Nicholas Sparks Dear John

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Transcript Nicholas Sparks Dear John

Nicholas Sparks
Dear John
Title: Dear John
Author: Nicholas Sparks
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 276
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0446528056
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 5.5 MB
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An angry rebel, John dropped out of school and enlisted in the Army, not knowing what else to
do with his life--until he meets the girl of his dreams, Savannah. Their mutual attraction quickly
grows into the kind of love that leaves Savannah waiting for John to finish his tour of duty, and
John wanting to settle down with the woman who has captured his heart.
But 9/11 changes everything. John feels it is his duty to re-enlist. And sadly, the long separation
finds Savannah falling in love with someone else.
Dear John, the letter read... and with those two words, a heart was broken and two lives were
changed forever. Returning home, John must come to grips with the fact that Savannah, now
married, is still his true love—and face the hardest decision of his life.
Insightful reviews
Jessylyn: Here's the last sentences from the epilogue that really made a deep tug at my
"She pauses then and crosses her arms, glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one has
followed her. Finally, she seems to relax. And then I feel as if I'm witnessing a miracle, as ever
so slowly she raises her face toward the moon. I watch her drink in the sight, sensing the flood
of memories she's unleashed and wanting nothing more than to let her know I'm here. But
instead I stay where I am and stare up at the moon as well. And for the briefest instant, it almost
feels like we're together again."
Before coming up with those wonderful words, I would have rated it 3.5 or 4. I am not expecting
this to be that good because of the movie that I used to watch first. I really can't help but think of
Savannah Lynn Curtis and John Tyree whenever I'm staring at the full moon.
Katia: OK, so...I finally finished. Like a lot of other people, I read this simply because I saw the
preview for the movie and I HAVE to read a book before I see the film adaptation. In this case, I
really wish I wasn't so anal retentive.
Anyhoo, the book. Typical Sparks fare - star-crossed lovers, torn apart by fate, life, what have
you. I really enjoyed the interaction between John and his father a lot more than I did his
relationship with Savannah, maybe because it seemed far more real. I never warmed up to
Savannah, even though she was supposed to be the perfect, lovely Southern young lady. And,
like SO many other reviews on here, I too thought the ending was horrid. As I was nearing the
end of my audiobook, I knew exactly how it would end, but I still had another disc to go. It was
seriously painful...I can get behind tragic/unrequited love stories, but this one just seemed so
pointless. John literally gives up everything he has in his entire life for someone who treats him
badly for 90% of their relationship. I always know what I'm getting myself into with a Sparks
book, but in this case I left feeling totally dissatisfied; it's like when you go to a buffet, and you
know what you're about to eat is terrible for you, but you binge anyways and have massive
regrets immediately afterward. I'll still go see the movie, mostly because my sister-in-law is
super excited to see it, but part of me hopes this is one of those instances where Hollywood
romanticizes things and changes the ending. This book could really use it.
Kristy: Mom recommended this one- I hate Nick Sparks' writing. It's too simplistic and yet too
formal. In my opinion, no one in this day and age is allowed to use "for" when they mean
"because." Too plot driven and he spells everything out. I might have loved this in 7th grade...
Sarah: DISAPPOINTING!!!!!! This bad man offers actually every little thing he has to a lady he
enjoyed for a number of months while he used to be a child and leaves himself with not
anything via the age of 30 so she will support her unwell husband live? Sorry - now not the
romantic tale i used to be taking a look for. Yeah, it truly is nice for little omit Savanah, yet
negative John finally ends up 3o together with his entire whole lifestyles prior to him and not
anything to teach for his previous (including the one issues his father held dear) or to
percentage with the kin we need to wish he ultimately has.
Fil: LUCIDI É possibile fare un'analisi lucida di un libro letto ormai dieci anni fa? in line with di
più con gli occhi leggermente annebbiati?Direi proprio di no. Quindi conviene spegnere del tutto
il cervello, tralasciare l. a. trama, ed accendere soltanto il cuore, raccontando solo le emozioni
trasmesse.Dopo aver letto qualche decina di pagine avevo intuito che period un libro della
categoria "perfetto in line with essere gustato in un piccolo parco, seduto nell'erba umida, con l.
a. schiena appoggiata a un albero, ed il vento sulla faccia". Questo perché i personaggi erano
realistici e tutti abbastanza sentimentali. Purtroppo period primavera, period una splendida
settimana e non ho resistito. los angeles definizione, che all'inizio avrebbe dovuto restare solo
teorica, è diventata pratica. Dopo due giorni ho terminato il romanzo. Doveva esserci parecchio
polline quella primavera, perché avevo gli occhi lucidi.Un pregio dei libri di Sparks, in confronto
advert altri autori sentimentali contemporanei, è che non puoi essere sicuro su come andranno
a finire i suoi romanzi. Ti coinvolgono quindi maggiormente rispetto, advert esempio, ai
divertenti libri di Sophie Kinsella. Se non vuoi correre un minimo rischio di soffrire (o di prenderti
qualche allergia), non leggere Sparks. Se invece sei coraggioso, questi libri possono regalarti
grandi emozioni. in keeping with fare un esempio banale, tra i miei quattro libri preferiti di
Nicholas Sparks, due finiscono bene, due non troppo. A questo punto non posso dirvi tutti i
quattri titoli perché, consistent with esclusione, potrei rivelarvi troppo. Il primo é sicuramente
"Ricordati di guardare l. a. luna" (il titolo originale è "Dear John"), il secondo non lo dico
(potreste aver già visto il film), il terzo è "Ogni giorno della mia vita".Consiglio sicuramente
questo libro a chi è andato su web a cercare l. a. parola più bella del mondo. los angeles
risposta period Yakamoz, una parola turca che significa "spicchio di luna riflesso nell'acqua".
Romantici i turchi! Non come Sparks, ma romantici! Se vi capita di guardare al tramonto in un
Cik Aini: up to this publication affected me in a few ways, i could not provide this ebook a better
score due to:1. the connection among John & Savannah - too quick paced, with small rift could
cause tonnes of concerns that escalated greater than intended. Letters to John have been
simplistic enough, and it wasn't the center of the story. i'd favor extra letters written, changing
the affection among the lovers.2. John's time in military used to be painted too simple, there is
not anything than could make me affiliate how military really is. the writer must have performed
extra research.3. Savannah - how can she easily allow John move although she loves him? But,
there are plus issues within the novel, what i admire such a lot is the very fact the place the tale
started out with John describing his formative years memories, however the something that
struck me so much is the connection among him & his father. i really pitied John's father from
the start, while John rebelled opposed to him yet he saved his silent, whilst he was once
attempting to healthy in, yet then while John all started began to scold him for his father's
obsession on coins, his father attempted his most sensible to make John satisfied via placing
away their merely photo jointly (John grinning from ear to ear maintaining minted coins), or the
very fact his father raised John unmarried handedly. whilst Savannah instructed the opportunity
of John's father discomfort Asperger's Syndrome, it made him angry, yet then John mended his
courting along with his father. Then, he understood why his father retains silent, and dialog will
be one sided or the obsession with coins, or the truth that his father follows yes protocol with out
fail. That half teared me up. I imagined how challenging it has to be for his father to elevate him
up as a unmarried father, after which attempting his top to slot in and take care of John's
demands. the ultimate years of his father used to be pro-founding & had me crying. It used to be
splendidly written on how John attempting to mend his dating with father, or the very fact how
he had taken his father without any consideration these kinds of while.The ebook may have a
happier ending, I suggest that is what fictions are right? yet then, perhaps Sparks try out his top
to place a extra reasonable approach, that the sweetheart won;t be united within the end.If you
will want a tear jerker, this is often it. I stayed up past due attempting to end this book, and that
ends me giving a 3.5 to this e-book
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