Three Religions Christianity Islam Hindu

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Transcript Three Religions Christianity Islam Hindu

Three Religions
 One God who has one son, Jesus Christ
 Those who practice it are Christians
 Christ is born in Palestine, but we call the state
 Teacher
 Healer
 Began practicing these works when he was
about 30 years old (about 33-34 C.E.)
 Initially was a counter-culture movement
 Women and slaves found equal spiritual value
under its doctrines
 Formed of people from three societies
 Greeks, Romans, and Jews
 Each of these was patriarchal
 As the Church becomes institutionalized, various sects fight
for dominance
 The Pauline sect (St. Paul, the Epistles) wins
 Encourages a return to traditional values
Christ and Women
 Gospels and Epistles will show that the messages they
communicate in regard to gender roles are very
 The Gospels have no negative statements about women
attributed to Jesus or his followers. They reject the
restrictive traditional roles of the time period.
 The resurrection story of Jesus is especially
significant to gender studies because he appears to
two women: Mary, his mother, and Mary Magdalene.
 Contradicts the Hebrew tradition which hold that women
cannot bear legal witness; they could not enter the
synagogue; they were not credible as witnesses.
 It is not surprising that when the women went to the
apostles and disciples to tell them about the resurrection
that they were not believed.
Christ and Women
 Jesus taught women the scriptures, which went
against Rabbinic law, and accepted them as followers.
 Jesus did not treat women as sex objects, and that
during a time when women who transgressed
sexually could be put to death, he preached
forgiveness for these women.
 Jesus rejected the blood taboo. Hebrew law held that
menstruating women were social outcasts, were
unclean, and were to be totally separated from
society. Jesus accepts and includes these women in
his teachings.
Early Demographics
 Jo Ann McNamara notes in her essay “Matres
Patriae/Matres Ecclesiae: Women of the Roman
Empire” that women were in fact the largest
demographic follower of Christ’s teachings.
 Whereas his male followers all tended to be humble and
slaves, McNamara shows, his female followers spanned
the entire social range, and it is because many of his
followers were wealthy females that his ideas were able to
be promoted and proliferated both before and after his
death. Without the influence, missionary work, political
work, and sometimes martyrdom of women, Christ’s ideas
might have died out or been eradicated.
Historical Context
Temple of Isis,
 The Roman Empire was falling, there had been
many men lost in the wars and the remaining ruling
population consisted of mostly women
 The Greeks and Jews, as the conquered, also lost
many men in this war period
 Rome ruled with their polytheistic culture, and they
began to be infiltrated by Egyptian religions, as well
 Temples of Isis
 For 200 years Christians were persecuted until a measure
of tolerance was reached, and then finally, about 100 years
later, it became official religion.
Pauline Strategy
 To set themselves apart from the other religions
 To recruit members they needed to convince them that they
were different than the other cults.
 They decided to advocate a greater respect for life;
 They decided not to adorn themselves, as many of the materialistic
Roman culture did;
 They would be more associated with home and family and being
peaceful, unlike the Romans who liked to socialize at parties and
sporting events.
 They decided that their men and women would be sexually
restricted. Christians would not participate in orgies or homosexuality,
etc. They would be different.
 As part of this strategy, they would return to traditional gender
roles; they would not liberate their women. Again, as a
strategy of survival, this would allow them to differentiate
themselves from the other religions, which were seen as too
 Pauline Advice for Women’s Behavior
 Women are to be sober and obedient, based on
Titus 2:4-5;
 to submit to their husbands, as advised in
Colossians 3:18;
 to accept men as their authority figures, in 1
Corinthians 11:3;
 and to be silent in church, as described in 1
Corinthians 14:34-35
 Cult = a new religion, sociologically
 Christianity in the beginning was new, a small
 Established by Jews
 Christ = Jewish
 Accepted many people pf many faiths as it grew
 Sect = offshoot of an established religion
 All people are alike in spirit
 Ethnic group does not matter
 Race does not matter
 Religion does not matter
 Christianity is monotheistic, like Judaism
 Christianity challenges Roman polytheism
 Christians use the Bible
 Old Testament
 From Hebrew heritage and Judaism
 Contains histories, songs, poetry and laws
 New Testament
 Represents the life and death of Christ
 Gospels = story of Christ’s life
 Epistles = establish Christianity and its policies
 Christianity becomes institutionalized
eventually (losing its cult status)
 Christianity divides East and West, when East refuses to
recognize the Roman Pope as head of Church
 East = Greek Orthodox
Constantinople was center
Istanbul, Turkey now
Fell to Islam in 1453, losing power
Moved north to Russia and south to Greece
 West = Roman Catholic
 1517, Religious wars
 Crusades and Inquisition
 The Reformations
 Catholics and Lutherans split
 Later Lutherans will split into other Protestant denominations
 Converting natives of “third-world” countries
to Christianity by force, combining religion
with economics
 Beginning in 15th century and extending
through the 18th and 19th centuries and still
Demographics Today
 Christianity is the world's most widely practiced religion, with 2
billion adherents
 Christianity has many branches, including 1.1 billion Roman Catholics,
367 million Protestants in a number of traditions, 216 million Orthodox,
84 million Anglicans, 414 million Independents (unaffiliated with the
major streams of Christianity), and 31.7 million "marginals" (Jehovah's
Witnesses, Latter Day Saints (Mormons), etc.), these last being
denominations which describe themselves as Christian but are not
recognized as such by other denominations.
 Although Christianity is the largest religion in the world and there
are massive missionary efforts under way, its overall rate of growth
is slower than that of some other faiths and of the world
population as a whole.
 The population of the world grows at roughly 1.25% per year, but
Christianity is growing at about 1.12% per year.
 By contrast, Islam is growing at 1.4% per year. The slow growth can be
attributed to most of the Christian population residing in affluent nations
where the birth rate is quite low.
 Arabic word for “peace” and “surrender”
The peace that comes from the surrender to God
Practioners are Muslims
Younger religion
Dominates the Middle East and North Africa,
Pakistan and Bangladesh
 1/5 people in the world are Muslims
 Born in Mecca in 570 C.E., now Saudi Arabia
 Islam is based on his teachings
 He is not the son of God but God’s last prophet;
he is the last messenger of God
 They recognize the Judaic prophets and Christ as God’s
 Their text is the Koran; God is Allah
 Allah revealed His will to Mohammed
 Since Mohammed is last, his word is final, the seal
 Therefore, Islam is the one true religion (according
to its followers)
Islam’s Split
 After Mohammed’s death in 632 C.E., two religions
are formed:
 Sunni
 Dominant in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East
 Any good man can become a prophet and a religious leader
 Shiites
 Dominant in Iran
 Only male descendents of Mohammed can be religious leaders
 Hussein killed 4,000 people in battle and was martyred: selfsacrifice is hero-ified; the highest you can go is to kill yourself for
your religion
 Are forbidden to drink or take drugs
 Pray five times a day
 Follow other requirements
 Basic unit of social life = family
Husbands and fathers in total control
No public role for women
No separation between church and state, theocracy
 The state is the law; Allah provides all legislation and
laws in the Koran
Demographics Today
 Based on the percentages published in the 2003 CIA
Factbook, Islam is the second largest religion in the world.
Islam is growing faster numerically than any other religion;
this growth is attributed mainly to a higher birth rate than
other religions, and partly to a high conversion rate.
 The Muslim population today comprises a total of 1.48
billion, 22.82% of the world's population.
 The world population is growing at about 1.10% per year, but
the percentage of Muslim population is increasing by 1.4%
per year, mostly due to higher birth rate of African and Asian
countries. Birth rates in many Muslim countries have begun
to decline, although more slowly than in other nations, which
also may be a factor.
 Hinduism is one of the oldest major world religions
 Hinduism is characterized by a diverse array of belief
systems, practices and scriptures.
 It has its origin in the ancient Indo-European Vedic
culture at least as far back as 2000 BCE.
 It is the third largest religion with approximately 940
million followers worldwide, 96% of whom live in the
Indian subcontinent.
 In the US alone, 3 million people follow some form of
 After including Yoga followers, Hinduism has around 1.05
billion followers worldwide.
 Common to all Hindus is belief in Dharma,
reincarnation, karma, and moksha (liberation) of
every soul through a variety of moral, actionbased, and meditative yogas.
 More fundamental principles include ahimsa
(non-violence), the primacy of the Guru, the
Divine Word of OM and the power of mantras,
love of Truth in many manifestations as Gods and
Goddesses, and an understanding that the
essential spark of the Divine (Atman/Brahman) is
in every human and living being, thus allowing for
many spiritual paths leading to the One Unitary
Bindis are worn by Hindu women on their forehead to symbolize the opening of
their spiritual third eye. Hindus across the board stress meditative insight, an
intuition beyond the mind and body, a trait that is often associated with the ascetic
god Shiva. Men, too, will bear on their foreheads the equivalent tilak mark, usually
on religious occasions, its shape often representing particular devotion to a certain
main deity.
Om, or Aum, is the
most sacred syllable
and quintessential
symbol of Hinduism,
representing the first
manifestation of the
unmanifest Brahman
 Although Hinduism is very diverse, one of the
possible things that unites all Hindus is the quest for
enlightenment and to free oneself from the cycle of
 Another major concept is the concept of Ahimsa,
which means "non-harm". Through this concept,
strict movements of vegetarianism and tolerance
grew. Hindus believe that everything in the world is
part of the universal spirit, and therefore everything
needs to be respected, preserved and protected.
Caste System
 According to ancient Hindus, the four varnas (literally, 'colors')
or castes had equal standing in the society and were based upon
the duties to society and worked together towards the welfare of
the society. According to this understanding, discrimination by
caste is a perversion of dharma's true meaning.
 Over a period of time the caste system has become rigid and
discriminatory. In spite of centuries of numerous reform movements,
notably within Vedanta, Bhatia Yoga and Hindu streams of Tantra, and
reformers, with recent stalwarts like Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma
Gandhi, caste based discrimination is so deeply ensconced in the Indian
consciousness that even Christian converts have been known to separate
church meetings for different castes. A number of Muslim communities
have retained caste practices as well.
 Caste still plays a significant role in Hindu society; however, post
Independence, caste is losing favor in India and caste-based
discrimination has been legitimized.
 Castes
Brahmin, priests
Kshatriya, warriors
Vaisy, artisans and merchants
Sudra, peasants
 Upward mobility through reincarnation is done by
being the best possible, making sacrifices, observing
religious rituals, having faith . . . leads to moksha.
Woman’s Role within Hinduism
 The best a woman can hope for is to come back
as a man.
 Purpose: To be a good wife to help her husband
attain moksha, and to be a good mother to her sons
 Good wife treats husband as a god
 Virtues: self-sacrifice, submission, patience
Sati means
Hindu Women
Sati was
banned in
 Are to behave as good women/wives, have little value
as daughters until marriage
 When widowed were to follow help ensure their
husbands’ ascension by showing their devotion and
to provide their own families with generations of
good luck by killing themselves on the funeral pyre:
 If not Sati, were to give up all their worldly
belongings and pray for their husbands’ success in
moksha while begging on the streets