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2008 World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings Civil Society Policy Forum ActionAid Int’l and Oxfam Int’l Meeting October 10, 2008 Christopher Delgado Rural Strategy and Policy Adviser Agriculture and Rural Development Department The World Bank

State of the Food Crisis

Food prices declining, but likely to remain high relative to past 30 yrs.

Food price index (nominal $)

250 200 150 100 50 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Source: IMF index of food prices

2007 2008

Fertilizer prices continue to surge upwards

500 400 300 200 100 0 1960

Real fertilizer prices, 1960-2008* Index in constant 2000 $s relative to MUV

1970 1980 1990 2000

Increased volatility in food prices anticipated, as grain stocks likely to remain at record lows

World Grain Stocks-to-Use % 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Countries with food price protests and riots, Jan. 2007- May 2008

Source: USAID Office of Food for Peace

Global Information and Early Warning System: 33 Countries in Crisis Shortfall in aggregate food production/supplies access Severe localized food insecurity August 22, 2008


Why have food prices risen?- demand

Sustained food demand from emerging markets

(of the 73 million net additional persons in the global population each year, 97.5% are in developing countries) 

Diet changes

, from grain to more diversified diet, meats and dairy with higher derived demand for grains and oilseeds 

Biofuel policies

=> demand shift, particularly in the United States (corn-based ethanol), and Europe (rapeseed for biodiesel), Argentina (soybeans for biodiesel)

Why have food prices risen?- supply

Increasing production costs ,

sharply increasing costs of energy, transport, and fertilizer, and competition for land and water for biofuel croips, esp. in OECD 

Drought, flooding, pests and disease in key grain regions ,

these shocks are hard to deal with when stocks are low 

Disappearance due to policy reforms of stabilizing sales from large intervention stocks

in USA and EU that had been built up to support producer prices

Impacts on poverty

Increase in the number of global poor

due to rising food prices estimated

exceed 100 million

The number of undernourished people could increase by up to 44 million in 2008 alone

reach 967 million, up from 848 million in 2003 to  Already poor households suffer

further detrimental effects beyond increase in poverty headcount (decreased access to educ./health)

Rising inequality

from recent rise in food prices  Gini index of inequality raised by 5% in Bangladesh  Rich-poor gaps widening in Latin America 1 0

Global food prices: recent changes

International food prices are declining, but likely to remain high

relative to 2005 levels 

Weakening import demand and improved supply

have lowered global prices somewhat 

Domestic prices have not declined to the same extent

as international prices in many countries  Food price inflation remains very high (92% in Ethiopia, 22.5% in Liberia, 23.7% in Togo, 76.4% in Afghanistan) 

Fertilizer prices continue to surge upwards

, despite recent declines in energy and natural gas prices 11

Negative impacts likely to continue

Increased volatility in food prices

grain stocks are still at record lows anticipated, as 

Increased input prices linked to oil a major concern

, likely to discourage smallholders who supply most of the food in developing countries 

Countries are in the process of reverting to the food policies of the 1970s

(food self-sufficiency at any cost, costly strategic grain reserves, reversal of diversification policies, etc) which would eventually be harmful to both poverty alleviation and food security

What Is the Bank Doing w.r.t. the Food Crisis?

Applying response lessons from the avian influenza crisis

     

Speed of response

is critical

Rapid national response planning and coordination,

and country-based needs assessments are essential

Alignment with national priorities

, & national ownership, are central

Emphasize flexibility and simplicity

design in program

Pragmatism for immediate responses

, balanced with focus on sustainability over the medium term

Carefully coordinated communications


Consensus on lessons

Avoid short-term policies targeting short term food insecurity that have difficult longer-term implications

 Short-run policies require planning

exit strategies

in advance 

Different countries need different policies

, depending on:  institutions, capacity  governance requirements  size of country and history of trade, etc.

Promote longer-term agricultural growth

          

Food prices: short-run options

Better policy choices

Reduce Food Grain Taxes/Tariffs School Feeding Programs Conditional Cash Transfers to the Poor Targeted Food Subsidies Cash for Work Food for Work and Food Aid Build-up Government Buffer Stocks for Distribution Food Rationing Price Controls Export Restrictions/Taxes Export Bans

Worse policy choices

Food prices: international action

Finance Ministers

at the April 2008 World Bank IMF Spring Meetings endorsed a “new deal” for a global food policy to embrace a short, medium and long-term response:      Support for

humanitarian assitance (WFP) Support for systems of safety nets


agricultural productivity


understanding of the impact of biofuels Action on trade to reduce trade barriers

Internal consensus on immediate vehicles for Bank responses

• • • • Priority to

support fundraising by WFP Rapid financing to countries Policy analysis

linking country to global

Risk mitigation

using financial tools as well as physical hedging • •

Social protection

Maintain productive capacity and

transit to longer term food production


Coordination with United Nations on food crisis response

   

WB response

to the food crisis has been

in close collaboration and partnership with the UN as

agreed in Berne, April 28-29, 2008

UN Task Force on the Global Food Crisis

has functioned throughout with active WB senior management and staff participation, including staff outposting to NY The

Comprehensive Framework for Action (CFA) was collaboratively prepared

IMF, WTO, OECD in consultation with countries and civil society organizations by UN Agencies, World Bank,

27 countries identified for intensive and coordinated response to realize CFA outcomes:

17 countries in AFR, 5 in SAR, 2 in MENA, 2 in LAC and 1 in ECA. The Bank is working in 22 of these countries through GFRP 19

The Bank’s Global Food Crisis Response Program (GFRP)

     Approved May 29


for providing rapid Bank support for a comprehensive response to the crisis

Provides balance

between short run food stabilization and measures to ensure countries able to cope better in medium term, including longer term action and lending to enhance

agricultural productivity Fast-tracking of up to $1.2 billion of Bank resources:

existing country envelopes, re-programmed funds, regional IDA funds where appropriate, a new $200 million trust fund from IBRD surplus (Food Price Crisis Response Trust Fund) Greatly expedites procedures for rapid response

Menu of GFRP Components

  Component 1:

Food price policy and market stabilization

 Examples: Support for grain stock management, improved use of market-based instruments to manage food prices, tax and trade policies Component 2:

Social protection

actions to ensure food access and minimize the nutritional impact of the crisis on the poor and vulnerable  Examples: Cash transfer program (CCTs, food stamps), school feeding, targeted food supplements and micronutrients  Component 3:

Enhancing domestic food production & marketing response

 Examples: Seed and fertilizer supply and market development, Rehabilitation of small-scale irrigation, Strengthening access to finance and risk management tools  Component 4:

Implementation support, communications and monitoring and evaluation

Overview of World Bank lending in response to the food crisis

Global Food Crisis Response Program (GFRP): $851 million approved and pipeline

Food Price Crisis Response (FPCR) Trust Fund: $200 million committed

IDA/IBRD (including reallocations): $651 million

Multi-donor Trust Fund established, first contribution of A$50 milion rec’d yesterday from Australia

Additional $400 million non-GFRP food crisis response approved and pipeline


Activities financed through approved GFRP operations by region (%) SS Africa M.E. & N. Africa Europe & C. Asia Lat. Am. & Carib.

( % of Total Approved GFRP Projects) S. Asia 18 3 10 Budget support (DPOs) Investment lending Social protection Agriculture Project management, M&E TOTAL (100%) 10 16 2 46 5 8 8 5 1 14 10 8 12 2 22

Budget support: activities include reduction in food prices through trade and tax policy measures; social protection programs and emergency interventions and support to agricultural production Investment lending: social protection includes school feeding, cash for work, nutrition, health, and cash transfers; agriculture includes seeds, fertilizers, rehabiliation of irrigation infrastructure, livestock and post-harvest infrastructure 23

Other non-GFRP food crisis related lending

  

$90 million

in additional IDA funding in AFR approved for food crisis response in 7 countries since April 2008

Programs include:

    Fertilizer supply in Ghana Improved seed distribution and nutritional safety nets in Burkina Faso Provisions for therapeutic feeding in Eritrea Improving maize productivity in Malawi An

additional $295 million in the IDA pipeline

food-crisis-related lending in Africa not under GFRP, coming for Board approval in the next six months for 24

Examples of early results


Supplementary financing to a

development policy grant of $10 million.

 Results to date: grant has helped fill an unanticipated financing gap; enabled fertilizer imports and also helped maintain the Govt’s overall reform program, including a more private sector oriented fertilizer distribution system 

Sierra Leone:

A new

development policy grant of $3 million and $4 million additional financing (AF) for emergency safety net response

through the National Social Action project.

 Results to date: grant partially compensated the lost revenues from reduced food and fuel tariffs. Fiscal space created will help provide basic services to almost 21,600 mothers and children. Grant support has been provided for a cash-for-work program expected to generate at least 849,000 person-days of employment 25

Early results (cont.)


$10 million grant supporting three projects: AF for

agricultural and infrastructure

development project

($3 million) and community empowerment project ($3 million),

and new investment lending project on

food support for vulnerable women and children ($4 million)

 Results to date: $2.45 million has been used to support pre-school and primary school feeding programs, and to provide rations for pregnant and lactating women 

Kyrgyz Republic:

IDA funding of $10 million through additional financing of two projects:

agricultural investment and services project ($4 million) and health and social protection project ($6 million)

 Results to date: IDA funding is providing seeds, fertilizers and training for farmers. Vitamin A supplements are also being provided to 130,000 postpartum women and 500,000 children under age 5 26

Early results (cont.)


Supplementary financing of $10 million to a development policy grant  The grant has contributed to maintaining macroeconomic and social stability, ensured the availability of resources for Govt. to continue to provide critical social and infrastructure services for the poor  Djibouti: million Development policy grant of $5  Results to date: Grant funding has supported the suspension of tariffs/taxes on basic food staples, consumers have benefited from lower food prices 27

Food priorities going forward

   

Implementation of better ways of working with UN agencies in the field

, especially on procurement

Shift in focus from immediate short-term needs to more medium-term

responses    Increasing smallholder agricultural productivity Ensuring adequate safety net systems are in place to cope with greater volatility in the future More attention to better nutrition

Continuing to increase regular program (incl. IFC) new annual lending to agriculture and safety nets Collaboration in discussions/AAA with other agencies and private sector of possible new international modalities for managing grain market risks for poor countries

and humanitarian agencies 28

A Changing View of the Role of the State in the Longer Term Agricultural Investments of the World Bank (best expressed in WDR2008 – Agriculture for Development)

Agricultural-based countries spend too little on agriculture (and R&D)

Ag GDP/GDP 15 10 5 0 35 30 25 20 29 Agriculture-based 16 Transforming 10 Urbanized Public Spending on Ag (% of Ag GDP) Spending on Ag R&D (% of Ag GDP) 14 12 10 4 2 8 6 0 Agriculture based Transforming Urbanized 30

Crowding out of long term public goods by short term private ones

31 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A major South Asia power….



Public Investment 1975-79 1980-84 1985-89 1990-94 1995-99 2000-02

Donors have dropped the ball…

32 Donor support to agriculture 1990-2004 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1990 1992 1994

% rural poverty % ODA to Ag

1996 1998 2000 2002 2 2004 0 6 4 14 12 10 8


(12% in 1990)


(Sub Saharan Africa)

Priorities from WDR 2008






Accelerate smallholder productivity increases for agricultural growth and food security

in Africa

Follow a comprehensive approach to reduce sectoral disparities

and poverty in transforming countries of Asia

Enhance sustainability and environmental services

from agriculture

Pursue multiple pathways out of poverty:

smallholder farming, labor market, rural non-farm employment, migration

Improve the quality of governance

in agriculture at local, national, and global levels

Role of the State in WDR 2008

Delivering key public goods

 Productivity and information enhancement  Infrastructure and institutions, rule of law 

Making growth pro-poor

 Connecting smallholders to new markets  Improving assets of the poor, especially women 

Improving governance

 New state roles, coordination, decentralization 35  Global governance issues (trade, standards, animal health, biodiversity, climate change, donor support)

WB Group new lending for food and agriculture since April 2008

US$ million, over 5 months Agriculture: Lending under the Agriculture and Rural Sector Board 36