Philip Roth Die Brust

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Transcript Philip Roth Die Brust

Philip Roth
Die Brust
Title: Die Brust
Author: Philip Roth
Format: Paperback
Language: German
Pages: 93
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 3499238330
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 9 MB
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Like a latter-day, Gregor Smasa, Professor David Kepesh wakes up one morning to find that he
has been transformed. But where Kafka’s protagonist turned into a giant beetle, the narrator of
Philip Roth’s richly conceived fantasy has become a 155-pound female breast. What follows is
a deliriously funny yet touching exploration of the full implications of Kepesh’s
metamorphosis—a daring heretical book that brings us face to face with the intrinsic strangeness
of sex and subjectivity.
Insightful reviews
Mogulito: I am hesitant to write much right now because id love to read the Metamorphosis
before i do, to see the similarities, and differences. But yes it is a sort of ode to Kafka, or a plain
steal, though an acknowledged one at that. But I'm not sure if this hasn't been read all wrong; or
that maybe i did and in doing so enjoyed it more. I don't think Roth here is really talking about
sex, or its various ways of expressing, fantasy etc. I think the metaphor here is the Breast is
Fame? And when famous one becomes different to what ones was and was perceived to be.
Being famous overshadows ones self just as one's appearance in changing into a breast would.
through the unnumbered chapters Roth explains the different aspects as his character
experiences them and reacts. wether it be fear, paranoia, hubris, or acceptance. At one point he
mocks the easily confused metaphor of sex by saying this isn't a fairytale where a man fancied
breasts and thus became one.
As a breast he long for the "silliness, the triviality, the meaningless of life", now under the
microscope that is gone. Roth is talking to himself and letting us listen as he always does, and
seeing all the pitfalls and dangers that his alter egos face, like dealing with fame here, or love
and death, plus age in The Dying Animal. His character begins to lose any sense of reality, as
he is trapped in this bubble, as it were. He tries to convince himself that this never happened
but it has. he is now different and no longer looked on as average. The weight that comes with
that, is heavy. In the end he even dismisses trying to be great like Shakespeare or Kafka, who
inspired him and just enjoying the superficial aspects of the fame, the girls, the women who will
spread for him. He is afraid, and overwhelmed by the idea of being judged, of repeating a great
Early on he says " Why do i care if i am not alone when i think i am?...Whats the difference to
me? Wherever they have put me, however many may be looking at me, I am really quite as
alone as anyone could ever wish to be" this is being alone in public, glamour hiding pain.
In the context of this time, where celebrity has run amok, people famous for being "tits" as the
english would say, its almost prophetic. but unfortunately these D celebrities don't have a 1/4 of
the brain of Proffesor K.
I actually enjoyed this book, its pithy, but thorough. But its difficult for us to sympathies with
being famous i guess, but i think also in there is a tale of an artist slightly afraid to grow because
he's unsure of what made him great in the first place. anyways just my take on it.
aPriL does feral sometimes: So. A college literature professor, David Kepesh, turns into a
female breast that is 6 feet long and weighs 155 pounds. He is placed in a hospital room on the
7th floor while doctors puzzle over his transformation. His girlfriend of three years, Claire loyally
visits him everyday as does his father. He is blind, but he can hear and speak through his navel.
Since he cannot see, he tries to rationalize his condition in all kinds of ways that anyone would,
including guessing he may be insane and studying Shakespeare. As it turns out, he actually is a
large breast that has been put into a hammock for the duration. He also is horny as hell, and
demands his girlfriend wash his huge 5-inch nipple every visit, which stimulates him. He keeps
trying to convince Claire to have vaginal sex with his nipple, which she won't do. He has a
psychoanalyst, Dr. Klinger. He is upset because his father stops kissing him goodbye. He is
suspicious and paranoid about the possibility that he is on a TV display for the amusement of
This is a short novella, thankfully. It reads as stupid as my summary may have seemed.
Obviously, it is Roth's continuation of the conversation that The Metamorphosis started.
What is Roth trying to say? Your guess is as good as mine. (view spoiler)
p.s. Yeah, I thought of dozens of mammalian jokes. I decided to not go there.
Elliot Ratzman: It was embarrassing reading this book on the subway with its big pink nipple on
the cover. David Kepesh, played by Ben Kingsley in the movie Elegy, is an English professor
who wakes up one day and discovers he is a 155 lb six foot breast. Roth is explicit about his
references to Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and Gogol’s The Nose, but I’m not clear about this
novella’s purpose. I suppose it’s the early 70s and instead of turning into an alienated bug,
Kepesh turns into a sensual object—receiving simple pleasures without producing, not even milk.
First time tragedy second times farce? Kepesh can’t see, and he images that he is being
observed in his new state. He later concludes he’s mad and tries to will himself out of madness.
There are some nice passages about the ebbing of desire in relationships – rekindled by his
transformation to a breast, and the final speech/rant in front of his analyst is interesting, ending
with a Rilke poem. Any suggestions for explaining this book?
Aaron: “The Breast” is frequently in comparison to “The Nose,” yet fairly it really is “Johnny
obtained His Gun” for the intercourse Wars; Cronenberg through “Everything you must find out
about intercourse yet have been Afraid to Ask.” even though it is a comedy, there's a contact of
physique horror to it, really in its relish urges denied and the sensible difficulties of being a giant,
anthropomorphic breast. “The Breast” may possibly most sensible be understood like “Our
Gang,” the final gasps of Roth’s shadow occupation as he entered his first misplaced interval
and sooner than he stumbled on Nathan Zuckerman – a task that may have long past to
Kepesh, had he no longer been attempting to seduce a nurse and out traveling with the rolling
Sara: "Dato che mio padre non sa niente di libri, gli spiegai come un mattino, nel racconto di
Kafka, Gregor Samsa si risvegli e scopra di essersi trasformato in un enorme scarafaggio; gli
feci un riassunto del Naso, raccontai brevemente come l'eroe di Gogol' si svegli senza naso, lo
cerchi in line with tutta San Pietroburgo, metta un'inserzione sul giornale chiedendone los
angeles restituzione, "lo" veda camminare consistent with l. a. strada, un incontro ridicolo dopo
l'altro, finchè alla high quality se lo ritrova al suo posto così com'era sparito. (Mi pareva di
sentirlo pensare:"E lui insegna questa roba? All'università?")."
Frank: Definire Il seno di Philip Roth un libro grottesco sarebbe dire poco, suonerebbe riduttivo;
vediamo allora di fare meglio.L’operazione editoriale che ha portato all’uscita di questo
racconto lungo come libro singolo, sarebbe cosa di in step with sé alquanto discutibile, se non
fosse che nel mio caso ben difficilmente sarei incappato in una storia come questa, essendo
piuttosto allergico alle raccolte di racconti. Dunque meglio così.Grottesco, stravagante,
coinvolgente, a tratti drammatico e commovente e in generale ben più profondo di quanto possa
apparire al primo impatto, Il seno è los angeles storia del signor David Kepesh che nel corso di
una notte difficile si trasforma in un seno di settanta chili. Che dire? Baggianata o genialata? …la
seconda che hai detto!Una genialata perché grazie a questa invenzione Philip Roth attraversa
aspetti della mente e della società che rendono il racconto un punto di partenza in line with
approfondimenti e discussioni.Le sensazioni e il dibattito interiore che il signor Kepesh, non
certamente l’ultimo arrivato essendo lui un professore universitario, si trova advert affrontare
dopo los angeles sua trasformazione, non sono probabilmente del tutto originali né hanno los
angeles pretesa di esserlo, se anche lo stesso protagonista fa riferimento a Kafka e Gogol
durante le sue elucubrazioni mentali, ma forniscono chiavi di lettura nuove, sia drammatiche
che divertenti.Nella seconda parte del racconto infatti, il signor Kepesh make a decision che
l’unica strada in keeping with uscire da quella situazione sia non accettarla e according to
questo si persuade che tutto sia rimasto perfettamente normale, tranne il fatto che lui è
diventato cieco.Tutto è normale dal punto di vista fisico e morfologico, ma lui sta impazzendo,
ecco dove sta il problema.Gli altri lo tranquillizzano e ribadiscono che è tutto a posto, che lui
non si è trasformato in un seno e che è vittima di un disturbo mentale che lo ha convinto di
questo. Alle sue domande rispondono con l. a. verità: tutto a posto, sei un uomo perfettamente
normale, ma l. a. sua mente e l. a. sua vera malattia, los angeles pazzia, lo portano advert
invertire ciò che viene detto lui.Dunque il vero problema, il nemico da combattere è quella
pazzia che distorce e trasforma le notizie rassicuranti di chi lo segue e gli vuole bene.Un
atteggiamento tipico dei soggetti depressi che di qualunque frase estrapolano solo l’eventuale
piccola parte negativa e l. a. amplificano a dismisura; ecco il signor Kepesh non ascolta, ma
interpreta e trasforma, fa di tutto pur di non accettare l. a. realtà della trasformazione, ben
conscio dei racconti los angeles metamorfosi e Il naso.Non può accettare che sia tutto vero,
deve trovare una logica in quanto gli è successo, una logica che sia accettabile e così si
persuade di essere diventato pazzo proprio according to non impazzire veramente.Dopo questa
lettura è impossibile non rileggere i due racconti già citati in line with nuove analisi e
riflessioni.Tempo di lettura: 1h 24m
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