The Aztecs Applying G.R.A.P.E.S.

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Transcript The Aztecs Applying G.R.A.P.E.S.

   The Aztecs settled in the Valley of Mexico on a small island in Lake Texcoco.

They built the city of Tenochtitlan, now present day Mexico City.

The land was swampy, so they built chinampas or raised garden beds.



Floating Gardens

    The Aztecs worshipped many gods (Polytheism) They believed in about 1,000 gods Main gods: Huitzilopochtli – sun god, Tlaloc-god of rain, Quetzalcoatl- god of wind (bird/serpent).

Practiced human sacrifice.

     The Aztecs dug canals and built aquaducts to bring fresh water to the city.

They also built bridges and causeways They built great pyramids and temples They had a number and writing system/codex The Aztec Calendar.

   By 1500’s, the Aztecs had a great empire and ruled between 6 to 12 million people.

From the people they conquered, the Aztecs demanded tribute (taxes).

Montezuma II- most famous Aztec emperor.

  The Aztecs traded for goods they could not get locally, especially wood and stone for building.

They also used cacao beans as a form of money.

      Three main classes formed Aztec society The Emperor/Nobles/Priest lived in luxury The middle class-merchants/skilled artisans The commoners-Farmers/Warriors Slaves, prisoners of war Women had few rights