SEA 05S - ASTM International

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Transcript SEA 05S - ASTM International

Aligning Standards to
Support Navy Missions
presented to
ASTM International’s Committee on Ships
and Marine Technology (F25)
7 May 2014
presented by
Thomas Konen
Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.
Who NAVSEA and NAVSEA 05S Are?
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
• As the largest of the Navy's five system commands, NAVSEA is responsible for the development, delivery,
and maintenance of the Navy's ships, submarines, and systems
• NAVSEA has the responsibility of establishing and enforcing technical authority in combat system design
and operation
NAVSEA 05S – What We Do
• Provide support to the CHENG to develop and maintain NAVSEA technical policy, guidance, and provide
governance for:
 Technical Authority: Alignment of warranted technical areas and technical documents to the Technical
Authority (TA) chain of command
 Technical Standards, Processes, and Tools: Ensure proper identification, maintenance, coordination,
and compliance of technical standards, specifications, and technical documents. Support TWH
technical document stewardship with technical document management and coordination, including Ship
Specifications. Technical standards use the organization's technical expertise to ensure systems are
engineered effectively, and that they operate safely and reliably
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Supporting Navy Missions
• Standardization documents must:
Reflect the Navy’s mission needs and include valid requirements and verification
Support DoD acquisition goals
Conserve DoD resources
Support the industrial base
Allow for dual-use technology
Improve DoD mobilization capabilities
NAVSEA manages and maintains over 3,000 specs and standards
Approximately 500 Specifications are undergoing a maintenance action (e.g.,
revise, amend/change, inactivate, cancel, and validate) today
Included are development, revision, and adoption of Non-Government Standards
Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.
Specification Types
NGS (Non Government Standard)
Standard Developing Organizations (SDOs)
ASTM is an SDO
SD-9 provides DoD Guidance in Development and Use of NGSs
Commercial Item Descriptions
Defense Specifications
Defense Specs (both MIL-PRFs and MIL-DTLs)
Federal Specs
Adopted NGSs
Drives cost savings into design
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NGS Policy
• Section 12(d) of Public Law 104-113, National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act, March 7, 1996
Requires federal agencies to use NGSs and participate in their development to meet agency needs and
objectives, when it is consistent with the agency’s mission, priorities, and budget resources
• DoD Instruction 4120.24, Defense Standardization Program (DSP)
As part of establishing policy and assigning responsibilities for the DSP, requires that NGSs shall be used
in preference to developing and maintaining Government specifications and standards as required by
section 12(d) of Public Law 104-113 and requires that the Director, DSP Office shall interface with
Specification Development Organizations (SDOs) on standardization policy issues
• DoDM 4120.24, Defense Standardization Program (DSP) Procedures
As a part of assigning responsibilities and prescribing the procedures for implementing the DSP, Enclosure
(9) , Non-Government Standards, addresses responsibilities and provides detailed procedures related to
NGSs (e.g., SDO participation in NGS development and maintenance and NGS use and adoption)
• SECNAVINST 4120.24, Implementation of the Defense Standardization Program in the Department of the
Implements the policies of DoDI 4120.24 whereby NGSs shall be used and tailored in preference to
developing and maintaining government standards
• ETAP 3.3, NAVSEA Technical Standards Procedures, Appendix D – Non-Government Standards (NGSs)
Provides NAVSEA guidance on the development, maintenance, and adoption of NGSs, including
participation in SDOs and conducting internal consensus reviews
Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.
Promoting the Use of NGSs
In carrying out Section 12(d) of Public Law 104-113, NAVSEA:
• Encourages NAVSEA employees to participate on SDO Technical Committees to promote
standards that meet DoD needs
• Adopts and uses NGSs in preference to developing new or updating existing defense and
federal specifications and standards, whenever possible
• Encourages NGSs for use:
– in direct procurements
– as references in other documents
– as design or reference guides
• Ensures that NGSs, deemed to be of such importance that adoption must be re-evaluated
with each revision to the NGS, are adopted as Tier I Adoptions
• As an Adopting Activity, serves as the official DoD technical focal point for that NGS and
represent DoD on all technical matters related to the NGS
• As an SDO participant in developing and maintaining NGSs, conducts a consensus review
within the DoD standardization community and submits a consolidated DoD position to the
SDO Technical Committee
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Completed and Current NGS Projects
• ASTM F1387, Performance of Piping and Tubing Mechanically Attached Fittings
Standard – Adopted in FY13
• UL 489D, UL 1066A, and UL 2831 – Circuit Breaker Standards – Published in
FY13, Adoption in process
• AWS B2.1 – 23 New Welding Standards – Development in process
• IPC (Association Connecting Electronics Industries) – Soldering Standard –
Development in process
• NAVSEA Currently:
 Adopted approximately 222 NGSs
• The number of NGSs referenced in our specs and standards is enormous
– For example: MIL-DTL-24643C (Electric Cable) has 39 references, 25 of which are NGSs
Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.
Responding to Customer Needs
Translates to
Needs Met
Final Review
by All Stakeholders
Determine All
Gather Input,
and Relate to
Other Projects
Ready for
Selected Stakeholder
Review (IR)
Application of
Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.
Project Process
(Data Captured within Project Data Sheet (PDS))
• Final Circulation/Comments from Stakeholders
• Verification of Satisfactory Deliverable Completion
• Technical Warrant Holder (TWH)/Deputy Warranting
Officer (DWO) Approval
An Approved and Funded Project
1st Draft Circulation/Comments from Interfacing TWHs
Requires Quarterly Status Reviews (QSR)
TWH/DWO Responsible to Submit Deliverables to SE/TA PM
Documents Cost, Schedule, and Performers
Project Circulation/Comments from Stakeholders
Requires DWO & SE/TA PM Approval
Once Approved, TPS is Generated to Await Available Funding (Hopper)
Begins the Definition of a Project’s Scope and Purpose
Determines Risk Assessment
Documents Proposed Improvements & ROI
Requires DWO & SE/TA PM Approval
Disciplined Process Oversight and Tracking
Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.
• NAVSEA policy is to promote use of NGSs
• SEA 05S and NAVSEA’s Technical Authorities are the entry points for SDOs
seeking to align their NGSs to Navy’s Mission Requirements
• NAVSEA Pocket Guide and Command Directory identifies the Technical Areas and
corresponding Warranted Technical Authorities visit
• For communication to the NAVSEA Technical Standards Group email:
[email protected]
• NAVSEA Command Standards Officer, Tom Konen - SEA 05S1, 215-897-1265
• Commonality, John Sofia - SEA 06, 202-781-4818
Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.