Document 7197112

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The Global Positioning System

A Worldwide Information Utility February 2001


PolicyApplications & MarketsAugmentationsSustainment & ModernizationInternational Cooperation


GPS is a Dual-Use System

Cold War spinoffDeveloped in 1970s-1980s to support Allied forcesProminent in Gulf War, KosovoAfter KAL-007, civilians gained free access to

Standard Positioning Service

Commercial use now dwarfs military useGPS policy is managed at a national level by

the Interagency GPS Executive Board (IGEB)

Interagency GPS Executive Board

Defense Commerce Interior Transportation State Agriculture Joint Chiefs of Staff NASA Justice

United States GPS Policy

Presidential Decision Directive signed in

1996, endorsed by Congress in 1998

GPS Standard Positioning Service to remain

free of direct user fees

U.S. to promote acceptance and use of GPS as

a world standard

Selective Availability -- ended May 2000IGEB to manage GPS as a national asset

United States GPS Policy, cont’d.

Encourage private sector investment in/use of

GPS technologies and services

Promote safety and efficiency in

transportation and other fields

Promote international cooperation in using

GPS for peaceful purposes

Advance scientific and technical capabilitiesStrengthen and maintain national security

Applications & Markets

Worldwide Sales of GPS Goods & Services Will Reach $16B by 2003

Worldwide GPS Revenues By Market Segment

Car Navigation

On-board navigationFleet managementRoadside assistanceStolen vehicle recoveryEnhanced servicesMass market dominated

by Japan

Dataquest: Unit sales of

chips for car navigation to reach 11.3M in 2001

$4.7B sales by 2003


Portable receivers for

fishermen, hunters, hikers, cyclists, etc.

Recreational facilities --

golf courses, ski resorts

Integration of GPS into

cellular phones

E-911 requirement$3.8B market by 2003


Sub-centimeter accuracy100%-300% savings in

time, cost, & labor

Control survey point:

$10,000 in 1986; $250 in 1997

Rural electrificationTelecom tower placementPipelinesOil, gas, and mineral


Flood plain mapping$3.12B market by 2003

Tracking/Machine Control

Package/cargo deliveryFleet and asset


Theft recoveryPublic safety and


Farming, mining, and

construction equipment

DGPS/RTK required for

many applications

$3B market by 2003

Public Services

City planningTransportation infrastructureRoad Billing Network (ROBIN)SnowplowsEmergency responseLaw enforcementFire fightingSearch and rescueParamedicsDisaster relief


GPS approved for

en-route navigation

More efficient flight

routing leads to fuel savings

Better tracking of

aircraft enhances safety

Closer spacing of planes

increases airspace capacity

$710M market by 2003

Maritime Navigation

GPS-based vessel tracking and

traffic management maximizes effectiveness of waterways

Improved safety increases

maritime commerce

Maritime DGPS service for

enhanced accuracy and safety available in 34 countries

$210M market by 2003

Original Equipment Manufacturers

ChipsetsElectronic boardsAntennas, componentsStandalone receivers$690M market by 2003


GPS is a recognized NATO standard

GPS is required on all

U.S. military systems

Precision munitions

widely used during Gulf War, Kosovo


GPS offers an inexpensive

alternative to costly, high maintenance timing equipment

Telecommunications network

synchronization & management

Phones, pagers, wireless systemsLANs, WANs, InternetFinancial transactionsElectrical power grid management

& fault location

Digital signatures for e-commerceSome estimate the timing market

at $40-100M

Scientific Research

Monitoring geological


Glaciers, tectonic plates,

earthquakes, volcanoes

Wildlife behaviorAtmospheric modelingWater vapor contentOceanic studiesTidal patternsSurface mappingTime transfer

Environmental Management

ForestryWetlands managementNatural resource


Fisheries boundary


Endangered species and

habitat preservation

Hazardous material


Oil spills, toxic waste

Emerging GPS Applications

Entrepreneurs and scientific researchers

invent new applications almost every day

Higher precision is necessary for many

cutting-edge applications

Differential GPS (DGPS)Relative DGPSCarrier phase positioningReal-Time Kinematic (RTK)Post-processing

Precision Agriculture

Maximize use of resourcesOptimized plowing of crop rowsTailored applications of seeds,

fertilizer, water, pesticides

Improved management of land,

machinery, personnel, time

Greater crop yieldsNet benefit: $5-14 per acreMinimize environmental impactsLocalized identification and treatment

of distressed crops reduces chemical use

Precise leveling of fields prevents fluid


Open Pit Mining

Enhanced management

of assets, equipment

Progress tracked in

real-time, remotely

Improved machine

control saves time, lowers maintenance and fuel consumption, prevents accidents

Rapid surveying for

drilling blast holes

Smaller, more

empowered workforce

Space Applications

Improved orbit and attitude

control for spacecraft, International Space Station

Space Station return vehicleAdvance Land Observing

Satellite uses GPS to calibrate high resolution radar maps

Satellite formation flyingSpace launch range safety


Machinery, asset, and

personnel management

Rapid surveys for laying

foundation piles, etc.

Accident preventionRemote control of

machinery possible

Japanese volcano dam GPS/RTK technology was used in the construction of the Øresund Bridge between Denmark and Sweden

Europe is a Major Player in the GPS Market

Rapid growth projected, especially in car

navigation sector

Many European firms already provide GPS

goods and services

Scandanavian GNSS Industry CouncilEuropean governments are

investing in GPS augmentation and reference systems

Maritime DGPSEGNOSEUREF Permanent Network QuickTime™ and a GIF decompressor are needed to see this picture.

The Market is Wide Open

Civil signals are freely available, right nowOpenly published GPS specifications allow

anyone to build receivers (no licensing fees)

Hardware is becoming a commodityHuge potential exists in value-added servicesSoftware developmentEmbedded applicationsLocalized GIS databasesInternet integrationWireless markets

Unit Cost of Receivers Is Falling At ~30% Per Year

$800 $600 $400 $200 0 1991 1993 Source: U.S. GPS Industry Council 1995 1997 1999

Projected Relative Market Share


32% 1998 Japan 47% 2003 Europe 18% Other 1% Asia 2% U.S.

30% Japan 44% Europe 23% Other 1% Asia 2%


Sustainment & Modernization

Constellation Status

28 operational satellites6 Block IIR satellites on orbit23 Block II/IIA operational satellites;Last launch: January 30, 2001Next tentative launch date: August 2001Continuously assessing constellation health to

determine launch need



Constellation Age by Satellite

Operational Satellite Non-Operational Predicted Mean Mission Duration Block II: 8.90 years Block IIA: 10.68 years Block IIR: 10 years (est.) 8.00





SVN 14 13 16 19 17 18 20 21 15 23 24 25 28 26 27 32 29 22 31 37 39 35 34 36 33 40 30 38 43 46 51 44 41 II IIA IIR

GPS Modernization Program

Need for upgrades recognized as GPS entered Full

Operational Capability

Anti-jam military needsBetter, more reliable civilian serviceRecognized growing importance of GPS to both sectors1996 Presidential policy and 1998/1999 Vice

Presidential announcements committed U.S. to modernization and improvement path

New signals, better service ( no direct user fees)Selective Availability (SA) discontinuedOver $1 billion added to future U.S. GPS investment

The End of Selective Availability May 2, 2000

-20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 -200 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 Colorado Springs, Colorado 1 Horizontal Error (meters) Vertical Error (meters) 2 3 2 May 2000



- Data taken from Overlook PAN Monitor Station, equipped with Trimble SVeeSix Receiver - Single Frequency Civil Receiver - Four Satellite Position Solution at Surveyed Benchmark - Data presented is raw, no smoothing or editing 4 5 6

Time of Day (Hours UTC)

7 8 9 10

Modernized Signal Evolution

Present Signal (Block II/IIA/IIR)

P(Y) P(Y) C/A

2 nd Civil; M-Code Block IIR-M (IOC: 2008; FOC: 2010)

P(Y) M C/A P(Y) M C/A

3 rd Civil Block IIF (IOC: 2012; FOC 2014)

M P(Y) C/A M P(Y) C/A 1176 MHz (L5) 1227 MHz (L2) 1575 MHz (L1)

L1 Enhancements

New M

E code

Block IIR-Modified

L1 L2 L2 Enhancements

New M

R/C) E code

New civilian

signal (selectable between C/A &

Modernizing towards

the next generation of GPS

Modifying Block IIR


Tailored constellation

sustainment program Modifications Status

Power system characterizedNew high power amplifier


Initial backward compatibility

tests completed

New L-band panel designedSoftware flexible M-code

spectrum and signal power levels

Block IIR Schedule

FY00 USAF USAF USAF USAF 01 USAF USAF 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Dev ATP Aug 00 PDR CDR Basic IIR Launches (JPO Projected Profile) IOC M earth SV 10-21 Modification USAF 1st IIR SV Retrofit/Delivery/Launch USAF 09 USAF USAF USAF USAF USAF USAF 10 FOC M earth 11 USAF USAF OCS Legacy Update Development Transition USAF 1st IIF Lite Delivery/Launch USAF 12th SV Retrofit/Delivery/Launch Legacy Ops 12 13

L1 Enhancements


E code added

Modify six satellites already

on contract to include

M-code on L1 and L2L5 signalProcure additional Block IIF

satellites necessary to constellation

Six plus optionsEnsure compatible M-Code

signal implementation

Define Control Segment

changes for implementation under SPI effort

Block IIF

L1 L5 L2 L2 Enhancements


E code added

New civilian signal

(selectable between C/A & R/C) New L5 Signal

New robust Civilian

Nav Signal Program Status

Recognized need to push up

schedule for operational need date - Sep 05

Compressing development

Program schedule

Revising long-lead and

production program phasing

Block IIF Schedule

FY00 01 02 03 04 05 06 ATP (Aug 00) IIF Development OCS Version 5 Development DAE Review 4/01 IIF V5 SW Delivery Transition OCS Version 6 Development Ops V6 SW Delivery Transition SV 1-6 Modification IAT SV Deliveries

3 4 5 6 2 1

USAF USAF SV Launches 07 08 IOC M earth Ops 09 10 FOC M earth Last IIR Mod Vehicle JPO Projected Launch Profiles 11 LL LL SV 7 - 9 Prod SV 10 - 12 Prod IAT

7 8 9


10 11 12

12 IOC L5 2012 13 14 FOC L5 2014

Operational Control Segment

Ground Antenna Monitor Station Master Control Station (Schriever AFB) Incremental software versions and hardware upgrades to support modernization requirements

Control M-CodeTransition from mainframe system to distributed system architectureSupport improved system security architecture; Accuracy Improvement

Initiatives (add NIMA monitoring stations; improve Kalman filter); initial Block IIF functionality

Full Block IIF functionality; support L5

GPS III Program

Procure cost-effective GPS system to meet next

generation military and civilian positioning, navigation, and timing needs Space Segment Control Segment User Equipment

The GPS III Opportunity

Assess system-wide architectural alternatives to:Achieve current and long term GPS performance goalsReduce long term total ownership costsCapitalize on emerging technologiesProvide flexibility and robustness to meet evolving


Discover military and economic value of pushing to higher

performance capabilities

ScopeMilitary and CivilPossible augmentation opportunities

Ensure best GPS system for the next 30 years

GPS III Concept Exploration Phase

12-month study between government and industryTwo contractors (Lockheed Martin, Boeing)Firm Fixed Price contracts$16M per contractorAwarded 8 Nov 00Spectrum Astro (participating on company funds)Near term goalsBuild technical requirements setIllustrate requirements through architectural solutionsComplete Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and cost benefit assessment

GPS III Study Phase Products

• • • • • • • • •

Technical Requirements for Development Milestones Architectures that support Technical Requirements Life Cycle Cost estimates for each Architecture Risk Analysis Draft System Effectiveness and Performance Metrics Initial Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) Acquisition Strategy Entry/Exit criteria for Development Milestones Technology Roadmap

GPS III Architecture Study Status

Successful initial meetings (Nov 00) and Laboratory Days (Jan 01)Near real-time communication in place (web-based)Lockheed MartinThree teams (System Engineering, Architecture, Life Cycle


Solid initial architectural assessmentsBoeingFive teams (System Concept, User, Ground, Space, Secondary

Payloads, Operations and Support)

Focusing on mission and requirements analysisSpectrum AstroSigned Memorandum of Agreement (Dec 00)Program plan, schedule, and team structure near completeProviding innovative inputs to GPS III, working to improve

position for follow-on phases

GPS III Acquisition Strategy

FY00 Original ATP (Apr 00) RFP/ SS ATP (Aug 00) 01 Competitive Trade Studies (Two contractors) SARD CARD Inputs 02 Contract Award RFP/ SS SRR PD/RR (Two contractors) ASR PD/RR Program Review (MS I/II) 03

GPS III Acquisition Strategy, Cont’d

04 PDR PD/RR (con’t) Down Select (MSII) 05 CDR EMD (Single contractor) 06 Qual Vehicle Testing Complete 07 Box/System Qual Tests Integ/Assy/Test LLP (MS IIIa)

International Cooperation

International Cooperation

Promote acceptance and peaceful use of GPS

and its augmentations

International offering of GPS to ICAO and IMOService free of direct user chargesNon-proprietary signal standards for civil servicesGPS Augmentations -- Worldwide interoperabilitySpace-based systems (WAAS, MSAS, EGNOS) for aviationLand-based DGPS technology for maritime and terrestrial

uses: already adopted by 35 countries

Global, non-proprietary standards

Principles for Cooperation

No direct user fees for civil and public safety servicesEnsure open market driven competition for user

equipment and applications

Open signal structure for all civil services to promote

equal access for applications development and value added services

Protection of the current radionavigation spectrum

from disruption and interference

Use of GPS time, geodesy, and signal structure


Seamless, global interoperability of future systems

with GPS

Recognition of national and international security

issues and protecting against misuse

U.S. - Japan Cooperation

September 1998: Joint Statement signedGPS based augmentationsLargest commercial market share for

products and services

September 1999: Working Groups met in

Washington, D.C.

PolicyTransportationCommercial & ScientificFebruary 2001: Plenary Meeting, Tokyo

U.S. - Russia Consultation

May 19 in Washington, D.C.Excellent dialogueMany common viewsPrinciples of CooperationNext meeting in Moscow

U.S. - E.U. Consultations

Use of GPS and its augmentations for commercial

products and services incorporating open signal structure

1998: U.S. presented draft Framework Agreement

based on GPS and its augmentations

Consider inclusion of: International Advisory Commission,

Intent of Guarantee, Statement of Free Service

2000: Cooperation conceptStage 1: Framework Cooperative Agreement based on

Principles of Cooperation

Stage 2: Working groupsStage 3: Follow-on agreement to cover Galileo operations


U.S. - E.U. Draft Agreement

Presented to the Commission on October 5Embodies GPS Policy & Principles of CooperationGovernment provided satellite signals free of user feesInteroperability with GPSOpen signals for critical infrastructure and safety-of-life


Open specifications and markets for civil equipment and


Users choose which system or combination best meet their


Recognizes efforts of other fora: ICAO, IMO, ITUAccounts for different levels of system maturityLays foundation for future cooperationNext round of talks scheduled for March 20-21, 2001

U.S. Questions About Galileo

To be understood:Revenue stream generationFuture regulatory actionsRequired use (mandate through standards)Interoperability of free open system with fee-based

encrypted system

Safety of life applicationsPrevention of misuseOpen specifications and standards for equal

worldwide market access

Spectrum useSecurity service


GPS is a key component of the global information


U.S. is committed to providing GPS service free of

direct user fees to users worldwide

Adherence to U.S. principles has led to GPS

standardization and market growth

GPS modernization is under wayU.S. is continuing international outreach to further

understanding of GPS, its augmentations, and its applications

U.S. is fostering international dialogue to be

responsive to global user needs