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Distant Education College, Jilin University
Richard Nixon’s Childhood
1. Warm-up
2. Background
3. Text Analysis
4. Exercises
5. Questions
For Discussion
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Warm-up Questions
1. Who was Richard Nixon?
2. When did he first visit China?
3. What was the significance of this visit?
4. Richard Nixon was twice president of the U.S. Why did he
resign office in 1974?
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Background Knowledge
1. Nixon: Richard Milhous (1913-1994), 37th president of the
U.S. (1969-1974). Nixon was born into a Quaker family and
was trained and practised as a lawyer. He began his political
career with election to Congress in 1946, and four years later
he was elected to the Senate. Acting as Eisenhower’s vicepresident (1953-1961), Nixon played an unusually prominent
role both at home and abroad. In 1960 he was chosen as the
Republican presidential nominee, but was narrowly defeated
by John Kennedy. In 1962 he announced his retirement to
pursue his career in law. Reentering political life in 1964,
Nixon gradually won wide backing. He was elected President
of the U.S. in 1969 and was reelected in 1972 with a large
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Background Knowledge
Nixon made his historic visit to the People’s Republic of
China in 1972, Which reopened contact with China after a
generation of hostility. (pictures)
Nixon’s second term of office was aborted by the Watergate
scandal. Several of his top aids were tried and imprisoned. On
August 9, 1974, Nixon resigned, being the first US president to
do so. Barred from practising law, he wrote his memories and
other books and died in 1994. President Nixon’s motto was, “if
two wrongs don’t make a right, try three.”
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Background Knowledge
2. President Nixon’s Remarks At Andrews Air Force Base
(February 28, 1972)
Mr. Vice President, Members of the Congress, Members of
the Cabinet, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, and ladies and
I want to express my very deep appreciation, and the
appreciation of all of us, for this wonderfully warm welcome
that you have given us, and for the support that we have had
on the trip that we have just completed, from Americans of
both political parties and all walks of life across this land.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Background Knowledge
And because of the superb efforts of the hardworking
members of the press who accompanied us — they got even
less sleep than I did — millions of Americans in this past week
have seen more of China than I did. Consequently tonight I
would like to talk to you not about what we saw, but about
what we did, to sum up the results of the trip and to put it in
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Background Knowledge
When I announced this trip last July, I described it as a
journey for peace. In the last 30 years, Americans have in three
different wars gone off by the hundreds of thousands to fight,
and some to die, in Asia and in the Pacific. One of the central
motives behind my journey to China was to prevent that from
happening a fourth time to another generation of Americans.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Background Knowledge
As I have often said, peace means more than the mere
absence of war. In a technical sense, we were at peace with the
People’s Republic of China before this trip, but a gulf of
almost 12,000 miles and 22 years of noncommunication and
hostility separated the United States of America from the 750
million people who live in the People’s Republic of China, and
that is one-fourth of all the people in the world.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Background Knowledge
As a result of this trip, we have started the long process of
building a bridge across that gulf, and even now we have
something better than the mere absence of war. Not only have
we completed a week of intensive talks at the highest levels; we
have set up a procedure whereby we can continue to have
discussions in the future. We have demonstrated that nations
with very deep and fundamental differences can learn to
discuss those differences calmly, rationally, and frankly,
without compromising their principles. This is the basis of a
structure for peace, where we can talk about differences,
rather than fight about them.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Background Knowledge
The primary goal of this trip was to re-establish
communication with the People’s Republic of China after a
generation of hostility. We achieved that goal.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
1. True/False Questions
2. Multiple-choice Questions
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
1. As Hannah was an experienced teacher she had no difficulty
in instructing young Richard.
2. Hannah taught her son much about European culture.
3. Later in life Nixon was often proud of his elementary
schoolteacher Miss George because she held that he had a
photographic mind.
4. The only difference between young Richard and other boys
was that he usually did not play with the others and never
5. Young Richard admired his elder brother Harold.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
1. As Hannah was an experienced teacher she had no difficulty
in instructing young Richard. F
2. Hannah taught her son much about European culture.
3. Later in life Nixon was often proud of his elementary
schoolteacher Miss George because she held that he had a
photographic mind.
4. The only difference between young Richard and other boys
was that he usually did not play with the others and never
5. Young Richard admired his elder brother Harold.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
1. As Hannah was an experienced teacher she had no difficulty
in instructing young Richard. F
2. Hannah taught her son much about European culture. T
3. Later in life Nixon was often proud of his elementary
schoolteacher Miss George because she held that he had a
photographic mind.
4. The only difference between young Richard and other boys
was that he usually did not play with the others and never
5. Young Richard admired his elder brother Harold.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
1. As Hannah was an experienced teacher she had no difficulty
in instructing young Richard. F
2. Hannah taught her son much about European culture. T
3. Later in life Nixon was often proud of his elementary
schoolteacher Miss George because she held that he had a
photographic mind. F
4. The only difference between young Richard and other boys
was that he usually did not play with the others and never
5. Young Richard admired his elder brother Harold.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
1. As Hannah was an experienced teacher she had no difficulty
in instructing young Richard. F
2. Hannah taught her son much about European culture. T
3. Later in life Nixon was often proud of his elementary
schoolteacher Miss George because she held that he had a
photographic mind. F
4. The only difference between young Richard and other boys
was that he usually did not play with the others and never
smiled. F
5. Young Richard admired his elder brother Harold.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
1. As Hannah was an experienced teacher she had no difficulty
in instructing young Richard. F
2. Hannah taught her son much about European culture. T
3. Later in life Nixon was often proud of his elementary
schoolteacher Miss George because she held that he had a
photographic mind. F
4. The only difference between young Richard and other boys
was that he usually did not play with the others and never
smiled. F
5. Young Richard admired his elder brother Harold. T
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
6. It was young Richard’s grandmother who was the first to
find that he had a great talent for absorbing knowledge.
7. Nixon’s grandmother gave him special treatment and so he
learned lasting values from her.
8. Young Richard was a hard-working as well as a gifted boy.
9. Richard Nixon’s parents were willing to do what they could
for their children.
10. Richard Nixon was his mother’s favorite child. She taught
him European culture and wanted him to be a teacher like
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
6. It was young Richard’s grandmother who was the first to
find that he had a great talent for absorbing knowledge. F
7. Nixon’s grandmother gave him special treatment and so he
learned lasting values from her.
8. Young Richard was a hard-working as well as a gifted boy.
9. Richard Nixon’s parents were willing to do what they could
for their children.
10. Richard Nixon was his mother’s favorite child. She taught
him European culture and wanted him to be a teacher like
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
6. It was young Richard’s grandmother who was the first to
find that he had a great talent for absorbing knowledge. F
7. Nixon’s grandmother gave him special treatment and so he
learned lasting values from her. T
8. Young Richard was a hard-working as well as a gifted boy.
9. Richard Nixon’s parents were willing to do what they could
for their children.
10. Richard Nixon was his mother’s favorite child. She taught
him European culture and wanted him to be a teacher like
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
6. It was young Richard’s grandmother who was the first to
find that he had a great talent for absorbing knowledge. F
7. Nixon’s grandmother gave him special treatment and so he
learned lasting values from her. T
8. Young Richard was a hard-working as well as a gifted boy.T
9. Richard Nixon’s parents were willing to do what they could
for their children.
10. Richard Nixon was his mother’s favorite child. She taught
him European culture and wanted him to be a teacher like
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
6. It was young Richard’s grandmother who was the first to
find that he had a great talent for absorbing knowledge. F
7. Nixon’s grandmother gave him special treatment and so he
learned lasting values from her. T
8. Young Richard was a hard-working as well as a gifted boy.T
9. Richard Nixon’s parents were willing to do what they could
for their children. T
10. Richard Nixon was his mother’s favorite child. She taught
him European culture and wanted him to be a teacher like
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
6. It was young Richard’s grandmother who was the first to
find that he had a great talent for absorbing knowledge. F
7. Nixon’s grandmother gave him special treatment and so he
learned lasting values from her. T
8. Young Richard was a hard-working as well as a gifted boy.T
9. Richard Nixon’s parents were willing to do what they could
for their children. T
10. Richard Nixon was his mother’s favorite child. She taught
him European culture and wanted him to be a teacher like
herself. F
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
11. Miss George never called the boy Dick as she thought it was
a very foolish nickname.
12. Richard Nixon’s good memory played an important role in
his political career.
13. As a child, Richard Nixon was very jealous of his elder
brother and often competed with him.
14. Richard Nixon received good education from his mother
and grandmother. The two women had strong influence on the
shaping of his character.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
11. Miss George never called the boy Dick as she thought it was
a very foolish nickname. F
12. Richard Nixon’s good memory played an important role in
his political career.
13. As a child, Richard Nixon was very jealous of his elder
brother and often competed with him.
14. Richard Nixon received good education from his mother
and grandmother. The two women had strong influence on the
shaping of his character.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
11. Miss George never called the boy Dick as she thought it was
a very foolish nickname. F
12. Richard Nixon’s good memory played an important role in
his political career. T
13. As a child, Richard Nixon was very jealous of his elder
brother and often competed with him.
14. Richard Nixon received good education from his mother
and grandmother. The two women had strong influence on the
shaping of his character.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
11. Miss George never called the boy Dick as she thought it was
a very foolish nickname. F
12. Richard Nixon’s good memory played an important role in
his political career. T
13. As a child, Richard Nixon was very jealous of his elder
brother and often competed with him. F
14. Richard Nixon received good education from his mother
and grandmother. The two women had strong influence on the
shaping of his character.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
True/False Questions
11. Miss George never called the boy Dick as she thought it was
a very foolish nickname. F
12. Richard Nixon’s good memory played an important role in
his political career. T
13. As a child, Richard Nixon was very jealous of his elder
brother and often competed with him. F
14. Richard Nixon received good education from his mother
and grandmother. The two women had strong influence on the
shaping of his character. T
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
1. Who had the strongest influences on Nixon’s childhood?
A) His father and mother.
B) His mother and brother.
C) His mother and grandmother.
D) His brother and grandmother.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
1. Who had the strongest influences on Nixon’s childhood? C
A) His father and mother.
B) His mother and brother.
C) His mother and grandmother.
D) His brother and grandmother.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
2. Before he went to elementary school, Nixon had ______.
A) become a keen reader of children’s encyclopedias
B) been devoted to European culture
C) become proficient in French and German
D) been a master of clear expression
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
2. Before he went to elementary school, Nixon had ______. A
A) become a keen reader of children’s encyclopedias
B) been devoted to European culture
C) become proficient in French and German
D) been a master of clear expression
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
3. Hannah was inclined to stop the use of Richard’s nickname
because _____.
A) his nickname was foolish
B) children were not allowed to use their nicknames when they
entered elementary school
C) Miss George disliked his nickname
D) she thought it more respectful to use her son’s full name
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
3. Hannah was inclined to stop the use of Richard’s nickname
because _____. D
A) his nickname was foolish
B) children were not allowed to use their nicknames when they
entered elementary school
C) Miss George disliked his nickname
D) she thought it more respectful to use her son’s full name
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
4. Which of the following statements is the author’s objective
description of Richard Nixon’s memory?
A) He had a photographic mind.
B) He had a natural capacity for remembering information.
C) He was blessed with a very good memory.
D) He did not have to work very hard to remember things.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
4. Which of the following statements is the author’s objective
description of Richard Nixon’s memory? C
A) He had a photographic mind.
B) He had a natural capacity for remembering information.
C) He was blessed with a very good memory.
D) He did not have to work very hard to remember things.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
5. The competitive quality within Richard Nixon was first
shown in his early experiences with ________.
A) his mother
B) his father
C) his older brother Harold
D) his grandmother
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
5. The competitive quality within Richard Nixon was first
shown in his early experiences with ________. C
A) his mother
B) his father
C) his older brother Harold
D) his grandmother
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
6. Which of the values that Nixon inherited from his
grandmother probably led him to pay an informal visit to
China in 1972?
A) A passion for love.
B) A passion for fame.
C) A passion for peace.
D) A passion for hard work.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
6. Which of the values that Nixon inherited from his
grandmother probably led him to pay an informal visit to
China in 1972? C
A) A passion for love.
B) A passion for fame.
C) A passion for peace.
D) A passion for hard work.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
7. The chief idea of the poem can be summarized as ____.
A) we should thank God for work
B) work is only interesting if we really want to do it
C) work is the source of our greatest strengths and joys
D) it is wonderful to have useful work to do
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
7. The chief idea of the poem can be summarized as ____. C
A) we should thank God for work
B) work is only interesting if we really want to do it
C) work is the source of our greatest strengths and joys
D) it is wonderful to have useful work to do
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
8. What does the author intend to tell us in this passage?
A) Nixon’s early experiences played a key role in his adult life.
B) Nixon has become outstanding because of his passion for
privacy and quietness.
C) It was clear even from his early years that Nixon would
become a great leader.
D) Nixon’s father and older brothers had the most important
influence on his childhood.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Multiple-choice Questions
8. What does the author intend to tell us in this passage? A
A) Nixon’s early experiences played a key role in his adult life.
B) Nixon has become outstanding because of his passion for
privacy and quietness.
C) It was clear even from his early years that Nixon would
become a great leader.
D) Nixon’s father and older brothers had the most important
influence on his childhood.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Questions for Discussion
1. What do you know about the characteristics of young
Richard after reading the text?
2. Do you think your childhood experiences have had a direct
influence on your later life? Explain which of your early
experiences influenced you most?
3. Which one of your relatives had the most important
influence on the shaping of your character? How did he/she
influence you?
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Text Analysis
Do you know why Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the
United States, paid an informal visit to China in 1972, a visit
which made it possible for the United States to build a better
relationship with China? Nixon has always been regarded as a
man of great talent and strong will. Do you want to know what
helped to form these characteristics? The following passage will
tell you about Nixon’s early life.
One way in which both Frank and Hannah did show their
love was in their willingness to make sacrifices for their
children. As parents, they were devoted to ensuring that their
sons obtained the best possible education. At an early age they
concentrated their efforts on Richard, as he showed most signs
of being a talented and perhaps even a gifted child.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Text Analysis
The making of the early mind of Richard Nixon owed most
to his mother. If her marriage had not cut short her college
education she would have become a teacher. She was a welleducated young woman, proficient in Greek, Latin, German
and French, with a deep interest in European culture.
Hannah taught Richard to read before he went to infant
school and awakened his interest in her own specialized areas
of classics, languages, and history. By the age of five he had
become an eager reader of children’s encyclopedias, history
stories and adult periodicals.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Text Analysis
Hannah opened Richard’s mind to European culture; she
started him off in French and German, introduced him to
Shakespeare and trained him to recite poetry. Hannah was,
above all, a classicist. She believed that Latin was the
fountainhead of language, and that the ancient historians and
orators were the masters of clear expression. Under his
mother’s instruction classics had a strong influence on
Richard’s childhood imagination.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Text Analysis
Besides expanding Richard’s mental curiosity and
capabilities far beyond the interests of the average five year old,
Hannah drilled into him the importance of working hard in
order to grow up to be somebody. A small clue to her strong
desire for her second son was her attempt to stop the use of the
nickname Dick as too foolish, perhaps, for a future man of
importance. “By the way Miss George, please call my son
Richard and never Dick. I named him Richard,” Hannah told
his school-teacher on the day he entered the elementary school.
Miss Mary George never forgot this request — one of the
many reasons why this little boy was rather different from the
others in her class. Her recollections of Richard Nixon’s early
progress are revealing.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Text Analysis
“He was a very quiet, studious boy and kept mostly to
himself … he was one of those rare individuals born with
knowledge. He only had to be exposed or shown and he never
forgot … he absorbed knowledge of any kind … in that year he
read no less than thirty or forty books, maybe more, besides
doing all of his other work … he never had to work for
knowledge at all. He was told something and he never forgot.
He has a photographic mind, I think.”
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Text Analysis
Although this early judgment of Richard’s ability by his first
schoolmistress may be too flattering, nevertheless Miss George’s
reference to the photographic quality of his mind showed much
insight. The phrase “photographic memory” falls too easily from the
tongue and is rarely accurate, but what can be said with certainty of
Richard Nixon is that he was blessed with a very good memory. For
various reasons it has often suited him during his career to downplay
this remarkable gift. During his life he preferred to brush aside
discussion of this talent with the comment, “My memory is very
good only for a simple reason — I worked at it.” However he
acquired it, there is little doubt that this capacity for remembering
information of every description, from names, facts and figures to
speeches and documents, was fundamental to his later political
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Text Analysis
“He was a very quiet child and rarely ever smiled or
laughed”, recalled his schoolteacher Miss George. “I have no
recollection of him playing with others in the playground,
which undoubtedly he did … like other youngsters in mild
weather Richard always came barefoot. Every day he wore a
freshly cleaned white shirt with a big black bow tie and knee
pants. He always looked like his mother had scrubbed him
from head to toe. The funny thing is, I can never remember
him ever getting dirty.”
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Text Analysis
The one person who could bring Richard out of his shell was
his elder brother Harold, the oldest son in the family. Harold
was a daredevil, a charmer, an outgoing risk-taker who loved
heroworshipped his elder brother. Never quick-moving himself,
he found it difficult to match the pace set by Harold as they
raced off together into adventures. Their physical inequality
was painfully apparent. Richard would tumble down, cut his
knees, run out of breath, yet never quit in his struggles to keep
up with his stronger brother. The first signs that Richard was
going to be a great competitor and a great trier were displayed
in his childhood relationship with Harold.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Text Analysis
One other close relative who had a major impact on Richard
was his grandmother, Almira Milhous. She had strong passions
for history, for poetry, for racial equality and especially for
educating the young. This last interest made her a good
communicator with her thirty-two grandchildren. Having been
a schoolteacher before her marriage, Almira had a good eye
for the brightest child in the class and she quickly spotted that
of all her descendants, Richard Nixon had the most talent for
absorbing knowledge. She was the first person ever to say,
“That boy will one day be a leader.” Although she tried to be
careful not to single him out for special treatment at family
gatherings, it was nevertheless noticed that Almira was
“especially attached to Richard.”
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Text Analysis
At her knee he read her history books, absorbed her firm belief in
Republicanism, and came to share her admiration for Ghandi,
Lincoln and other peacemakers whose biographies she gave to him.
Above all, Richard absorbed from his grandmother certain key
values that stayed with him throughout his life. “A passion for peace
and a passion for privacy” was his summary of his Milhous heritage.
He could well have added “a passion for hard work”.
Richard Nixon grew up to be an industrious as well as a clever boy.
The old saying that genius is one per cent inspiration and ninetynine per cent perspiration was applicable to him. When he was ten,
Grandmother Almira gave Richard a poem.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Text Analysis
Thank God for the might of it
The ardor, the urge, the delight of it
Work that springs from the heart’s desire
Setting the brain and the soul on fire
Abridged from Nixon, A Life by
Jonathan Aithken first published in 1993.
Approximately 1,200 words.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
ensure [in5FuE] vt. 确保,保证
=to make sure or certain; insure
e.g. We can ensure that the work shall be done in the right way.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
proficient [prE5fIFEnt] adj. 精通的
= having or marked by an advanced degree of competence
e.g. She is proficient at figure skating.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
infant [5InfEnt] n. 幼儿,婴儿
e.g. Infant mortality has been dramatically reduced because of
modern medicine.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
awaken [E5weIkEn] vt. 激发,引起
=to cause to wake up
e.g. People must be awakened to the danger of these chemical
weapons. (喻)
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
encyclopedia [ensaIklEJ5pi:dIE] n. 百科全书
= a comprehensive reference work containing articles on a wide
range of subjects
e.g. A dictionary explains words and an encyclopedia explains
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
periodical [pIErI5RdIkEl] n. 期刊
e.g. His article was published in a learned periodical.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
recite [rI5saIt] vt. 背诵,朗诵
e.g. The child can recite poems at the age of five.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
expand [Ik5spAnd] vt. 扩大,发展
= enlarge
e.g. The business has expanded from having one office to having
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
recollection [rekE5lekFEn] n. 回忆,记忆
= memory
e.g. That evening is one of my happiest recollections.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
revealing [rI`vi:lIN] adj. 有启迪作用的,透露内情的
= permitting an elucidating glimpse or a perception of
something intimate or concealed
e.g. That’s a very revealing biography.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
studious [5stju:djEs] adj. 好学的,用功的
= given to diligent study
e.g. She is really a quiet, studious child.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
flattering [`flAtErIN] adj. 奉承的,谄媚的
e.g. Those flattering remarks filled me with disgust.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
reference [5refrEns] n. 提到,论及
= an act of referring
e.g. She made frequent references to her promotion.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
insight [5InsaIt] n. 洞察力,深刻见解,洞悉
= the capacity to discern the true nature of a situation;
e.g. My grandfather is a man of insight.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
blessed [5blesId] adj. 有幸(得到)
= bringing happiness, pleasure, or contentment
e.g. The old lady is blessed with excellent health.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
scrub [skrQb] vt. 擦洗,擦净
=clean, rub, wash
e.g. I got paint on my hands and it won't scrub off.
我手上沾上了油漆, 擦不掉。
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
passion [5pAFEn] n. 强烈情感,极度喜爱
= a powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger
e.g. His skills as a player don't quite match his passion for the
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
spot [spRt] vt. 发现,认出
= detect or discern
e.g. She spotted a friend in a crowd.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
biography [baI5R^rEfI] n. 传记
= an account of a person's life written, composed, or produced
by another
e.g. He read the biography of Byron many times.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Words to Know
heritage [5herItIdV] n. 继承物,天性
= something that is passed down from preceding generations; a
e.g. We Chinese have a great cultural heritage.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Richard Nixon (1913-1994):
the 37th president of the United States (1969-1974). During his
administration, the United States withdrew its military forces
from Vietnam and informally recognized the government of the
People’s Republic of China. The Watergate scandal that
occurred at the beginning of his second term led him to become
the first United States President ever to resign from office.
Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California in 1913. He was the
second of Hannah and Frank Nixon’s five children, all of whom
were boys.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Ghandi (1869-1948):
India’s best-known leader of this century. He led his country to
freedom from direct British rule through a policy of nonviolence. A Hindu and a lawyer, Ghandi was assassinated by a
religious fanatic.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865): the 16th president of the United
States, guided his country through the most devastating
experience in its national history — the American Civil War.
He is considered by many historians to have been the greatest
American President.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Useful Phrases and Expressions
owe to 把…视为…起因,把…归结于
e.g. He owes his success to good luck more than to ability.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Useful Phrases and Expressions
cut short 中断
e.g. He often regretted his player career cut short by illness.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Useful Phrases and Expressions
start … off (使)开始
e.g. The horse started off at a steady trot.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Useful Phrases and Expressions
keep to oneself 不与他人交往,不交际
e.g. He likes to keep to himself and tries his best to avoid
meeting people.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Useful Phrases and Expressions
brush aside 不顾不理,把…推到一边
e.g. It is a problem that you can not brush aside.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Useful Phrases and Expressions
keep up with 跟上
e.g. Are wages keeping up with inflation?
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Useful Phrases and Expressions
have an impact on 对…强烈的影响
e.g. Will the war have an impact on such a poet?
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Useful Phrases and Expressions
single … out 挑选,选拔
e.g. He was singled out for special training.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Useful Phrases and Expressions
be attached to 对…爱慕,依恋
e.g. I am very attached to that old picture.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Useful Phrases and Expressions
above all 尤其是,首先
e.g. Above all, I love Tchaikovsky.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Difficult Sentences
One way in which both Frank and Hannah did show their love
was in their willingness to make sacrifices for their children.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Difficult Sentences
At an early age they concentrated their efforts on Richard, as he
showed most signs of being a talented and perhaps even a gifted
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Difficult Sentences
The making of the early mind of Richard Nixon owed most to
his mother. If her marriage had not cut short her college
education she would have become a teacher.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Difficult Sentences
Hannah taught Richard to read before he went to infant school
and awakened his interest in her own specialized areas of
classics, languages, and history.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Difficult Sentences
Besides expanding Richard’s mental curiosity and capabilities
far beyond the interests of the average five year old, Hannah
drilled into him the importance of working hard in order to
grow up to be somebody.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Difficult Sentences
Although this early judgment of Richard’s ability by his first
schoolmistress may be too flattering, nevertheless Miss George’s
reference to the photographic quality of his mind showed much
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Difficult Sentences
For various reasons it has often suited him during his career to
downplay this remarkable gift.
it has often suited him (to do):
it has often been of benefit to him (to do)
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Difficult Sentences
However he acquired it, there is little doubt that this capacity
for remembering information of every description, from names,
facts and figures to speeches and documents, was fundamental
to his later political success.
of every description:
of every kind
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Difficult Sentences
The one person who could bring Richard out of his shell was his
elder brother Harold, the oldest son in the family.
bring Richard out of his shell:
make Richard less quiet and reserved
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Difficult Sentences
Harold was a daredevil, a charmer, an outgoing risk-taker who
loved danger, excitement, rough and tumble.
rough and tumble:
fighting or wrestling but only in play
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Difficult Sentences
Having been a schoolteacher before her marriage, Almira had a
good eye for the brightest child in the class and she quickly
spotted that of all her descendants, Richard Nixon had the most
talent for absorbing knowledge.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Distant Education College, Jilin University