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The Sikh Diaspora Project

Team xxx Xxx Singh Yyy Kaur January xxx, 2004 Team xxx 1

What is the Sikh Diaspora ? (2-3 slides) • • • • Define diaspora A few bullets on the history of the sikh diaspora Motivation for the Sikh diaspora (why did Sikhs leave India) What parts of the world do Sikhs live in today ? (Hint : Maps, graphs with population statistics would be nice) 4/27/2020 Team xxx 2

Sikh Immigration to North America (3-4 slides) continued …..

• • • • • When did it start ?

What did the early Sikhs do ?

What problems did they run into ?

How many Sikhs are there in North America today ? Where do they live ? What do they do ?

Introduce a few prominent diaspora Sikhs 4/27/2020 Team xxx 3

Sikh Immigration to North America … continued (3-4 slides) • • • • • • What issues does the Sikh Diaspora in NA face today ?

Has the NA immigrant experience been good for Sikhs ? Discuss pros & cons Comment on the involvement of Sikhs in the political process.

Comment on Sikh leadership in North America Melting pot or Mosaic ? Present your views on maintaining Sikh identity in the Diaspora What will the Sikh community in North America look like in fifty years ?

4/27/2020 Team xxx 4

Case study 1 : Sikh Diaspora Personality or Event (4 Slides ) • Pick an event or personality from the Sikh Diaspora; examples : – Bhagat Singh Thind – Dilip Singh Saund – Komagata Maru incident – Gadr movement – Mexican Sikhs of California – The Sikhs of Yuba City – Kanwal Rekhi – Narinder Singh Kapany 4/27/2020 Team xxx 5

Case study 1 : Sikh Diaspora Personality or Event (4 Slides ) • • • • • • Provide a historical background Talk about the issues faced How were the issues resolved What was the major achievement What was the impact on Sikhs and non sikhs What were the key learnings for the Sikh Diaspora 4/27/2020 Team xxx 6

Case study 2 : Sikh Diaspora Personal Case Study (4 Slides ) • • Pick a person you know who was an immigrant to the US or any other country – The person should be a Sikh – It can be a parent, grandparent or relative – It can be a friend, ‘uncle’ or ‘aunt’ Document their immigrant experience 4/27/2020 Team xxx 7

• • • • Case study 2 : Sikh Diaspora Personal Case Study (4 Slides ) • Talk about the issues faced How were the issues resolved What was the major achievement What was the impact on the individual’s family What were the key learnings from the experience that others can benefit from 4/27/2020 Team xxx 8

Summary (2 slides max)

• • • • • What have you learned from this project ?

How have you been able to relate your own experiences to the Sikh Diaspora ?

What are the biggest challenges faced by the Diaspora ?

How can they be addressed ?

How can you contribute ?

4/27/2020 Team xxx 9