Transcript Moroni 1-6

Study your priesthood ordinance (or
meeting) for 3-5 mins and then be
prepared to precisely articulate the
exact process:
• Baptism (Moroni 6:1-5)
• Confirmation (Moroni 2:1-3)
• Priesthood Ordination (Moroni
• Sacrament Administration
(Moroni 4-5)
• The Purpose of Sacrament
Meeting (Moroni 6:5-6,9)
• Bonus: How to conduct
Sacrament Meetings on Fast
Moroni 6:1-5
HANDBOOK 2, 20.3.8
A priest or Melchizedek Priesthood
1. Stands in the water with the person to
be baptized.
2. Holds the person’s right wrist with his
left hand; the person who is being
baptized holds the priesthood holder’s left
3. Raises his right arm to the square.
4. States the person’s full name and
says, “Having been commissioned of
Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost. Amen” (D&C 20:73).
5. Has the person hold his or her nose
with the right hand; then the priesthood
holder places his right hand high on the
person’s back and immerses the person
completely, including the person’s
6. Helps the person come up out of the
Moroni 2:1-3
HANDBOOK 2, 20.3.10
Melchizedek Priesthood holder:
1. States the person’s full name.
2. States that the ordinance is
performed by the authority of the
Melchizedek Priesthood.
3. Confirms the person a member of
The Church.
4. Uses the words “Receive the Holy
Ghost” (not “receive the gift of the Holy
5. Gives words of blessing as the Spirit
6. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.
Moroni 3:1-4
HANDBOOK 2, 20.7.1
To participate in an ordination, a
person must (1) be a priest or
Melchizedek Priesthood holder and
(2) have equal or higher priesthood
authority than is to be given in the
ordinance. For instance, an elder
should not stand in the circle when a
high priest is ordained.
Moroni 3:1-4
HANDBOOK 2, 20.7.1
1. Calls the person by his full name.
2. States the authority by which the
ordination is performed.
3. Confers the Aaronic or
Melchizedek Priesthood, unless it
has already been conferred.
4. Ordains the person to an office
and bestows the rights, powers, and
authority of that office.
5. Gives words of blessing as the
Spirit directs.
6. Closes in the name of Jesus
Moroni 4-5
HANDBOOK 2, 20.4.3
As the congregation sings the
sacrament hymn, the priesthood
holders who will bless the sacrament
reverently stand, remove the cloth
that covers the bread trays, and
break the bread into bite-sized
pieces. When they finish breaking
the bread, they sit down and join in
singing the hymn. Following the
hymn, the person who blesses the
bread kneels and offers the
sacrament prayer for the bread. The
bishop makes sure they are spoken
clearly, accurately, and with dignity.
Moroni 4-5
HANDBOOK 2, 20.4.3
If the person who blesses the
sacrament makes an error in the
wording but corrects it himself, no
further correction is required. If the
person does not correct an error, the
bishop indicates that he should repeat
the prayer correctly.
After the prayer, deacons or other
priesthood holders pass the bread to
the congregation in a reverent and
orderly manner. The presiding officer
receives the sacrament first.
The Sacrament
The sacrament Hymn has just concluded and
everyone has listened to the blessing on the
sacrament. A Deacon is coming with the
sacrament and you are about to take it.
• What do you think about?
• What distractions do you try to avoid?
• What do you do to help you focus on the
• What promises are you about to make?
• What blessings can you receive from this
Moroni 6:5-6, 9
HANDBOOK 2, 18.2.2
Each sacrament meeting should
be a spiritual experience in which
members of the Church renew
their covenants by partaking of
the sacrament. Other purposes
of sacrament meeting are to
worship, provide gospel
instruction, perform ordinances,
conduct ward business, and
strengthen faith and testimony.
Moroni 6:5-6, 9
HANDBOOK 2, 18.2.3
Fast and Testimony Meeting is
usually on the first Sunday of
each month. After the sacrament,
the bishopric member who is
conducting the meeting bears a
brief testimony. He then invites
members to bear heartfelt
testimonies and to relate faithpromoting experiences. The
bishopric encourages members
to keep their testimonies brief so
more people may have the
opportunity to participate.
Moroni 6
“Many years ago, large packs of wolves roamed the
countryside in Ukraine, making travel in that part of the world
very dangerous. These wolf packs were fearless. They were not
intimidated by people or by any of the weapons available at that
time. The only thing that seemed to frighten them was fire.
Consequently, travelers who found themselves away from cities
developed the common practice of building a large bonfire and
keeping it burning through the night. As long as the fire burned
brightly, the wolves stayed away. But if it were allowed to burn
out and die, the wolves would move in for an attack. Travelers
understood that building and maintaining a roaring bonfire was
not just a matter of convenience or comfort; it was a matter of
Moroni 6
“We do not have to protect ourselves from wolf packs as we
travel the road of life today, but, in a spiritual sense, we do face the
devious wolves of Satan in the forms of temptation, evil, and sin. We
live in dangerous times when these ravenous wolves roam the
spiritual countryside in search of those who may be weak in faith or
feeble in their conviction. We are all vulnerable to attack. However,
we can fortify ourselves with the protection provided by a burning
testimony that, like a bonfire, has been built adequately and
maintained carefully.
“Unfortunately, some in the Church may believe sincerely that
their testimony is a raging bonfire when it really is little more than the
faint flickering of a candle. Their faithfulness has more to do with habit
than holiness. With such a feeble light of testimony for protection,
these travelers on life’s highways are easy prey for the wolves of the
adversary” (Elder Wirthlin, in Conference Report, Oct. 1992, 45–46; or Ensign, Nov. 1992,
Moroni 6:7-8
HANDBOOK 1, 6.1.1
Church Discipline
The first purpose of Church
discipline is to save the souls of
transgressors by helping them
repent. Church discipline can
facilitate repentance by helping
transgressors recognize and forsake
sin, seek forgiveness, make
restitution, and demonstrate a
renewed commitment to keep the
Moroni 6:7-8
HANDBOOK 1, 6.1.2-3
The second purpose of Church
discipline is to protect the innocent.
With inspiration, a priesthood leader
should act to protect others when a
transgressor poses a physical or
spiritual threat to them.
The third purpose of Church
discipline is to safeguard the purity,
integrity, and good name of the
• What does the Suffix “hood” means?
• Hood = Added as a suffix, it shows a current condition or
Motherhood = A condition or state of being a Mother
Fatherhood = A condition or state of being a Father
Childhood = A condition or state of being a child
Neighborhood = The condition or state of being
neighbors in a proximity
• What is does Priesthood mean?
• Answer: The quality or state of being a Priest.
• Ask: What is a Priest?
• Look Up: ”Priest” in the Bible Dictionary.
• Priests are mediators between us and God.
• Priesthood = The condition or state of being mediators
between man and God and helping save us.
• Young Men: Are you living your life in a way so that you
are acting as a mediator between man and God?
• What difference should
• How should holding the
the priesthood make to
the young men?
• In what subtle ways to
young men dishonor
their priesthood?
• How important is it for
your to have a faithful
priesthood honoring
priesthood make you
• How important do you
think the priesthood will
be for your future
• What are some of the
most common ways we
honor the priesthood?
Priesthood of God