Richard Ford Wildlife

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Transcript Richard Ford Wildlife

Richard Ford
Title: Wildlife
Author: Richard Ford
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 192
Publisher: Grove Press, 1264464000
ISBN: 0802144594
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 9.4 MB
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When Joe Brinson was sixteen, his father moved the family to Great Falls, Montana, the setting
for this harrowing, transfixing novel by the acclaimed author of Rock Springs. Filled with an
abiding sense of love and family, and of the forces that test them to the breaking point,
Wildlife—first published by Atlantic Monthly Press in 1990 and now reissued as a Grove Press
paperback—is a book whose spare poetry and expansive vision established it as an American
Insightful reviews
PattyMacDotComma: Enjoyed it very much, although 'enjoyable' is not the word to describe this
boy's situation. He's part of a barely functioning family that maintains a certain loyalty out of
habit (that is probably true of many of us) with attempts by all to bust loose (probably true of
many of us, too).
Erika: I loved this book. I loved the writing, and the story. So many great passages, I
bookmarked just a few. I'm hiding them, not because they would spoil the plot, which is just
lifelike enough to be completely unpredictable, but because I hope you read this book, and find
your own favorite parts, and later discover that we liked some of the same things. One note on
the voice in this book -- it feels like everyone speaks (and thinks) very formally. I found myself
wondering if anyone ever spoke or thought that way, but then I thought of the Cleavers. They
did, if only for television. Maybe everyone did then?
(view spoiler)
["I'm not worried," I said. And I wasn't, because I thought things would be f
I was wrong, it is still not so bad a way to set your mind toward the unknown
oming into the face of it.
"You're happy if the thing you naturally want makes the other person happy. I
hen I don't know. I guess you're in limbo... It's the place where nobody want
e where you can't feel the sides and nothing happens. Like now."
It all happened in an instant, and I knew it was dangerous though in a beauti
rstood, just as I sat there in the car with my mother, what I thought dangero
g that did not seem able to hurt you, but quickly and deceivingly would. Thou
nd why my father would risk danger, unless it was that he didn't care about l
here was something in losing it that was satisfying, which didn't seem like a
d anybody ever having said to me.
His fist was wide and thick and packed-looking. It looked like a fist that ha
, because everything would get out of its way if it could.
"I haven't lost my mind yet," she said... "You don't want to think when peopl
like that they're crazy. Because mostly they aren't. It's just that you're n
ny maybe you want to be."
And I had the feeling I have heard about since then that comes with disaster,
ng things from a long way away, as if you were looking at them through a tele
but they are right in front of you, only you are fixed there and helpless. It
nd then it makes you feel warm, as if what you're afraid of is not going to h
es and you are all the more unprepared to see it and have it happen to you.
"People think they live in eternity, don't they?... Everything just goes on f
Wouldn't that be gratifying... This won't stay important forever, Joe," my f
I wondered... if I would ever see the world as I had seen it before then, whe
w I saw it. Or if you just got used to parting with things, and because you w
with them faster; or if in fact none of that thinking was important at all,
the same in spite of small changes, so that when you faced the worst and wen
found there was nothing. Nothing has its own badness, but it does not last f
ere is to learn from almost any human experience is that your own interests d
first where other people are concerned - even the people who love you- and t
an be lived with.
(hide spoiler)
Viviana: “La verità è che non c’è mai nessuno che vuole la tua felicità, tutto qui. Ognuno vuole
la propria, di felicità. Se sta bene anche a te, allora le cose vanno a gonfie vele. Se no, peggio
per te. È una regola importante”.
È questa l’amara realtà di cui parla all’inizio del romanzo la madre del protagonista. E il
sedicenne Joe, che si accorge di quanto sia impossibile per lui stesso comprendere a fondo i
problemi dei suoi genitori e le difficoltà di un matrimonio, non può far altro che assistere agli
eventi che stravolgono la sua vita. Così, gli incendi che devastano le montagne intorno al
piccolo paese del Montana, dove Joe e la sua famiglia si sono trasferiti in cerca di fortuna,
diventano il simbolo della distruzione e del cambiamento che li coinvolge tutti in prima persona.
Fuochi che, inizialmente, appaiono lontani, talmente irraggiungibili da non sentirsene
particolarmente preoccupati. Eppure, il fuoco è lì vicino, pronto a devastare tutto ciò che
incontra sul suo cammino. Il padre di Joe, arruolandosi come volontario nelle squadre che
tentano di domare il fuoco, cerca di ritrovare un senso alla sua vita, per dimenticare i suoi
fallimenti lavorativi e il sogno infranto di diventare un giocatore di golf di alto livello. La moglie,
che a sua volta ricomincia ad insegnare nuoto per colmare il vuoto di una quotidianità monotona
e banale, si lascia travolgere dalla passione per un altro uomo. E così come gli incendi
avanzano veloci verso Great Falls, così la vita della famiglia inizierà un percorso che li condurrà
verso nuovi destini.
Il romanzo di Ford è un’opera coinvolgente, scritta con un linguaggio scorrevole e
appassionante. Indaga nei sentimenti e nel cuore del protagonista, un adolescente che si ritrova
smarrito e senza guida, in un periodo in cui l’America e i suoi abitanti inseguono lo spettro del
denaro e della fortuna.
Incendi ha il sapore della grande letteratura americana, in cui ciascuno di noi, tuttavia, può
ritrovare l’immagine di se stesso. Pagine che pongono molti interrogativi e che, alla fine,
insegnano che non sempre esiste una risposta a tutto.
Al Riske: this is often the type of novel where, if you are a writer, you think: i would love to do
anything like that.The voice and standpoint during this one relatively are riveting.
Susan Haldeman: i do not comprehend why humans hate in this book. although it can be
sluggish at times, i presumed it was once very reasonable and strangely insightful coming from
a 16-year-old narrator (but no longer unrealistically insightful). There are no huge events, yet i
believe that is what makes the booklet stand proud of others. It simply is.
Jesse: Effective, although emotionally minimalist to the purpose that it left me conscious of the
author's hand, relatively more often than not character. not anything used to be unbelievable,
notwithstanding I did locate myself often picking out aside the first-person narrator in a fashion i
do not quite imagine the writer may have intended.
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