Document 7138546

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External Research & Programs
Innovation with Academia
Supported Projects
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes
External Research & Programs
Common Larceny
The goal of this project is to produce a
high-performance CLS-compliant
scheme running on the CLR. Design a
credible implementation of first-class
continuations for the CLR.
Matthias Felleisen
Will Clinger
Northeastern University,
United States
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes
External Research & Programs
Dynamic Languages for .NET
The goal of this project is to produce
infrastructure, best practices, and
community for creating highperformance CLS-compliant
implementations of dynamic languages
running on the CLR.
John Gough
Queensland University of
Technology (QUT),
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes:
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Constructing Compact
Debugging Traces with Binary
Code Analysis and
We will use Phoenix to apply novel
slicing techniques to automatically
generate compact effect-cause traces
which have wide applications to
debugging, profiling, and monitoring.
Yinong Chen
Arizona State University
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Phoenix-Based Compiler
Course Development
The purpose of this project is to
enhance an undergraduate compiler
curriculum to include more
sophisticated backend and optimization
content using Phoenix as the backend
Regeti Govindarajulu
Indian Institute of
Information Technology,
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Compiler Backend
Experimentation and
Extensibility Using Phoenix
This project uses Phoenix as the code
generation engine to decrease
overhead and improve the safety for
concurrent execution in multi-core
processors thus leveraging the new
architectural trends maintaining
simplified program structure.
Suresh Jagannathan
Purdue University
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Adaptive Inline Substitution
in Phoenix
We are building a prototype inliner for
Phoenix that includes an adaptive
control mechanism to find a good
program-specific inlining strategy.
Keith Cooper
Rice University
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Domain-Specific Language for
Efficient Design-Rule
The goal of this project is to develop a
domain specific language to allow
developers to express “Design Rules
for Modularity.” The language allows the
expression of patterns that generally
constitute symptoms of bad modularity
“code smells” and scoping rules that
describe the desired modular structure
of a software system.
Eric Wohlstadter
The University of British
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Setpoint: An Aspect-Oriented
Framework Based on
Semantic Pointcuts
Setpoint involves annotating source
code with semantic information through
metadata, which can later be used in
the construction of semantically rich
pointcuts to guide aspect weaving:
Victor Braberman
Universidad de Buenos
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Phase Aware Profiling with
The goal of our research is to use the
Microsoft Phoenix Framework to enable
transparent, software-based, postdeployment, program optimization, bug
isolation, and coverage testing. The key
to our approach is our exploitation of
repeating patterns in program behavior,
that is, phases, to reduce the overhead
of accurate program sampling.
Chandra Krintz
University of California at
Santa Barbara
Electrical Computer
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Using Call Graph Analyses to
Guide Selective Specialization
in Phoenix
The project will use the control flow and
data flow analysis capabilities of
Phoenix to identify opportunities for
specialization in code generation.
Cormac Flanagan
University of California at
Santa Cruz
Computer Sciences
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Program Visualization with
Fulcra and Phoenix
The goal of this project is to build an
analysis and visualization framework
using Phoenix and Fulcra to enable
analysis and programmer feedback to
identify parallelism in the programming
model. The accurate context sensitive
pointer analysis in Fulcra provides
accurate discovery of call graphs and
present information to the programmer
to identify and alleviate performance
Wen-Mei Hwu
University of Illinois at
Electrical and Computer
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Navel: Automating Software
Support Using Traces of
Software Behavior
The project will use Phoenix as the
instrumentation engine for large, realworld client or server applications to
insert probes which identify program
behavior and provide a fingerprint to
classify and identify software failures.
Emmett Witchel
University of Texas at
Computer Sciences
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Techniques and Tools for
Software Assurance
The goal of this project is to create a
Phoenix-based framework which can be
used to identify and test for security
vulnerabilities. This framework will
automate test case generation and
provide for regression testing.
Jack Davidson
University of Texas at
Computer Sciences
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Type-Checking the
Intermediate Languages in the
Phoenix JIT Compiler
Our project is to design and implement
a sound type system for the
intermediate representation of Phoenix.
A sound type system will allow a way to
automatically check that the result of
compilation will not crash unexpectedly.
Zhong Shao
Yale University
Computer Sciences
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Phoenix Optimization
The goal of this project is to build a
Phoenix-based optimization framework
based on experience with Machine
SUIF. Use this framework to implement
optimizations on large, real-world code
Michael Smith
Harvard University
Engineering and Applied
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Using Phoenix for Collecting
Whole Execution Trace and Its
This goal of this project is to develop a
system for collection, compression, and
storage of Whole Execution Traces
(WET). WETs of program runs are
being used in automated fault location
research based upon dynamic slicing
and software piracy detection research
based upon dynamic matching.
Rajiv Gupta
University of Arizona
Electrical and Computer
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: Phoenix
External Research & Programs
Selecting Software Phase
Markers with Code Structure
We present an automated profiling
approach to identify code locations
whose executions correlate with phase
changes. These “software phase
markers” can be used to easily detect
phase changes across different inputs
to a program.
Brad Calder
University of California at
San Diego
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Framework for DomainSpecific Optimization at Run
The goal of this project is to provide a
vehicle to deploy a domain-specific
suite of static and dynamic analyses to
enable optimization of code that makes
use of particular APIs.
Paul Kelly
Imperial College London,
United Kingdom
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
On the Cost of Securing
Applications: Performance
and Feasibility of CapabilityBased Security in the Rotor
The project will measure the cost of
securing applications by means of
protection mechanisms (Code Access
Security), in the case of capabilitybased security.
Dario Alvarez-Gutierrez
University of Oviedo,
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
The goal of this project is to make a full
port of the BETA programming
language including a bootstrapped
compiler and porting central BETA
libraries to Rotor.
Peter Andersen
University of Aarhus,
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Ro-SC-tor: Software
Construction within Rotor
The purpose of the Ro-SC-tor project is
to raise the profile of Rotor as a product
by tackling the deep documentation of
Rotor’s components.
Judith Bishop
University of Pretoria,
South Africa
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
RMTk—A Memory
ManagementToolkit for Rotor
The project will port MMTk to Rotor
(yielding RMTk), giving Rotor
researchers access to MMTk’s wide
range of collectors and novel memory
management tools.
Steve Blackburn
Australian National
University, Australia
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Hardware-Based CIL-Machine
The project will investigate feasibility of
hardware implementation of CILmachine functionality. The goal is to
create a prototype of a software/
hardware system complying with
Sergey Chernyshev
Nizhniy Novgorod State
University, Russian
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Meta-C# and Support for
Persistent Multi-stage
Programming within CLI
This project will introduce persistent
multi-stage programming support within
CLI by means of assembly rewriting.
Antonio Cisternino
Università degli Studi di
Pisa, Italy
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Traits in C#
Traits offer a simple compositional
model for building classes from groups
of methods and a small amount of glue
code. This project will investigate how
to apply traits to statically typed
programming languages, in particular
Stéphane Ducasse
University of Berne,
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Flexible Dynamic Linking for
This project will extend the dynamic
linking mechanism of the Microsoft
SSCLI, so that the choice of which
types to link can be made later, by
loading and JIT compiling ‘flexible’ IL
code that uses type variables.
Susan Eisenbach
Imperial College London,
United Kingdom
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Compiler Construction .NET
This project will design and execute an
undergraduate compiler construction
course using SSCLI.
Michael Franz
University of California at
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Parallel, Real-Time Garbage
Collection in Rotor
We propose to develop a parallel, realtime garbage collector for Rotor. Our
proposal is based on earlier work on
developing a similar collector for the
TILT/ML compiler and on ongoing work
to extend this work to support pinning,
address arithmetic, and finalization.
Robert Harper
Carnegie Mellon
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Transactional, Persistent,
Managed Runtime
The project will support transactional
execution of threads to improve
concurrency, scalability, and reliability of
Antony Hosking
Purdue University
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Improving Rotor for
Dynamically Typed
This project will create Lua to CIL
compiler, adding extensions to Rotor
that will help the implementation of
compilers for dynamically typed
languages. These extensions include
faster type checking and type casts,
plus a more flexible garbage collector
and coroutine support.
Roberto Ierusalimschy
Pontificia Universidade
Católica do Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
GCspy for Rotor
The aims of this project are to make the
GCspy heap visualisation framework
available to Rotor VM developers, to
study the behaviour of Rotor
applications, and to develop new
abstractions and views for GCspy
based on this experience.
Richard Jones
University of Kent, United
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
RAIL2—Runtime Assembly
Instrumentation Library 2
The RAIL project created a code
instrumentation library for the .NET
platform. In RAIL2, we will add support
for assemblies with multiple modules,
truly perform dynamic instrumentation
(currently only static instrumentation is
possible), introduce modifications in
assemblies by source-code compilation,
and further support high-level code
instrumentation design patterns.
Paulo Marques
Universidade de Coimbra,
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
SCOOP: Concurrent ObjectOriented Programming for
This project will broaden and deepen
the scope of the SCOOP mechanisms
on .NET by formally reasoning about
concurrent object-oriented applications
in SCOOP for .NET; providing support
for deadlock avoidance, prevention, and
resolution; and providing a direct
support for the concept of processor
(physical or virtual thread of control) in
the SSCLI.
Bertrand Meyer
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Extending Rotor with
Structural Reflection to
Support Reflective Languages
The goal of this project is to extend
SSCLI with structural reflection based
on our knowledge of virtual machines
and reflective platform development.
Francisco Ortin
University of Oviedo,
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
The Nemerle Project
The goal of this project is to design and
implement a new hybrid (functional,
object-oriented, and imperative)
programming language for the .NET
Leszek Pacholski
University of Wroclaw,
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
This project will support Rotor
community building by hosting a freely
accessible documentation database for
Frank Padberg
University of Karlsruhe,
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Implementation of a NonStrict Functional Language on
This project will investigate the
implementation of non-strict functional
languages that can interact well with
other languages on Rotor.
Nigel Perry
University of Canterbury,
New Zealand
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Xtatic: Native XML Processing
for C#
The project will design and implement a
lightweight extension of C# tailored for
native XML processing.
Benjamin Pierce
University of
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
The Grid-Occam Project
The goal of this project is to develop an
implementation of Occam on Rotor as a
vehicle for education and teaching.
Andreas Polze
Hasso-Plattner-Institut für
Universität of Potsdam,
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Rotor-Based Course
It is proposed to develop software
laboratory course material for the
teaching of programming language
concepts and compiler implementation
techniques. A workshop also will be
conducted inviting faculty outside our
institute to share the course material
and improving it based on their
Govindarajulu Regeti
International Institute of
Information Technology,
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Using Software Interactions in
the SSCLI Platform
This project will introduce into the
SSCLI an Interaction Service to allow
the dynamic adaptation of componentbased applications.
Michel Riveill
Ecole Supérieure en
Sciences Informatiques
(ESSI), Université de Nice
Sophia Antipolis, France
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Gardens Point Generics
This project will provide a guide to other
programming language researchers on
how to implement programming
language features involving generics.
Paul Roe
Queensland University of
Technology (QUT),
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Embedded Formal Verification
Assistants in the .NET
This project will develop a .NET library
that will enable users to utilize
structures and algorithms appearing in
the tools supporting formal specification
and verification.
Ondrej Rysavy
Brno Technical University,
Czech Republic
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
The goal of this project is to make full
implementation of Aspect.NET with the
following features: AOP meta-language,
representation of aspects by custom
attributes, converters of AOP metalanguage annotations to .NET
language–specific AOP custom
attributes definitions, aspect weaver
working at PE/CIL/metadata level, and
“aspectizer” to discover aspects in nonAOP programs.
Vladimir Safonov
St Petersburg State
University, Russian
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Integrating Haskell with .NET
Using Rotor
The goal of this project is to research
and implement support for integration of
programs developed in the Haskell
programming language into the .NET
framework using Rotor as the
supporting platform.
Andre Santos
Center of Informatics,
Universidade Federal de
Pernambuco, Brazil
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Typed Compilation of .NET
Common Intermediate
This project will extend and adapt proofcarrying code and typed intermediate
language technologies for use in
Zhong Shao
Yale University
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Memory System Behaviour of
.NET Applications and a
Profile-guided Garbage
The goal of this project is to analyse
properties of CLR objects such as
object lifetime distributions, temporal
and spatial locality, object size and
reference distributions, and cache
behavior. The study further intends to
motivate the design of memory systems
that are better suited to the
requirements of runtime systems.
Y N Srikant
Indian Institute of
Science, India
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
The goal of this project is to explore the
possibilities to deeply integrate the
ASF+SDF Meta-Environment into the
Mark van den Brand
Hogeschool van
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Computer Aided Instruction in
Graduate Compiler Design
Based on the C# Compiler
Source Code and a Hide-andShow Approach
The goal of this project is to develop
and study a novel approach to using the
SSCLI C# compiler and Visual Studio
.NET to introduce graduate students to
the inner workings of a real compiler in
the context of a graduate compilers
Elizabeth White
George Mason University
Computer Science
Compilers, Languages,
and Runtimes: SSCLI
External Research & Programs
Compiler Generation Tools for
This project will develop a framework
for generating compiler tools for the C#
programming language.
Albrecht Woess
Johannes Kepler
Universität Linz, Austria
Computer Science
External Research & Programs
Enhancing Reliability by
Supporting Path-Diversity
Overlay Retransmission
This project investigates a pathdiversity overlay retransmission
architecture and mechanism to achieve
more effective and reliable packet
delivery in challenging network
Wenjun Zeng
University of Missouri at
Computer Science
External Research & Programs
Visual Information Manager
We will design and implement a Visual
Information Manager as an extension to
ConferenceXP Platform that manages
the screen display resource and
coordinates the user interface
presentation between video,
presentation, and other visual channels.
Klara Nahrstedt
University of Illinois at
Computer Science and
External Research & Programs
Supporting and Enhancing
Cooperative Learning with
My project is to empower a computersupported cooperative learning system
called I-MINDS using the
ConferenceXP platform.
Leen-Kiat Soh
University of Nebraska
Computer Science and
External Research & Programs
Windows Media Transcoding
Using ConferenceXP Archive
Service Data
This project will address the
transcoding of data stored by the
ConferenceXP Archive Service into
Windows Media format. The output of
the transcoding process will include not
only audio and video, but also
presentation slides, navigation, and ink,
and it will interoperate well with existing
applications, such as Classroom
Presenter and ConferenceXP
Fred Videon
University of Washington
Computer Science and
External Research & Programs
Classroom Presenter
Development and Deployment
This project is to continue the
development and deployment of
Classroom Presenter, a Tablet PC–
based presentation system used with
Conference XP for both distance and
classroom instruction. The targets for
2004 are robust integration of student
and instructor devices, support for
additional interaction patterns in the
classroom, enhanced inking for
instructors attentional markings, and
improved archiving and integration with
other systems.
Richard Anderson
University of Washington
Computer Science and
External Research & Programs
Advanced Classrooms
Exploiting Tiled Displays and
Student Computers
We are experimenting with use of
multiple (large and multi-mega pixel)
tiled displays, allowing all lecture
visuals to remain in view (and
downloadable) during the lecture, and
protocols for the instructor to enable
and manage presentation of selected
student responses and results. In
addition, we will develop high-resolution
and bandwidth-efficient support for
high-resolution document cameras as
an input to ConferenceXP.
Patrick Mantey
University of California at
Santa Cruz
Computer Science and
External Research & Programs
Peer-to-Peer Multi-Reflector
Networking for ConferenceXP
We propose to employ peer-to-peer
(P2P) networking solutions, which are
used to provide reliable and efficient
services over underlying networks and
systems. In the proposed effort, we will
implement a peer-to-peer network
which serves as an overlay network
over a set of Multicast CXP Reflectors,
and where each reflector serves a
multicast isolated network. Building
efficient P2P networks for
ConferenceXP reflector-enabled sites
will be a primary objective of the
proposed effort.
Hayder Radha
Michigan State University
Electrical and Computer
External Research & Programs
Implementing ConferenceXP
in a Multi-cultural,
Collaborative, Academic
This curriculum development and
research effort establishes permanent
ConferenceXP nodes on the University
of Massachusetts Amherst and National
University of Ireland (NUI) Galway
campuses and conducts classroom
research involving ConferenceXP
Presentation and OneNote technology
in a large lecture class.
Gino Sorcinelli
University of
Massachusetts at
Isenberg School of
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Embedded Assistive Devices
A large segment of the Indian
population face different types of
physical disabilities—including visual
impairment, speech impairment, and
neuro motor disorders. A considerable
proportion of this segment are children.
They are alienated from the mainstream
of life, mainly because of
communication barriers. Such barriers
stem from physical impairments as well
as due to non-availability of portable
and affordable devices and systems.
We, at IIT Kharagpur, have developed
an array of software systems that
addresses the challenge posed by this
communication barrier.
Anupam Basu
Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur
Computer Science and
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Cluster-Based Ad Hoc
Network Routing Protocol
Implementation Under
Windows CE .NET
Ad hoc networks, which have seen
drastic increase in their usage
scenarios and convergence of different
applications’ traffic lately, are getting
ready to support QoS and secure traffic.
Existing protocols for ad hoc networks
provide little or no support for QoS and
security. We have developed a new
routing protocol ‘CRESQ’ for ad hoc
networks, with adequate support for
QoS using resource reservation.
Gautam Barua
Indian Institute of
Technology, Guwahati
Computer Science and
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
A Real-Time/Embedded
System Software
Development Environment
Based on Windows CE and
Windows XP Embedded
This project proposal focuses on
building a framework with strong tool
support for addressing system modeling
(based on UML-RT), architectural/
design pattern library with
customization, programming interfaces
for configurable OS components and
parameters, real-time performance
measurement and tuning tools, and a
debugging environment.
Sundar Balasubramiam
Birla Institute of
Technology and Science,
Pilani, India
Computer Science and
Information Systems Group
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
GridOne: An IPv6 QoS-aware
Grid Computing Architecture
This project aims at using IPv6-aware
Grid Computing applications on
Microsoft OS-based Grid Computing
Infrastructure and enables early
researchers and developers to get their
work evaluated for performance,
compatibility, interoperability, and
security while focusing on the IPv6- and
application-specific QoS requirements.
Rahul Banerjee
Birla Institute of
Technology and Science,
Pilani, India
Computer Science and
Information Systems
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Looking for New Instructions
and Optimizations in
Embedded Systems
The goal of this project is to develop an
infrastructure capable of detecting
instruction patterns typical of modern
application domains (for example,
multimedia, networking). By using these
instructions, we intend to design new
optimizations to support pattern
detection and synthesis of DirectX code
(new functions to the API). These
optimizations can also open up the path
to suggest future ISA extensions that
are tailored to some specific application
domain or to be incorporated inside
some daughter boards.
Rodolfo Azevedo
Universidade Estadual de
Institute of Computing
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Traceit!: Event Trace
Generator for Distributed
Embedded Real-Time
Ubiquitous embedded applications will
eventually have a major impact on our
daily life. We are referring to
applications and services that involve
reacting to changing environments,
synchronizing, exchanging sensitive
information with previously unknown
network partners in a coordinated way
maintaining consistency, etc. Among
other uses, these embedded systems
will control devices that may risk lives or
damage properties: safety-critical
Victor Braberman
Universidad de Buenos
Computer Science
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Teaching Project: Embedded
Systems Laboratory Course at
The College of Engineering at Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), to
which the Computer Science
department belongs to, receives the top
1% of the best students in the country.
We propose the development of a
graduate course in the area of
embedded systems in order to prepare
our students in this area. We base our
proposal in a hands-on course, where
students have to work in groups to
design and implements solutions to real
problems. We expect to produce many
interesting side effects.
David Fuller
Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile
Computer Science
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Embedded IPv6 Performance
To investigate performance issues with
IPv6 when implemented in embedded
systems through simulation and actual
David Jones
RMIT University
Electrical and Computer
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Microsoft Embedded
Program—RFP Response
The faculty of Information Technology at
Monash University has established the
CoolCampus project in an effort to
connect its existing pervasive
computing research activities and to
generate more opportunities for its
pervasive computing researchers to
collaborate with and engage university
and industry partners.
Peter Stanski
Monash University
Computer Science and
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Cornell Autonomous Aerial
Vehicle Research Proposal
The overall objective for this program is
to further the development of high-end
embedded systems in autonomous
aerial vehicles. We would like to
leverage the capabilities of both
Windows XP Embedded and Windows
CE .NET in order to rapidly develop
cost-effective aerial platforms that fit
into a connected world.
Kevin Kornegay
Cornell University
Electrical and Computer
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Systems for Embodied
Evolutionary Robotics
This is a proposal for using Windows
CE .NET in the application area of realtime robotics. Evolutionary robotics
research seeks processes that can
generate intelligent machines by
emulating open-ended natural
selection, rather than by traditional
manual design. Evolutionary robotics
processes have traditionally been
confined to simulation in virtual worlds,
but as robotic systems become more
complex, there is a growing need to
carry out these processes in real time
and on physical machines.
Hod Lipson
Cornell University
School of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Real-Time Control of Mobile
Robots with CE .NET
In order to fully exploit the new
capabilities offered by faster
computation, advanced sensors and
actuators, and technology in general,
control theoreticians must bring to bear
new tools and techniques used in other
disciplines. For example, there is
potentially great synergy between
computer scientists and control
theoreticians for tackling new problems
in distributed and hierarchical control of
autonomous systems. Applications
include any “dull, dirty, or dangerous”
situation where autonomous entities aid
human beings, such as space
exploration, disaster relief, and national
Raff D’Andrea
Cornell University
Electrical and Computer
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Application-Specific PIM
(Processor-In Memory)
Architecture for Embedded
We propose to develop efficient
application-specific PIM (Processor-In
Memory) architectures for Microsoft
embedded systems. We also propose
architectural techniques to further
improve the performance inside these
PIM architectures. Our proposed
research can be used to develop more
efficient and high-performance
embedded systems such as set-top
boxes, gaming consoles, and media
Rodolfo Azevedo
University of California at
Electrical and Computer
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Enhancement of the RealTime Application Support
Capabilities of Windows CE
We have recently launched an effort to
establish a high-level real-time (RT)
distributed programming facility on
.NET and .NET Compact Framework
platforms. The effort is supported by
NSF, DARPA, and Microsoft Research.
Kane Kim
University of California at
Electrical and Computer
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Embedded Sensor-Actuator
We propose to develop and deploy a
flexible, distributed sensor and
computational network based on the
Pocket PC platform and Windows CE
.NET. Our approach will be to extend
our .NET–based distributed application
framework, ROCI (Remote Objects
Control Interface), to the Windows CE
.NET platform.
CJ Taylor
University of
Electrical and Systems
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
MASLab: Mobile Autonomous
Systems Laboratory
MASLab is an intensive, one-month
long robotics course in which MIT
students build and program
autonomous robots. We would like to
use Windows XP as the host operating
system, taking advantage of its small
footprint to provide a robust and
eminently extendable platform from
which to control our robots. Students
will write code in C#, taking advantage
of the managed CLR to reduce
application development time.
Edwin Olson
Massachusetts Institute of
Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Embedded Real-Time Control
for Mobile Robots
The goal of this project is to design a
hardware and software real-time control
platform based on Windows CE .NET to
support research, education, and
applications for mobile robots. To be
useful in these domains, it must be both
powerful and low cost. The controller
envisioned here would be compact and
energy efficient, it would support
wireless communications/networking, it
would support programming in higherlevel languages, and it would be
sufficiently powerful to provide
significant intelligence to the
Wyatt Newman
Case Western Reserve
Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Context-Aware Smart Device
The problem being addressed in this
proposal is that both applications and
operating systems for constrained
devices are at times unnecessarily over
designed and implemented for the
general case. The result of this is, at
best, code that is unused in the
particular situation and, at worst, code
that does not satisfy the requirements
of the particular situation (for example,
time constraints). In many situations,
this “mini PC” look-and-feel will not
Marty Humphrey
University of Virginia
Computer Science
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Pervasive Embedded
Networks for Ad Hoc
Pervasive computing represents a new
paradigm for computing where
computing is “everywhere,” embedded
in a variety of special- and generalpurpose devices, enables new
processes and services, and
“disappears” from the view of the user
to be an inherent and integrated part of
the environment. The realization of the
pervasive computing vision requires
networking services that are beyond
those offered by existing networks,
operating systems, and application
program interfaces (APIs).
Scott Midkiff
Virginia Polytech Institute
and State University
Electrical and Computer
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Development of a FaultTolerant Distributed System
Environment-Based on
Windows CE PDA and Visual
Studio .NET Technologies
The purpose of this project is to fully
convert my research environment and a
part of my teaching environment into
Windows CE .NET and Window XP
Embedded technologies, and produce
new results based on the new
Yinong Chen
Arizona State University
Computer Science and
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
A Proposal for a Microsoft
Embedded Systems
Instructional Laboratory
The goal of this proposal is to provide
target systems, development systems,
and software to support embedded
system senior design projects based on
Microsoft Windows CE .NET and
Windows XP Embedded.
James Hamblen
Georgia Institute of
Electrical and Computer
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
IPv6 Header Compression
We propose to add new header
compression functionality for IPv6 to
Microsoft Windows CE .NET or
Windows XP Embedded. Many
embedded systems will be connected
over wireless, possibly ad-hoc,
networks. These networks will often
have limited capacity due to the links
having limited capacity, the network
being an ad-hoc network with
congestion limitations, and the high
degree of node mobility which causes
the ad-hoc routing protocol to add
significantly to network load. Header
compression can alleviate the situation.
Mikael Degermark
University of Arizona
Management Information
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Embedded Systems
Education: Low-Power
Handheld Systems
This project will develop a set of labs
that will help students understand the
temporal and power characteristics of
embedded software. The labs will be
well-structured such that students can
complete them in a few hours while
coming away with an appreciation for
these basic concepts. The labs will be
replicable at other institutions so that
they can serve as a national and
international model. The labs will not be
tied to any particular textbook.
Wayne Wolf
Princeton University
Electrical Engineering
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Integration of an Introduction
to Windows CE .NET and .NET
Compact Framework in the
Senior/Graduate Networking
The goal of this proposal is to
incorporate an introduction to Windows
CE .NET and the .NET Compact
Framework in the existing
senior/graduate-level networking course
entitled: “Computer Networks and
Wireless Systems.”
Aura Ganz
University of
Electrical and Computer
Embedded Systems
External Research & Programs
Teaching and Research
There are two main objectives to this
project. The first one is to introduce
current engineering faculty and
students to Windows-based real-time
operating systems. The second
objective is to apply a Windows-based
operating system to a current project in
which a life-like robotic head is to be
used for a realistic speech source for
the testing of large-aperture
microphone arrays.
Harvey Silverman
Brown University
External Research & Programs
Building a Scalable Display
Wall with Off-the-Shelf
We devised a method to channel a
camera’s output to a rectangular grid of
displays efficiently by processing
directly in the JPEG domain. A display
for graphics using a standard tool called
Chromium performs poorly due to
excessive network requirements. We
are developing an efficient algorithm for
Chromium by developing a remote
rendering scheme for normal graphics
P. J. Narayanan
International Institute of
Information Technology,
Center for Visual Information
External Research & Programs
Advanced Biomedical
Computing Systems for
Cancer Research
In collaboration with Winship Cancer
Institute, the group is developing a
computation-based cancer research
system. The system consists of
databases, cluster-based computing,
and immersive visualization. With this
system, they will be able to integrate
large amounts of genomic, proteomic,
and molecular/organ imaging data
obtained from cultured cancer cells,
clinical tissue specimens, and solid
tumors to analyze and guide clinical
cancer research.
May Wang
Georgia Institute of
The Wallace H. Coulter
Department of Biomedical
External Research & Programs
Parallel Numerical
Applications as Web Services
A comprehensive set of solutions will be
developed to efficiently manage and
utilize input and intermediate parallel
data for adaptive parallel Web services
executing on computational Grid
resources. Various .NET mechanisms
will be utilized for achieving the goals of
the project, namely, UDDI for managing
and discovery of parallel data
distributed across Grid resources,
Microsoft SQL Server for maintaining
metadata about the scattered data
segments, and SOAP-based protocols
for remote data staging.
Sathish Vadhiyar
Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore
Supercomputer Education and
Research Centre
External Research & Programs
A Parallel Cross-Match Engine
for Astronomy
The project will develop a scalable SQL
Server cluster capable of running
parallel joins between very large
catalogs in astronomical databases. As
a proof of concept, we will cross-match
existing catalogs with cardinalities of a
billion rows, a task exceeding the
capabilities of current tools.
Maria Nieto-Santisteban
Johns Hopkins University
Physics and Astronomy
External Research & Programs
Web Service Multimodal Tools
for Strategic Biodiversity
Research, Assessment, and
This is a joint proposal from Computer
Science and Biodiversity researchers at
the University of Campinas
(UNICAMP), Brazil. Its goal is to
provide scientists who work in
biodiversity issues with a system that
supports exploratory queries over
heterogeneous biodiversity data
Claudia Bauzer
Universidade Estadual de
Institute of Computing
External Research & Programs
Pictorial Query Specification
for Searching a Spatially
Referenced Breast Cancer
Image Database
A large database of medical images
with analysis is required to help train
and test the CAD and pre-screening
systems. A database with images from
multiple technologies like
mammograms, MRI, and ultrasound will
also enable research into the
effectiveness and usefulness of each
technique at cancer screening and the
determination of malignancy.
Hanan Samet
University of Maryland at
College Park
Computer Science
External Research & Programs
A Comprehensive Protein
Database Indexed by Spatial
The goal of this project is to build and
disseminate a comprehensive database
of candidate spatial protein motifs
based on our recently developed data
mining algorithms. We envision our
database as a tool to accelerate this
discovery process by orders of
Wei Wang
University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Computer Science
External Research & Programs
SQL.CT: Using Database
Systems for Remote, WebBased Visualization of
Tomographic Data
We are building a prototype system that
illustrates the benefits of combining
database systems and volume
rendering visualization for tomographic
data. The goal is to demonstrate how
the organizational, indexing, and
parallelism capabilities of a database
system can optimize the overall
rendering process.
Julian Humphries
University of Texas at
Texas Memorial Museum and
Department of Geological
External Research & Programs
Parallel Analysis and
Visualization of Astronomical
Data in SQL Databases
A framework for parallel analysis and
visualization of astrophysical simulation
data on compute clusters. It is designed
to interactively perform computationally
intensive analysis on the large datasets
produced by massively parallel
simulations. We will extend the
capabilities of this tool to interface with
SQL databases to allow parallel
analysis of any dataset (such as the
SDSS) running on SQL Server.
Tom Quinn
University of Washington
External Research & Programs
Notebook Project
The Notebook application is a clientside data repository, collaboration
environment, and smart client for
SOAP-based Web services. The
application is designed to store data
from Internet Web sessions and also
enables researchers to annotate data
Greg Quinn
University of California at
San Diego
San Diego Supercomputer
Center (SDSC)
External Research & Programs
Migrating E-Transit Databases
and Web Services to a
TerraService Model
This project provides an opportunity to
use the latest hardware and software
capabilities to design Web mapping
services that will provide for increasing
demand and increasing user
productivity from the consumers of
Web-based public services. The
Internet-based mapping applications
accomplished under the umbrella of have become
increasingly useful to transportation
coordinators throughout the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts as
they assist consumers in finding “transit
first” solutions to jobs and job training.
Uma Shama
Bridgewater State College
Mathematics and Computer
External Research & Programs
Web Service Access to
Streaming NEXRAD Level II
Radar Data
Linked Environments for Atmospheric
Discovery (LEAD), an NSF funded large
scale ITR building cyberinfrastructure
for severe storm forecasting, aims to
improve access through a grid service
architecture to enable access to data
products, services, and processes for
the severe storm researcher and
Beth Plale
Indiana University at
Computer Science
External Research & Programs
OpenArXiv = arXiv + RDBMS +
Web Services
The OpenArXiv project aims to
significantly improve this arXiv digital
library in two ways: By exploiting the
state-of-the-art database techniques
available in Microsoft SQL Server, we
will build a large-scale scientific digital
library solely using an RDBMS. By
utilizing the standard XML-based Web
Services paradigm and Microsoft .NET
framework, we will build a
programmable interface to arXiv so that
not only human users but also software
agents can freely access the contents
of arXiv in many applications.
Dongwon Lee
Pennsylvania State
University at University
Information Sciences and
External Research & Programs
SCORM Public-Access
The main goal of this project is to
promote the use of online education in
Colombia, offering a repository of
sharable content objects that can be
managed through Internet.
Carlos Cobos
Universidad del Cauca
Department of Systems
External Research & Programs
Large-Scale Integration of
Different Data Modalities for
Computational Medical
We will build an infrastructure to serve a
community of users with interests in
biomedical data processing. The
philosophy of this project is based on
two premises, namely: data analysis
take priority over computation, which
can be provided by other existing
infrastructures, and a common software
environment to facilitate our work and
speed up our research by merging
several types of data into a common
Marc Garbey
University of Houston
Computer Science
External Research & Programs
Dynameomics: Internet
Database and Web Portal for
Molecular Dynamics
Simulations of Proteins
This project will construct a
complementary database comprised of
molecular dynamics (MD) structures for
representatives of all protein folds—an
effort we are calling dynameomics. We
are simulating the native (biologically
active) state and complete unfolding
pathways by MD, the time-dependent
integration of the classical equations of
motion for molecular systems.
Valerie Daggett
University of Washington
Department of Medicinal
External Research & Programs
The Gateway to Biological
Developing a Web application called
“The Gateway to Biological Pathways”
to aggregate and unify the existing
pathway databases and provide Web
services for querying the aggregated
datasets based upon the open standard
for pathway data interchange BioPAX
Level 1.
Keyuan Jiang
Purdue University,
Information Systems and
Computer Programming
External Research & Programs
Sangam: A System for
Integrating Data to Solve
Scientists have obtained much data
suggesting that anxiety disorders are
caused by dysfunction within specific
brain circuits, but the precise
relationships between these circuits and
the way in which they are recruited by
stress signals is unclear. Understanding
this is critical for treating stress
University of Southern
Computer Science
External Research & Programs
InteGrade: Object-Oriented
Grid Middleware Leveraging
Idle Computing Power of
Desktop Machines
InteGrade main goals:
Preserves resource provider’s QoS at
all costs
Supports a wide range of parallel
Usage pattern collection and analysis
Based on modern OO techniques
Funded by Microsoft Research
Use on heterogeneous platforms
Performance evaluation
Fabio Kon
Alfredo Goldman
University of São Paulo
Computer Science
Game Design
Game Design
External Research & Programs
Reality and Programming
Together (RAPT)
Develop and run pilot courses in game
oriented CS2 and CS3 utilizing C#.
There will be teamwork and projects to
teach software engineering concepts
coupled with audio and graphics
introductory material. Course will allow
students creative expression as well as
bring the importance of human factors
and game play into the classroom. We
propose to utilize C#/DirectX coupled
with real, multidisciplinary applications.
Jessica Bayliss
Rochester Institute of
Computer Science
Game Design
External Research & Programs
Game Production and
Development for Multiple
Hardware Platforms
Developing a five-quarter curriculum
what will combine computer science
with visual design, sound design, and
narrative theory. The curriculum will
form the backbone of a new, interschool major, Animate Arts and
Science, to be offered in collaboration
with four major Colleges at
Northwestern. This curriculum will
incorporate more that 4000 students.
Bruce and Amy Gooch
Northwestern University
Computer Science
Game Design
External Research & Programs
Advanced Interdisciplinary
Game Design and
Architecture Courses
A suite of advanced courses in the
contributing disciplines of
Communication Studies, Computer
Science, Digital Art, Interactive
Multimedia, Music, and Professional
Writing. We propose to create a
learning environment in which crossdisciplinary students collaborate on
developing a large artifact, namely a 3D, virtual reality, multi-player game.
The College of New Jersey
Ursula Wolz, Computer Science and
Interactive Multimedia
Anita Allyn, Art
Terry Byrne, Communication Studies
Jikai Li, Computer Science
Miroslav Martinovic, Computer Science
Robert McMahan, Music
Kim Pearson, English and Interactive
Game Design
External Research & Programs
Developing a Game Engine
Design and construction of an
instructional 3-D game engine intended
as the core of a game programming
curriculum for undergraduate computer
science students. The game engine will
be constructed in a sequence of
incremental steps. Code will be written
using Visual C++ using the latest
version of DirectX. A set of integrated
tutorials will be created as part of this
Ian Parberry
University of North Texas
Computer Science and
Game Design
External Research & Programs
Laboratory for Computer
Games Technology
Organization of a specialized laboratory
devoted to computer games. The initial
goal of this laboratory is to prepare
material for specialized courses on
computer games, which emphasize the
application of academic material taught
in “traditional” disciplines such as data
structures, computer graphics, and
artificial intelligence. These specialized
courses shall function as motivation for
students to focus on their studies, as
well as independent assessment of how
well students are doing in their studies
and of how broad, modern, and
accurate their “traditional” course is.
Flavio Soares Correa
da Silva
University of Sao Paulo
Computer Science
Game Design
External Research & Programs
Alice and Panda3D: Tools for
Creating 3D Content
At Carnegie Mellon’s Entertainment
Technology Center (, we
are creating two tools for broad
distribution. Alice ( is
intended for introductory computer
programming courses, providing a
revolutionary video-game authoring
approach. Panda3D
( is a high-end,
commercial-grade game engine
originally developed by Walt Disney
Imagineering and now under joint
development with Carnegie Mellon. It is
suitable for use in higher-level CS
Randy Pausch
Jesse Schell
Josh Yelon
Carnegie Mellon
Entertainment Technology
Game Design
External Research & Programs
Goblin: An Architecture for
Building 3D Virtual
An architecture for building 3-D
augmented reality and virtual reality
applications and games. Written in C#,
using Managed DirectX. Leverages
.NET to support innovative application
features, including Edit-and-Continue
and Aspect-Oriented Programming.
Steve Feiner
Marc Eaddy
Columbia University
Computer Science
Gender Equity
Gender Equity
External Research & Programs
A Study on Gender-Based
Differences, Ethnic and
Cultural Models in the
Computing Disciplines
A national, scientific, three-year
longitudinal study involving students at
some 50 institutions of higher
education—half are Historically Black
Colleges and Universities and half are
Predominantly White Institutions. Data
collection began in 2004.
Antonio M. Lopez, Jr.
Xavier University of
Computer Sciences and
Computer Engineering
External Research & Programs
iGEM: Intercollegiate
Genetically Engineered
Machine Competitions
The MIT Synthetic Biology Working
Group envisions simple engineered
biological systems based on
interchangeable, standardized
biological parts. In order to test these
principles and expand the community,
we have sponsored three design labs
during 2003 and 2004. This program is
now supported by the iCampus
program for the development of course
materials and expansion of this
program into 2005 and 2006.
Tom Knight
Drew Endy
Randy Rettberg
Massachusetts Institute of
Biological Engineering
External Research & Programs
iLabs: Remote Online
The iLabs project is dedicated to the
proposition that online laboratories—
real laboratories accessed through the
Internet—can enrich science and
engineering education by greatly
expanding the range of experiments
that students are exposed to in the
course of their education. To learn
more, visit
Steve Lerman
Jesus del Alamo
Massachusetts Institute of
Center for Educational
External Research & Programs
Sketch Understanding—
Magic Paper
The Magic paper research project
enables a novel form of interaction with
software, making it possible to describe
things by sketching, gesturing, and
talking about them in a way that feels
completely natural, yet have a computer
understand the messy freehand
sketches, casual gestures, and
fragmentary utterances that are part
and parcel of such interaction. To learn
more about Magic Paper, visit
Randall Davis
Massachusetts Institute of
Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer
External Research & Programs
PowerfulPoint: A Visual
Learning Environment
The goal of PowerfulPoint is to teach
students to create compelling visual
narratives. We have taught the course
Visualizing Cultures to MIT students in
which students create narratives on
Indian culture, the Mafia, early
photography, the Olympics, and so
forth. The toolset we propose to
develop will greatly enhance the
creation of visual narratives by allowing
students to search, sort, author, and
share visual content from repositories
from the Smithsonian and Boston
Museum of Fine Arts.
Shigeru Miyagawa
John Dower
Massachusetts Institute of
Foreign Languages and
External Research & Programs
The Huggables
We are proposing the design of the
Huggable, a new type of sociable robot,
specifically designed with touch,
responsiveness, and affect in mind with
the ultimate goal of distributing this
robot to children in hospitals. This robot
will look like an ordinary soft Teddy bear
on the outside. It will feature a sensate
skin all over the surface of the robot
based upon current research Dan Stiehl
is pursuing at the MIT Media Lab
Robotic Life Group.
Dan Stiehl
Massachusetts Institute of
Media Lab Robotic Life Group
External Research & Programs
Topobo: 3D Constructive
Assembly System
We propose establishing educational
workshops with Topobo at the Boston
Museum of Science. We hope to
achieve two goals through these
workshops: First, we hope to have a
positive educational impact on local
children over the course of the project.
Our intention is for the workshops to
continue after we have completed this
project, so we hope this impact can
grow over time. Second, we plan to
more thoroughly evaluate the
educational implications of the system
and to develop frameworks to guide the
future development of computational
educational media.
Hayes Solos Raffle
Amanda Parkes
Massachusetts Institute of
Tangible Media Group
External Research & Programs
The Classroom Learning
Partner: Electronic Support
for Student Learning
We propose to support formative
classroom assessment in large classes
by developing a Tablet PC–based
system that supports in-class exercises
by allowing students to submit nonmultiple choice answers back to an
instructor in real time and then
aggregating those answers so as not to
overwhelm the instructor.
Kimberle Koile
Howard Shrobe
Massachusetts Institute of
Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
External Research & Programs
Aids Case Tracker
This project will have MIT students
design, validate, and implement a novel
patient-tracking system to assist a
community-based health program in
Lusaka, Zambia in caring for the
growing population of HIV positive
infants and children. Community
Healthcare Workers (CHW), drawn from
the community itself, will employ a
handheld to track the status of the 2050 children and families to whom they
provide care.
William Delhagen
Chris Emig
Massachusetts Institute of
Health Science and
External Research & Programs
PlaceMap is a project that aims to use
location-aware information to tell its
users where they are, what or who is
around them, and how to get there. To
track a user’s location, the system
utilizes client-based software that
reports to the placeMap server with
which the user’s computer is
communicating. Virtual Campus
maintains a rich database of campus
events by crawling official and living
group Web sites and recording
probable gatherings. With a geometric
map of the campus, it then is able to
provide step-by-step directions with
distances, orientations, and landmarks.
Matthew Hockenberry
Robert Gens
Massachusetts Institute of
Media Lab Context Aware
External Research & Programs
To harvest and digitally archive MIT
OpenCourseWare learning objects and
make them available to learning
management systems by using Web
service interfaces on top of DSpace.
More detail can be found at
MacKenzie Smith
Cec d’Oliveira
Massachusetts Institute of
Digital Library Research Group
External Research & Programs
Spoken Lecture Transcription,
Tagging, and Retrieval
Recorded lectures could be more
widely and effectively disseminated if
material could be automatically or semiautomatically indexed to allow students
to access selected portions of the
material via Web browsers and textbased queries (e.g., “tell me about A*
search”). This project aims to develop
speech technology for spoken lecture
transcription, tagging, and ultimately,
James Glass
Massachusetts Institute of
Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
External Research & Programs
TEAL: Technology-Enabled
Active Learning
Technology-enabled active learning
(TEAL) is a teaching format that merges
lectures, simulations, and hands-on
desktop experiments to create a rich
collaborative learning experience. TEAL
classes feature collaborative learning,
where students work during class in
small groups with shared laptop
computers; desktop experiments with
data acquisition links to laptops; mediarich visualizations and simulations
delivered via laptops and the Internet;
and personal response systems that
stimulate interaction between students
and lecturers.
John Belcher
Massachusetts Institute of
External Research & Programs
iMOAT: MIT Online
Assessment Tool
iCampus MIT Online Assessment Tool
(iMOAT) is a service for Web-based
administration and grading of writing
examinations. The iMOAT Web service
incorporates reliable and valid writing
situations that give students time to
think, write, and revise transforms
assessment into learning by providing
detailed individual feedback. It
integrates preparatory readings of any
length; gives universities complete
control over the content, schedule, and
grading of exams; and significantly
reduces assessment costs.
Les Perelman
Massachusetts Institute of
Writing and Humanistic Studies
External Research & Programs
iDAT: Web-Based Wireless
Sensors for Education
This project will develop a suite of Webbased wireless iDAT sensors
specifically designed as
multidisciplinary educational tools to
teach instrumentation to students in a
diverse range of fields, including
physical sciences, engineering,
biological science, and neuroscience.
Sensors will be field tested in the MIT
junior-level Measurement and
Instrumentation course, taken by
mechanical engineering, physics, and
electrical engineering students.
Ian Hunter
Barbara Hughey
Massachusetts Institute of
Mechanical Engineering
ICT for Underserved
ICT for Underserved
External Research & Programs
Intelligent Water Resource
Management System
The aim of this project is to design,
implement, and field-test a prototype
wireless sensor–based water resource
management network for the agriculture
conditions existing in India (for
example, diminishing low water
resources and shortage of electricity).
The system will use a network of smart
sensors that are embedded in the field
to detect soil conditions, such as pH
and moisture, and based on available
data irrigate different part of the fields
for varying time periods and volume of
S. Gurunarayanan
Birla Institute of
Technology and Science,
Pilani, India
Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Instrumentation
ICT for Underserved
External Research & Programs
An Ethnographic Study of ICT
for Development Projects in
Rural India
This is a comparative study of six
projects that use modern ICTs to
improve agriculture practices in
underserved communities in rural India.
Fieldwork is underway already to
facilitate an analytical understanding of
the relationship between the enhanced
deployment of ICTs and changes in
agricultural practices and how that may
improve productivity and incomes.
Balaji Parthasarathy
Indian Institute of
Information Technology,
ICT for Underserved
External Research & Programs
Field Deployment of PCtvt
and User Trials
The PCtvt’s main strength is its user
interface that makes it an ideally suited
device for the less privileged. Under this
proposal, we will deploy PCtvt in the
field, monitor user reactions, and make
modifications to the software and the
user interface.
N. Balakrishnan
Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore
Information Sciences
ICT for Underserved
External Research & Programs
Sensor Networks: Algorithms
and Technology for Landside
The project will use sensor networks to
develop the technology for an early
warning system for landslide detection.
In this context we will investigate
various sensor network architectures
that can be used in a hostile
environment (hilly terrains that are
difficult to access).
Uday Desai
Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay
Electrical Engineering
ICT for Underserved
External Research & Programs
Wireless Network
Architectures Using
Asynchronous Messages for
Supporting Development
This project will develop wireless
network architectures that can be
deployed in rural scenarios using lowcost devices that require reliable
communication of information. The
research focus is on formulation of
routing algorithms that ensure reliable
asynchronous communication even
under disconnection and energy
Sanjiva Prasad
Indian Institute of
Technology, New Delhi
Computer Science and
ICT for Underserved
External Research & Programs
Teleophthalmology: Mobile
Eye Care Delivery
India has approximately 25% of the
blind people in the world (about 12
million). Eighty percent of this is
preventable or treatable.
Disadvantaged communities constitute
the bulk of these twelve million. The
project will build a composite platform
consisting of a portable laptop–based
front-end, which can capture patient
data, and a remote back-end that will
be used by the ophthalmologist. The
project will focus on enabling both
online and offline scenarios at both
ends. The project will be completed with
the help of R K Devi Eye Research
Institute and Khairabad Eye hospital in
Kanpur, India.
Harish Karnick
Indian Institute of
Technology, Kanpur
Computer Science and
ICT for Underserved
External Research & Programs
A Next Generation Hybrid
Wireless Mesh Networking
Infrastructure for Rural
The project will use a hybrid wireless
mesh network architecture that uses
multihop wireless relaying IEEE
802.11b technology and a revolving
directional antenna-based multiple
access system for long-haul access
link. It is designed to provide rural
communications networks for remote
village clusters. The final solution will
result in mesh networks that can use
fixed and mobile nodes to form a
rooftop network as well as wide-area
medium access control to connect the
village clusters to the nearest town
C. Siva Ram Murthy
Indian Institute of
Technology, Madras
Computer Science and
External Research & Programs
General purpose toolkit, useful for
Information Visualization studies,
Zooming User Interfaces, and other
dynamic UI projects. Fully-accelerated
through managed DirectX 9. For Mobile
Devices, developers can use
PocketPiccolo.NET, built on the .NET
Compact Framework.
Benjamin Bederson
Aaron Clamage
University of Maryland
Human-Computer Interaction
External Research & Programs
LaunchTile and AppLens
LaunchTile and AppLens are two user
interface designs for single-handed
interaction with mobile devices. Using
zooming notification tiles in place of
traditional application launch icons, the
user can quickly glance at their device
and receive useful notifications, alerts,
and updates. Both systems use a
variety of interaction techniques that
can be executed with a thumb while
holding the device in one hand.
Benjamin Bederson
Amy Karlson
University of Maryland
Computer Science
External Research & Programs
Project Goblin
Goblin is a software architecture for
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and
3-D games and applications. The
platform is implemented in C# and uses
Managed DirectX. Leverages .NET to
support innovative application features,
including Edit-and-Continue and
Aspect-Oriented Programming.
Steven Feiner
Marc Eaddy
Columbia University
Computer Science
New Faculty
New Faculty
Fellowship 2005
Durand’s research addresses all
aspects of image synthesis and
capture, and this integration enables
him to address transversal issues such
as 3-D modeling from 2-D images,
relighting of photographs, real-time
photorealistic effects and material
appearance capture. His research
combines computer science,
mathematics, physics, visual perception
and the visual arts.
External Research & Programs
Fredo Durand
Massachusetts Institute of
Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
New Faculty
Fellowship 2005
Khot works in the area of theoretical
computer science, with an emphasis on
complexity theory. He tackles problems
that are among the most difficult and
long-standing in computer-science
theory, using novel techniques that
draw on fields such as coding theory,
linear algebra and Fourier analysis. He
has provided specific leadership in the
use of Probabilistically Checkable Proof
Systems to prove many
inapproximability results, an approach
that has been proven powerful.
External Research & Programs
Subhash Khot
Georgia Institute of
College of Computing
New Faculty
Fellowship 2005
Klein’s research demonstrates the
feasibility of unsupervised methods of
learning to natural language processing
problems such as grammar induction
and machine learning. His efforts to
enable computers to learn important
language information, such as
grammar, from abundantly occurring
data, as opposed to hand-labeled data,
could have an enormous impact.
External Research & Programs
Dan Klein
University of California at
Computer Science Division,
Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer
New Faculty
Fellowship 2005
Nagpal is interested in robust
programming paradigms for systems
composed of large numbers of
embedded, locally interacting,
identically programmed nodes, such as
sensor-actuator networks, smart
materials, and self-assembling and
swarm robotics. Her research draws on
concepts from embryo development
suggested by biologists to explain how
globally robust behavior can emerge
from the decentralized interactions of
less reliable cells.
External Research & Programs
Radhika Nagpal
Harvard University
Division of Engineering and
Applied Sciences
New Faculty
Fellowship 2005
Wei proposes to use novel techniques
in data mining, automatic classification
and natural language text retrieval to
address a central challenge of
molecular biology: linking proteins to
their function. She has developed
algorithms to find recurring amino acid
packing patterns in protein structures
and to select those patters whose
occurrences are highly associated with
known functionalities.
External Research & Programs
Wei Wang
University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Computer Science
Robotics for Teaching
Robotics for Teaching
External Research & Programs
Advanced Software
Engineering with Robotics
This course, CS340, is designed to
attract, retain, and inspire future
software engineering professionals.
Focus is around major topics and not
product. This nine-laboratory course
has students participating in team
environments and preparing
presentations. Topics include project
management, requirement capture,
semi-formal specifications, objectoriented design, reusability,
programming practices, inspections,
and formal specifications.
John Knight
University of Virginia
Computer Science
Robotics for Teaching
External Research & Programs
Education Outreach: The
Visible Robot
Create a programming lab supplement
to the Introduction to AI Robotics course
in the MSDNAA Curriculum Repository
by using low-cost ER-1s. Introduce
computing, good practices in a handson format. Use homeland security
related themes for exercises.
Robin Murphy
R. Skibinski
University of South
Computer Science and
Robotics for Teaching
External Research & Programs
Mobile Robotics and
Programming Courses
This project will capitalize on the work
of Professor John Knight, University of
Virginia to develop and extend the
Mobile Robotics course coupling it with
embedded systems and a computer
architecture lab. The course will have
students learn low-level control,
locomotion, and kinematics. The
keystone experiences is the
implementation of a mapping and
localization algorithm within the maze
Alvaro Soto
Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile
Computer Science
Robotics for Teaching
External Research & Programs
Building Robotics for ME—
Encouraging Consumption
by CS
The Cornell Mechatronics course are
exposing students to the functional
elements of automation: optical
encoders, h-bridge amplifiers, motor
responses, simple sensing systems for
robotic platforms. This project
integrates PC104 with Windows XP
Embedded into the mechatronics
curriculum. Students will use the PC104
XPe driven system to write software for
higher level robotics controllers.
Ephrahim Garcia
Cornell University
Laboratory for Intelligent
Machine Systems
Robotics for Teaching
External Research & Programs
Techniques of Robotics and
Artificial Intelligence Applied
to a Personal Robot
Undergraduate project course that
stresses in AI tools for robot positioning
and control. Course developed with the
Tablet PC Compaq TC1100 platform
and ER1 from Evolution Robotics.
Students utilizing Visual Studio .NET
2003. Introductory and advanced
Claudio Verrastro
Technologic National
University of Buenos
Aires, Argentina
Electronics and Science and
Technology Secretary
Robotics for Teaching
External Research & Programs
Computer Vision Aided
Navigation of Mobile Robots
This course covers the basics of
computer vision and trajectory planning
for mobile robots in a two dimensions
working environment. It will use
Microsoft tools for programming and
ER1 robots kits from Evolution
Robotics. This course will be part of a
three course robotics concentration for
students of electrical engineering,
mechanical engineering, and
biomedical engineering.
Carlos Pfeiffer
ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico
Computer Science
Robotics Platforms
Robotics Platforms
External Research & Programs
Resources for Educational
The goal of this project is to provide
resources for educators and hobbyists
who are interested in constructing lowcost robots using components from the
PC ecosystem. It is hoped that by
making it easier for students of all ages
to tackle more sophisticated robotics
projects we will be able to capture their
interest in engineering in general and
computer science in particular. One of
the goals of this effort will be to provide
a compelling alternative based on
Microsoft tools and technologies.
CJ Taylor
Johns Hopkins University
Computer Science
Robotics Platforms
External Research & Programs
Educational Robotics Kit
Robotics has particular efficacy in
triggering learning and technology
empowerment across a wide range of
student ages and interest areas. We
propose to develop curriculum
methodology and platforms that
revolutionize the way robots are used in
undergraduate education as a
programming and systems science tool
in three areas: curriculum development,
curriculum development infrastructure,
and reference designs and hardware.
Illah Nourbakhsh
Carnegie Mellon
The Robotics Institute
Sensor Networks
Sensor Networks
External Research & Programs
Hourglass: An Infrastructure
for Sensor Network
We propose to develop the Hourglass
Sensor Network Infrastructure, which
enables multiple distributed applications
to collect data from multiple distributed
sensor networks. This architecture is
designed to support a world where
organizations deploy sensor networks
and a possibly overlapping set of
organizations develop applications that
use the data gathered from those
sensor networks. This infrastructure will
be developed using a .NET framework
and will be prototyped on a range of
devices ranging from the lowest-end
capable systems we can find to
workstation class computers.
Margo Seltzer
Harvard University
Engineering and Applied
Sensor Networks
External Research & Programs
Evolving and Testing Smart
Sensor Networks Using
Windows Embedded XP
A smart sensor is a computationally
powerful, feature-rich device that
detects and processes environmental
stimuli. An embedded smart sensor
network (ESSN) is a collection of these
high-powered sensors that collaborate
to control processes in the system in
which they are embedded. We propose
a project to develop frameworks for
evolving ESSNs and for continuous
testing that take into account the critical
nature of such networks.
William Leal
Ohio State University,
Computer Science and
Sensor Networks
External Research & Programs
Sensor Networks and Web
Query processing is proving to be
attractive for tasking clouds of wireless
sensors. In recent years this field has
blossomed in the research community,
with proposals for a variety of query
processing paradigms. However, the
only widely available software is our
own TinyDB system, which provides an
implementation of only one such
paradigm and is difficult to adapt in any
significant way. We propose to design
and implement a unified sensornet
query processing architecture that can
be used to achieve a variety of query
processing paradigms.
Joe Hellerstein
University of California at
Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
Sensor Networks
External Research & Programs
Sensor Networks for Human
Activity Inferencing
We seek to develop blended sensor
networks that combine sensors carried
by a person with those they may
encounter in the environment to
determine a user’s context and thereby
cause applications to adjust their
behavior appropriately. The technical
aspects of our work include the
development of platforms for the
devices the user carries to be used both
for sensing as well as user interface,
middleware to fluidly adjust what
computation is done and where, and
discovery and binding algorithms.
Gaetano Borriello
University of Washington
Computer Science and
Sensor Networks
External Research & Programs
Web Service Protocols for
Self-Monitoring and SelfHealing Networked Embedded
Sensor Systems
The proposed research activities aim at
developing adaptive software by
establishing a novel direction in
software composition for networked
embedded sensor systems based on
Model-Integrating Computing and Web
services. We will investigate scalable
solutions that enable reconfiguration in
large sensor networks based on
distributed algorithms for constraint
satisfaction problems. We will develop
efficient reconfiguration architectures
based on Web services and we will
demonstrate the research advances by
using an experimental test bed.
Xenofon Koutsoukos
Vanderbilt University
Electrical Engineering and
Comp Science
Sensor Networks
External Research & Programs
Tiered: Development of Tiered
Applications Across Motes
and Micro-servers
This research will advance current
practice by creating public domain,
publicly accessible and modifiable,
software that implements middleware
services for tiered sensor networks. The
middleware services would facilitate
both the construction and evaluation of
sensor network applications, and the
exploration of next-generation sensor
network algorithms and mechanisms.
Deborah Estrin
University of California at
Los Angeles
Computer Science
Sensor Networks
External Research & Programs
Integrating Sensor Networks
into Medical Care Using Web
We propose to develop a Web
services–based infrastructure for
integrating wireless sensor networks
into medical care settings. Sensor
networks have the potential to greatly
benefit many aspects of medical care,
allowing many patients to be
continuously monitored using wearable,
wireless vital sign sensors. An important
challenge that arises in this domain is
the integration of real-time sensor data
into other information systems, such as
hospital patient records and
911/emergency dispatch services.
Matt Welsh
Harvard University
Engineering and Applied
Sensor Networks
External Research & Programs
Wireless Sensor Networks for
Soil Ecosystem Studies
The proposed research will customize,
test, and deploy a network of low-cost
wireless sensors to monitor the soil and
aboveground conditions along an
urban-rural gradient. The data will be
collected automatically and uploaded
into an online, publicly available
database. The project will augment
ongoing research in the Baltimore
Ecosystem Study (BES), which is part
of the NSF funded LTER (Long-Term
Ecological Research) network.
Katalin Szlavecz
Johns Hopkins University
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Service Learning
Service Learning
External Research & Programs
EPICS National Program
EPICS stands for Engineering Projects
in Community Service. In this Purdue
lead, 15 university program, teams of
undergraduates earn academic credit
with multiyear, multidisciplinary projects
that solve engineering and technologybased problems with community service
and education organizations. This
partnership provides many benefits to
the students and the community alike.
Leah Jamieson
William Oakes
Purdue University
College of Engineering
Service Learning
External Research & Programs
NSF Engineering Partnership
This program is a partnership between
the National Science Foundation,
Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, and
National Instruments. The goal is to
encourage Service Learning initiatives
as an additional method in the
Department Level Reform (DLR)
initiatives. This has been a two year
Microsoft Research
National Instruments
National Science
Directorate for Engineering
Software Engineering
Software Engineering
External Research & Programs
Introduction to Data
Management for Digital
An undergraduate course for
fundamentals of database systems
specifically motivated by the database
and data management needs to
effectively utilize and exploit a wide
array of biological, bioscience, and
biomedical information resources and
data sets.
Z. Meral Ozsoyoglu
Case Western Reserve
Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
Software Engineering
External Research & Programs
Team Software Engineering in
the PDA Domain
Undergraduate team project course that
stresses communication, UML
Modeling, Requirements, Architecture,
and Design. Course developed with the
Compact Framework on HP_6315
Pocket PC platform. Students are
utilizing Visual Studio 2003 and Visual
Studio 2005 (beta) with the Team
Foundation Server technology. Single
course moving to full two semester
Robert Kessler
University of Utah
Computer Science
Software Engineering
External Research & Programs
Using SeSF to Formally Test
and Define Programs
The SeSF-C# project will integrate
SeSF (Services and Systems
Framework) into C#, resulting in a
specification and testing environment
for distributed C# programs. SeSF is a
compositional formalism for
specification and verification of
distributed systems. We will integrate
SeSF into C# by treating SeSF as a
markup language and deploying a
testing harness.
A. Udaya Shankar
University of Maryland
Computer Science
Software Engineering
External Research & Programs
Course Project for Teaching
Lightweight Formal Methods
A course organized around the
technology of bug finding and
verification, where the students do not
write programs but rather discover
problems in widely used software. It can
teach students important science and
technology as well as practical skills for
improving software quality. This course
will consist of lectures on algorithms
and systems for improving software
quality as well as a comprehensive
Capstone assignment.
Alex Aiken
Stanford University
Computer Science
Software Engineering
External Research & Programs
Formal Models for Software
System Design
Creating a novel formal methods course
and accompanying materials that will
empower students to use the best of
modern formal methods and tools
available today and tomorrow, to
recognize when they are and are not
appropriate, and to apply them in costeffective ways to real software systems.
Professionally packaged for on-campus
and distance delivery, an extensible
framework, a set of benchmark case
studies, and publications describing our
course design and experience.
David Garlan
Carnegie Mellon
Computer Science
Software Engineering
External Research & Programs
Understanding Pair
Conducting an investigation into the
physical, perceptual, and sociocognitive factors of pair programming, a
promising strategy for coping with these
problems. Pair programming is known
to cost-efficiently yield better software
architectures with dramatically fewer
defects than traditional techniques. The
result of our work will be a working
theory of pair programming that will
enable line managers to decide
precisely when and why to adopt (or
avoid) pair programming.
Larry Leifer
Stanford University
Stanford Center for Design
Software Engineering
External Research & Programs
Formal Methods in Software
Engineering Development
The aim is to make formal methods
easier to use, by building and providing
tools that apply specifications to
software development tasks. We will be
enhancing our curriculum by integrating
formal methods into two courses. Once
existing core course and one new
elective. These enhancements and new
course structure will be in the Spring
and Fall of 2005
Michael D. Ernst
Massachusetts Institute of
Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer
Software Engineering
External Research & Programs
Teaching Modeling
Languages Formally
The purpose of this project is to develop
and teach a model-driven software
engineering curriculum with formal
foundations. The curricula will be based
on UML, incorporating both informal
and formal approaches.
Claudia Pons
Gustavo Rossi
Carlos Neil
Computer Science
Software Engineering
External Research & Programs
Formal UML-Based Software
Requirements and Design
The objective of this project is to
develop and teach a new
undergraduate course on the
fundamentals of formal methods based
on the UML. The course will be offered
as an elective course with the main
topic being the practice of formal or
formally supported derivation of design
specifications from functional
Yadran Eterovic
Pontificia Universidade
Católica de Chile
Computer Science
Software Engineering
External Research & Programs
Software Engineering and
Project Management: Using
Formal Methods in Real World
The goal of this course is to provide
students with a kind of experience that
they would not otherwise be exposed to
in an academic environment while also
grounding them in the formal methods
that are so often ignored in the world of
commercial development. We will be
developing a set of course materials,
develop an information infrastructure for
project management, and expand our
existing set of external relationships
with potential corporate partners in the
Chicago area that can serve as clients
for the class.
Kristian J. Hammond
Northwestern University
Computer Science
Software Engineering
External Research & Programs
Software Factory Environment
in .NET for Web Applications
Based on OOHDM
OOHDM employs special purpose
models and notations (DSLs) for the
systematic design and implementation
of Web applications, including
declarative specifications of the
topology of the navigation space and of
an abstract interface model. This
instructional tool will allow students in
graduate and undergraduate courses to
have hands-on experience in
conducting principled designs of
realistic Web applications in the .NET
platform, using Visual Studio 2005.
Daniel Schwabe
Pontificia Universidade
Católica, Rio de Janeiro
Department of Informatics
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
Investigating the Effective
Use of Tablet PCs in
Computer Engineering and
Computer Science Education
We will develop software that allows an
instructor to make freeform notes and
sketch over the top a screen showing
operating programs with the purpose of
providing instructive details describing
the operations being displayed. We are
also experimenting with tablet
techniques in the classroom and will
produce a large set of examples of how
to use the Classroom Presenter tool
and the Electronic Transparency tool in
typical computer science and
engineering learning environments.
Joe Tront
Virginia Polytech Institute
and State University
Electrical and Computer
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
Short Circuit—An Innovative
Tablet PC Learning
Project Short Circuit proposes to use a
Tablet PC–enabled technology to
graphically interpret circuits, signals,
and make connections to circuit theory
and calculations. The enabling software
implementation technology is
Microsoft’s venerable PowerPoint.
PowerPoint is used to rapidly prototype
and animate circuits and enable
embedded analysis tools, permitting
their study using pen gestures.
Fred Taylor
University of Florida
Computer and Information
Science Engineering
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
A Comparison of Educational
Outcomes when Teaching
Electronic Commerce Using
Traditional vs. Tablet PC–
Enhanced Methods
This project will examine what
educational outcome differences, if any,
result when teaching an electronic
commerce course the traditional way
versus the Tablet PC–enhanced
Alfred Weaver
University of Virginia
Computer Science
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
Tablet-Based Annotation for
Grading and Peer Review in
Computer Programming
The purpose of this project is to
improve instruction, course
management, and student learning in
large, introductory computer
programming courses, a “placement
course” for advanced students, and an
upper level software design course.
Jeff Popyack
Drexel University
Computer Science
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
Expanding the Computing
Curriculum Beyond the
Desktop Computer
The integration of the Tablet PCs into
three human-computer interaction
undergraduate classes: Introduction to
Human-Computer Interaction, User
Interface Software, and Adaptive
Personalized Information Environments.
Jeff Pierce
Georgia Institute of
College of Computing, GVU
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
Use of a Tablet PC for PeerReview Activities in CS1 and
This project will introduce the use of the
Tablet PC in CS1 and CS2 and will also
evaluate how this tool impacts the
learning objectives of these courses.
Manuel Perez
Stephen Edwards
Virginia Polytech Institute
and State University
Computer Science
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
Development of a Targeted
Tablet PC Software
Development Course
Students will develop Tablet PC
software that will assist the instructor to
teach data structure concepts such as
stacks, queues, lists, trees, graphs, and
associated algorithms (for example,
arithmetic expression evaluation, tree
traversal, shortest path algorithms, and
minimum spanning tree construction).
Roy Pargas
Clemson University
Computer Science
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
3D Journal for ComputerAided Engineering Education
This project will build a new Tablet PC–
based sketching tool for designing and
performing physical simulations on 3-D
Hod Lipson
Cornell University
Mechanical Engineering and
Computer Science
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
Toward the Dynamic
Classroom: Utilizing the
Tablet PC to Enhance
Lectures and Team Work
This project will utilize the flexibility and
‘real-time’ instructional benefits of the
Tablet PC during classroom lectures
and presentations, and it will test the
benefits of conducting in-class team
projects and providing real-time
Jonathan Hill
Christelle Scharff
Dennis Anderson
Pace University
Computer Science and
Information Systems
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
A Tiered Approach to
Evaluating and Exploiting the
Effects of Multi-modal
Communication on
Expression and Learning in
the Classroom
This project will evaluate and exploit the
effects of oral communication, text/
typing-based communication, and inkbased communication as supported by
the Tablet PC on expression and
learning in the classroom.
Bill Griswold
Beth Simon
University of California at
San Diego
Computer Science and
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
PACT—A Pattern-Annotated
Course Tool
The goal of this project is to develop an
authoring tool and a course repository
to allow most instructors to develop
courses that allow students to explore
and discover, to discuss with other
students, and to more carefully reflect
on their own learning.
John Canny
University of California at
Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
An Ink-Enabled Curriculum for
Data Structures
This project will develop ink-enabled
classroom materials for a data
structures course, including lecture
slides designed to be used with digital
ink and electronically supported
classroom activities.
Richard Anderson
University of Washington
Computer Science and
Tablet PC and
Computing Curriculum
External Research & Programs
A Tablet PC–Based Teaching
Platform for Portable MixedReality Concept
This project will create a new replicable
undergraduate teaching platform for the
emerging computing concept of
portable mixed-reality.
Daniel Aliaga
Dongyan Xu
Purdue University
Computer Science
Trustworthy Computing
External Research & Programs
Introduction to Trustworthy
Computing: A Hands-on
Student groups will build computer
applications for the medical domain. We
chose this particular application area
because there is natural context for
privacy/security/reliability, and it
satisfies our students’ desire to be
involved in a project that is
simultaneously technically challenging
and socially rewarding.
Alfred Weaver
University of Virginia
Computer Science
Trustworthy Computing
External Research & Programs
Trustworthy Computing
Our ability to fully utilize the power of
computing is critically limited by our
inability to trust computers. For this
reason, we are developing a curriculum
that explores questions on trustworthy
computing and its legal implications.
We aim to provide an educational
resource that deals with an issue
fundamental to many aspects of a
healthy networked world and is
available for free use on a worldwide
Molly Krause
Harvard University
Berkman Center for Internet
and Society
Trustworthy Computing
External Research & Programs
A Web-Based Electronic
Laboratory for Trustworthy
This project will produce a teaching and
learning tool called MICS (Multimedia +
Interactive Courseware for information
Security), which consists of a collection
of interactive multimedia animations to
enhance the undergraduate curriculum
in trustworthy computing for a statewide Web-based higher education
program in Georgia as well as for our
regular onsite information security
courses at Southern Polytechnic State
Andy Ju An Wang
Southern Polytechnic
State University
Computing and Software
Trustworthy Computing
External Research & Programs
Development of the New
Course: Introduction to
Trustworthy Computing
Most of the existing security-related
courses in the U.S. focus on only a few
aspects of Trustworthy Computing.
Instead, we need to address all
aspects: security, privacy, reliability and
business integrity. In this course,
students will complete a series of welldesigned real-world projects in
Information Security requiring them to
conduct experiments, develop
programs, perform analysis, and write
reports. At least 100 students are
expected to take this new course
Edwin Sha
University of Texas at
Computer Science
Trustworthy Computing
External Research & Programs
Interdisciplinary Trustworthy
Computing Curriculum
We will offer the following three new
courses: Introduction to Trustworthy
Computing, Internet Regulation and
Policy, and Internet Security. The first
course is an introductory course
covering the basic principles of
trustworthy computing from multiple
disciplines. The second course focuses
on the legal, social, business, and
computational issues. This proposed
curriculum will build a solid foundation
in our program toward our long-term
goal: creation of a new, radically
interdisciplinary, undergraduate
program of trustworthy computing.
Yan Chen,
Computer Science
Andrea M. Matwyshyn,
School of Law
Trustworthy Computing
External Research & Programs
Introduction to Trustworthy
Trustworthy computing is analogous to
the Total Quality Management
movement a decade ago, but the focus
now is on IT. We will create a
trustworthy computing curriculum as
systematic and comprehensive as the
TQM programs that have helped major
corporations improve the qualities of
their products and services. Trustworthy
computing should be embedded in
every enterprise process and
transaction. In terms of IT applications
development, trustworthy computing
should be incorporated in the systemdevelopment lifecycle.
Michael Shaw
University of Illinois at
Beckman Institute
Trustworthy Computing
External Research & Programs
Introducing Trustworthy
Computing to Computer
Science and Computer
Engineering Curriculums at
The proposed course will fill the gap of
lacking general security course at UNLV
and enhance the current curricula in
computer/network security areas. Our
goals in this course are to expose the
students in diversified majors to the
concepts and fundamentals of
trustworthy computing and to educate
students about issues surrounding
security, privacy, and reliability.
Yoohwan Kim
University of Nevada
Computer Science
Trustworthy Computing
External Research & Programs
Synergizing Security and
Software Engineering
The Department of Computer Science
at Columbia University aims to become
a center of excellence in computing and
communications security, both in
research and teaching. We propose to
develop a new course, Introduction to
Trustworthy Computing, aimed at
undergraduates. We also propose to
incorporate awareness of the basic
elements of security and reliability
throughout higher level courses and
develop a new “student programming
competition” specifically focused on
trustworthy computing.
Gail Kaiser
Columbia University
Computer Science
Trustworthy Computing
External Research & Programs
Integrating Trustworthy
Computing Concepts in an
Undergraduate Computer
Science Curriculum
The goal of this proposal is to develop a
plan to infuse Trustworthy Computing
concepts in the entire general computer
science curriculum. Although our focus
will be the courses that are offered in
our curriculum, it will be possible for
other universities and colleges to
integrate such modules in their courses.
We currently work with several colleges
in the Atlanta area (Georgia State,
Spelman College, Clark-Atlanta
University, Morehouse College) under
the Georgia Tech Information Security
Center education outreach umbrella.
Mustaque Ahamad
Georgia Institute of
Computer Science
Trustworthy Computing
External Research & Programs
Pervasive Trustworthiness
Cornell’s Computer Science
Department faculty feels that every
student who takes computing courses
must be exposed and sensitized to the
need for trustworthy computing. Society
is becoming increasingly dependent on
computing systems, so graduates must
be able to understand the issues,
advance the debate, and help ensure
that sensible decisions are made about
the risks and their mitigation. Progress
in building trustworthy computing
systems requires solving problems that
are intellectually challenging, making
this area a very exciting part of
Computer Science today.
Fred Schneider
Cornell University
Computer Science