What is workplace diversity, and why is it important?

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Transcript What is workplace diversity, and why is it important?

What is workplace diversity,
and why is it important?
 Workforce diversity.
 Challenge of workforce diversity.
 Workforce diversity is increasing.
 Workforce diversity can help in building
customer relationships.
MGT 323
What is workplace diversity,
and why is it important?
 Equal employment opportunity.
– Nondiscriminatory employment decisions.
– Affirmative action.
MGT 323
What is workplace diversity,
and why is it important?
 Equal employment opportunity — cont.
– Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
prohibits employer discrimination with respect
National origin.
MGT 323
What is workplace diversity,
and why is it important?
 Managing diversity.
MGT 323
What are demographic differences among
individuals, and why are they important?
 Demographic characteristics.
– Gender.
– Age.
– Race.
– Ethnicity.
– Able-bodiedness.
MGT 323
What are demographic differences among
individuals, and why are they important?
 Gender.
– No consistent differences between men and
women in:
Problem-solving abilities.
Analytical skills.
Competitive drive.
Learning ability.
MGT 323
What are demographic differences among
individuals, and why are they important?
 Age.
– Older workers …
• Are often stereotyped as inflexible.
• Sometimes complain that their experience and
skills are not valued.
• Have lower turnover.
• Have lower avoidable absences.
MGT 323
What are demographic differences among
individuals, and why are they important?
 Able-bodiedness. ADA
– Despite evidence of effective job performance,
most disabled persons are unemployed.
– Most disabled persons want to work.
– More firms are likely to hire disabled workers
in the future.
MGT 323
What are demographic differences among
individuals, and why are they important?
 Racial and ethnic groups.
– African Americans, Asian Americans, and
Hispanic Americans make up an everincreasing percentage of the American
– Potential for stereotypes and discrimination
can adversely affect career opportunities.
MGT 323
What are aptitude and ability differences
among individuals, and why
are they important?
 Aptitude.
– A person’s capability of learning something.
 Ability.
– A person’s existing capacity to perform the
various tasks needed for a given job.
– Includes relevant knowledge and skills.
MGT 323
What are aptitude and ability differences
among individuals, and why
are they important?
 Aptitude and ability tests may be used as
employment screens in the hiring process.
 To be legal, employment tests must
accurately predict job success.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Personality.
– The overall profile or combination of
characteristics that capture the unique nature
of a person as that person reacts and interacts
with others.
– Combines a set of physical and mental
characteristics that reflect how a person looks,
thinks, acts, and feels.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Personality determinants and development.
– Is personality genetically determined, or is it
formed by experience?
– Heredity sets the limits on the development of
personality characteristics.
– Environment determines development within
these limits.
– Across all characteristics there is about a 5050 heredity-environment split.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Personality determinants and development
— cont.
– Key environmental factors in personality
• Cultural values and norms.
• Situational factors.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 “Big Five” personality dimensions.
– Extraversion.
– Agreeableness.
– Conscientiousness.
– Emotional stability.
– Openness to experience.
MGT 323
Emotional Intelligence
 Daniel Goleman
 Developing emotional intelligence
 Five dimensions:
– Self-awareness: Realistic self assessment-how does this fir
with my values; analyze gut feeling
Managing emotions: anger, anxiety, sadness – controlling
one’s impulses; manage stress; effect on ability to pay
Motivating other: what moves us to action is emotion;
Showing empathy: read emotions in others; prevents acting
in self interest
Staying connected: emotions are not only contagious, they
MGT 323
spread from the top down
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Social traits.
– Surface-level traits that reflect the way a
person appears to others when interacting in
various social settings.
– An important social trait is problem-solving
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Problem-solving style components.
– Information gathering.
• Getting and organizing data for use.
• Sensation-type individuals.
• Intuitive-type individuals.
– Evaluation.
• Using collected information.
• Feeling-type individuals.
• Thinking-type individuals.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Problem-solving styles. Myers-Briggs
– Sensation-feeling (SF).
– Intuitive-thinking (IF).
– Sensation-thinking (ST).
– Intuitive-thinking (IT).
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Personal conception traits.
– The way individuals tend to think about their
social and physical settings as well as their
major beliefs and personal orientation.
– Key Traits:
Locus of control.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Locus of control.
– The extent to which a person feels able to
control his/her own life.
– Internal locus of control.
• People believe they control their own destiny.
– External locus of control.
• People believe that much of what happens to them
is determined by environmental forces.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Authoritarianism/dogmatism.
– Authoritarianism.
• Tendency to adhere rigidly to conventional values
and to obey recognized authority.
– Dogmatism.
• Tendency to view the world as a threatening place.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Machiavellianism.
– Rooted in Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince.
– Evokes images of guile, deceit, and
– Tendency to view and manipulate others
purely for personal gain.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Machiavellianism — cont.
– People with a high-Mach personality:
• Approach situations logically and thoughtfully.
• Are capable of lying to achieve personal goals.
• Are rarely swayed by loyalty, friendships, past
promises, or others’ opinions.
• Are skilled at influencing others.
• Try to exploit loosely structured situations.
• Perform in a perfunctory or detached manner in
highly structured situations.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Machiavellianism — cont.
– People with a low-Mach personality:
• Accept direction imposed by others in loosely
structured situations.
• Work hard to do well in highly structured
• Are strongly guided by ethical considerations.
• Are unlikely to lie or cheat.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Self-monitoring.
– A person’s ability to adjust his/her behavior to
external, situational factors.
– High self-monitors:
• Sensitive to external cues.
• Behave differently in different situations.
– Low self-monitors:
• Not sensitive to external cues.
• Are not able to disguise their behaviors.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Emotional adjustment traits.
– How much an individual experiences distress
or displays unacceptable acts.
– Type A orientation.
• Characterized by impatience, desire for
achievement, and perfectionism.
– Type B orientation.
• Characterized as more easygoing and less
competitive in relation to daily events.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Personality and self-concept.
– Personality dynamics.
• The ways in which an individual integrates and
organizes personality dimensions and traits.
– Self-concept.
• The view individuals have of themselves as
physical, social, and spiritual beings.
MGT 323
What are personality determinants and
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Two aspects of self-concept.
– Self-esteem.
• A belief about one’s worth based on an overall self-
– Self-efficacy.
• An individual’s belief about the likelihood of
successfully completing a specific task.
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Values.
– Values are broad preferences concerning
appropriate courses of action or outcomes.
– Values influence behavior and attitudes.
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Sources of values.
 Culture/ Society
– Parents.
– Friends.
– Teachers.
– Role models.
– External reference groups.
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Types of values.
– Milton Rokeach’s value categories: terminal
values and instrumental values.
– Terminal values.
• Preferences concerning the ends to be achieved.
– Instrumental values.
• Preferences for the means to be used in achieving
desired ends.
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Types of values — cont.
– Gordon Allport’s values categories.
• Theoretical values.
• Economic values.
• Aesthetic values.
• Social values.
• Political values.
• Religious values.
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Types of values — cont.
– Maglino’s categories of workplace values.
• Achievement.
• Helping and concern for others.
• Honesty.
• Fairness.
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Value congruence.
– Occurs when individuals express positive
feelings upon encountering others who exhibit
values similar to their own.
– Incongruent values may result in conflicts over
goals and the means to achieve them.
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Patterns and trends in values.
– Movement away from the following values:
• Duty.
• Honesty.
• Responsibility.
• Economic incentives.
• Organizational loyalty.
• Work-related identity.
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Patterns and trends in values — cont.
– Movement toward the following values:
• Meaningful work.
• Pursuit of leisure.
• Personal identity.
• Self-fulfillment.
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Patterns and trends in values — cont.
– Important work-related values for the present and the
Recognition for competence and accomplishments.
Respect and dignity.
Personal choice and freedom.
Involvement at work.
Pride in one’s work.
Lifestyle quality.
Financial security.
Health and wellness.
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Attitudes.
– Attitudes are influenced by values and are
acquired from the same sources as values.
– An attitude is a predisposition to respond in a
positive or negative way to someone or
something in one’s environment.
– An attitude is a hypothetical construct.
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Components of attitudes.
– Cognitive component.
• The beliefs, opinions, knowledge, or information a person
– Affective component.
• A specific feeling regarding the personal impact of the
– Behavioral component.
• An intention to behave in a certain way based on specific
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Attitudes and behavior.
– An attitude results in intended behavior, which
may or may not result in actual behavior.
– The attitude-behavior relationship is stronger
• Attitudes and behaviors are more specific.
• There is freedom to carry out the behavioral intent.
• The person has experience with the attitude.
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Attitudes and cognitive consistency.
– Cognitive dissonance.
• Describes a state of inconsistency between an
individual’s attitudes and his or her behavior.
– Cognitive dissonance can be reduced by:
• Changing the underlying attitude.
• Changing future behavior.
• Developing new ways of explaining or
rationalizing the inconsistency
MGT 323
What are value and attitude
differences among individuals,
and why are they important?
 Attitudes and cognitive consistency —
– Dissonance reduction choices are influenced
• The degree of control a person has over the
• The magnitude of the rewards involved.
MGT 323
What does managing diversity and
individual differences involve,
and why is it important?
 Dealing with diversity and individual
differences is one of the most important
issues challenging managers.
– Applies in the:
• United States.
• Canada.
• European Union countries.
• Several Asian countries.
MGT 323