Edgar Allan Poe Verhalen

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Transcript Edgar Allan Poe Verhalen

Edgar Allan Poe
Title: Verhalen
Author: Edgar Allan Poe
Format: Paperback
Language: Dutch
Pages: 502
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 9025495176
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 7.9 MB
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The gold-bug -The black cat -Mesmeric revelation -Lionizing -The fall of the house of Usher -The colloquy of Monos and Una -The conversation of Eiros and Charmion -The murders in the Rue Morgue -The mystery of Marie Roget -The purloined letter -The man of the crowd.
Insightful reviews
John Cheney: I'm a sucker for a good ghost story or psychological horror story, and when it
comes to psychological horror, there's no one better than Edgar Allan Poe. This collection of
short stories contains his best-known works, including The Pit and the Pendulum, The Tell-Tale
Heart, and The Masque of Red Death. Poe knows how to create a setting, engage the reader,
and amp up the tension. I've always found Poe's psychological horror far more engaging than
any slasher story. This is a book I've owned since I was in grade school. I may read with adult
eyes now, but the stories haven't lost anything in their effectiveness. The bizarre but appropriate
illustrations in this edition provide an evocative visual companion to Poe's work.
Lisbeth Parra: Existen buenos escritores y Edgar Allan Poe, definitivamente el REY DEL
Andrea: Un genio nel suo genere.
La caratterizzazione dei personaggi, la descrizione delle atmosfere, dei luoghi e degli stati
d'animo sono a dir poco eccezionali. Impressionante se si pensa a quando sono stati scritti
questi racconti.
Quello che Poe riesce a trasmettere al lettore è reale, come essere tra le pagine del libro
stesso. L'effetto che ottiene è da brividi (in tutti i sensi).
Ecco i racconti presenti:
--- Racconti del mistero e del raziocinio --- I delitti della Rue Morgue *****
- Il mistero di Marie Roget ***
- La lettera rubata ***
- Lo scarabeo d'oro ****
--- Racconti del mistero e del terrore --- Metzengerstein ***
- Manoscritto trovato in una bottiglia ***
- L'appuntamento ***
- Morella ****
- Ligeia ****
- Berenice ****
- Il crollo della Casa Usher *****
- William Wilson ****
- Hop-Frog ****
- L'uomo della folla ***
- Una discesa nel Maelstrom *****
- Eleonora ***
- Il ritratto ovale ****
- La mascherata della Morte Rossa *****
- Il cuore rivelatore *****
- Il pozzo e il pendolo *****
- Il gatto nero ****
- La cassa oblunga **
- Il barile d'Amontillado ****
- La verità sul caso di Mr. Valdemar ****
--- Racconti fantastici e grotteschi --- Quattro bestie in una **
- Decadenza e caduta di un "lion" ***
- Ombra (una parabola) ****
- Silenzio (una favola) ****
- Re Peste ***
- Come si scrive un articolo alla "Blackwood" **
- Il diavolo nel campanile ***
- La convrsazione di Eiros e Charmion ***
- L'isola della fata ***
- Colloquio di Monos e Una ****
- Il sistema del dottor Catrame e del professor Piuma ***
- La potenza delle parole ****
- Il dominio di Arnheim ***
Menzione speciale per:
I delitti della Rue Morgue
Il crollo della Casa Usher
La mascherata della Morte Rossa
Il cuore rivelatore
Il pozzo e il pendolo
Sia che Poe s'avventuri fin sulla soglia del cuore umano e se ne tragga indietro, impietrito dal
terrore dei fantasmi che l'assediano, sia che procrei tutta un'umanità nuova e sfigurata,
abitatrice d'un mondo che esiste solo negli allucinati scenari che gli compone e scompone la
sua immaginazione, è sempre il medesimo strumento a essere suonato, a ricevere dalle sue
sensibili mani l'impulso a quelle vibrazioni che serbano tanta struggente eco. (Dall'introduzione
di Gabriele Baldini)
Bob: i'll be up entrance with this. I simply learn this after gazing the subsequent on Netflix. I by
no means chanced on an identical allure to Poe that appears present in a majority of people.
Having learn this choice of tales i will not say my innovations have changed. For a author who is
power was once horror, Poe drifted into a variety of technology fiction that was once simply
lengthy winded and never very interesting. i used to be certainly stunned to benefit murders
within the rue morgue was once no longer approximately a precise morgue. This publication I
had is wooden cuts for the tales which I absolutely dug. i am an entire sucker for wooden cuts.
i'm completely satisfied I obtained this out of my system. i'm going to allow you to Poe lovers
maintain him as he's not for me. so far as the Panda scale I provide the gathering as a complete
three pandas. but when we specialize in masque of the crimson death, the black cat, hop frog,
and the pit and the pendulum i'll move five pandas.
John Lucy: Poe is a truly shrewdpermanent and witty author who, as all of us know, isn't really
scared of writing in regards to the darkish aspect of life. Poe is obviously very clever and wellread in all subjects. His cleverness and wit permits him to both be humorous or very perceptive
by way of temptation and why humans do undesirable things. that is approximately all i will say
approximately him. "The Thousand and moment Tale" is kind of reliable and, should you
comprehend whatever approximately Poe, virtually unforeseen in its hilarity. yet then if you get
to his extra normative stories, corresponding to the well-known "Tell-Tale Heart" or "The Fall of
the home of Usher," just about all of them can in actual fact be decreased to an exposition of
"The Imp of the Perverse." What makes the latter tale so stable is that it truly is primary for Poe.
There are a few tales that holiday the mold, quite the extra medical ones like "A Descent into
the Maelstrom." it's might be unlucky that these different stories, those that holiday the imp of
the perverse mold, are usually not thought of to be conventional Poe stories. As you will
discover in "The Thousand and moment Tale", Poe had a expertise for different kinds of writing
and doubtless may were simply as famous and praised, yet his temper and personality, notion
and pursuits took him down a unique path.A lot of those tales are certainly worthy examining for
Poe's perception into human nature. although I think of myself to be a superb person, no matter
what that means, I felt as though Poe have been conversing in particular to me and my bouts
with temptation and sin as I learn those stories. on the very least, Poe's brain was once an
excellent talent.My one critique of Poe as a story-teller, and it is a significant critique, is that he
spends approximately twelve hours introducing his stories. each story, irrespective of how
lengthy or short, wishes an advent of sorts. whether an writer jumps correct in, sooner or later
she or he might want to spend a while introducing the motion that she or he jumped correct into.
Poe, inevitably, starts off his tales with the introductions, that is fine, yet then he includes on
web page after web page to the purpose that what we twenty first century readers could think
about "the story" makes up approximately 30% of the fast story. a guy as proficient as Poe
should have recognized what he was once doing, so i will be able to simply imagine that Poe
intended for the introductions to his tales to be the story. And, indeed, a lot of the time the
advent is the center of the story. Poe used to be so solid at this that lots of his modern readers
suggestion that he used to be detailing real tales instead of making stuff happen. Brilliant. yet
we, who recognize that Poe died a century and a part ago, will locate those introductions fairly
boring, and will are looking to follow his poetry. that's sad, simply because those tales are
brilliantly shrewdpermanent and insightful.
Bri: This e-book swept me away to this different outstanding world. The surroundings used to be
brilliantly set. i may completely see it in my mind. however the characters have been certainly
my favourite part. they're all so colorful, interesting, exciting, and hilarious. the most personality
is simply perfect. The plot moved quick adequate that i could not cease analyzing lest I leave
out something, however the writer nonetheless took the time to flesh out the details. the main
points are what rather make or holiday a story.
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