Paul Auster Invisibile

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Transcript Paul Auster Invisibile

Paul Auster
Title: Invisibile
Author: Paul Auster
Format: Hardcover
Language: Italian
Pages: 228
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 8806199706
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 7.3 MB
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Nel 1967, Adam Walker ha vent'anni e studia a New York; la sua unica aspirazione è diventare
poeta. Durante una festa, conosce l'enigmatico e inquietante professore parigino Rudolf Born e
la sua seducente fidanzata, Margot. Tra loro si instaura immediatamente un legame fatto di
sottintesi, di cose dette e non dette: Rudolf sembra aver preso in simpatia il giovane e gli offre
di ideare e curare una rivista letteraria che intende finanziare. Adam, dal canto suo, prova una
forte attrazione per Margot con la quale, quando Born torna temporaneamente in Europa, si
abbandona a cinque giorni di sesso. Scoperto il tradimento, Rudolf caccia Margot. Non mostra
tuttavia risentimento nei confronti di Adam che, pur sconcertato da questa ambiguità, continua a
frequentarlo: sino a quando, una sera, non assiste alla criminale esplosione della sua
aggressività. Tormentato dai sensi di colpa per non avere tempestivamente avvisato la polizia e
consapevole di aver vissuto un'esperienza che lo segnerà per sempre, trascorre l'estate in città
con la sorella Gwyn: complici le loro solitudini e i loro lutti, i due riallacciano le fila di un legame
profondo che li unisce sin dall'infanzia. All'inizio dell'autunno, Adam parte per Parigi,
ufficialmente perché ha vinto una borsa di studio. Ma Parigi è anche la città in cui, sfuggendo
alle autorità americane, è tornato a vivere Born. Adam sa bene che si dovrà così confrontare
con la parte più nera e imperscrutabile della propria anima.
Insightful reviews
K.D. Absolutely: New York, 1967 to 1990. When Adam Walkerwas 16 years old, he and his
15-year old sister, Gwyn had a one-night experiment of doing sexual acts sans intercourse to
appease their curiosity on sex. Two years after, to be exact in 1967, Adam was in a party and
while standing in a corner, met Rudolf Borna French professor who led a double or triple life
and his girlfriend, Margot. After only a few days, Adam began sleeping with Margot.
This is my second book by Paul Auster and, like his The New York Trilogy, I enjoyed this
tremendously. Being a novel about a poet or a writer, Mr. Auster has this superb ability to tell a
single story told in many perspectives that you would keep on guessing which one is right and
which one is not. He will not answer that for you but he would just give some gentle hints in the
There is a lot of sex scenes here and it almost turned me off but the storytelling is almost
flawless, the prose is crisp and straightforward. From New York, the story will bring you to the
romantic Paris and ends up in a remote island of Quillia.
Except some mention of the Berlin Wall, cold war, French-Algerian war, etc., this novel has no
big backdrop that makes it an instant classic. However, the storytelling is the big factor why
everyone is enjoying this book. Mr. Auster here is too brilliant to pass up.
Morana: Auster zaista izvrsno slaže konstrukcije svojih romana pa tako i ovoga. Radnja po?inje
još 1967. i nastavlja se do 2007.god. i to na lokacijama od New Yorka preko Pariza pa sve do
malog karipskog otoka. Iako je glavni lik pjesnik Adam Walker, njegovu pri?u pratimo od strane
?etiri razli?ita pripovjeda?a. Izme?u ideala iz mladosti, osebujnih likova, ljubavi, seksa, nailazimo
?ak i na umorstvo i incest.
Ljubiteljima Austera preporuka, a, ukoliko ga još niste ?itali, probajte, vrlo mogu?e da ?e vam se
Gladia: Spring:
New York: Walker meets Born at a party and the professor, just a few days later and for no
good reason, offers to give money to the young student to make a literary magazine. Their
professional partnership soon dies when Born stabs to death a boy who's trying to rob him and
The story is weak since the very beginning and lacks of imagination to explain most of the
events. Walker is depicted as a reasonable character but Born, an opinionated on everything
French professor who seems to have connections with some secret governmental agency, is
remarkably annoying.
Still New York: the incestuous relationship between Walker and his sister.
For sure that's the best part of the novel. Emotional, touching, full of pathos, truthful and free of
prejudices of any kind. I was almost disappointed by the fact that, later in the novel, Gwyn,
Walker's sister denies the truth of the affair, but that doesn't change the fact that 'summer' is the
what gives power to the whole book and it's a shame it's so short. (To be noticed: no Born
appearances in summer)
Paris: Walker enrolls in the student abroad program and moves to the French capital, shortly
meets Born and their conflict, ceased for that summer, starts again, together with the fall down
of the quality of the story. Walker tries to ruin Born's soon to happen marriage but gets kicked
out of the country with a month (mysterious powerful forces connected to Born).
'Fall' wasn't good but the end is very bad. We read parts of the diary of the daughter of Born's
supposedly future wife. That's the worst part of the novel and Born comes back to dominate the
Overall this was a weak novel. 'Summer' is the part that makes the novel worth to be read, but
the rest is disappointing. Auster is a story teller and 'Invisible' is marked all over with his typical
style but the end result failed my expectations.
Max: this can be through some distance the worst publication i have learn in 2010. I couldnt
even end it; the idea of getting to learn one other a hundred pages of drivel led me to thumb in
the course of the final pages, in simple terms to gain I wasn't lacking anything.How an writer
that wrote nice novels corresponding to The booklet of Illusions or guy at the hours of darkness
can produce a booklet that comprises no plausible characters, no genuine tale and in simple
terms superficial and empty words is a secret to me. the most personality is a spineless loser,
whose maximum accomplishment is three weeks of intercourse with a lacklustre French lady
that simply received dumped. His ethical compass is caught on 'thou shall now not kill', and
since he is received no mind's eye or the rest to teach for, his greatest accomplishment is
identifying to wreck the killer's lifestyles by means of convincing the killer's fiancee that the killer
is a nasty man. What an lousy revenge. i do not care if he succeeded - if he did, it'd be
completely unbelievable.To upload insult to injury, we actually have a former classmate, who by
no means observed our spineless 0 in forty years, yet abruptly turns into beautifully drawn to
him - lots that he even considers his sexual exploits together with his sister completely normal.
This classmate is known for his literary work, although during this e-book he comes to a
decision to jot down like a primary grader writing love letters to girl Gaga. If Auster attempted to
surprise me, he failed. If he attempted to bore me, he succeeded. Man, that moment a part of
the booklet was once like a 24hr B&B marathon. This e-book was once so undesirable I even
threw it away - i could not stand the idea of spoiling someone else's mind with such dead
Sam Quixote: My emotions are conflicted with this book. i did not hate it. I acquired throughout
the e-book in four days, now not rushing, and located Auster's sort of writing nonetheless as
compelling and straightforward to learn as ever. nevertheless the story, whereas readable and
familiar, simply wasn't as compelling as i believe Auster should have proposal it used to be and
neither was once the undesirable man approximately as menacing or complex. Paul Auster is a
literary author and is a hugely respected, bestselling author of publish glossy stories. but
regardless of this he can write a booklet that reads as fluidly as a mystery quite often simply
because he's a grasp of pacing and is aware accurately the best way to draw the reader in and
whilst to step up the action. He showcases a number of types within the 4 elements the booklet
is split in - the 1st person, the second one person, the 3rd individual narrative kinds are all used
and served to spotlight how gifted the guy is in addition to to maintain the tale clean for the
reader (events are rehashed throughout). but the significant element of the tale - I will not
provide it away however it comes on the finish of half 1 - simply appeared contrived. And in
case you take into consideration the circumstances, it wasn't that shocking. It serves to teach a
special facet to the undesirable man who until eventually then a foppish poseur. The Auster
logos are here: the bookish hero (trying to be a poet, conversing approximately imprecise poets
and writers, operating in a library), the mysterious benefactor, a useless family members
member/friend, and a manuscript. regularly occurring flooring then, and but regardless of Auster
having written comparable tales during this style time and again ahead of i used to be
nonetheless forced to learn on. the tale by no means rather is going at any place though. The
bookish hero is haunted by way of the occasions on the finish of half 1, half 2 unearths a sordid
previous to the hero, half three maintains the haunted hero's recounting of the occasions on the
finish of half 1 and a showdown with the undesirable guy, half four throws a couple of twists in
and ends on a mysterious metaphor.It's problematical simply because i will not pass into a lot
element with no ruining the tale however the tale by no means relatively feels as dramatic
because it thinks it is, nor as strong in it truly is exam of a few of the complicated relationships
within the book. via the tip i did not care and the final 30 pages dragged a bit. the ultimate twist
merited an easy shrug from me as I wasn't enthusiastic about any of the characters at that
point. As for the name "Invisible", well, ebook teams can discuss what it means, i will possibility
a wager and say it might probably describe the true lives we lead and the lives we needed we
would led - the genuine existence and the invisible life. yet again, i did not give it some thought
too much, this is not that kind of book. it is not Auster's top but when you are a substantial fan of
his like me you will learn it and locate issues to love approximately it. total although it really is
relatively underwhelming and unusually forgettable. Still, it is not his worst and is an interesting
sufficient read. joyful he left himself out of this one though. Or did he...
Paolo Gianoglio: Mio figlio di 10 anni mi chiede di cosa parla questo libro, perchè mi vede
attento e appassionato nella lettura. Provo a rispondergli, ma mi rendo conto che non è
possibile riassumere il libro se non raccontandolo according to filo e consistent with segno. "E'
una storia complicata, allora?" prosegue lui. No, according to nulla, mi viene da pensare, e
mentre lo penso invece mi rendo conto che è semplice e complicata allo stesso tempo. Questo
è il motivo consistent with cui adoro Paul Auster: scrive di storie semplici senza farle diventare
banali, scrive di luoghi e gesti normali rendendoli epici, ma te ne rendi conto solo alla fine.
united states il linguaggio più semplice e lineare possibile (è according to questo che mi piace
leggerlo direttamente in inglese) ma descrive pensieri complessi, articolazioni non comuni,
storie di uomini e di donne che diventano eroi senza volerlo, senza saperlo. Come molti di noi,
eroi di tutti i giorni, eroi nella banalità della vita quotidiana, dei suoi drammi e del pace che
cancella o copre le ferite, ma raramente le guarisce. Non so se questo sia un grande libro, mi
dichiaro inabile al giudizio causa adorazione verso il modo di scrivere di Auster, che ritengo
inarrivabile. So solo che ho passato un bellissimo pace leggendolo.
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