The Legend of Cincinnatus Captain John A. Atilano II

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The Legend of
Captain John A. Atilano II
Harvard, JFK School of Govt.
PAL-210 U.S. Congress
14 February 2005
Statue of Cincinnatus,
Cincinnati, OH, 2004,
by Rick Dikeman
"With one hand he
returns the fasces,
symbol of power as
appointed dictator of
Rome. His other hand
holds the plow, as he
resumes the life of a
citizen and farmer."
 Rome, Italy. 458 B.C.
 Rome attacked by Aequians
– Attack reaches nearly to the walls of Rome
– Crops destroyed; people are terrified
 Minucius takes on the Aequians
– Failure.
– 5 horsemen dispatched to Rome to get
The Legend
(Day 1)
 Horsemen reach Rome
 Senate unanimously
votes Cincannatus as
 Envoys dispatched
 Cincinnatus found
plowing his 3-acre farm.
 Roman Envoys plead
with Cincinnatus
 Cincinnatus puts on his
toga and is immediately
saluted by the envoys
The Legend
(Day 1 – continued)
 Cincinnatus arrives in Rome
– Met by a huge entourage, including the
Senate and his Lictors (bodyguards)
– People of Rome fearful of his power and
the manner he would use it.
 That Night
– Nothing done but guard the city
The Legend
(Day 2)
 Forum. Dawn. His Instructions
– Legal business suspended
– All shops closed; no private business
– All men of military age to report at sunset
with all equipment and five days rations
– All men over military age were to prepare
food for the younger men
The Legend
(Day 2 - Continued)
 Sunset
– All men in formation. Everyone prepared.
No one is late.
– Column moves out. Cincannutus leading
the Infantry, Tarquitus leading the cavalry.
 The battle lasted until dawn
– Cincannatus deals a crushing blow to the
Aequian Army
– Aequian’s beg Cincannutus to allow them
to surrender and leave with their lives
The Legend
(Day 3)
 Cincannatus accepts Aequian surrender on
humiliating terms
– Aequian leaders to be brought before him in
– All soldiers required to pass “under yoke”
 Aequian Camp contained significant treasure
– Cincannatus shares only with his soldiers; none
to Minucius’ army
• 'You shall have no share of the plunder taken from an
enemy who nearly took you.'
• 'Until, Lucius Minucius, you learn to behave like a
consul and commander, you will act as my lieutenant
and take your instructions from me.'
The Legend
(Day 4)
 Cincannatus enters Rome in Victory
– Military Standards (flags) in lead
– Followed by Aequian leaders in chains
– Cincannatus follows in a chariot
– Soldiers follow Cincannatus
 The streets are full, the crowd cheers
the triumphant Army.
The Legend
(Day 16)
 No one dared ask Cincannatus to resign.
 Aequian leaders found guilty at trial. Exiled.
 Cincinnatus resigns as dictator after 16 days
– His original appointment was for 6 months
 Returns to his farm where his plow and ox
still remain just as he left them
Omnia relinquit
He abandons
everything to serve
his country