Bible Prophecy 101 Week 4 Bible Information Seminar

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Transcript Bible Prophecy 101 Week 4 Bible Information Seminar

Bible Prophecy
An Introductory Bible Information Seminar
Week 4
Topic Outline
Recap Week3
*Key Messages (Seed Promises)
Framework (Themes)
Old Testament Prophecy
(Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel)
• Linkage to Other Scripture
• Application & Lessons for Us
• Question / Answer Session
Recap Week 3
Psalm 22 prophesies about Jesus’ crucifixion experience.
a) Proof of this is found in the numerous New Testament cross-references.
b) Although it may have appeared that God had forsaken him, Jesus
knew from the full passage that God would deliver him.
Psalm 110 prophesies about the exaltation of David’s Lord .
a) David understood from the LORD that one day in the future, his own
special offspring -- the Christ -- would rule over David himself.
b) Jesus was to be made a king-priest after the order of Melchizedek.
Psalm 83 describes enemy Gentiles out to destroy Israel.
a) These hostile people find their counterparts in today’s Arabs.
b) As in the time of the Judges when God "sold them into the power of
of their enemies round about, so that they could no longer withstand
their enemies", Israel will cry out to God to send them a savior.
Key Point Brought Forward
The Psalms
are Messianic prophecies
which point to Jesus, the Christ of God;
he fulfilled the 'suffering' psalms
during his First Coming
he will fulfill the 'kingdom' psalms
at his Second Coming
Key Messages (Seed Promises)
"I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between
your seed and her seed, he shall bruise your head, and you
shall bruise his heel" (Genesis 3:15)
Who: God Audience: the serpent Setting: right after the sin of Adam & Eve
NT interpretation: Jesus = the seed of the woman (Luke
1:35, Galatians 4:4); slanderers like the Pharisees + Cain
the murderer = the seed of the serpent, AKA the devil (John
8:44, 1John 3:10); the final showdown was played out on
the cross, when Jesus, "through death might destroy him
who had the power of death, that is, the devil" (Hebrews
2:14, 1John 3:8); in the perfect sacrifice of Jesus, Sin had
been killed (John 3:14, Hebrews 10:12, Romans 6:6-10, 8:1-3)
Key Messages (Seed Promises)
These are "key" messages since = essential teaching of the gospel
A throne in a Kingdom forever
the certain hope of resurrection
Linkage: Capital city Jerusalem in the land of promise
of the
The land forever
an everlasting relationship
Fulfillment: still waiting on the Return of Christ
Jesus' destruction of Sin
resurrection to eternal life
= confirmation of earlier promises
Until the 'problem' of sin & death was dealt with, #2 & #3 were in vain
2000 AD
1000 BC
2000 BC
4000 BC
Prophetic Framework - Timeline
Seed Promises … fulfilled by Jesus
… and more to come!
2000 AD
1000 BC
2000 BC
4000 BC
Prophetic Framework - Timeline
The 3 groupings used
by Christ to identify
which Scripture spoke
about him
2000 AD
Last week
This week
1000 BC
2000 BC
4000 BC
Prophetic Framework - Timeline
This week
Framework - Key Events / People
Last Week
Samuel to Malachi
• Samuel the prophet anointed and mentored first two kings
• David was a man after God’s own heart, and wrote prophetic psalms
• David’s zeal and faithfulness brings Seed promise #3
• Elijah the prophet confronted king Ahab over worship of false gods
• Micaiah the prophet predicted the certain death of Ahab in battle
• Isaiah the prophet confronted king Ahaz, encouraged king Hezekiah
• Isaiah foretold the Kingdom age and the suffering Messiah
• Jeremiah the prophet confronted king Zedekiah and his false prophets
This Week
• Jeremiah predicted doom/exile for Jerusalem/Judah, and
yet assured there would be a new covenant coming
• Ezekiel the prophet (in exile) confronted his listeners, and
was a 'man of sign' to the people
• Ezekiel confirmed Jeremiah’s message, and predicted restoration
• Daniel the prophet confronted Babylonian kings and wrong decrees
• Daniel saw long term visions of what will befall the people of Israel
• Amos the prophet predicted a time when the prophetic message dries up
• Zechariah the prophet described the ‘time of the end’ for Jerusalem
• Malachi the prophet foretold a messenger to herald the Messiah
Terminology & Definitions
• Land / Earth
estate "is mine" (Leviticus 25:23), and
therefore He treats it as his special
property (Deuteronomy 11:12, Jeremiah
2:7) which He gave to Abraham; based
on His oath-promise, the LORD then
allowed the people of Israel to go in and
possess the land (Deuteronomy 9:4-6)
Orientation based on
the promised land
– the Hebrew word "erets" is translated
both "land" and "earth", the land is the
territory initially called Canaan which
became the 'promised land'; earth =
local ("the four corners of the earth");
= global ("glory fills the whole earth")
– God declared that this piece of real
God owns the land;
He gives it to whom
He wants
Terminology & Definitions
• Northern / Southern Kingdom
– in the reign of king Rehoboam (around
960 BC), the united Kingdom of 12
Samaria capital
tribes was split into two parts:
• a northern Kingdom called Israel, made up
of 10 tribes, ruled by king Jeroboam, who
set up idols, and made his capital city
Samaria. Around 720 BC, Israel was
overrun and sent into captivity by Assyria.
• a southern Kingdom called Judah, made
up of 2 tribes, continued to be ruled by
king Rehoboam, who kept Jerusalem as
his capital city. Around 580 BC, Judah was
finally overthrown, and the bulk of its
inhabitants taken into captivity by Babylon.
of Israel
(10 tribes)
of Judah
(2 tribes)
Jerusalem capital
Terminology & Definitions
• Nations round about
– the people, territory, and countries that surround the
land of Israel (e.g. Lev 25:44, Deut 6:14,12:10, Jud 2:14)
Ancient name - modern equivalents are listed below:
Tyre - S. Lebanon
Sidon - S. Lebanon
Philistia - Gaza
Samaria - West Bank
Assyria - Syria/Iraq
Gilead - N. Jordan
Edom - S. Jordan
Teman - S. Jordan
Egypt - Egypt
Ethiopia - Ethiopia/Sudan
Sheba - Saudi Arabia
Dedan - Saudi Arabia
Terminology & Definitions (cont'd)
• Captivity
– refers to when individuals, segments of the society, or
an entire people were forcibly removed from the
promised land and exiled / taken as slaves to another
land (e.g. king Manasseh - 2Chronicles 33:11, royal
family & nobles - Daniel 1:3, northern kingdom of the
Israelites - 2Kings 17:1-6)
Captivity was not accidental -- God made it happen.
Why? Because the people deliberately continued to
sin against the LORD, and refused to listen to His
prophets (e.g., 2Kings 17:7-18, 2Chronicles 36:11-17)
The punishment of captivity was designed to bring the
exiles to their senses, to repentance, and to a desire
to be restored to the land (e.g., Nehemiah 1:5-11).
Terminology & Definitions (cont'd)
• Restoration
– refers to when those people (or their descendants)
sent into captivity by God, are brought back into the
promised land because:
• they have learned the lesson of disobedience
and repented (e.g., 2 Chronicles 33:12-13)
• the prophets predicted such a restoration
(e.g., 2 Chronicles 36:22-23)
• God continues to show mercy to Abraham's
descendants (Nehemiah 9:31)
For a wonderful example of Captivity /Restoration of an individual, see
"The Case of King Manasseh" in the Reference Material for this week
Prophetic Theme - God's Retribution
(God brings evil-doing back on head of the doer)
Retribution on Edom by God
{Obadiah 10} For the
violence done to your
brother Jacob, shame shall
cover you, and you shall be
cut off for ever
{15} For the day of the Lord is
near upon all the nations. As
you have done, it shall be
done to you; your deeds shall
return on your own head.
{14} You should not have
stood at the parting of the
ways to cut off the fugitives;
you should not have
delivered up his survivors in
the day of distress
Evil done by Edom
{16} For as you have drunk
upon my holy mountain, all the
nations round about shall
drink… and stagger, and shall
be as though they had not been.
Prophetic Theme - God's Just Retribution
As you have done, it shall be done to you...
Jeremiah 30:16 - triple emphasis
"Therefore all who devour you
shall be devoured,
and all your foes, every one of them,
shall go into captivity;
those who despoil you
shall become a spoil,
and all who prey on you
I will make a prey".
1. despoiled
2. despoiled
3. restored
How it works out
"What are you to me, O Tyre and Sidon,and all the regions of Philistia?
Are you paying me back for something? If you are paying me back, I
will requite your deed upon you head swiftly and speedily". (Joel 3:4)
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 11:1-12
"There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse
Who wrote it: Isaiah, as inspired by God
When: Around 720 B.C.
Audience: King Ahaz, and the people of Judah
Setting: The northern kingdom of Israel has been taken into
captivity by the Assyrians, who are now making what appears
to be a very successful invasion into the southern kingdom of
Judah. Understandably, the people fear for their lives (Is 10:24).
But the LORD tells them not to be afraid, since He will not only
take care of the invader, but set up one of David's descendants
to establish a regime free from violence and hurt.
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 11:1-12 (cont’d)
{1} "There shall come forth a shoot
from the stump of Jesse, and a branch
shall grow out of his roots.
Jesse was David's father;
Jesus is of David's line = the
predicted "branch" (Is 4:2)
{2} And the Spirit of the LORD shall
NT allusions and commentary
rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and made this = Jesus (e.g.,
understanding, the spirit of counsel and Matthew 3:16, Hebrews 5:7)
might, the spirit of knowledge and the
fear of the LORD.
{3} And his delight shall be in the fear Again, surely = Jesus (e.g.,
of the LORD. He shall not judge by
John 7:24, 2:25, 8:1-12)
what his eyes see, or decide by what his
ears hear;
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 11:1-12 (cont’d)
{4} but with righteousness he shall
Tie to Psalm 2:9, cited in 2
judge the poor, and decide with equity Thessalonians 2:8 = Jesus
for the meek of the earth; and he shall
smite the earth with the rod of his
mouth, and with the breath of his lips he
shall slay the wicked.
{5} Righteousness shall be the girdle of Obviously the characteristics
his waist, and faithfulness the girdle of of Jesus + confirmation from
Isaiah 59:16-17
his loins.
{6} The wolf shall dwell with the lamb,
and the leopard shall lie down with the
kid, and the calf and the lion and the
fatling together, and a little child shall
lead them.
Metaphors descriptive of the
"new heavens and new earth"
(Isaiah 65:17,25) of Christ's
Kingdom age
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 11:1-12 (cont’d)
{9} They shall not hurt or destroy in
all my holy mountain; for the earth
shall be full of the knowledge of the
LORD as the waters cover the sea
"holy mountain" = house of
the LORD "in the latter days"
in Jerusalem from which the
"word of the LORD" goes
forth (Isaiah 2:2-4)
Jesus will be the one to
implement the ultimate
purpose of God (this teaching
was first discussed in week 1)
{10} In that day the root of Jesse shall
stand as an ensign to the peoples; him
shall the nations seek, and his
dwellings shall be glorious.
cited in Romans 15:12 as
referring to Jesus the Christ
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 11:1-12 (cont’d)
{11} In that day the Lord will extend his
hand yet a second time to recover the
remnant which is left of his people, from
Assyria, ...Egypt, ...Pathros, ...Ethiopia ...
Elam,...Shinar, ... Hamath, and from the
coastlands of the sea.
A remnant of those who went
into captivity will come back;
but notice that this is the
"second time" = a latter day
fulfillment when Jesus returns
{12} He will raise an ensign for the
nations, will assemble the outcasts of
Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah
from the four corners of the earth.
Predictive of Jesus, who will
represent God's glory in the
midst of the land, and who will
command the nations to bring
the Jews back home (Isaiah
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 11:1-12 (cont’d)
Application / Lesson
• This passage of Scripture is clearly a Messianic prophecy, as
demonstrated by the number of relevant and explanatory
cross references found in the New Testament.
• Furthermore, there were a number of links within Isaiah itself
that support not only the 'messianic' interpretation, but also
the content itself: latter day setting, Jerusalem location, and
restoration of the Jews in dispersion.
• So understanding and interpreting Bible prophecy is largely a
process of reading the text, looking up cross references,
finding common ideas, and putting them together in a way
that makes sense = something most everyone can do,
if they put their mind to it, and count on God to help.
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 52:13-53:12
"Behold, my servant shall prosper…
Who wrote it: Isaiah, as inspired by God
When: Around 700 B.C.
Audience: King Hezekiah, and the people of Judah
Setting: Probably written with the experience of the stricken
Hezekiah made-well-again in mind (Isaiah 38), which was during
the unstoppable campaign of the Assyrian army. The city of
Jerusalem was under siege, the people were demoralized, and
Sennacherib, king of Assyria, publicly mocked the living God
(Isaiah 36-37). This passage is also demonstrably a Messianic
prophecy, and Hezekiah serves as a prototype of Jesus.
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (cont’d)
{13} Behold, my servant shall prosper,
he shall be exalted and lifted up, and
shall be very high.
Hezekiah = would be
victorious over Assyria
Jesus = lifted up & made
victorious (John 3:14, 8:28)
{14} As many were astonished at him -his appearance was so marred, beyond
human semblance, and his form beyond
that of the sons of men --
Hezekiah = possible way he
looked due to sickness
Jesus = the exhaustion &
beatings & scourging (Mark
{15} so shall he startle many nations;
kings shall shut their mouths because of
him; for that which has not been told
them they shall see, and that which they
have not heard they shall understand."
Hezekiah = miracle recovery,
+ amazed Babylonians
Jesus = the totally unexpected
resurrection, for believers and
the Jews (Matthew 28)
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (cont’d
{2} For he grew up before him like a
young plant, and like a root out of dry
ground; he had no form or comeliness
that we should look at him, and no
beauty that we should desire him.
Builds on Isaiah 11:1,10 and
seen to be fulfilled in Jesus
(Romans 15:12, Luke 2:40)
{3} He was despised and rejected by
men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted
with grief; and as one from whom men
hide their faces he was despised, and we
esteemed him not.
basis of Jesus' own prediction
(Mark 10:33-34) + explicitly
fulfilled shortly afterwards
(Mark 14:65)
{4} Surely he has borne our griefs and
carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed
him stricken, smitten by God, and
Explicitly stated to be fulfilled
by Jesus (Matthew 8:17)
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (cont’d)
{5} But he was wounded for our
transgressions, he was bruised for our
iniquities; upon him was the
chastisement that made us whole, and
with his stripes we are healed. .
v.5-6 cited by Peter as being
fulfilled by Jesus (1Peter2:2425; see also Romans 4:25,
Hebrews 9:28);
"bruised" = tie to Gen 3:15
{6} All we like sheep have gone astray; Jesus, the Lamb of God
we have turned every one to his own
taking away the sin of the
way; and the LORD has laid on him the world (John 1:29)
iniquity of us all.
{7} He was oppressed, and he was
afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth;
like a lamb that is led to the slaughter,
and like a sheep that before its shearers
is dumb, so he opened not his mouth.
Basis for Jesus allowing
himself to be led away + was
silent before Herod & Pilate
(Luke 22:54, 23:9, Matthew
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (cont’d)
{8} By oppression and judgment he was
taken away; and as for his generation,
who considered that he was cut off out
of the land of the living, stricken for the
transgression of my people?
v.7-8 quoted by the Ethiopian
eunuch and answered by the
evangelist Philip as referring
to Jesus (Acts 8:32-35)
{9} And they made his grave with the
wicked and with a rich man in his death,
although he had done no violence, and
there was no deceit in his mouth.
Burial of Jesus done via rich
Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew
27:57-60) and cited by Peter
regarding Jesus (1Peter 2:22)
{10} Yet it was the will of the LORD to
bruise him; he has put him to grief;
when he makes himself an offering for
sin, he shall see his offspring, he shall
prolong his days; the will of the LORD
shall prosper in his hand;
Jesus accepted God's will in
this matter, became the perfect
one-time offering for all, and
was raised to eternal life (Luke
22:42, Hebrews 9:12,7:16)
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (cont’d)
{11} he shall see the fruit of the
travail of his soul and be satisfied; by
his knowledge shall the righteous
one, my servant, make many to be
accounted righteous; and he shall
bear their iniquities.
The risen Jesus saw his disciples
and his family fully believe and
become the core of the early
church (Acts 1:14); they were
counted righteous through faith in
Jesus, the sin bearer (Romans
5:18-19, 3:21-26, 1:17)
{12} Therefore I will divide him a
portion with the great, and he shall
divide the spoil with the strong;
because he poured out his soul to
death, and was numbered with the
transgressors; yet he bore the sin of
many, and made intercession for the
God gave His Son everlasting life,
ultimate exaltation + "all authority
in heaven and earth", because of
his "obedience unto death"
(Matthew 28:18, Philippians 2:8)
Detail of Jesus' crucifixion with
two thieves cited in Luke 22:37
as fulfillment of Isaiah
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (cont’d)
The whole story in 1 chapter
bruised for
our iniquities
offering for
on trial,
The Lamb
of God
that made
us whole
the will
of the Lord
on cross
died &
rich man's
from dead
OT Prophecy - Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (cont’d)
Application / Lesson
• The detailed fulfillment of this passage by Jesus is so
complete that some think it must have been contrived (e.g.,
Jesus deliberately would not speak to Herod to satisfy v. 7).
But did he arrange to be buried by a rich man? or to be
crucified with two thieves? Hardly! Rather, this is a most
compelling example of fulfilled Bible prophecy*. Believe it!
* Proof found in Dead Sea scrolls
• Interestingly enough, Jesus surely was citing Isaiah 53 when
he repeatedly told his apostles about his rejection, mocking
and murder by the Jews (e.g. Luke 9:44-45, 18:31-34) but
they did not understand it, much less the resurrection! Did
they think Jesus was speaking in parables? Did they think the
Christ could not die? We must be careful and not be blinded
to the plain teaching of Christ and about his Second Coming!
OT Prophecy - Jeremiah 30-31
“The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD:
Who spoke it: God, to Jeremiah the prophet
When: Around 580 BC
Audience: The people of Judah who had been undergoing a
"time of distress" and also readers amongst the exiles such as
Daniel and Ezekiel.
Setting: King Zedekiah had rebelled against Babylon, and both
he and the people had suffered dire consequences, as predicted
by Jeremiah. But now, instead of gloom and doom, God has
Jeremiah write out a message of hope and deliverance (for the
survivors and the faithful), with a promise of a "new covenant".
OT Prophecy - Jeremiah 30-31 (cont’d)
{30:1} The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD: {2} Thus
says the LORD, the God of Israel: "Write in a book all the words
that I have spoken to you {3} For behold, days are coming, says
the LORD, when I will restore the fortunes of my people, Israel
and Judah, says the LORD, and I will bring them back to the land
which I gave to their fathers, and they shall take possession of
it"…{7} Alas! that day is so great there is none like it; it is a time
of distress for Jacob; yet he shall be saved out of it.
v.1-2 Note instructions to the prophet: write it down (so that you will get
it exact, and have something concrete to show to the people)
v.3 Restoration is foretold: back to the promised land + possess it again
v.7 Here, "Jacob" = the nation (for the man was dead), but the verse
alludes to his "distress" when he returned to face Esau (Genesis 32:7);
yet like then, people of faith will be delivered (Genesis 33:1-16)
OT Prophecy - Jeremiah 30-31 (cont’d)
{8} "And it shall come to pass in that day, says the LORD of hosts,
that I will break the yoke from off their neck, and I will burst their
bonds, and strangers shall no more make servants of them. {9} But
they shall serve the LORD their God and David their king, whom I
will raise up for them. {10} Then fear not, O Jacob my servant, says
the LORD, nor be dismayed, O Israel; for lo, I will save you from afar,
and your offspring from the land of their captivity. Jacob shall return
and have quiet and ease, and none shall make him afraid.
v.8 "in that day" points to sometime in the future; "yoke" metaphor could
be from use on animals or on slaves; either way, freedom is promised
v.9 A raised-up David = a prediction of a resurrected David to be king or
a prophecy about Jesus the beloved (David) to be sent by God as king
v.10 Assurance of return of whole families from captivity = 2nd allusion
to Jacob's successful reconciliation with fearsome Esau (Genesis 33)
OT Prophecy - Jeremiah 30-31 (cont’d)
{11} For I am with you to save you,
says the LORD; I will make a full
end of all the nations among whom I
scattered you, but of you I will not
make a full end. I will chasten you in
just measure, and I will by no means
leave you unpunished..
Salvation is certain, but not
without going through the
necessary punishment
{16} Therefore all who devour you
shall be devoured, and all your foes,
every one of them, shall go into
captivity; those who despoil you
shall become a spoil, and all who
prey on you I will make a prey.
A truly momentous prophetic
statement: what will surely
happen to other nations, but
NEVER to Israel (31:35-37)
= a test of credible prophecy
= can verify whether this is
Discussed earlier as a theme
of prophecy: the plunderer's
evil deeds will come back
upon his own head
OT Prophecy - Jeremiah 30-31 (cont’d)
Echoes: promise made to
Abraham (Genesis 17:7-8)
{23} Behold the storm of the LORD!
Wrath has gone forth, a whirling
tempest; it will burst upon the head
of the wicked. .
God's just retribution
{24} The fierce anger of the LORD
will not turn back until he has
executed and accomplished the
intents of his mind. In the latter days
you will understand this."
{22} And you shall be my people,
and I will be your God."
Echo: God's word will
accomplish what He has
purposed (Isaiah 55:11)
This is a future happening,
but it will be understood then
(see Jeremiah 23:20)
OT Prophecy - Jeremiah 30-31 (cont’d)
{31:27} Behold, the days are coming,
says the LORD, when I will sow the
house of Israel and the house of
Judah with the seed of man and the
seed of beast.
Both houses indicate a
reunited nation = prophesied
by Ezekiel 37:15-22 as well
{28} And it shall come to pass that as
I have watched over them to pluck up
and break down, to overthrow,
destroy, and bring evil, so I will
watch over them to build and to
plant, says the LORD
To be an item-by-item reversal
of the punishments
an undoing of the curses
replacing with blessings
{31} Behold, the days are coming,
says the LORD, when I will make a
new covenant with the house of
Israel and the house of Judah.
An utterly astonishing idea! It
would not only be different
from the covenant made at
Sinai (v.32), but supersede it!
Points to a future event...
OT Prophecy - Jeremiah 30-31 (cont’d)
{33} But this is the covenant which I
will make with the house of Israel
after those days, says the LORD: I
will put my law within them, and I
will write it upon their hearts; and I
will be their God, and they shall be
my people.
The new covenant will be
implemented by God putting
His teaching into receptive
minds, and thus the core
relationship will be rebuilt
(32:38); the same teaching is
found in Ezekiel 11:17-21
{34} And no longer shall each man
teach his neighbor and each his
brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,'
for they shall all know me, from the
least of them to the greatest, says the
LORD; for I will forgive their
iniquity, and I will remember their
sin no more."
The covenant will apply to
everyone, and will have its
basis in God's forgiveness of
their sins, "for they shall
return to me with their whole
heart" (24:7); see 32:38-41 for
a comparable message.
OT Prophecy - Jeremiah 30-31 (cont’d)
Application / Lesson
• God makes it absolutely clear that He has not abandoned
nor will He ever permanently forsake Israel. They will always
be a people before Him. Therefore, the Jews -- by their very
existence -- continue to be a "witness" (willing or otherwise,
see Isaiah 43:10-12) to the outworking of God's purpose.
• God told Joshua that He would "not fail you or forsake you"
and therefore he should "be strong and of good courage; be
not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the LORD your God is
with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:5). That same teaching
carries over to believers today (Hebrews 13:5-6). In a world
of great distress and uncertainty, such Bible teaching is very
reassuring, and the smart choice to place one's trust.
OT Prophecy - Jeremiah 30-31 (cont’d)
Application / Lesson
• The full significance of the "new covenant" was at last perceived
when Jesus highlighted it at the 'last supper' with his apostles:
And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to
them, saying, "Drink of it, all of you; for this is my blood of the
new covenant which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins. I
tell you I shall not drink again of the fruit of the vine until I drink
it new with you in my Father's kingdom" (Matthew 26:27-29)
• As with the 'seed promises', Jesus both fulfills and implements
God's concept of the new covenant: sins forgiven. Therefore,
believers ought to remember his sacrifice in the breaking of
bread, while in drinking 'the cup', look forward to his Coming
and celebration in the Kingdom of God (1Corinthians 11:23-26)
OT Prophecy - Ezekiel
Who spoke it: God, to Ezekiel the prophet
When: Around 580 BC
Audience: The exiles with Ezekiel in Babylon + his readership
back in Judah.
Setting: Ezekiel was one of the early waves of Jews sent into
exile to Babylon. The LORD has chosen him to serve as an
object lesson -- a "man of sign" -- to his listeners, who need to be
convinced that (a) Jerusalem will fall (b) they might as well get
used to living in Babylon, and (c) God has a message of rebuke
and hope for them, even in this foreign land.
OT Prophecy - Ezekiel (Man of Sign)
• Struck dumb, to speak only when prophesy (3:26-27)
• Set up siege works, iron plate (4:1-3)
• Lay on side 390 days & then another 40 days (4:4-8)
• Eat rationed food, cooked on cow dung (4:9-17)
• Cut off hair, divide into thirds, scatter it, hide a few (5:1-4)
• Carry baggage, dig in wall, cover face (12:1-12)
• Eat bread with quaking, drink with trembling (12:17-19)
• Tell allegory of rusted cooking pot (24:1-14)
• Not mourn wife, delight of his life (24:15-24)
• Regain speech on day learns Jerusalem falls (24:25-27)
OT Prophecy - Ezekiel (His Message)
• Same message as Jeremiah (his mentor?)
• punishment & restoration - ch. 14, 20, 37
• prophesy about other nations - ch. 25-32
• new covenant - ch. 11:17-21
• Prophecies Unique to Ezekiel
• vision of cherubim (living creatures) - ch. 1,8-11
• diatribe against harlotry (literal, political & spiritual) - ch. 16, 23
• prediction of two-stage destruction of Tyre - ch. 26,29
• Gogian invasion in the last days - ch. 38-39
• vision of temple - ch. 40-48
• Background for the Apocalypse
• experiences like John (exile, in Spirit, participate in vision)
• living creatures, mark on forehead, 1/3 portions
• mother of harlots, Gogian battle, river of water of life
OT Prophecy - Ezekiel (cont’d)
Application / Lesson {Ezekiel 2:8-3:3}
"But you son of man, be not rebellious like that rebellious house; open
your mouth and eat what I give you1". And when I looked, behold, a
hand was stretched out to me, and lo, a written scroll was in it; and he
spread it before me; and it had writing on the front and on the back,
and there were written on it words of lamentation and mourning and
woe. [so Ezekiel would be very reluctant to digest such bad news]
And he said to me, "Son of man, eat what is offered to you; eat this
scroll2, and go, speak to the house of Israel". So I opened my mouth,
and he gave me the scroll to eat. And he said to me, "Son of man, eat
this scroll3 and fill your stomach with it". [twice more he is urged to
take into his life what God had written -- he just had to swallow it]
Then I ate it; and it was in my mouth as sweet as honey. [once he ate
what God had already put in his mouth, it tasted great after all!]
Distasteful as God's Word may seem at first, eat it! It is life! (John 6:53)
Key Point To Take-away
The messages of the 'Major Prophets'
align with and build on
the earlier Bible prophecies
continue to use
the nation of Israel and the Messiah
as their focus.
Isaiah 52-53 is a ____________ prophecy
a) The subject is about a ________ servant of God.
b) This prophecy is cited in many New Testament passages in
reference to the _______ and ________ and _______ of Jesus.
Jeremiah 30-31 discusses the ______ of the people of Judah.
a) First there was going to be a terrible time of _________
b) However, afterwards, for those who survived and turned back to God,
there would be ___________ and a new _________
Ezekiel was commissioned to speak to the ______ in Babylon.
a) Ezekiel was a "man of ____", that is, he did and said unusual things
so when asked to explain, he would give them God's message.
b) Ezekiel initially was reluctant to prophesy on behalf of God, so God
made Ezekiel unable to ______, unless it was a word of prophecy;
this was both a proof to the people, and a lesson for ________.
OT Prophecies
to be discussed next week
(you can read in advance)
• Daniel 2, 7 - visions of long-term prophecy, of
which the text provides its own interpretation
• Zechariah 14 - predicted capture of Jerusalem
by her enemies, who plunder and ravish and
enslave; then as in the past, God comes to the
rescue & restores all things, this time by Christ
• Malachi 4 - foretells the work of a 'last-days'
Elijah, come to prepare the people for Messiah
Question / Answer Session
To be continued...