Ferenc Karinthy Epépé

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Transcript Ferenc Karinthy Epépé

Ferenc Karinthy
Title: Epépé
Author: Ferenc Karinthy
Format: Paperback
Language: French
Pages: 282
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 2207248372
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6 MB
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Budaï, brillant étymologiste hongrois, se rend à Helsinki pour un congrès de linguistique lorsque
son avion atterrit inexplicablement dans une mégalopole inconnue. Impossible pour Budaï d’en
sortir ou d’en saisir l’énigmatique langage, lui qui maîtrise pourtant plusieurs dizaines
d’idiomes. Prisonnier de cette ville qui le harponne autant qu’elle nie son existence, Budaï fait
la fort heureuse rencontre d’Épépé – si tant est que tel soit son prénom ! –, une douce liftière
auprès de laquelle il tente désespérément de comprendre ce monde cauchemardesque et
indéchiffrable… où survivre, quand on est étranger, devient une épopée infernale.
Insightful reviews
Bbrown: If you've ever been in a foreign country where you don't know the language you'll know
that it's an uncomfortable situation. Luckily with modern technology and the rise of international
franchises around the world it's hard to be completely cut off from things you're familiar with.
What if you ended up in a country where you had no points of reference though, and where
anything but the simplest hand gestures inspired confusion? It would be terrifying even if you
were perfectly safe. That's the type of terror Metropole taps into.
The book is sort of a one trick pony, but the one trick is pretty good. The main character tries a
bunch of logical ways of trying to get in contact with someone who he can communicate with,
and he only occasionally behaves stupidly (wasting his money in the beginning, for instance).
Overall the one-note nature of the novel holds it back from greatness- it might have been
stronger in novella form. Still, if the idea of the inability to communicate brought to kafkaesque
extremes sounds appealing to you then give this one a try.
Rainbowgirl: En partance pour un congrès, un linguiste polyglote hongrois atterrit par erreur
dans un pays inconnu. Il n'a aucune idée de la région du monde où il se trouve et est incapable
de reconnaître à quelle famille de langues appartient celle des habitants. Privé de tous ses
repères, bousculé de toutes parts dans la cohue d'une mégalopole étrangère et oppressante, il
ne peut qu'essayer de survivre comme un naufragé sur une île déserte : seul et sans possibilité
de contact avec d'autres humains.
Ce roman est un cauchemar. Un pur cauchemar. Et l'ennui, c'est qu'il n'est pas très court. Si les
débuts étonnent et donnent hâte de voir la situation du héros évoluer, il devient vite pesant de
ne pas voir sa situation évoluer. L'idée de base est assez géniale, mais à mon sens, c'est un
livre bien trop long pour être aussi désespérant.
Sarah: Finished this whilst on holiday in Croatia. There were a couple of times at the airports on
my travels which were redolent of the bustling of humanity that comes through so strongly in this
book. I really quite enjoyed the technical linguistic stuff - made me wish I had continued the
languages post16 and has planted a few lifelong learning seeds.
Really quite a slow read - a few episodes where the main character Budai seems to be
communicating with others, but these are always dashed, which is disappointing for the reader.
Perhaps that is some device to allow us to connect with Budai. I dunno.
Loved the last major episode, and the story finishes quite optimistically, but I do wish there were
more ends being tied.
My first Hungarian novel (as far as I'm aware).
Angelo Ricci: Dall’immaginifico giacimento letterario mitteleuropeo Adelphi scopre questo
affascinante e misterico labirinto linguistico e fonetico in cui lemmi e fonemi divengono
protagonisti dell’eterno e babelico caos dell’umanità. l. a. prefazione è di Emmanuel Carrère e,
of course, va oltre i confini della prefazione classica in keeping with traslarsi essa stessa in
opera che si allega al resto di questo romanzo che lo stesso prefatore definisce con deferenza
“strano”. Visione profetica? Saggio? Pamphlet dai toni settecenteschi? Non va dimenticato il
contesto geopolitico in cui Ferenc Karinthy scrive questo Epepe, l’Ungheria dei primi anni
Settanta, repubblica popolare del blocco sovietico ma che da sempre, memore del mito dei
terminali fasti asburgici da josephrothiana felix Austria che diventa finis Austriae, è “la baracca
più allegra del gulag”. E da luogo squisitamente mitteleuropeo costretto a fare i conti con quella
eterna vocazione alla dominazione euroasiatica di tutto ciò che si affaccia alle sue marche
orientali, los angeles sua capitale Budapest diviene epicentro della sanguinosa rivolta
antisovietica del 1956 ed Epepe non può non essere inteso, nelle intenzioni del suo Autore,
come visione futuristica di ciò che è già stato e al contempo profezia di ciò che sarà poi nel
1989, dalle folle pacifiche che violano l’immarcescibile e berlinese Checkpoint Charlie, al fuoco
che avvampa gli interni di palazzi sedi di polizie politiche nella carpatica Bucarest. l. a.
tradizione letteraria, e filmica anche, che nasce al di là della churchilliana cortina di ferro negli
anni di ferro della guerra fredda, si è sviluppata nonostante le fatiche ideologiche e i pericoli
polizieschi ed Epepe, con quella sua apparente immagine di libro distopico, è al contempo
summa e frammento, immagine e riflesso di una distopia che forse è stata più reale della
Stewart: "At the start of Italo Calvino’s If On A Winter’s evening A traveller there's a passage at
the numerous varieties of books we meet in our lives, resembling these we haven’t read, these
we needn’t read, and people we plan to read. one of many extra vague different types is books
that fill you with sudden, inexplicable curiosity, no longer simply justified, and it’s to this type
that I assign Ferenc Karinthy’s Metropole (1970), released in English for the 1st time. Well,
probably no longer inexplicable, as its unusual premise and eye sweet conceal aid justify the
curiosity."Read my complete evaluation here.
Alan Marchant: myth of BabelMetropole, via Hungarian Ferenc Karinthy, is an earthly retelling of
Genesis 11. The protagonist, Budai, is a linguist who awakens in an unidentifiable city the place
all language is unintelligible. The society doesn't require verbal exchange from a population that
remains on activity and (literally) in line.Budai is recognizable as a Kafka character: ostensibly
sophisticated, yet self-absorbed to the purpose of helplessness. He serves only as a tracer for a
cyclic social means of regimentation, monetary dislocation, destruction, and rebuilding.
Following a climactic road revolution (suggestive of Budapest 1956), Budai joyfully
acknowledges a sluggish circulate within the urban waterways. He determines to stick to the
water right down to the ocean and therefore go back home. this can be either an allusion to the
post-diluvian diaspora and a caution that the remainder of the area is trapped within the
development of Karinthy's secular Babel.
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