COSC3306: Programming Paradigms Lecture 6: Object-Oriented Programming Specifications

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Transcript COSC3306: Programming Paradigms Lecture 6: Object-Oriented Programming Specifications

Programming Paradigms
Lecture 6: Object-Oriented
Programming Specifications
Haibin Zhu, Ph.D.
Computer Science
Nipissing University
(C) 2003
Specification of OOPL
The object-oriented programming allows one to
construct programs the way we humans tend to
think about things.
For example,
– We tend to classify real-world entities such as
vehicles, airplanes, ATM machines, and so on.
– Take a class of vehicles, all vehicles have certain
components, such as engine, wheels, transmissions,
and so on.
– All vehicles exhibit some kind of behavior, such as
acceleration, deceleration, and turning.
How object-oriented model can be
One way is that an object may include
persistent data and several data types with
their associated operations.
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Figure 8.1 The Operation/Parameter model
In the following, the message Perimeter can be
sent to an object, which will behave according
to its own method for handling the message. In
this Figure, Square represents an active object
with both of its data attributes, w and s, having
values. Objects of type triangle or square each
have two methods, namely Perimeter and Area.
Figure 8.2 The
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As a consequence of the above
discussion, we can say that, the objectoriented approach provides a
programming method that consists of
objects sending messages to other
Design Principles for OOP
The object-oriented programming model has as its
fundamental entity the object, which consists of a local
state and a set of actions that it can perform, called
methods. These methods are activated when the
object receives an appropriate message, in which the
actions consist of modification of the state of the object
and the sending of messages to other objects.
The local state structure of an object and the methods
that it can perform are specified by the class, which
defines the object. In this sense, an object is called an
instance of its class.
A class is used as a syntactic mechanism in almost all
object-oriented languages, in which an individual
representative of a class is known as an instance.
A module that consists of a hidden variable together with
a group of exported operations on that variable.
One way to view an object is as a pair consisting of
behavior and state.
– The behavior of a component is the set of actions it can perform.
The complete description of all the behaviors for a component is
sometimes called the protocol, in which includes all activities
– The state of a component represents all the information held
within it. It is worth noting that, the state is not static and can be
changed over time (dynamic).
– The state is described by the instance variables, whereas the
behavior is characterized by the methods, in which provide the
appropriate behavior through modifications of the state as well as
by interacting with other objects.
A class is a template for objects and contains of
the following:
– Descriptions of the actions an object can perform.
– Definition of the structure of an object.
In other words, a class must provide a means for
defining the forms of objects. What data do they
own? What can they do? How do they do
A class is similar to an abstract data type which
defines the type data structure and procedures
that apply to it.
It is often useful to think of computation in an
object-oriented system as evolving around
A message is a request transferred from one
object to another in order the receiving object to
produce some desired result. Using this analogy,
objects in the system manipulate other objects
by sending messages requesting them to
perform specific action.
Unary Messages
Unary Messages have no parameters. They have only
two parts, the object to which they are to be sent and the
name of the method in that receiving object. In this
respect, the first symbol of an unary message specifies a
receiver object, and the second symbol specifies the
method of that object that is to be executed. For
example, the message
SecondChild Boy
sends a parameterless message to the Boy method of
the object SecondChild. Recall that all objects are
referenced by pointers, so SecondChild is really a
pointer to an object.
Binary Messages
Binary Messages have a single parameter, an object,
which is passed to the specified method of the specified
receiver object. Among the most common binary
messages are those for arithmetic operations. For
example, in the message
20  10
the receiver object is the number 20, to which is sent the
message 10. In this respect, the message passes the
parameter object 10 to the  method of the object 20.
The code of that method uses the object 10 to build a
new object, in this case 30. If the system already
contains the object 30, then the result is a reference to it
rather than to a new object.
Keyword Messages
Keyword Messages specify one or more keywords to
organize the correspondence between the actual
parameters in the message and the formal parameters in
the method. In other words, the keywords select the
method to which the message is directed. Methods that
accept keyword messages are not named, but instead are
identified by the keywords themselves. For example,
consider the following message
FirstArray Head: 1
Tail: 5
which sends the objects 1 and 5 to a particular method,
“Head :” and “Tail :”, of the object FirstArray. The keywords
“Head :” and “Tail :” identify the formal parameters of the
method to which 1 and 5, respectively, are to be sent. In
this respect, the method to which this message is sent
includes the keywords of the message.
A method consists of the operations that an object
performs when it receives a message. A one-toone correspondence between messages and the
methods that are executed when a given message
is received by an object of a particular class.
Objects of different classes might perform different
methods for the same message if that message
were bound to a different method in the definition
of the two classes.
In contrast, if a message corresponds to a
procedure call, then the method corresponds to
the procedure itself.
An object-oriented model consisting of different
objects to accomplish some methods of
communication. Communication from an object
Student to the object Financial-Aid, as indicated
by arrow, is through the messages ID and
Transaction. The Financial-Aid can respond by
sending messages Money and Receipt. The
object Financial-Aid is thought of as an active
entity including data and also capable of sending
messages, receipts, or money whereas
algorithms manipulate passive data.
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Figure 8.3 Object-oriented representation of
financial-aid-receiving problem
Implementing OOP
In general, an object-based language supports:
– Data Abstraction (Encapsulation of state with Operations)
– Encapsulation (Information Hiding)
– Polymorphism (Message Passing)
and a language that is object-oriented also
– Inheritance, and
– Dynamic Binding.
In this context, inheritance is the ability to organize
object classes into a hierarchy of subclasses and
superclasses, and for operations of a given class to be
applicable to objects of a subclass. The key concepts
that are common to the implementation of each objectoriented programming language are as the following.
Data Abstraction
One of the recent trends in programming methodology
and programming languages has been the specification
of Abstract Data Types (ADT).
That is, the programmer first decides what data
structures and data types are required and then specifies
the necessary operations in terms of their inputs and
outputs. Finally, the representation of the data structures
and operations is fixed; addressing that the abstract data
type is implemented. From the theoretical point of view,
an abstract data type is defined as a collection of data
structures and operations abstracted into a simple data
Definition of Abstraction
A set of data objects, ordinarily using one or
more type definitions.
A set of abstract operations on those data
When we design an abstract data type, we
should make sure that the constructors (e.g., int
and push) and selectors (operations
implemented) work together smoothly. This is
necessary if the data type is to be easy to learn
and easy to use.
Languages’ support
The language directly supplies a useful set of
abstractions that we think of as the features of
the language.
The language provides facilities that aid the
programmer to construct abstractions.
Subprograms, subprogram libraries, type
definitions, classes and packages are some of
the facilities provided by different languages to
support programmer-defined abstractions.
Consider a list of the grocery items. In this
respect, grocery list contains items of the same
type: milk, eggs, butter, apples, bread, chicken,
What can you do to the items on a list? You
might count the items to determine the length of
the list, add an item to the list, remove an item
from the list, or look at an item. The items on a
list together with operations that you can perform
on the items form an abstract data type.
Operations of ADT List
Create an empty list.
Determine whether a list is empty.
Determine the number of items on a list.
Add an item at a given position in the list.
Remove the item at a given position in the list.
Remove all the items from the list.
Retrieve the item at a given position in the list.
Implement ADT
The first reaction to the implementation might be
to choose a data structure and then to write
methods that operate on it in accordance with
the operations.
In a non-object-oriented implementation, both the
data structure and the abstract data type
operations are distinct pieces.
In contrast, object-oriented implementation
provides encapsulation as a fundamental
principles of abstract data type implementation
which is the main focus of the next section.
Encapsulation or information hiding is simply the idea of
packaging things together in a well-defined programming
unit. When information is encapsulated in an abstraction, it
means that the user of the abstraction:
– Does not need to know the hidden information in order to use the
abstraction, and
– Is not permitted to directly use or manipulate the hidden
information even if desiring to do so.
For example,
– The integer data type in a programming language not only hides
the details of the integer number representation, but also
effectively encapsulates the representation so that the programmer
cannot manipulate individual bits of the representation of an
– The class in C++ provides for encapsulation by packaging both
data and function members into a single class unit.
One of the most powerful capabilities of inheritance
in object-oriented programming languages is its
support for polymorphism, the ability to have classes
in the same inheritance hierarchy respond differently
to the same message.
Two categories:
– Pure polymorphism occurs when a single function can be
applied to arguments (objects) of a variety of types. In
pure polymorphism, there is one function (code body) and
a number of interpretations.
– Ad hoc polymorphism sometimes called overloading
occurs when there are a number of different functions
(code bodies) all denoted by the same name. This is in
direct contrast to pure polymorphism, in which functions
that are part of the same class have different signatures.
Inheritance is one of the most important properties of the
object-oriented programming because of its support for
reusability. This property applies to classes. For example,
class A is said to inherit from class B if A is a subclass of
B and B is a superclass of A.
– The advantage of inheritance is that it permits the reuse of many
of the features of a superclass without respecifying them.
– The ability to modify or remove inherited features selectively
makes inheritance much more powerful.
Inheritance may be either
– Single if each class has just one parent
– Multiple when classes are permitted to have more than one
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Figure 8.4 An inheritance graph for graphical objects
Dynamic Binding
When a programming language determines how a
particular operation is to be performed on an object, it is
said to bind a specific implementation of that operation to
the object.
In other words, the property of attaching a message to
method when a message is sent is known as binding.
If the system decides on which implementation of the
operation to use at compile time, it performs static
This property is dynamic binding (sometimes called late
binding) if it is carried out every time a message is
forwarded, indicating that the choice is made at run time.
Desirable Characteristics for
Close correspondence to the problem domain, meaning that
the objects in programs correspond directly to objects in the
problem domain, and their activities correspond as well.
Reusability of software, meaning that the inheritance of
properties by one class of projects from another class without
explicitly respecifying them.
Abstraction and encapsulation, meaning that the objectoriented model carries with it all the abstraction benefits of
abstract data types by permitting the data and actions of an
object to be encapsulated within that object and dividing its
contents between those that are public and those that are
Collecting similar operations, meaning that similar operations
from two different components are collected into a new
Concurrency, meaning that objects can act concurrently in the
problem domain.
– Objects (Abstraction)
– +Classes (ADT)
– +Inheritances (Classification)
– +Overloading (Polymorphism)
– +Dynamic Binding (Polymorphism)