禱告聚會 週三 青年聚會 週五

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禱告聚會 青年聚會 週六小組 主日崇拜

Prayer Meeting Youth Meeting Saturday Group Sunday Worship

週三 週 五 週六 主日

Wed 7:00 pm Fri 6:30 pm Sat 7:00 pm Sun 10:00 am


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榮耀 榮耀 哈利路亞 榮耀 榮耀 哈利路亞 榮耀 榮耀 哈利路亞 基督已經復活




興起 興起為耶穌 基督十架精兵 高舉基督的旌旗 莫損我主威名

Stand up, stand up for Jesus Ye soldiers of the cross Lift high His royal banner It must not suffer loss

得勝不斷地得勝 因主是我統領 直到仇敵消滅盡 惟主基督是君

From victory unto victory His army shall He lead Till every foe is vanquished And Christ is Lord indeed

耶穌神羔羊 榮耀中掌權 諸天和全地都要宣揚 聖潔 聖潔 聖潔歸於神羔羊

Jesus is the Lamb, Reign in Majesty All the earth and heaven will proclaim Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lamb of God

聖潔 你是聖潔 配得 你是配得 配得所有尊貴榮耀和能力

Holy, You are Holy Worthy, You are worthy To receive all honor and glory and power

神羔羊你真配得 榮耀神羔羊


Worthy is the Lamb of God Glory to the Lamb (X4)

萬國萬民齊聲敬拜 尊崇榮耀神羔羊 榮耀神羔羊


Every people every nation Bringing Glory to the Lamb Glory to the Lamb (X2)

願尊貴和榮耀和能力 歸於主我神

May honor and glory and power To the Lord my God

歸於我神 從永遠到永遠 阿們!

(3x) Be to our God Forever and ever (3x) Amen!

昔在 今在 以後永在的神

Who was and who is and who is to come

聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 (2x) 我的主 耶和華 全能神 (2x)

Holy, holy, holy Oh Lord Our God Lord of Hosts

昔在 今在 以後永在的神

Who was and who is and who is to come

禱告聚會 青年聚會 週六小組 主日崇拜

Prayer Meeting Youth Meeting Saturday Group Sunday Worship

週三 週 五 週六 主日

Wed 7:00 pm Fri 6:30 pm Sat 7:00 pm Sun 10:00 am

復興的火焰正燃燒 讓我們響起勝利的號角 傳揚耶穌基督的真道 一起邁向合一的宣教 Let the fire of revival blaze Let us sound the victorious trumpets Proclaim the salvation of Jesus Christ Marching on towards the battle cry

在主前同心的禱告 讓我們忠於十架的呼召 以讚美在寶座前圍繞 讓復興的火在我裡面燃燒 With one heart praying for the lost Faithful to the calling of the cross Let's praise Him and worship in one accord The fire of revival burns brighter in my soul

復興的火 聖靈的火 在我心中點燃 復興的火 聖靈的火 把我燒在主祭壇 Revival's fire, Spirit desire Kindle within my soul Revival's fire, Spirit desire Consuming my life, my all

主求你復興我 心中的聖潔 為我造清潔的心 使我重新有正直的靈

Lord, revive me in holiness Holiness in my heart Create in me a clean heart Renew a right spirit within me

主求你復興我 心中的聖潔 將我分別為聖 作你尊貴榮耀器皿

Lord, revive me in holiness Holiness in my heart Set me apart in Your holiness To be Your glorious vessel

我將身體獻上當作活祭 一生作你聖潔的器皿

I want to be Your living sacrifice and to be a vessel of holiness

我將生命獻上 為你而活 為你呼吸

I give my life to You, O Lord my God I’ll live for You

我將身體獻上當作活祭 一生作你聖潔的器皿 一生傳揚 基督的聖名

I want to be Your living sacrifice And to be a vessel of holiness All of my life, I will lift up Your name

聖靈請你來 充滿在這地 我渴望更認識你 更深的經歷

Holy Spirit God Come and fill this place For I long to know You more In a deeper way

聖靈請你來 改變我心意 開我眼睛 開我耳 讓我更認識你

Holy Spirit God Come and change my heart Open my eyes Open my ears I want to know You more

我呼求 聖潔 聖潔 聖潔歸我主 我尊崇你榮耀 榮耀 榮耀歸我主

And I cry holy, holy Holy is the Lord And I exalt Your glory, glory Glory to the Lord