Document 7184820

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Transcript Document 7184820

The Coming of War (1931–1941)
Witness History: A Rendezvous With Destiny
Dictators and Wars
From Isolation to Involvement
America Enters the War
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Dictators and Wars
A Bitter Peace Unravels
Main Idea: After World War I, extreme dictatorships known as totalitarian states rose up in
many European countries.
Repression in the Soviet Union and Italy
Main Idea: Joseph Stalin rose to power in the Soviet Union and Benito Mussolini took control of
Italy. Both used repression to exert control over their country.
Aggressive Leaders in Germany and Japan
Main Idea: The depression helped Hitler rise to power in Germany and led to Japan attempting
to expand their empire with aggressive military action.
Dictators Turn to Aggression
Main Idea: The League of Nations was not able to stop rising aggression in Europe and Asia,
therefore, Germany, Italy, and Japan’s aggressive acts continued throughout the 1930s.
Aggression Goes Unchecked
Main Idea: The United States and other democratic nations tried to grant some concessions to
totalitarian nations in order to prevent another war.
Dictators and Wars (continued…)
Witness History: Hitler’s Brutal Determination
Note Taking: Reading Skill: Summarize
Chart: Characteristics of a Totalitarian State
Color Transparencies: Political Cartoons: The Nazi Party
Geography Interactive: Japanese Expansion, 1931-1939
Note Taking: Identify Main Ideas
Progress Monitoring Transparency
Reading Skill: Summarize
Characteristics of a Totalitarian State
Political Cartoons: The Nazi Party
Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas
Progress Monitoring Transparency
From Isolation to Involvement
Roosevelt Opposes Aggression
Main Idea: Roosevelt was against the aggression occurring in Europe and Asia, but did not take
direct action against the totalitarian countries.
War Erupts in Europe
Main Idea: When Germany invaded Poland, war broke out and eventually expanded across
Americans Debate Involvement
Main Idea: Early on, most Americans were against getting involved in the war, but slowly began
supporting Britain
America Takes Steps Toward War
Main Idea: The United States began providing open support to Britain, and received an
aggressive response from Germany.
Witness History: An Isolationist Voice
Note Taking: Reading Skill: Sequence
From Isolation to Involvement (continued…)
Color Transparencies: German Blitzkrieg
Geography Interactive: German Aggression, 1936-1941
Political Cartoons: The Only Way to Save Democracy
Quick Study: Should the United States Enter World War II?
Progress Monitoring Transparency
Reading Skill: Sequence
German Blitzkrieg
Political Cartoons: The Only Way to Save Democracy
Should the United States Enter World War II?
Progress Monitoring Transparency
America Enters the War
Japan Attacks the United States
Main Idea: After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941, the United States officially entered the
Mobilizing for War
Main Idea: The attack on Pearl Harbor and the start of the war led to a wave of patriotism, and
a large number of Americans volunteered for service or created goods needed.
Fierce Fighting in the Pacific
Main Idea: Early on, the Japanese seemed to have control of the fighting in the Pacific, but by
1942 the United States had won some ground.
Witness History: A Date That Will Live in Infamy
Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Causes and Effects
History Interactive: More Information about Pearl Harbor
Color Transparencies: Women and the War Effort
America Enters the War (continued…)
Graph: World War II Aircraft Production
Note Taking: Reading Skill: Sequence
Color Transparency: The Battle of Midway
Geography Interactive: Japanese Aggression, December 1941 – June 1942
Progress Monitoring Transparency
Reading Skill: Identify Causes and Effects
Women and the War Effort
World War II Aircraft Production
Reading Skill: Sequence
The Battle of Midway
Progress Monitoring Transparency