Isabel Allende Zorro - Impressions By Maria

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Transcript Isabel Allende Zorro - Impressions By Maria

Isabel Allende
Title: Zorro
Author: Isabel Allende
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 390
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0007201966
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 5 MB
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A swashbuckling adventure story that reveals for the first time how Diego de la Vega became
the masked man we all know so well.
‘Until that moment Diego had not been conscious of his dual personality, one part Diego de la
Vega, elegant, affected, hypochondriac, and the other part El Zorro, audacious, daring, playful.’
Born in southern California late in the 18th century, Diego de la Vega is a child of two worlds.
His father is an aristocratic Spanish military man turned landowner; his mother, a Shoshone
warrior. Diego learns from his maternal grandmother, White Owl, the ways of her tribe while
receiving from his father lessons in the art of fencing and in cattle branding. It is here, during
Diego’s childhood, filled with mischief and adventure, that he witnesses the brutal injustices
dealt out to Native Americans by European settlers and first feels the inner conflict of his
At the age of sixteen, Diego is sent to Barcelona for a European education. In a country chafing
under the corruption of Napoleonic rule, Diego follows the example of his celebrated fencing
master and joins La Justicia, a secret underground resistance movement devoted to helping the
powerless and the poor. With these tumultuous times as backdrop, Diego falls in love, saves the
persecuted, and confronts for the first time a great rival who emerges from the world of privilege.
Between California and Barcelona, the New World and the Old, the persona of Zorro is formed,
a great hero is born and the legend begins. After many adventures – duels at dawn, fierce
battles with pirates at sea, and impossible rescues – Diego de la Vega, aka. Zorro, returns to
America to reclaim the hacienda on which he was raised and to seek justice for all who cannot
fight for it themselves.
Insightful reviews
Hobart: It takes a certain kind of skill to write a boring book about a character like Zorro, and
apparently, Isabel Allende possesses such. It also takes a certain brashness to pronounce your
protagonist as "fun" in the first paragraph--and several times following that--and then fail to
produce any real evidence of it.
I was excited about the prospect of this book--a great pulp hero like Zorro in the hands of
someone with Allende's lit cred? It'd have to be great, right?
It took maybe 20-30 pages to disabuse me of that idea. Allende's narrator sets out to tell the
origins of Zorro--starting with events years before his parents met, and then proceeds at the
pace (and in a style) fit for a medium-sized biography. We're less than 60 pages from the end
before a 20-something Don Diego de la Vega returns from Spain to California and begins his
career as America's first superhero in earnest. This would be something like making the
audience sit through 90 minutes of Aaron Smolinski and Jeff East working on the farm with
Glenn Ford and Phyllis Thaxter before Christopher Reeve catches Margot Kidder and the
helicopter (and then foils Lex Luthor's big nuclear missile into the San Andreas fault/real estate
scam in 15 minutes).
Again, it read like a biography, and an unimaginatively written one at that. He did this and then
he did that. He was this adjective, and was that often. Over and over and over--no showing,
plenty of telling. For a couple of paragraphs on either side of a section of his life/escapades, the
narrator would break in with a little commentary and bordered on developing an engaging voice,
but that would disappear within a page. It had to be the slowest 390 page book I've read in
years--I kept at it, waiting for her to pull it around once the setup was finished. What a mistake.
Save yourself from following in my footsteps.
Riku Sayuj:
When Magical Realism Met Superheroes
Talk about an origin story.
If it were not for being Zorro’s story, this would be considered quite classy literature. Maybe it
still is? I am not familiar with the critical reception.
It is finely detailed and expertly constructed, weaving history and legend seamlessly. Allende
almost pulls it off, but the awareness of the ending seeps into the rest of the book, spoiling all
the better moments. It might be an unavoidable thing and Allende deserves praise not blame for
the attempt, but still… the awareness of a type of ‘non-literature’ keeps intruding into the
reading experience, trivializing it in so many subtle ways.
It is interesting to note how a "humanization" process is increasingly present in the recent wave
of blockbusters about super heroes (Spiderman, Batman, now the entire Marvel universe).
Critics, as Zizek says, rave about how these films move beyond the original flat comic-book
characters and dwell in detail over the uncertainties, weaknesses, doubts, fears and anxieties of
the supernatural hero, his struggle with his inner demons, his confrontation with his own dark
side, and so forth, as if all this makes the commercial super-production somehow more
In real life, this humanization process undoubtedly reached its apogee in a recent North Korean
press release which reported that, at the opening game on the country's first golf course, the
beloved president Kim Jong-II excelled, finishing the entire game of 18 holes in 19 strikes. One
can well imagine the reasoning of the propaganda bureaucrat: nobody was going to believe that
Kim had managed a hole in-one every time, so, to make things realistic, let us concede that, just
once, he needed two strikes to succeed.
The thing with origin stories though, is that everything in it will be understood from a reference
point of the future; and hence it cannot escape cliches - if not in the telling, then in the
understanding. The ‘why’ of the origin makes this inescapable as all events have a tendency to
be connected to one event - the classic ‘all roads leading to Rome’, a sort of prophesyfulfillment type of plot. This becomes quickly the worst sort of genre-plotting, anathema to
‘literary readers’ who need greater subtlety.
Of course this applies to biographies too, but they have the saving grace of being at least trueby-assertion. But origin stories, or fictional biographies for that matter with a known end point
become unavoidably contrived. Allende does her best, but cannot sidestep her readers in the
Anyway, to the finely tuned fan, this is a new sort of delightful Magical Realism - as applied to
superheroes, for chrisssakes!
What I want next is a Batman written by Pynchon.
Frank: I really enjoyed this one! Allende tells the story of Diego de la Vega who becomes Zorro
from his childhood growing up in a hacienda in Southern California, to his 5 years in Spain
where he learned his skills and first took on the role of Zorro, to his return to California where he
is able to usurp his rival from Spain and free his father from prison. This Zorro is in many ways
very familiar but in others different. He is very similar to the Zorro of the Disney program from
the 50s which included some of the same characters such as Sergeant Garcia, the mute
Bernardo, his horse Tornado, and even the secret passageway that connects the hacienda to a
secret cave. But this novel is mainly about how Zorro came to be with a half-native-American
mother, and growing up with Bernardo who is also native American and considered to be
Zorro's milk-brother (they were both born at the same time and nursed by the same mother). On
the way back from Spain, he also encounters the pirate, Jean Lafitte who ends up marrying the
girl he is in love with. Overall, a very engaging novel by Allende. I have read a couple of her
other novels and enjoyed them as well. I also have a copy of the original Mark of Zorro by
Johnston McCulley that I plan on reading soon to compare with this novel.
TBML: This was once the Branigan BookClub choice for November 2005.Reading ZORRO
confirms Allende's good deserved acceptance as a brilliant, passionate tale teller. She takes the
legend of the masked guy and fleshes it out right into a fullblown ancient novel with a intensity
and sweeping landscape totally the equivalent of the best epics of worldwide literature. this can
be the paintings of an unquestioned grasp of tale telling on the most sensible of her form. there
isn't one fake note, now not one mistaken plot line within the whole work. You find out how
Zorro got here to be Zorro and the large own fee involved. get hold of this booklet and skim it in
the event you thirst after a very nice tale that might go away your head spinning!Once again, the
felicitous number of Margaret Sayers Peden as Allende's translator has given us a real literary
gem. simply as Allende's paintings is a Master's classification on writing, so Peden's is on
translating. And it simply does not get far better than the 2 of them together! --Mark
Susie: ????? - fairly likedWell, so right here we're friends! Amigos!OK, i'm going to cease there
prior to i am getting carried away. Ahem. So, for the astute among you, you will have already
realised that this isn't the story of Zorro that the movies have been dependent off of (look for
The Mark of Zorro for that), yet a unique story additionally in line with the legend, yet this
masking how the legend began. i've got watched the 1st of the movies with Antonio Banderas
and Catherine Zeta Jones greater than as soon as (although I haven’t but obvious the more
moderen one). It by no means fails to excite, getting the guts pumping, permitting me to need
for a second that i used to be the mistress of the well-known legend. So, whilst I observed this
booklet within the library, I simply needed to decide it up. And so, the early years of Zorro. i
need to admit, the start of the e-book was once really slow, taking time to get going,
troublesome me for some time as i began to count on it to be a let-down. Yet, once the boy
began to develop and the adventures started, it grew exciting. Of course, it's nonetheless tough
to think that one guy will be so athletic, acrobatic, and so expert with a sword. You desire that
there is, out there, anyone so interesting and wonderful, but in truth, glossy ladies may get quick
uninterested in their conceitedness, irrespective of their justicial intentions. one of these
personality is unrealistic, yet is positioned there to allow us to think within the almost-perfect
heroes, that there's solid and sweetness within the world. i do know those who hate such
heroes, preferring realism, yet i love pleasure and in an effort to dream.As the story moved
along, I grew progressively more excited as our hero began to emerge during this younger man,
the mischievous boy (and she did use that observe much whilst telling of his infantile pranks,
with me observing out for my pronunciation in my head each time I learn it) protecting a few of
his boyishness, but taming it so one can turn into the well known fighter for justice. the story
grew and grew, up until eventually the purpose the place I whooped on the victory that sealed
the legend, till tapering off slightly within the around up, simply the echoes remaining. So why,
whilst the story ended on a excessive (or close to enough), do I mark it down?A couple of
reasons. One is the narration style, which borders among being tedious and simply stressful at
times, if no longer both. The pauses within the narration triggered a few enamel gnashing. Of
course, all of it had a point, yet i did not relish it so much. the second one i'll need to stick inside
of spoiler tags, as I hate revealing plots in my reviews: (view spoiler)[The narrator seems to be
Isabel de Romeu, who Diego met in Spain. For a few reason, on the revelation, I thought, 'well,
how ordinary that the writer herself offers herself a task within the tale.' (hide spoiler)]Anyway,
while you are partial to both Allende (whose works i might by no means learn any of before), or
of the Zorro legend itself, then this can be worthy a browse. However, if you happen to do hate
superhero tales of any calibre, remain away. ["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["
Veronica: Ci sono due diversi stati d'animo con cui solitamente faccio una stroncatura. C'è il
sottile sadismo nel parlar male di qualcosa che ti ha fatto spendere inutilmente soldi e pace e
c'è invece il lieve malessere dovuto alla necessità di intaccare lo splendore dei cosiddetti
"vecchi miti". Ecco, stavolta il mio disappunto riguarda proprio uno dei miei vecchi miti...Ho
cominciato advert apprezzare l. a. letteratura sudamericana con Isabel Allende. Solitamente è
un filone che si scopre cominciando da quel mostro sacro che è Gabriel Garcia Marquez, invece
no, io ho iniziato da un libro prestatomi da una compagna di scuola, "La casa degli spiriti" della
Allende. Me ne sono subito innamorata. Adoro il binomio , tipico della letteratura
latinoamericana, di realismo ed elementi fantastici intrecciati tra loro, il convivere di denuncia
politica e atmosfere magiche. E allora li ho divorati tutti i libri della cara Isabel apprezzandoli tutti
fino a quel struggente capolavoro che è Paula.Poi qualcosa si spezza. Da Ritratto in seppia in
poi, Isabel non è più los angeles stessa. Non c'è ispirazione, non c'è rabbia, non c'è dolore nelle
sue pagine. Credo fossero questi due elementi a renderla grande: l. a. rabbia in step with l. a.
sua condizione di cilena esiliata, il dolore in line with un paese sconfitto da una dittatura e quello
terribile consistent with los angeles morte di una figlia.Cosa rimane di una scrittura densa di
immagini e di affascinanti personaggi femminili? Poco, forse niente. Sentivamo l. a. necessità di
questo Zorro?Il nuovo libro della Allende ripercorre gli anni precedenti alle vicende notice di
questo leggendario eroe. Sono gli anni dell' infanzia di Diego de l. a. Vega e della sua
adolescenza: il ragazzo cresce influenzato da due diversi mondi, quello del padre, un hidalgo
spagnolo e quello di Toypurnia, l. a. madre india. Sono giorni passati insieme al muto Bernardo,
quell'amico fraterno dalla presenza discreta, ma fondamentale. los angeles storia è
praticamente un romanzo di formazione: il nostro protagonista, assistendo ai diversi soprusi
compiuti verso i miserabili della società, affina una propria coscienza di giustizia fino a voler
agire in prima personality tramite los angeles spada e l. a. maschera.Ma come è raccontata l. a.
vicenda? l. a. scrittura non sembra neanche quella della Isabel che ricordo. Scialba, noiosa e
basata sui più vecchi stereotipi. Durante le rocambolesche avventure dello spadaccino Zorro
incontriamo "la bella" tipica di ogni romanzo di cappa e spada: è los angeles solita fanciulla che
sviene advert ogni emozione, è l. a. solita ragazza affascinata dai romanzi rosa che non degna
di uno sguardo l'eroe di turno. E il cattivo? Sembra il malvagio dei cartoni animati, il
personaggio cattivo e solo cattivo, quello che fa ogni nefandezza pur di conquistare los angeles
bella; in poche parole los angeles caratterizzazione psicologica è ridotta a zero. Incontriamo
natural un affascinante pirata.. Anche lui sa di muffa, di già visto; è il solito bello e dannato.
Noia. Noia in ogni pagina di questo romanzo, non c’è niente che mi abbia convinto fino in
fondo: né los angeles storia banale e prevedibile, né il protagonista insipido, né i personaggi
secondari, tutti mancanti di originalità.Mi spiace doverlo fare, ma sconsiglio di cuore questo
Zorro: risparmiatevi questi sixteen euro e cinquanta centesimi e andatevi piuttosto a recuperare
i vecchi libri risalenti ai fasti di quella che period una grande scrittrice.
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