Elizabeth von Arnim Vera

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Transcript Elizabeth von Arnim Vera

Elizabeth von Arnim
Title: Vera
Author: Elizabeth von Arnim
Format: Paperback
Language: Italian
Pages: 242
Publisher: Bollati Boringhieri, 1136070000
ISBN: 8833916936
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 5.9 MB
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La ventiduenne Lucy Entwhistle, viso e corpo da bambina, è rimasta sola al mondo dopo che
l'adorato padre se n'è andato per sempre. Confusa e infelice, mentre affranta si stringe al
cancello di casa viene turbata dalla comparsa di Everard Wemyss, un bell'uomo maturo
anch'egli vestito a lutto. Sua moglie Vera è morta da poco, in circostanze misteriose. Prima che
Lucy possa rendersene conto, Wemyss entra nella sua vita facendosi carico di ogni
incombenza, dall'organizzazione del funerale del padre alle cure della dolce zia Dot, e ben
presto di Lucy stessa, del suo corpo e della sua anima. Lei lo ripaga di un amore devoto, grata
della sua protezione e del suo senso dell'umorismo. Ma nella casa intrisa di rituali in cui lui la
porta a vivere, sì addensa il mistero della morte di Vera... Undicesimo libro della von Arnim,
Vera è un'indagine nei labirinti dell'amore, della violenza e della morte, a partire dal potere degli
uomini nel matrimonio e dalla debolezza delle donne innamorate.
Insightful reviews
Wanda: So, it would seem that the idea for Rebecca by DuMaurier was copied from Ms. von
Arnim's Vera, which was based upon Ms. von Arnim's second marriage. I stand in awe of Ms.
von Arnim's ability to make lemonade from the lemons she had been dealt. I admire her greatly!
Laura: Free download available at Project Gutenberg.
Opening lines:
When the doctor had gone, and the two women from the village he had been waiting for were
upstairs shut in with her dead father, Lucy went out into the garden and stood leaning on the
gate staring at the sea.
Daniela: As a big fan of Elizabeth von Arnim's light and uplifting novels (The Enchanted April
being my favorite), I was very curious how she would handle this "exploration of sex and
violence" as the description of the VMC edition summarizes Vera.
Now that I have read it, I think "sex and violence" is a bit lurid, but it left a deep impression on
me nonetheless and I bow my head to von Arnim for creating this masterpiece.
In a nutshell, this is the story of Wemyss, a man in his forties who has just lost his wife in an
accident, and 22-year old Lucy, who has just lost her beloved father. They instantly feel drawn
to each other in their shared grief. At least that is what Lucy thinks. As a reader we quickly see
Wemyss for what he is - not a grieving widower, but a narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive bully,
and all we can do is watch Lucy walk towards her doom, namely her marriage to him.
Von Arnim gives us such a realistic account of emotional abuse that it was hard for me to take
at times. The fact that she based this on her own marriage adds another level of creepiness.
Von Arnim's characteristic wit offers some comic relief throughout the book, but it is still one of
the scariest, most depressing books I have read. The mere fact that people as disturbed and
powerful as Wemyss exist in real life gives me nightmares, and I am so glad that we live in a
time where it has become harder for men like Wemyss to exercise power over women like that
(at least in the western world).
Highly, highly recommended.
Daniela Mastropasqua: Una storia inquietante, molto diversa dai romanzi che ho già letto della
stessa autrice. Qui infatti l. a. scrittrice ci racconta di come los angeles morte delle persone
amate ci renda deboli e vulnerabili. è questo ciò che, secondo me, è successo a Lucy, los
angeles giovane protagonista del romanzo, che rimasta sola e indifesa dopo l'inaspettatamente
tragica morte del padre, finisce in keeping with innamorarsi di un uomo di nome Everard. Ma ne
è davvero innamorata? Non posso che farmi questa domanda mentre vado avanti con l. a.
lettura perché, onestamente, come si fa advert amare uno come Everard? Sarei molto
interessata se uno psichiatra facesse il profilo di questa persona. E soprattutto los angeles
positive del romanzo lascia noi lettori con un punto interrogativo sulla testa... come se los
angeles caverà Lucy, ora che ha perso los angeles protezione della sua amata zia e...
soprattutto: una domanda a cui l'autrice si è ben guardata dal darci una risposta: com'è morta
Vera, los angeles prima moglie di Everard????
Lupurk: Una piacevole scoperta, questa autrice. Lo stile è molto scorrevole, in line with quanto
ricercato e all'occorrenza anche ironico e delicatamente tagliente, mi ha ricordato un po'
"Rebecca" e un po' Georgette Heyer.La storia invece...quanta rabbia!!! Rabbia in step with il
comportamento di lui, che ti viene voglia di prendere a schiaffi da un terzo del libro in poi, e
rabbia consistent with lei, che totalmente soggiogata, non ha l. a. forza di reagire. Alla
advantageous è un libro sulla violenza sulle donne. Violenza psicologica, in questo caso, ma
sempre violenza è. E siccome mi capita raramente di apprezzare un libro, quando detesto i
protagonisti, doppiamente complimenti all'autrice, che invece mi ha tenuto incollata fino alla
advantageous (e poi il personaggio della zia è stupendo!! :))!
Z Coonen: Von Arnim has painted an agonizingly picture portrait of verbal abuse. She captures
the regular and insidious method that the abuser (usually a man) creeps right into a person's
and progressively starts off to collapse each fiber of her being with out her understanding it. you
could see from outside: we wish to seize the woman, shake her to rouse her from the fog she is
in, and say, "Don't you notice what's occurring here?" yet she is going to protect him simply
because he has already sown the seeds of worry and control. It used to be not easy to place
this e-book down, the tale was once so compelling and the writing so appealing but painful on
the similar time. The Goodreads blurb says this e-book is a darkly comedian story; i feel that
descriptor is deceptive and makes mild of the most dating within the novel. there are lots of
moments of comedian relief, yet i do not see the booklet as a comedy. many of the humor
comes on the fee of the abuser, who does not discover what a jackass he's through his have to
regulate each little thing. i've got now learn a number of of Von Arnim's works. This one will stick
with me the longest.NOTE: I listened to the Librivox recording and i'm 95% certain that the
reader is actor Wyatt Cenac. The studying is among the few the place the reader doesn't
determine himself and the interpreting is particularly good. I additionally hearken to chosen
Shorts podcast and he reads on there. What do you think? i might like to listen your reviews for
those who agree or disagree.
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