Danielle Steel The Ring

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Danielle Steel
The Ring
Title: The Ring
Author: Danielle Steel
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 480
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0440173922
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 9.3 MB
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In Germany engulfed by war and hatred, the beautiful wife of an influential banker fell in
love with a German author. His Jewish heritage led them both to death. The husband who
survives her lives on to protect her memory, and their children. And the ring he passes on to
his daughter, Ariana von Gotthard, remains a bond of love between them. Separated from her
family, and unable to escape Germany, Ariana is finally arrested. A young Nazi officer offers
her survival and hope for the future. Tragedy and a sudden twist of fate carries Ariana
to America, to a chilling deception, and a new life of unfamiliar terrors. Her past seemingly
lost forever, her future uncertain, the ring she still clings to is all she has left of her father and
brother. And in time it will become the bridge from her past to her future.
Insightful reviews
Redfox5: I first had a Danielle Steel book in my stocking when I was about 13, can't remember
what it was called but remember not being able to get through the first page and giving it away
shortly after. So I wasn't sure I would enjoy this but surprisingly I did! I found it hard to connect
with the first character Kassandra, it's hard to like someone who is having an affaire when she is
married to a likeable man. And then risking the lives of her family for her lover, who then
selfishly ends it all, leaving two children without a mother. I found Ariana more to my liking and
enjoyed her story. Thought maybe she fell in love a little to easy. But then I'm quiet fond of love
stories set against the backdrop of WWII. What she went through was page turning stuff and it
shows how everyone suffered during the war. I'm no longer looking at all the other Steel books
in my tbr which a meh feeling. Looking forward to them :)
Carmen8094: Tempo fa tentai di leggere uno dei libri di Danielle Steel, Giramondo, ma mi fu
impossibile: lo trovai lento, noioso, prevedibile, soporifero.
Messo da parte prima di essere arrivata a metà della storia.
Eppure dò sempre una seconda - e una terza, e una quarta... - chance ad un libro che ho
Mai mi sarei sognata di leggere di nuovo la Steel.
Eppure, qualche settimana fa, mi è capitato di notare questo, L'anello, il libro da cui è stato
tratto un film in due puntate che ho visto illo tempore un pomeriggio d'estate.
E mi sono ricreduta sulla Steel, perchè L'anello è un libro bellissimo.
Leggermente diverso dal film. Migliore.
La storia è ambientata durante la seconda guerra mondiale, e tratta di una famiglia tedesca non
ebrea, che però è avversa al Reich, e ci mostra quanto potessero essere terribili i nazisti anche
con i loro stessi connazionali "ariani".
Certo, l'amore non manca, ma non c'è nulla di sdolcinato, e mi piace molto il fatto che l'uomo di
cui si innamora Ariana sia un ufficiale nazista, in quanto ciò mostra che non è possibile fare di
tutta l'erba un fascio, e che non tutti i militari tedeschi - ne sono sicura - condividessero la
stessa anima malata.
La mia scena preferita è quella in cui Paul, il secondo marito di Ariana, le chiede di chi sia il
bambino che aspetta.
Trascrivo lo scambio di battute:
" Di chi è questo bambino?"
"Di mio marito" gli rispose. [...]
" Io sono tuo marito, Ariana".
" E' di Manfred".
Kristin: This was always one of my favorite Danielle Steel novels. It's the 1st time I've read it on
years. If I hadn't read so many good books since then I probably would have given it 4 or 5
stars. I still like it but not the way I did 20 years ago.
Mikaela Bottaro: My Danielle Steel's favorite book! This tale simply flow! It reads it self alone,
you simply can not help it yet to show the pages. I without doubt appreciate how the writer
controlled to put in writing approximately such soft matters in a romantic type of way.
Kanami Iinuma: The Ring-penguin,level312/2=30minutes,12/4=30minutes,12/5=60minutes7wor
ds.village-fisherman-mad-doctor-love-sharks-ringDiscussion questions1.The major personality
is fisherman,do you're keen on fishing?No,because fishing takes very long time to get a fish. i
will not wait !2. This book's woman selected a wealthy man, now not a terrible strong man. Do
you opt a wealthy man, no longer a negative reliable man?No, simply because i believe
personality is extra vital than funds to like !This ebook used to be very interesting! i could not
are expecting ultimate scene of this book. the most personality use sharks to kill, i believe he's
shrewdpermanent yet this plan is particularly terrible, so I shuddered in that scene My pal
suggest this e-book to me, I have fun with her to inform this book.
Venkataragavan: to begin with, I shelve this e-book below the class of books to be by no means
learn again. and that's now not simply because I hated this e-book or this publication is an
totally dull or valueless read. at the contrary, this can be a booklet that everybody should still
learn at least one time of their lifetime, simply that they need to no longer revisit it again. Why
then did I say that i'm going to by no means learn it again?From the dependent but pathetic
existence that Kassandra ended in the little child that grew up with a fleetingly showing mom to
the pathetic but enjoyable existence led via that child in her future, after crossing all travails, will
movement the reader from ecstasy to despair, eventually terminating in joy. The horrors
fictionally skilled by way of Ariana throughout the Nazi reign moved me to heart-rending tears
that I needed to preserve the publication away for a few time, to collect my composure. this is
often exactly the reason.All people whinge of our lifestyles being monotonous and uninteresting
and mired in loads of problems, half actual and half not. If we, for a moment, step into Ariana’s
or of the other Jew’s sneakers in the course of that era, we'd immediately suppose an
overpowering feel of gratitude for the simple lifestyles bestowed on us.The tale is fantastically
spun. Kasandra was once now not allowed to steer the lifestyles she desired, and eventually
ended buying it with suicide, while she did so. Her daughter Ariana, slowly accustomed to the
cruelty of Nazis by way of her clever father, learns to tread conscientiously even lower than
excessive interrogation by way of the Nazi infantrymen of her father’s whereabouts. Like an
oasis within the desert, the Nazi officer Manfred takes pity on Ariana and so they get married.
Manfred’s anticipated dying throughout the Fall shakes Ariana extraordinarily and eventually
via prolonged contacts and difficult treks, she reaches the States to be finally taken pity via the
Liebmans’. I particularly didn't just like the half the place she selected to be disloyal to them,
although I comprehend her reasons. because the plot neared its climax, i used to be very
definite that Gerhard could appear. i'd have beloved Tamara to give Gerhard to Ariana, in a few
prolonged relation, rather than the hoop paving manner for recognition. yet i assume that's the
complete element of the unconventional being named as ‘The Ring’, isn’t it?
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