Document 7135040

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Defining Health and Wellness


A state of health and wellness.

People in a state of well-being.

 Feel good about their present condition  Are productive at school, work, and home  Do not have mental and physical illnesses

DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS Wellness is a balance of dimensions:

 Physical  Emotional  Intellectual  Social

These dimensions interact with and affect each other.


Refers to how well your body functions

Qualities of a healthy body

 Not slowed by disease  Able to take part in activities of daily life  Able to cope with stress, injury, and aging


Emotional health includes:

 Your mood and how you feel about yourself  How you view the world

Good emotional health means:

 You are not affected by mental illness  You can express thoughts and feelings clearly  You can cope well with stress

Many teens experience problems with emotional health but may not realize it.


Intellectual health involves:

 Ability to think clearly and critically  Ability to learn and solve problems

People who are intellectually healthy are able to adapt, learn, and grow.


Social health involves:

 Communication skills  Relationships  Ability to interact with others

Social skills and healthy relationships help people enjoy life and meet challenges.


The range of a person’s health status can be described as a continuum. IDeally, health status should be near optimal health.

Diseases and disorders can affect the mind and body, preventing optimal health.

1. What are some examples of factors that increase health and wellness?

Avoiding smoking, drinking, and drugs

Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly

2. What are some examples of factors that reduce health and wellness?

Not getting enough sleep

Inability to manage stress




expresses your feelings or thoughts on a subject.


is a statement that blames or shames another person.


Active listening

is the way you respond in conversation to show that you hear and understand what the speaker is saying.

Active listening includes clarifying, restating, summarizing, or affirming what was said.


Positive Social-Emotional

exists when you receive plenty of social emotional boosters. •

Negative Social-Emotional Environment

pollutants. exists when you experience too many social-emotional •


Able to bounce back

DECISION-MAKING The decision-making process can help you make choices about health and wellness.

1. 2.

•Define the problem •Explore alternatives • Setting health-related goals is important for improving your health 3.


•Select the best option •Act on your decision 5.

•Evaluate the decision

Inactive Decision-Making Style

• A person who has an inactive decision making style fails to make choices • Teens who use this style have difficulty gaining the self-confidence that would result if they took responsibility for making decisions when they should

Reactive Decision-Making Style

• •

Reactive decision-making style is a habit in which a person allows others to make his or her decisions .

Teens using this style are easily influenced by what others think and give control of the direction of their lives to others.

• •

Proactive Decision-Making Style

The proactive decision-making style when a person describes the situation that requires a decision, identifies and evaluates possible decisions, makes a decision, and takes responsibility for the outcome.

Teens who use this style are not driven by circumstances and conditions, have principles, and are empowered.



Emotions are the moods or feelings you experience.

Figuring out which emotions you feel and why can be difficult.

Both pleasant and unpleasant emotions are part of daily life.


First, identify the emotions you are feeling.

Second, try to acknowledge and accept the emotions.

Third, express your emotions.

Finally, find a way to make yourself feel better.


People with high emotional intelligence can identify the emotions they are feeling.

They also understand the emotions of others.

They have high levels of empathy.

They are able to express their emotions in healthy, positive ways.


Your self-image is your mental picture of yourself.

 Your appearance  Your skills and abilities  Your weaknesses

Your self-image forms gradually over time.

It is influenced by your life experiences.


Self-esteem describes how you feel about yourself.

People who like themselves have high self-esteem.

People who have low self-esteem doubt their own self-worth.


Your self-esteem has a major impact on different aspects of your life

 How well you do in school  How easily you make friends  How you manage disappointments and frustrations


Self-Esteem Group Activity

What are some characteristics that people with high self-esteem have? What are some characteristics that people with low self-esteem have?

FACTORS THAT AFFECT SELF-ESTEEM Many factors can affect self-esteem:

 Social interactions  Home, school, and cultural environments  Life events  Media (television, books, and movies)  Body image  Personal perceptions


Self-actualization is the feeling that you are becoming the best person you can be.

According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, self actualization occurs only after you meet your basic needs.

Self-Actualization Esteem Love and Acceptance Security Basic Needs

GOOD MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH People with good mental and emotional health share certain traits:

 Having a zest for life  Being responsible  Keeping a sense of balance  Being trustworthy, respectful, compassionate, and kind  Demonstrating good citizenship


Strategies you can use to help improve your mental and emotional health

 Spend time in nature  Develop strategies for reducing stress  Set and work toward goals  Have fun  Focus on the good, not the bad  Maintain close relationships



Why do you think maintaining close relationships with other people is important for good mental and emotional health?

IMPROVING PHYSICAL HEALTH Improving your physical health will lead to better mental and emotional well-being Follow these strategies

 Get adequate sleep  Practice good nutrition  Get plenty of physical activity  Avoid risky behaviors

IMPROVING INTELLECTUAL HEALTH There are many ways you can work on improving your intellectual health including:

 Make good decisions  Develop new skills and interests  Play games  Read a book for pleasure

Think Further!

Why is developing new skills and interests important for good mental and emotional health?

What are some activities you can do to explore new talents or interests?


Some people may make a real effort to improve their mental and emotional health but still do not feel better.

These people should consider getting help from a counselor or other mental health professional.


Symptoms of anxiety include:

 Increased heart rate  Rapid breathing  Sweaty palms  Upset stomach

People who experience these symptoms on a regular basis may have an anxiety disorder.

Stress: Response of the body to the demands of daily living. (physical & mental) Stressor: Cause or source of stress Eustress: Good stress Distress: Bad stress


Acute (sudden and short-lived) or chronic (lasting over a long time period)

Caused by major events or daily struggles

Positive as well as negative

ACUTE VERSUS CHRONIC STRESS Acute stress is temporary (example: a final exam) Chronic stress is continual (example: stress over an unsafe neighborhood) The body can manage acute stress, but chronic stress harms the body

• •


The relationship between a person’s thoughts, emotions, and bodily responses.

Can trigger psychosomatic diseases Psychosomatic diseases illness or disorder caused by an emotional response.

MAJOR EVENTS VERSUS DAILY HASSLES Major events (moving, a parent’s death) are the most stressful in a person’s life Daily hassles (being late, losing keys) create more overall stress since they occur frequently

How can stress be positive as well as negative?

Stress can produce positive feelings, such as excitement before a big game or motivation to do well on a test. Positive events, such as the birth of a sibling, can cause stress because they increase responsibilities.

Why is it possible for two people to have completely different responses to the same stressful event?

People may have different perceptions of an event, interpreting or thinking about it in a different way.


Click here for the Unit 6 video, “Stressed Out”

Relationships (conflict with family, friends, and peers) School (academic pressure; balancing schoolwork with other activities) Home environment (crowded, noisy, lack of privacy; lack of food or money; crime in your neighborhood) Inner conflict (making difficult life choices)


The body responds to stress in three stages:

 Alarm  Resistance  Exhaustion Kim

THE BODY’S RESPONSE TO STRESS Fight-or-flight response

 Heart rate, blood flow, breathing, and sweat production increase  Pupils widen  Other body processes are stopped or slowed • Resisting stress over time leads to exhaustion

What are some infections or diseases that could be triggered by chronic stress?

Colds and flu Headaches Back pain Asthma Eczema and hives Hernias Ulcers Cardiovascular disease Diabetes Cancer


Nervous system —the brain, sensing a threat, sends out signals to mobilize the body Endocrine system


—produces stress hormones, epinephrine and Cardiovascular system —pumps blood at a faster rate Immune system —gets fewer resources to produce disease fighting lymphocytes Reproductive system —stress hormones such as cortisol cause sex hormones to decrease, reducing fertility

Stress and Your Intellectual and Emotional Health

STRESS AND COGNITIVE PROBLEMS Stress affects cognitive abilities (thinking and reasoning), leading to

 Trouble focusing  Risk of injury  Negative thoughts  Impulsive decisions  Forgetfulness (stress hormones disrupt the

hippocampus —

the brain’s memory center)


Stress from combat can lead to post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.

Stress can cause many emotions: fear, anxiety, helplessness, anger, shock, or numbness Chronic stress can lead to depression, a feeling of low self-worth and disinterest in life Extremely stressful events can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

What are some symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD?

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Nightmares and recurring thoughts about the event Feeling detached, numb, uncaring, irritable, angry, or guilty

• • • • • •

Inability to remember parts of the event Lack of interest in normal activities Avoidance of people associated with the event Being easily startled Difficulty concentrating Difficulty sleeping

STRESS AND BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS Stress can lead to behavioral problems

 Conflict (arguments and domestic violence)  Unhealthy lifestyle choices (smoking, drinking, taking drugs, bad eating habits, infrequent exercise, lack of sleep)

Managing Stress

TIPS FOR REDUCING OR AVOIDING STRESS Manage time Set limits by saying no when too busy Stay positive Distract yourself Laugh Use relaxation techniques Take care of yourself Express feelings to a friend or in a journal


Use positive reappraisal to focus on the positives of a stressful event Distract yourself —go for a walk, read, or volunteer Watch a funny movie or talk to a friend who makes you laugh


Breathe deeply to decrease heart rate and blood pressure Visualize yourself in a peaceful environment Progressively relax muscles by tensing and relaxing each part of your body Meditate to clear your mind Practice yoga, a series of postures and breathing exercises

What are ways to take care of your body when you’re stressed?

Eat well Exercise regularly Get plenty of sleep Avoid smoking, drinking, and drugs

WHEN TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP Seek the help of a counselor, social worker, therapist, or psychologist

 After experiencing major stress such as the death of a loved one or parents’ divorce  When you’ve experienced stress for more than a couple of weeks

STUDENT STRESS RATING SCALE The following are events that occur in the life of a college student. Place a check in the left-hand column for each of those events that has happened to you during the last 12 months.

___ Death of a close family member - 100 points ____ Jail term - 80 points ____ Pregnancy (to you or caused by your) - 60 points ____ Severe personal illness or injury - 53 points ____ Marriage - 50 points ____ Any interpersonal problems - 45 points ____ Financial difficulties - 40 points ____ Death of a close friend - 40 points ____ Arguments with your roommate (more than every other day) - 40 points ____ Major disagreements with your family - 40 points’ ____ Major change in personal habits - 30 points ____ Change in living environment - 30 points ____ Beginning or ending a job - 30 points ____Problems with your teacher-30

_ _ _ _ O U T S T A N D I N G P E R S O N A L A C H I E V E M E N T - 2 5 P O I N T S _ _ _ _ F A I L U R E I N S O M E C O U R S E - 2 5 P O I N T S _ _ _ _ F I N A L E X A M S - 2 0 P O I N T S _ _ _ _ I N C R E A S E D O R D E C R E A S E D D A T I N G - 2 0 P O I N T S _ _ _ _ C H A N G E S I N W O R K I N G C O N D I T I O N S - 2 0 P O I N T S _ _ _ _ C H A N G E I N Y O U R S L E E P I N G H A B I T S - 1 8 P O I N T S _ _ _ _ S E V E R A L - D A Y V A C A T I O N - 1 5 P O I N T S _ _ _ _ C H A N G E I N E A T I N G H A B I T S - 1 5 P O I N T S _ _ _ _ F A M I L Y R E U N I O N - 1 5 P O I N T S _ _ _ _ C H A N G E I N R E C R E A T I O N A L A C T I V I T I E S - 1 5 P O I N T S _ _ _ _ M I N O R I L L N E S S O R I N J U R Y - 1 5 P O I N T S _ _ _ _ M I N O R V I O L A T I O N S O F T H E L A W - 1 1 P O I N T S S C O R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


   Less than 150 points : relatively low stress level in relation to life events 150 - 300 points : borderline range Greater than 300 points : high stress in relation to life events


Depression is a feeling of hopelessness, loneliness, and inability to care about anything Most people experience depression at some point in their lives, but the feelings typically go away over time Depression that lasts a long time or is especially severe is called major depression or clinical depression u4ezLQEUA

Symptoms of Major Depression?

 Extreme tiredness and lack of energy  Difficulty sleeping  Difficulty concentrating  Irritability, anger, and hostility  Recurrent thoughts of death

How is major depression different from typical feelings of loss and sadness?

 Major depression is very intense and lasts for two weeks or more. People experience changes in thinking and behavior. If left untreated, it can have serious effects.

A mental disorder is a behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with distress or disability or with significantly increased risk of suffering, death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom.

Codependency – Tries to fix the problem, an enabler Enabler – Supports harmful behavior


Panic disorder causes panic attacks (episodes of intense fear) Generalized anxiety disorder causes extreme or unrealistic worries over daily experiences Phobias are unrealistic fears about an object or situation (e.g., social phobia or social anxiety disorder) Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) causes obsessive thoughts and behavior Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs after a terrifying event or experience


 Recurring depression alternating with control


a hyperactive mood with poor judgment, little need for sleep, and a lack of self-


 A mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and irregular thoughts

People in the mania phase of bipolar disorder may show lack of self-control by overspending.


A consistent pattern of inappropriate behavior

 People with

antisocial personality disorder

disregard rules and are indifferent to other people’s rights and feelings  People with

borderline personality disorder

have unstable self-

People with antisocial personality disorder may disregard the law and commit crimes.

esteem and relationships

AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS (ASD) People with ASD have problems with normal interpersonal interactions Symptoms include

 Avoiding eye contact  Failing to respond when spoken to  Engaging in repetitive motions or unusual behaviors  Needing a familiar routine  Using gestures inappropriately  Having delayed language development


ADD and ADHD are the most common mental disorders in children and adolescents Symptoms

 Difficulty focusing, organizing and completing tasks, sitting still, and listening to instructions  Becoming bored quickly

People with ADD/ADHD get bored quickly and struggle to pay attention.

 Talking too much or blurting out inappropriate things


The causes of most mental illnesses and disorders are unknown They may be caused by a combination of

 Biological factors  Environmental factors  Psychological factors


Certain genes inherited from parents can give someone a genetic predisposition for mental illness, meaning they are more likely to develop that illness Genes influence the levels of chemicals in the brain

 Low serotonin can cause depression  People with high levels of dopamine may have schizophrenia

BIOLOGICAL FACTORS: BRAIN INJURY Traumatic brain injury (TBI) such as a concussion results from a severe blow or jolt to the head that damages the brain Brain injuries can lead to temporary or permanent changes in the brain, including

 Depression  Anxiety  Personality changes  Aggression  Substance abuse to control mood and pain

BIOLOGICAL FACTORS: PRENATAL ENVIRONMENT Developing babies risk mental illness if the mother:

 Uses alcohol or drugs  Eats poorly  Has stress or trauma  Is exposed to a virus, toxins, or certain chemicals

Babies may also experience brain damage during a difficult birth A healthy environment during pregnancy may decrease a child’s risk of mental illness.


Mental disorders can be triggered by stressful events and experiences in a person’s environment

 Death of a loved one  Divorce  Family conflict  Financial pressures  Moving or changing jobs or schools  Abuse or neglect  Substance abuse


Unhealthy thinking patterns, or cognitive distortions, can lead to mental disorders.

Examples include black-and- white thinking and


Changing these ways of thinking can improve mental health.

Therapy can help people change unhealthy thinking patterns, leading to improved mental health.

Understanding and Preventing Suicide Suicide: The taking of ones own life


People consider suicide because they believe their life can never get better.

A mental illness such as depression is often the cause of these feelings.

It is important for people to get help if they are contemplating suicide.


• • • • • •

Past suicide attempts A history of mental illness or substance abuse Troubled home environment Crisis such as financial hardship Experience of abuse, neglect, or bullying Hearing about someone else who has committed suicide (this can lead to suicide



suicide clusters, in which others copy the behavior)


Hearing about other people’s suicides may increase the risk for certain people to commit suicide.

 Fact: Hearing about another person, even a stranger, who has committed suicide can lead certain people to copy the behavior. Copying of suicide attempts is known as

suicide contagion.

 Fact: When a community or group experiences a series of suicides in a relatively short period of time, it is known as a

suicide cluster.


Survivors who have lost a loved one to suicide may feel:

 Guilt for not being able to prevent the death  Abandonment and rejection  Embarrassment or shame

Since others feel uncomfortable with the topic of suicide, survivors may not get the support they need.